Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. One: Servant of a Hopeless Household: Verse Six

Cypher still hadn’t recovered from what Eiden had done to him despite an entire week passing. In truth, it wasn’t so horrible that his life completely stopped in its tracks. He still went about his days tending to his chores as he always did. However, the cheeriness that usually accompanied him was nowhere to be seen.

Cypher walked around stone-faced most of the time, and despite her best efforts to discover what was wrong, Cypher simply couldn’t tell Molly what had happened. He knew full well that she wouldn’t be upset with him. However, he felt guilty for leaving his precious gift laying out for Eiden to find.

Of course, he had never expected the young heir to come to the servant’s quarters. Eiden never bothered himself with such things as he claimed it was a dirty, filthy place. Therefore, to see him there, in his own room no less, was something Cypher had never expected. The small beating that had followed was also something that ate at his mind.

He could still remember the pain of the impact, the feeling of his lungs gasping for air, the creaking of the wooden floor as his knees slammed against it. He knew that pain awaited him during his training but he hadn’t thought it would come so soon. So unexpectedly. His hatred towards Eiden grew immensely that day, and since then it had continued to grow.

If not for the fact that he needed to get out of here he would have retaliated as soon as he was able. However, he couldn’t risk losing his one clear chance to escape this place. Revenge would come one day and Cypher would make certain that Eiden knew exactly why hell was knocking at his door.

Another week passed by with nothing out of the ordinary happening. But on the final day of the week, a carriage arrived and parked itself near the stables. Cypher stopped his cleaning to watch as an older man clad in a silver breastplate and flowing grey robes emerged from within. His face was weathered, and on the right side, three long claw marks were etched into the skin. A stark white completely ruined eye rested right in the middle and he wore silver vambraces on each arm.

Cypher watched as he walked towards the mansion and knocked upon the door. He rested his hand on the sword at his hip before he was swiftly greeted by Harold, and the two vanished inside. Cypher wasn’t completely sure, but he was almost certain that the man was to be his and Eiden’s instructor. A slight bit of fear gripped him and he questioned whether or not this had been the best idea. Still, he was committed to this course and he would see it through. All the more now that Eiden had slighted him in such a way.

Cypher wanted to abandon his work and see what was going on inside but thought better of it. He finished cleaning the stables and only then did he find himself heading towards his room. He changed out of his work tunic, a worn and dirty piece of rough brown wool held in place by a single belt, as well as his pants of the same material. He then put on a similar outfit but instead of brown, it was grey.

He laid down on his bed and reached under the thin mattress. From beneath it he pulled out the hilt of the wooden sword Molly had given him and he ran his fingers along the jagged edge where Eiden had broken it. Cypher let out a sigh and closed his eyes, resting his arm across his face as his thoughts returned to that day. He didn’t linger too long on the memory but it was still one he found himself revisiting whenever he wasn’t busy with chores.

Before he knew it, Cypher had drifted off to sleep, but a knock at his door woke him and he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes before telling the visitor to enter. Molly walked in and smiled at him as he hurriedly stuffed the wooden hilt under his pillow. He hoped she hadn’t seen it.

“Taking a nap at this time of day? I thought I taught you better than that little one,” said Molly as she moved closer and sat down on the bed next to him.

“Awwe, but Molly, I’ve done all my chores for the day!” replied Cypher trying his best to sound positive despite his sour feelings. He laced his fingers together and bit at his bottom lip as he avoided her gaze.

“Really? You’ve finished everything already? It’s hardly past noon!” as she finished speaking, Molly looked at Cypher curiously and tilted her head to the side. “Alright, I see… Come on, tell me what’s wrong,” Molly said after a moment. Cypher stiffened up and rubbed the back of his head.

He should have known better than to try and keep something from her without her realizing. Still, he tried to fend off her questions and change the subject but she was having none of it.

“You should know by now that reading you like a book is more than easy for me. What’s the matter, child?” Molly stroked Cypher’s back and leaned in to press against him. Cypher hesitated for a moment but it wasn’t long before he was telling her the whole story. He had still not told her about the offer to join Eiden in his training. In truth, nobody in the mansion except Galex and his family knew the exact details.

Molly was understandably upset when she heard about Cypher’s involvement, but she put her worry and anger aside as she consoled him over what Eiden had done to him. Cypher offered her the hilt of the broken wooden sword and then leaned into her to sob. Molly stroked the back of his head and held him close as he cried and she smiled bitterly.

Cypher cried for what seemed like an hour, all the while Molly sat there and consoled him, telling him how special he was and how Eiden was a selfish stuck up brat who would eventually get what was coming to him. Cypher felt much better after letting it all out and Molly reached into her apron and gave him a small piece of butterscotch candy much as she usually did.

The sweet saltiness of the treat made Cypher smile, and she offered him the hilt of the wooden sword with words of encouragement. “You know, it’s a shame this was broken but we can get you another one! Besides, from the sound of it, you’ll be using a real one before you know it! You’ll make me proud won’t you child?”

Cypher nodded happily and took the hilt before hugging her tightly again. She always knew just what to do to make him feel better and he was even more thankful to have her in his life. His decision to join Eiden in his training solidified in his mind even more and he was determined to give him and Molly both a better life through it.

“I suppose it all makes sense now then doesn’t it?” asked Molly.

“What does?” replied Cypher.

“That Galex wishes to see you soon! I was curious as to why, but naturally, it wasn’t my place to question our lord like that. Speaking of which, it’s almost time for you to go see him!”

“Really?” asked Cypher.

“Mhm! That’s why I came today silly! Now, wipe those tears! Straighten your tunic and let’s go shall we?” Molly stood up, straightened her apron and smiled down at him, offering her hand.

Cypher threw on his boots and took her hand and together they made the trip to the usual lounge where Galex greeted his guests. The door opened slowly and Cypher stepped inside. Molly offered him a smile and a nod before he slipped inside and the door closed behind him. Galex was waiting for him, along with Eiden and the man Cypher had seen earlier.

Cypher sheepishly stepped closer and Galex cleared his throat before speaking.

“Excellent, you’re here on time,” began Galex. “That’s a good sign that the resolve you showed the other day was more than just empty words. Now we can get down to business.” Galex rose from his chair and pointed towards the fierce-looking man, “Eiden, Cypher, this man here is Jelroy Tennagrove. He will be your instructor for the next six years. There isn’t a person alive that I would trust to train you two more than this one right here. He is strict but fair, and you will obey his every word as if they were my own.”

Galex stared at his son firmly and held his gaze for a moment. Eiden seemed to shrink a little, to Cypher’s delight, and then nodded at his father. Jelroy stepped forward then and bowed towards the two young boys. He returned to a standing position and straightened his robes before glancing at both of them.

“It is a pleasure to meet you young Eiden, your father has spoken quite highly of you and I expect you’ll take to these lessons with the poise and grace I’ve come to expect from noble families over the years,” Jelroy stared at Eiden for a moment, as if expecting something. However, when nothing happened he grunted and then turned to Cypher and gave him an odd look. It was a few moments before Jelroy continued and when he did, he had Cypher’s full attention.

“As for you, I don’t know much about your upbringing, but I can tell you that my lessons are harsh, unforgiving, and will test you beyond anything you’ve experienced before. Galex tells me that you’ve lived as a servant here your whole life. That’s good. It means you can follow instructions. You’ll need to try twice as hard as young Eiden here. I highly doubt you even realize what you’re getting into. In time, however, we’ll have you sorted out. You can count on that.”

Cypher nodded and then bowed towards Jelroy hastily. He was unsure of himself but he wanted to make a good impression all the same. Jelroy gave an approving nod and crossed his arms.

“Hmm, so it would seem that this servant boy has more manners than the young master… Perhaps I was too hasty in my assumptions. Perhaps it is you who will have to try twice as hard,” Jelroy said, turning to face Eiden.

“How dare you speak to me like that! You do realize who you’re talking to don’t you?!?” Eiden asked incredulously.

Jelroy stared blankly at the boy and then scoffed, “I could give a fuck who you are. You’re my student now and I’ll speak to you however I damn well please! You’ll accept that and be thankful for it! Do you know how many noble children would kill to be in your position right now?”

Eiden’s face went white, then his expression turned to one of rage and he looked to his father. Galex stood stone-faced, his arms crossed, and didn’t even offer his son a glance. Eiden wasn’t sure how to process this but after a moment his cheeks grew red and he lowered himself into a reluctant bow. Cypher was quite sure nobody had ever talked to Eiden like that before. It made Cypher happier than he had been in a while.

“Eh, what’s done is done. Had I not already agreed to train you I would have removed you from my sight already,” replied Jelroy. “Galex are you quite sure your boy here is up to the task? He seems far too arrogant for one so young.”

Galex sighed and then smacked the back of Eiden’s head, “Forgive him Jelroy. He has perhaps been coddled too much by my wife, but the fault indeed lies with me as well for not teaching him better. He will improve with time, I can assure you.”

For the first time, Cypher saw a look of worry in Galex’s eyes and it was quite shocking to see. Still, Cypher couldn’t help but smirk at the scene before him, an expression he quickly hid before either of the two nobles could take notice.

“Fine, fine… I suppose we ought to get to work then. You two. Guards barracks. Fifteen minutes. Go. Now.” With that, Jelroy folded his arms behind his back and waited. Cypher wasted no time as he turned and left without a single word. To him, Jelroy was stern and unaccommodating but his attitude towards Eiden was refreshing and Cypher couldn’t wait to see more of that.

Eiden quickly followed after Cypher and the two quickly headed towards the Guard’s barracks.

“I suppose you thought that was quite funny didn’t you bastard?” asked Eiden as they quickly walked. “If you speak a word of this to anyone you’ll regret it! I might not have sway over this man just yet but I always get my way in the end! It’s only a matter of time before he too knows his place!”

Eiden pushed Cypher to the ground and continued, his embarrassment beyond obvious at this point. Cypher didn’t enjoy being pushed around, but this time he drew a lot of satisfaction from Eiden’s outburst. Eiden turned the corner and Cypher pulled himself back to his feet before letting out a chuckle and following after the young heir.

Things would be quite interesting from now on.

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