Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me

Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Getting To Know Each Other
It was silent throughout the journey home as both of them did not voice their questions. When they arrived home and entered the
villa, they heard Margot complaining eccentrically, “This is her second day in Damoria, yet she’s already staying outside until this
late hour. Who knows what kind of people she’s hanging out with? How can such a person marry one of my sons?”
As her words fell, Theodore immediately scrunched his eyebrows. He believed in Elspeth’s character, but he was also worried for
her safety. Just as he was about to phone her, he saw her walking in with Callum. “Turns out Elsie was with Callum.”
Theodore smiled as he noticed Callum’s silence. “Elsie, about the engagement, I was planning to have you take turns getting to
know my five sons first. Then, you can choose the one you think suits you best. Is that okay?”
“Sure, Mr. Winthrop.” Elspeth nodded.
Of course, Margot was not happy about that, but she knew Theodore would not change his decision, so she glared unhappily at
Elspeth instead.
Early in the morning of the following day, Elspeth was woken up by several knocks on her door. With an annoyed visage upon
getting woken up abruptly, she opened the door and looked at the black-suited Callum.
He ordered coldly, “Wash up and come with me to the company.”
Why do I need to go to the company with him? Oh, right. Mr. Winthrop said to take turns and spend time with each of his sons
every day, starting with his eldest son, Callum. She then stretched and sauntered to the bathroom.
It was already half an hour later when she was done preparing herself after which she dazedly followed Callum into his car
before heading to the company.
At that moment, the man beside her explained in a firm tone, “Elspeth, I promised to spend some time with you because of Dad.
I can bring you to the company and take care of you, but I won’t fall in love with you, so you don’t have to get to know me.”
Raising her eyes to look at the man in the driver’s seat, Elspeth hooked her lips, which made her look more energetic. Then, she
taunted, “Really? But after observing you guys for two days, you’re the one I like the most. What can you do about it?”
There was a trace of unhappiness in Callum’s eyes as he warned, “I advise you not to waste your effort on me.”
Hearing that, she merely smiled and kept quiet.

When they arrived at the company, the two descended the car and all the employees walking past had their eyes glued on them.
“Oh, sh*t. Who’s that beauty beside Mr. Winthrop? Look at her long legs. I think I’m in love!”
“She’s so beautiful. They both look like a perfect match!”
“That’s Elspeth Lynwood. I saw her when I delivered some documents to Mr. Winthrop’s house.”
Hearing that she was Elspeth, everyone was shocked as the person before them was nothing like the one in the picture. They
thought that someone who grew up in a small town would look ugly and tacky, yet she looked like a young lady raised in a
wealthy family, which caused a stir among the public.
Callum then gave his keys to the security guard at the security booth.
Just as Elspeth took a step forward, she stopped abruptly and yelled out in surprise, “Mr. Beischel!”
The old man in uniform, Albert Beischel, looked up and revealed a smile. “Gosh, Elsie! Why are you here?”
Looking at the two, Callum felt perplexed, but she urged, “You can go ahead. I’ll accompany Mr. Beischel to park your car.” After
she said that, she got into the car with the security guard.
Meanwhile, everyone was watching her every move. At first, they thought the country bumpkin would stick to Callum like glue
after coming to the company. Yet, they did not expect she would chat with the security guard for the whole morning.
As such, the crowd was gossiping with mocking smiles.
“As expected from people from small towns. They’re all unpresentable. No wonder they could chat for the entire morning.”
“You’re right. I’m guessing Mr. Beischel must be from the same town as her.”
“What’s the point of having good looks? She’s still uneducated. I don’t know what the Winthrop parents see in her to agree to the
Yet, what the gossiping public did not know was that she waited until Albert got off his shift before heading to a restaurant
nearby. Right after they sat down, she received a call from an unfamiliar number.
A cold voice directly ordered, “Come to my office for lunch.”

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