Swipe Me: A Friends-to-Lovers College Football Romance (Covey U Book 1)

Swipe Me: Chapter 5

‘Hey man,’ Adam greeted me as I yawned, stumbling into the house. I had no energy to make idle small talk with my friend and he knew it by the smirk on his face. ‘Good night?’ He teased, watching me trudge up the stairs. Each step feeling heavier than the last. 

At this point I was so wrecked from last night; I could only grumble out a response and give him a small wave. Plus, talking would use vital brain capacity I needed to couldn’t replay everything that happened last night. There’s no way I want to dilute that memory just yet. Reign was a shock to the system. An unexpected storm on my sunny day, and boy, did I get drenched.

Opening my door, my bed is an inviting mess of black cotton sheets just waiting for me to jump on in. My head is still fuzzy from the ridiculous amount of hot sex we had last night, the positions she let me put her in and the way she trusted me was hot. It felt weird leaving without so much as her phone number, but that’s what she wanted. If it were up to me, there would have been a repeat this morning. I tried to initiate it at one point, her shoulders tensed when she heard my towel drop and I thought that was it. I thought she’d turn around and we’d spend the rest of the day naked in her bed, exactly where I wanted to be. But that didn’t happen. She seemed happy to see me go and I wasn’t about to push myself on her.

I pulled the covers over my head, hiding away from my roommates so I could think about last night.




That girl was everything I’d ever dreamed of. When I walked into the bar, my chest tightened seeing her sitting in that booth, biting her bottom lip, and fidgeting with her hands. She was a goddess and I felt like a giddy teenager knowing I was lucky idiot she was waiting for. She was so timid when I sat down. I knew I needed to do something to loosen her up. That’s why I suggested Truth or Dare. I didn’t want her running out on me before I could feel her body against mine or her skin against my lips.

Closing my eyes, I think back to last night. She was beyond sexy withering naked underneath me and it will take a long time to forget the look on her face when she was coming all over my cock. In fact, I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

When she opened her apartment door, even though I was half-drunk, I was still surprised to find her living in a crack den dump. She didn’t seem like the type and I wondered why she was living with a couple she clearly hated. I especially didn’t expect her to try and revenge fuck me against the door, that’s for sure. Not that I was complaining. She could take me any which way she wanted, and I’d be here for it.

In the morning when she showered, I noticed she put air fresheners around the room, probably to try to rid her space of the smell of weed. It didn’t work but it was sweet she tried. I couldn’t help but think of Chloe and how I’d feel if I found out she was living in a place like this. It made me wonder if Reign’s family knew or cared. Does she have anyone to help her? Something happened at LSU to make her leave and I would have asked more, but I stopped myself because ultimately, it was none of my business. I shut my eyes, grunting as I rolled over and covered my face in sheets, wishing they smelled like her. I can’t save her too. I have enough females who need my help. I can’t bring home another one. She very clearly doesn’t need saving either. It’s just… I want to.

I forced myself to think of something other than her living arrangements, like her face when I was licking that perfect little pussy of hers. She tasted so sweet and even though I was barely touching her, I could tell she was close with all those breathy moans and pants she drew out. Aaaand now I’m hard thinking about her.

I kind of hoped screwing her four times would work her out of my system and I’d be able to walk away satisfied. It seems to have had the opposite effect though. I can’t think about anything but her. She’s like sugar, the mere taste of her had me wanting more.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I examined Reign’s dating profile, focused on her face and how much I wanted to see her again. Not just for another screw. I wanted to know more about her. What did she study? Why was she living in a roach-infested apartment? What’s she doing for the rest of her life and can I come? Okay, maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself with that last thought.

Fuck it. I’m just going to put it out there. Coach always says, ‘you lose all chances you never take.’ As I typed out a message, I sighed, remembering I’ll need to explain that my name is not in fact Cole next time I see her. If there is a next time.

Cole: Had a great time last night. Was hoping I could get your number. You know, just in case you’re interested in another round.

Smooth Devin. I sound like an ass. No, wait. I sound like Aiden when he’s not trying to get into Alyssa’s pants. He would sleep with a mailbox if it were shaped like a vagina. I assume it’s what she’d expect from me though. I accepted a booty call after all. Shaking my head, I remember I have football training this afternoon. I’ve missed a weeks’ worth of practices now and I know Coach is going to kill me. I’m going to have to be honest with him about my family sooner or later. Right now, though, I need to sleep otherwise I’m going to get pounded by my teammates.

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