Swipe Me: A Friends-to-Lovers College Football Romance (Covey U Book 1)

Swipe Me: Chapter 28

‘Good luck man,’ Adam clasped my shoulder, throwing one arm around me in a hug. I mumbled out a thank you because my nerves were shot, trying to hold it all together. This is my last day as a Covey U student. Tomorrow hopefully someone will pick me in the draft and I’ll officially be an NFL player. Hopefully being the keyword there. ‘We’ll be watching from here.’ Adam gestured back to half of the team sitting on our sofa. Well, Aiden’s sofa now. I’ve officially moved out. All my boxes, not that I had many, are sitting in Reign’s room waiting to be shipped to my new home, wherever that may be. If I’m lucky maybe Reign will ship herself along with the boxes. She’s already agreed to spend the summer with me. Why not start early?

As I look across the room, all of my friends smile encouragingly. They’re going to go on and do great things with the team, I just know it. I can’t help but let my mind drift, wondering which one of these guys will make it to the NFL. They’re all sitting there excitedly lounging on the sofas as if the Draft is airing tonight. My only assumption is they’re pre-gaming for the next twenty-four hours. It’s like Christmas for them.

‘You’re gonna kill it.’ Jackson hollers from the sofa, lifting his beer towards me. There are only four of us entering the draft this year with a real prospect of making it. My agent told me he thinks I’ve got a chance of getting drafted in the second round and it was wild hearing my name on ESPN the other day. The pressure is on my shoulders, if Covey wants to compete in Championship games moving forward, it needs better players. Guys are choosing St. Michaels, LSU and Clayton University over us and if Covey wants to keep it’s elite college football program, it needs to show production of elite players.

‘Thanks guys,’ I shouted across the room and shucked the bag, my last possession in this house, over my shoulder. Turning back to Adam, I clasped my hand on his shoulder, mimicking his move. Despite all the confusion that happened this year, he really is one of my best friends and I’m going to miss him. I tilted my head to the door. ‘I should get going, Reign’s already waiting in the car for me.’ A silent acknowledgement passes between us. After he found out about Reign and me he demanded the full story from the beginning then proceeded to whack me on her head for being an idiot and not telling him in the first place. Bros before hoes and all that.

‘Does Reign need someone to warm her bed now that you’re not around?’ Aiden asked, clearly ignoring the Bro Code. ‘Maybe I should leave your room vacant and make it my own sex room.’

The whole team groaned, ‘Shut up, Dude.’ Matty said as he threw a cushion, expertly hitting Aiden in the head and surprising Aiden. He better watch out, Jackson’s getting better each day and could take him on for first string quarterback soon. I just shook my head, as annoying as living in a house full of jocks has been, I’m going to miss them. Nothing will be like this again and it’s bittersweet cutting it short, but I’ve got to do what’s right for me. It’s crazy to think that my time in college is already finished. I didn’t even get a degree to show for it.

Adam leaned in laughing, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll protect Reign from that idiot.’

I snorted in response. ‘Who’s going to protect her from you?’ I know Adam’s not interested in Reign anymore, but I still like to rib him about it. From what Reign’s been telling me, something’s been going on with that girl back home.

I say one final goodbye and get a round of hugs from the guys. When I shut the door, listening to the laughter inside, I let the sadness of it being over wash over me for just a second. Then I take a deep breath and walk towards my future. To the girl sitting in my car singing along to some song while she waits for me and my new career playing the game I love.

She’s almost too busy jamming to the new band Chloe recommended to notice me open the car door. As I relax down into the seat next to her and clutch the leather of the steering wheel, she smiles, squeezing me thigh reassuringly. ‘Are you ready for this?’ She asked.  What a question. Am I ready for the draft? Yes. Am I ready to leave her behind? Never. 

Instead of answering, I kiss her hard on the lips, ‘Let’s get going. It’s a nine-hour drive to Vegas with no stops and I want to be able to shower before we see my Mom for dinner.’ I whispered into her lips. We could have taken a flight, but as I don’t know when I’ll be able to see her after this trip, I wanted to spend as much time with her alone as possible.

She reached up, clasping one hand in mine, ‘I hope your mom likes me.’ She said nervously.

I lifted her hand to my mouth, planting soft kisses across her knuckles. ‘I have no doubt, she’ll love you.’ Because I already do. 

She giggled as I put the car in drive, and we started the epic journey. There was no one else I wanted to take on this journey than her.

The clinking of glasses and chatter fill the large hall. All of the drafted players are still here, celebrating with their new teams. ‘We’re lucky to have you, Devin. I thought for sure the Texas Cavaliers would have taken you as their first round pick.’ The general manager for the Carolina Jaguars, Larry Hilt says as he shakes my hand. Yes, you heard that correctly. First round. I was picked first round. It was something I wasn’t expecting, and I still don’t think I’ve fully comprehended it. Admittedly, since the Jaguars made it to the Conference Championship, their pick was low in the first round, but I don’t care. First round is FIRST ROUND.

‘Thank you. I’m beyond excited to be playing for you next year.’ I said, still in disbelief this has happened. Leaving college, introducing my girlfriend to my mom and then being drafted in the last 48 hours is a lot to take in. When I get to the hotel room tonight, I’m going to crash with Reign hopefully on top of me. Naked.

Larry nodded back. ‘Don’t thank me. Your performance at the Combine was impressive. We needed to improve our defense and you’ll be able to compliment Jacob Miller’s offense.’ Another plus about being drafted here. Since Jacob Miller became their franchise quarterback a few years back, they’ve been building a team around him starting with the offense. Now they had that, they knew their defense needed the same improvement and you’re looking at it. Larry glanced at another player, ‘Now if you excuse me, I’ve got to go speak to Declan over there.’ He slapped me on the shoulder. ‘Looking forward to seeing you at training in July.’

I said my goodbyes, adjusting the lapels on my suit. I had to buy one two sizes too big to fit my arms and couldn’t afford to get it tailored. None of that mattered now though because if I wanted to, I could afford to buy another ten of these suits and get them all tailored to my exact measurements. Getting drafted in the first round means I’ll have more than enough money to pay for a house and Chloe’s treatment. She could even stay in California if she wanted because I’d be able to fly out whenever I had a free weekend, which I would be doing anyway to see Reign.

As if my mouth couldn’t get any wider, it does when I see Reign standing next to my mom smiling as they make small talk with other players and their family members. They’re so comfortable in each other’s presence already. No one would know they just met yesterday. My mom immediately loved her, I could tell. Just by the way she looked at her. And maybe the fact that she kept talking about grand babies to her. Way to be chill, Ma. I’m not mad though, who wouldn’t fall for her? She’s strong, determined, compassionate, I could continue, but there’s a real possibility I wouldn’t stop.

They still haven’t noticed me yet, too engrossed in their conversation with one of the other player’s mom to be looking at me. I get a tight feeling in my stomach just watching her. I love her. The minute she met Chloe I knew my feelings were stronger than just mild obsession.

I was too busy staring at Reign to notice my mom had already excused herself from the conversation. ‘Devin! I’m so proud of you.’ She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. When she pulled away, her eyes were glossy, she was on the brink of tears, brimming with pride. She started crying when they announced the first overall draft pick and hasn’t stopped since. She didn’t know the first draft pick I should add. I think just watching the other parents crying got her going. She bawled like the Niagara Falls when they called my name and whisked me off on some boat to the stage in the middle of the venue. It was indulgent and insane, but I loved every minute of it.

‘Thanks, Mom,’ I said, too overcome with emotion to say anything else. I’ve finally freed our family from debt. From that town. And hopefully from alcohol abuse.

‘I don’t know anyone more deserving than you.’ She continued. ‘You’ve always been so selfless taking care of me and your sister when your father left. You deserve this and everything good that comes your way. Don’t forget it.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘Alright, mom. Don’t get too gushy on me.’  I couldn’t help but look back at Reign. She’s wearing a black velvety cocktail dress which hugs her in all the right places. She’s gorgeous and all mine.

My mom must have followed my gaze because she said, ‘You need to do whatever you can to keep Reign. That girl is special.’ She winked, the ease and happiness of her demeanor is something I haven’t seen since before my Dad left. When we thought things were good and right.

‘Don’t I know it.’ I looked back at my mom, my eyes dazed and heady cloudy from the excitement and celebrations today.

‘Chloe told me a lot about her, she was so positive I thought she was exaggerating to make sure I didn’t give her a tough time. She wasn’t. She’s for you.” She paused, blinking quickly, ridding herself of any errant tears. “You’re Perfect for each other.’ Don’t I know it.

My gaze flicked up automatically looking for Reign again. She smiled when I spotted her sharing at me, hanging back to give me some time with my mom. It’s the first time I was able to get back to them since my draft place was announced. I had to speak to the owner, do an interview and take a few pictures with the other players drafted to the Jaguars. I nodded my head to her, silently asking for her to come over. She politely excused herself from the conversation and made her way over to us. I can’t help but watch her thighs as the dress sneaks up as she walks, and the black velvet is all too reminiscent of that bunny outfit she wore a couple of months ago. And the other night when I begged to see it again. She told me I would get an extra special surprise if I got picked in the first round. My mind races wondering what she meant by that. I wonder if she’ll let me choose.

‘Congratulations, D,’ Reign says wrapping her arms around me. I dropped my hands to her waist, holding her against me. I had no idea she was everything I needed until I got her and now that I have, I’m not letting her go. She softly kissed my neck, just below my earlobe and then pulled back, linking her arm around my waist. Nothing could prepare me for how complete I feel with her by my side.

The click of the door shutting was enough to push me into action. I’ve been waiting all day for this. Reign was still holding the doorknob when I turned her in my arms, gruffly grabbing her by the thighs and forcing her to wrap her legs around me. I swallowed her gasp with a dirty kiss full of want and need, letting her feel the hardness in my slacks. She had to know she made me feel like a starved animal by now.

I rocked myself against her body as I frantically kissed her, nipping her lips at every opportunity, swallowing her moans with my tongue. I knew she liked the feeling because she scratched her nails against the back of my shirt hard enough for it to hurt. The harder my hips jerked into her, the higher her dress rose revealing her smooth, milky thighs. I will never stop wanting her. Her head tilted back, knocking against the door as I trailed kisses down her neck and worked my way back up. When I reached her ear, I nipped her earlobe and did something that I knew would change everything forever between us. ‘I love you Reign.’ I had to say it. I’ve wanted to say it for so long and I couldn’t think of a better day to remind her that. I’m all in.

She paused, even in her lust-filled haze, she heard that. She pushed me gently off her so she could look into my eyes. Her legs stayed wrapped around me as her eyebrows peaked. She didn’t say anything for the longest time, she just stared at me in disbelief. ‘I love you,’ I said it again more confidently in case she didn’t hear it the first time, loving the way it sounded rolling off my tongue.

It was like I was frozen in time for a second. She didn’t move, didn’t speak, didn’t acknowledge anything. There is no way she doesn’t feel the same way, the fact that she’s here with me right now and offered to be my sister’s emergency contact says more than the words itself but I can’t deny standing here waiting for her to react is a little awkward. My fingers relaxed against her thighs, not sure what to do. Do I keep kissing her, pretending I didn’t just drop a bomb on the mood, or do I back off, giving her time to think.

Her head dropped to my shoulder and I could feel her eyelashes fluttering against my skin as she muffled something out. I couldn’t hear it though. ‘What did you say?’ I whispered.

It took her a minute to raise her head, lowering her forehead onto mine. Her eyes were closed, and I still had no idea what she was actually thinking. The longer time went on, the more I was growing concerned that I upset her. Her lips parted, ‘I said no one except my family has ever said that to me,’ Her eyes were still closed, I’m guessing that means she’s never said it to anyone else either.

‘Is that a bad thing?’ I asked with a lilt in my voice, hoping it would lighten the mood.

She shook her head, her chocolate hair swaying against my cheeks with the movement. ‘No. it’s just I never thought I’d hear it again.’ A small smile plays across her lips and my fingers tighten around her again, holding her in place.

‘I love you with all my heart, Reign.’ I reiterated and her smile broadened. ‘You are everything I have ever wanted. I love you.’ I keep saying it as I pepper kisses across her face. This girl deserves to be loved and I am the lucky guy that’s going to show her it. She giggled as the kisses got sloppier. She finally pushed me off when she’d had enough.

‘Devin.’ She opened her eyes, staring into mine. ‘I’ve never felt this way about anyone but you. Thank you for showing me what true love means. I love you too.’ I crashed my lips against hers, hoping she could feel the love I have for her through my lips. I poured everything into that kiss. All my intents and wants for the future was in that kiss.

She squealed as I carried her over to the bed depositing her onto the silky white sheets. ‘I love you Reign.’ I husked out one more time as my hands ventured up her skirt. ‘I always will.’

Her back arched as her hands gripped my shoulders, forcing me to relax back onto my heels. ‘I love you too, D.” Her eyes were hazy with need and she gripped at my bely with a sexy a grin. “Now will you let me show you what you get for being drafted in the first round?’ I leaned back onto the headboard of the bed, watching as she removed my pants and climbed on top of me with a playful glint in her eyes.

‘Bring it on, darlin.’

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