Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Four: Odyssey’s Outset: Verse One-Hundred Sixty-Seven

“Always interrupting, the fuck is with that?” said Elaine, her face scrunched up in an annoyed expression. “How did you manage to learn anything if you’re always butting in? Never mind, don’t answer that,” Elaine dragged her hands down her face slowly and sighed but soon continued.

“Ark Fusion can’t be duplicated or mimicked because it isn’t a natural phenomenon. The Ark was invented by mortals, whereas special bloodline abilities were gifted to us by the Divines. When someone tries to copy, say, seeing into the future, there are certain spells that can assist with that and make the task easier.

“Ark Fusion, on the other hand, has no such spells, and yet it is still tied exclusively to your bloodline. Only people in your family can accomplish it and I’m quite surprised your father didn’t leave you any tips and tricks on how and why it works,” finished Elaine.

“Wait, how do you know about-” began Cypher.

“Because I worked so closely with him. God. Are you even paying attention? Ugh, it seems to me that you’ve been left to your own devices for too long. Leaving the Academy was smart when you consider those Order dipshits, but when it comes to your own education, it was fucking dumb as hell of you,” interrupted Elaine.

“You need to be properly taught, and goddammit, I guess I’m going to have to be the one to do it!” Cypher paused as Elaine finished and stood up, her hands on her hips.

“You’re going to teach me? But why do I need to be taught anything? I’ve already learned all I can from books and I’ve just now started down my own path to getting stronger! What do I need your help for?” he asked. Elaine only rolled her eyes and sighed again.

“It’s a fucking mystery how you managed to get this far on your own if you’re this fucking dense. Yes, I’m going to teach you! Just because you made it to the first rank doesn’t mean shit! You need a lot more knowledge than you even realize,” she began.

“Other Conductors don’t need additional lessons after achieving Complete Rank-One status. They find their own methods and then begin solitary training to grow stronger and advance. But you’re not like other Conductors!

“Conductors like me are as common as farts in the wind. But you,” Elaine paused and began speaking with a strange reverence in her voice that Cypher hadn’t heard before. “You’re special because of your affinity. You’re like a moist fart, rare and unexpected, but quite powerful nonetheless!”

Cypher grimaced at being compared to a moist fart. The fuck kind of comparison was that? What the hell was wrong with her? But before he could even raise his voice to argue, she continued.

“If you’re going to face off against those dipshits in the Order, you need to learn how to use your greatest asset. Everyone else who could teach you is dead, and so teaching you falls to me since I made a promise.”

Greatest asset? Promise?‘ thought Cypher. What was she talking about? Nullifying other people’s spells? If so, he had that on lockdown already. He would show her what he could really do! Until now he had been pretty passive about how brash and honest she was, but that fart comment had actually pissed him off a great deal. It was gross!

Also, what about this promise? He thought to ask her, but he changed his mind after seeing how impatiently she was looking at him. It was probably best he ask later and he made a mental note of it. Elaine was already heading towards the door.

“I hope you got your beauty rest Cypher, ‘cuz you won’t be getting much of it in the days to come! You ruined my sleep, so now I’ll return the favor through my lessons! I don’t fuck around when it comes to teaching!” she said.

“Wait a minute. Is that the only reason you’re teaching me? Because I ruined your sleep and you want revenge? That’s kind of petty don’t you think?” replied Cypher.

“Shut up! That isn’t the only fuckin’ reason. The fact of the matter is, if you’re having visions of the future then it’s likely to come to pass sooner or later. If we don’t do something different then that future is all but guaranteed. I don’t have all the answers and I can’t have you dying on me, especially at the hands of those assclowns in the Order. It might suck, but this is the best option for you now. Just remember that these will be intense and extremely dangerous lessons! Don’t complain to me if you can’t handle it! We’re gonna tackle this fast, hard, and without even a moment to rest understand?” Elaine retorted.

Cypher raised an eyebrow and looked at her questioningly, “Aren’t you a restorative and enhancement teacher at the Academy? That’s a pretty intense attitude to have toward such topics, isn’t it? Shouldn’t you be more… I dunno, laid back? That seems like it would be the better option since both fields require great focus, not stressful grinding.”

Elaine turned back around to face Cypher and scowled at him, “Oh excuse me, I didn’t realize you were the expert here. Remind me to have you teach my next class, I’m sure they’d love to hear from a first-year dropout like yourself about how to run a classroom. Shut up, okay? I know what I’m doing. Now, hurry the hell up, and let’s go. We don’t have all day to waste!”

Cypher quickly followed after her, and the two then headed for a nearby field outside the City. It was barren and surrounded by dead trees and boulders. It was also hidden from sight and with the addition of her protective barrier, would be perfect for their uses.

From the moment they arrived, she began to press the attack on Cypher. She never let up, but she also didn’t overwhelm him with her full power. Like Glenda, she limited herself and kept her power locked at a rank above his own.

He struggled to keep her attacks from injuring him, and he even managed to get in a few good hits in the process. However, he still took some heavy damage after the long day had passed. The cuts and scrapes had piled up and without healing in between each of the clashes, he was left with some serious bleeding when all was said and done.

“This was just so I could see how you’ve progressed so far. It looks like you can handle what I have to teach, but you have to listen to me no matter what. Even a single deviation could end your life. If you aren’t prepared for that, then I suggest you leave, lick your wounds, and go crying to Mommy because she’s the only other person who knows about this stuff. Are we clear?” said Elaine.

Cypher thought about it and realized that despite his best efforts to train himself and grow stronger and more secure in his techniques, Elaine had bested him completely. Not because she was a rank above him, but because she was simply stronger, faster, and better. Besides, if she was willing to share knowledge of his father’s powers with him, he couldn’t pass that up! He really had no other choice but to accept.

Cypher nodded and collapsed to the ground. Elaine touched his shoulder, and the two seemed to get pulled rapidly through space. When the world around him returned to normal, they stood in her backyard.

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