Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Four: Odyssey’s Outset: Verse One-Hundred and Ninety-One

“Are you still sure you want to do this alone? Plan B could still work you know. Given their goals and the sheer amount of prep time they’ve given you it isn’t hard to imagine that they’ll be bringing some of their heavy hitters. There’s no telling who will be waiting for you in that warehouse” said Elaine. Cypher smiled and shook his head.

“No Master,” replied Cypher. “I’ve trained hard and while I know I’m still only a Rank-One Conductor I trust in the power of the Duality Shield that you’ve passed on to me. Have a little faith in me and you’ll see. I’ll save my friends and be back in time for breakfast. These Order dipshits won’t know what hit them!” Elaine smiled and patted his shoulder before heading back inside.

It was up to Cypher now, Elaine had done all she could to prepare him for this dangerous mission. He had spent the better part of the day preparing himself for what he was about to do. In his mind, he had gone over some of the new techniques he had learned during their training.

These new skills would prove vital in saving his friends if the opportunity presented itself to use them. He had also asked if Elaine could help him fill the Arkstones on his father’s armor just in case. She had agreed, and together, they had filled every single gem to capacity.

He had also gone over the entire plan several times with Elaine. She would throw in variables and ask him how he planned to handle them. Sometimes he made a mistake that cost Alex or Melodi their life, but he always took those lessons and learned from them. Overall his plan seemed to have a 93% success rate, which given the circumstances, was pretty decent.

The real problem would arrive if opponents much stronger than he currently was appeared. Cypher was confident in handling those opponents in the second and third ranks. He might only be a peak Rank-One Conductor, but Elaine had shown him certain ways to overcome the power gap. That said, if a fourth-rank opponent showed up, he could only hide within the Duality Shield until help arrived. Even that was only a stopgap measure.

Beyond the plans for engaging the Order, he had also memorized the entire layout of the Allario Docks. They were laden with storage warehouses arranged in a labyrinthine pattern. He was willing to bet that his battle would take place within one of them. In such close quarters, he knew getting Melodi and Alex free from harm would be tricky, while still managing their escape.

Teleportation Magick might have come in handy in such a situation, but power like that was beyond him even if his Orrium could cast well above its natural rank. The intricacies of such spells required a powerful mind in order to function properly. There were simply too many variables to consider. At best, he would perhaps only be able to move himself a short distance, and even if he managed to pull it off he might not make it to the destination in one piece. Taking two others along for the ride was completely out of the question.

Still, at the end of the day, they were Conductors just like he was. He felt certain the three of them could handle anything the Order could throw at them, at least, within reason. Like him, Alex was well versed in the ways of combat, and his spellcasting was fairly decent as well.

Melodi was more hit or miss. Literally. Her primary fighting style relied on magickal arrows and keeping her distance. Fighting in a warehouse would limit her overall combat prowess. That said, her spells were designed to work with arrows, but could still be freely used without them.

Cypher knew enough to know that he couldn’t do this alone. Securing their help would be crucial. He had even asked Elaine if there was anything more she could do to help. Elaine had explained her position in the Radiant Corps and had agreed to lend the aid of her personal garrison of Conductors stationed at the castle in Seven City.

They couldn’t arrive with Cypher or the whole plan would be blown. But they had still spent a lot of time formulating their attack and coordinating how, where, and when they would strike. The plan was actually quite simple really.

After sundown, Cypher was to go through the Slingate. Elaine’s troops would remain in Seven City while he headed to the docks. Any spies would naturally follow Cypher and ensure he didn’t regroup with extra forces.

Once he had located his friends, he would give the order through a seer’s stone Elaine had given him, and she and her Conductors would follow after him. He was then to barricade himself and his two friends within the Duality Shield and wait for the others to storm the building. Ideally, this would distract the Order long enough for them all to escape. Once inside Seven City, they would all be mostly untouchable by the Order.

It wasn’t a foolproof plan but it was the best they could do with what they had and the parameters they were working with. With all those details secured, and the time finally upon them, Cypher began to head for the Slingate. Elaine wished him well and they smiled at each other. With nothing more to say, Cypher left and Elaine got to work on her part of the plan.

There were a great many things going through Cypher’s mind at that moment. A lamp he left burning in his home, the way the wind smelled sour, the feeling of the pavement under his boots. But most of all he was nervous. He had fought battles before, but this was different, it wasn’t just his own life at stake anymore.

His mind flashed back to a wounded Alex almost seven years ago from his perspective. He was responsible for that accident, and if Alex or Melodi died here tonight, it would also be his fault. His anxiety flared up over this prospect, but it soon faded away and was replaced by his powerful determination to succeed.

As he arrived at the Slingate, he noticed that the runes that lined its surface were flickering just a bit. As he drew closer, they seemed to return to normal. Cypher didn’t know what to make of that, so he simply entered the coordinates for the docks. His destination was reflected in the mirror-like substance, and he eagerly walked through that cold grey portal.

As the familiar feeling of being jerked through space released its hold on him, he arrived and glanced around his surroundings. There was nobody in sight so far, but he was certain he was being watched. Keeping as low as he could, he dashed across the land, sticking to the shadows and staying off the main road as best as he could.

It was a short fifteen-minute run, but he quickly covered the distance like it was nothing. The docks were a little too quiet as he arrived, and only the splash of the waves as they crashed upon the wooden structures below made a sound. The moons were glowing high in the night sky and a chill breeze that tasted of salt blew through the air.

A few lone fishermen were finishing up packing away their gear for the night as he made his way down the dark alleyways of the dilapidated warehouses that spanned most of this area. Newcomers might get lost, but he had perfect knowledge of the area. After all, he and Elaine had spent many weeks pouring over the finer details during their training.

His footsteps echoed off the tall buildings, and in the distance, one could just barely make out the outline of the Elthanor Mountains. Cypher smiled as he remembered the Academy tucked away within its peaks. But now was not the time to reminisce, now was the time for action, and Cypher was as prepared as he could be.

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