Swipe Me: A Friends-to-Lovers College Football Romance (Covey U Book 1)

Swipe Me: Chapter 8

Trying to sleep that night was agonizing. Every time I rolled over, my eyes wandered to the window and I stared at it, thinking about Reign. Knowing she was only a few feet away, probably snoring lightly while she slept had my mind racing with thoughts. Naughty thoughts. What I wouldn’t give to jump the railing and convince her to throw caution to the wind and try something with me. Especially now that I know Adam is sniffing his honker around. 

When I woke up the next morning, I’d had all of 2 hours of sleep. Not the best way to start a morning weight training session, but I survived. It’s off-season so Coach is a little more lenient. He’s still pissy if I miss practice though. He knows a few of us are entering the draft in April, but he’s asked that we respectfully continue to work just as hard until that happens. The reality of it is, even if some of us enter the draft, not all of us will get picked and we’ll have to play another year to prove ourselves.

Hauling up my heavy gym bag, I walked into the house making a B-line for the kitchen. Adam was there, hunched over the counter, reading a textbook, and taking notes. My keys clinked on the granite as I tossed them across the counter and rubbed the back of my neck, trying to rid it of tension. Tension that developed from being so close to Reign but not being allowed to touch her.

‘Hey Adam,’ I drawled out, much more southern than usual. It happens when I’m tired.

He mumbles out a soft greeting, his hands stuffed in his hair as he concentrates on the page. While I checked the fridge for snacks, Adam asks, ‘So, are you going to tell me about what, or should I say, who kept you out so late the other night?’

Thankful I’m staring at some leftover lunch meat instead of my friend’s face, I take my time finding the milk. It’s my chance to stake my claim on Reign but I don’t think I can do it to her. It’s not like she’s expressed interest in anything more than a quick lay and if I tell Adam, I know he’ll ask her. He’s a blabbermouth.

When I finally emerge from the fridge, milk in hand, Adam’s staring at me, eyebrow quirked with a smug smirk on his face. He thinks I’m going to tell him the sordid details. I keep my lips flat and emotionless. ‘Just someone.’ I shrug it off, pretending it’s not a big deal.

‘Is it the same someone you were drooling over on that app the other day.’ I should have known this was coming. He was there, he saw my reaction, but I didn’t think he’d bother asking me about it. Frankly, I thought he might have better things to do. 

I divert the subject. ‘What’s your weird obsession with wanting to know about my sex life, creep?’

His smile grows wider. ‘Oh, you’re admitting you’ve finally got a sex life?’ I say nothing, annoyed at myself for that slip-up. Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’ve been with a girl, but it’s not like I’ve been rolling in free time. What with my family issues, training, and schoolwork. Hell. I would have been as happy as a priest on Christmas without any more action for the rest of the year if it would sort out all my problems. I didn’t ask for Reign, Reign came to me.  ‘Hey man, I’m happy for you.’ He offered me a genuine smile. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with that dazed look on your face. It’s nice to see the man of steel has a chink in his armor.’ If he weren’t my best friend, I’d punch him in the nose for being so soppy.

‘Don’t you have something better do? Like, think about your own love life? Isn’t there a girl back home?’ I purposely asked. When I first met Adam in Freshman year, he had a girl back home he was obsessed with. Like absolutely in love with. He hasn’t mentioned her in a while I’m curious to know why and if it has anything to do with why he asked about Reign.

He looked at me with disdain. Probably because Aiden walked in just as I asked the question. There’s no way Adam’s going to admit anything in front of Aiden, who seems to hate women that don’t fall to their knees in front of him. Adam goes back to reading his textbook. ‘There isn’t one.’ He ground out. That’s a lie. ‘I’ve moved on. Who knows, Reign’s hot and seems nice. Maybe I’ll ask her out.’ My whole-body tenses and I try to control my breathing. Well, that answered my question. I’m conflicted. I want to tell him to back off, he’s wasting his time because I’ve already slept with her. Only if I do that, I might not be able to sleep with her again.

Aiden taunted us with a snort. ‘Looks like there might be some competition.’ He looks between the two of us, putting the pieces together before Adam could. For all of Aiden’s faults, his perceptiveness is one of his better qualities. It’s why he’s a good quarterback. Right now though, I do not need him pointing anything out.

‘Dev’s not interested. His head is still in the clouds from the mention of that other girl.’ He’s right on the one hand. On the other…

‘Yeah, about that girl…’ I should just tell him.

‘Guys, as much as I want to sit here and talk about our feelings, we’ve got more important things to do. Come with me.’ Striding out of the room. I look back to Adam and I’m about to tell him the whole truth. ‘Hurry up!’ Aiden yells one more time and we reluctantly followed him out.

Walking into the bathroom, I stop in my tracks. There in the middle of the room is a giant catapult aimed out the window. ‘What the hell is that?’

‘A catapult.’ He says, as though I’m simple. ‘I ordered it from China two months ago and it finally arrived. The girls are sitting outside with pizza, it’s the perfect opportunity.’

‘Uh, what are you planning on throwing at them? Rocks?’ Adam asks, I’m sure he’s feeling as uneasy about this as I am. This prank war that Aiden and Alyssa have going on is starting to get old.

‘No! I may be an asshole but I’m not a killer.’ At least he admits it. ‘Matty’s made water balloons.’ He says, pointing to the bathtub. I’m surprised I didn’t notice the bright blue balloons when I walked in.

I look between the catapult, balloons, and Aiden. ‘Maybe we should wait for a couple of days. You know, because it’s this girl’s first week in that house. We’ve already helped to run off 3 other roommates. Maybe we should give them a break.’ I say, pretending I don’t know Reign’s name.

‘Don’t pretend to care, Devin. You just want to get in her pants.’ Aiden spat out looking out the window while Adam shook his head. ‘Perfect,’ He grins and waved his hands at us. ‘Come on, have a look.’ When we get to the window, the glass is filled with the girls below, sitting on their picnic table with a welcome banner for Reign. It’s such a sweet gesture and a welcoming I’m sure Reign will love.

A pang of guilt passes through my veins as I look at the girls and then to Aiden with his maniacal grin. ‘Aiden, I don’t know. I feel bad about ruining their dinner…’ Adam scratches the back of his neck, face contorted, feeling the same guilt as me.

‘Don’t be ridiculous. We’ll buy them more pizza after. It gives us an excuse to go over there and we can watch Adam and Devin fight it out over the new one.’ Aiden hasn’t bothered to learn her name because he only cares about Alyssa and tormenting her. Adam’s got this drunk looking smile on his face and I’m starting to worry he may have feelings for Reign. I’ve really got to speak to him.

‘More like an excuse to hang out with Lyss.’ Adam retorts.

‘Whatever. I just like seeing how angry she gets with our pranks.’

‘Do us all a favor and sleep with her already so we can stop these stupid pranks.’ Adam adds.

‘Nope. Not gonna happen.’ Adam and I groan in unison.

‘You’re being a stubborn ass you know?’ I say.

He shrugs it off. ‘Don’t care. Be back here in 10. I’m getting Jackson and Matty now.’ Aiden walks past us, leaving Adam and I in the room together. I’m going to tell him, but how? This guy is one of my best friends and we have a code, if I tell him Reign will hate me. If I don’t tell him, he’ll try and date her. But Adam’s the worst at keeping secrets. It’s not that he intentionally tells people, it just comes out. If he accidently lets it slip to Lyss and Laura, there’s no way Reign will want a repeat of the other night.

He’s looking out the window, probably studying Reign. Watching as her cheeks dimple when she laughs or how her forehead creases when she asks a question. Yeah, I’ve got it bad already. ‘So, the new girl…’ I start, trying to figure out how I’m going to explain it without having to admit I’ve slept with her. Four times if we’re being technical.

‘She seems really sweet.’ I want to whack that goofy smile off his face.

‘Oh yeah? You’ve talked to her?’

‘Jackson and I sat with her while she was waiting for the girls to come home.’ That explains when he had time to ask her on a date. A little desperate but who am I to judge. I stalked her on an app first. ‘Have you spoken to her yet?’

‘Yeah, we practically live in the same room.’

‘I figured.’ He looked like he was concentrating on something. What I don’t know. As his eyes glance back to mine, I can tell there’s questioning there. Maybe he’s taking all those hints and coming to the conclusion that I’m interested without me having to explicitly say so.

Our conversation is cut short when Aiden, Jackson and Matty enter the tiny bathroom. Five large football players should not be in here at one time. ‘Are you ready?’ Aiden asks, eyes gleaming with mischief. We’re actually going to go through with this. Jackson takes one of the giant water balloons he’s filled and sits it in the well of the catapult. The sheer size of the balloon makes me feel uneasy.

‘Aiden, are you sure about this? It could seriously hurt someone.’ I say.

‘It’s just water and I’ll shout so they have time to get away from the impact.’

‘Wait, you’re agreeing that this could hurt someone?’

‘It won’t dude, don’t worry.’ He pats me on the shoulder like that’s supposed to make me feel better. ‘Right, the girls are all down there now and starting to eat. It’s the perfect time. Adam and Jackson hold the balloon in place while Matty orders pizzas for the aftermath. Aiden’s leaning out the window, watching the girls and I stand there like an idiot, watching the whole thing play out. ‘Devin, you need to hold the handles to position it.’ He orders and I foolishly do as he says. I wish following the quarterback wasn’t drilled into my brain since birth. ‘Lean it slightly to the left…’ I follow his instructions. ‘Too far. A little more to the right. Perfect. Okay, Devin, slowly and carefully pull back the balloon. Adam and Jackson hold the catapult steady.’ I pull the balloon back and holding it in place.

‘I think it’s ready to go Aiden.’

‘Okay, on three. One… Two… Three!’ With that, I close my eyes and let the balloon go. Before I can even register what has happened, the giant blue balloon is flying out of the window and heading straight for the girls. What have I done?

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