Sweet Venom: A Why Choose Romance

Sweet Venom: Chapter 8

My head is a literal mess right now. I’ve shared more with Ellis today than with anyone outside of my therapist in years. Sure, I have my best friends, but even some of the strongest relationships have their limits.

Charlie and Mason have shared some of their darkest secrets with me, and as their friend I got a front-row seat to the shit show that was their life, but when it comes to my own darkness, I shove it down deep and tuck it away.

Unlike physical scars that leave a mark, mental ones can be masked. No one has to know you suffered, and because they don’t see, they don’t know it exists. I’ve kept my woes to myself. After all, some people have had it much worse than me. People look at me and see my privilege. They don’t see my pain because people like me aren’t allowed to have it. Money solves everything, or at least that’s what I’m told.

I knew coming back here wasn’t going to be easy. In choosing to be with someone, I know there are concessions I must make. It’s part of the territory, but I guess I wasn’t prepared for this. In the time we spent apart, he was alone with his thoughts; he had time to reflect on us and what may or may not be, and I can’t say that I fully comprehend where his mind is. Last night, he wouldn’t have sex with me. He told me the next time we slept together, it would be how it was always meant to be, and the man has been nothing but cryptic ever since.

All afternoon, I could tell something was weighing heavily on his mind. In my efforts to try and fix us, or what I thought I had broken, I gave him all the pieces I held close to my heart. I keep my pain close for fear that no one could possibly understand, or if they did, it wouldn’t be enough to justify the person I am. We talked, and I felt a genuine connection on a level deeper than anything we’ve shared thus far. Sure, Ellis and I are extremely attracted to one another, and our sexual chemistry is off the charts, but the mental piece has been missing. At least for me anyway.

But now, as I sit replaying all of the day’s conversations, I feel like I was doing all the talking. I was divulging all my deepest secrets, and where I thought we were both sharing, as I look back, I realize it was only me. I was the only one letting someone in. If anything, I’m more confused about the man I’m falling for.

That’s why, tonight I’m going to dinner with a plan. Ellis might think he has the upper hand and that he’ll only cave when he’s ready, but I know his weakness. Hell, it’s any man’s weakness. There’s only so much taunting they can take before they give in.

I will get my confessions; the ones I thought I would get this afternoon. Ellis wants me to confess and show him my heart so that we can move forward, but he needs to do the same. So, as I finish swiping on my bright red lip gloss, I fluff my long, soft curls and check my reflection in the mirror one more time before pulling out the plug I found in the closet earlier. Ellis has an ass fetish, and mine happens to be my best asset, literally. I’m not well-endowed in the breast department, but I have plenty of junk in the trunk.

Bending over, I place the emerald-green plug in, and I can’t help but clench with excitement as I do. There is no chance that this man will deny me tonight. When I found the drawer with the plug, I considered that maybe it wasn’t for me. It could have been used on other partners, but Ellis is nothing if not intentional. When he had my clothes delivered this morning, he had them placed in the closet on the same side that housed the drawer of toys I found. The man knew I would snoop, and if that wasn’t enough of a clue, the plug’s color was. It’s an emerald. My birthday is in May, and it is the same color as the dress I was wearing the night we hooked up for the first time. It’s for me, and tonight I will use it to get what I want.

The wine is starting to get to me. I had one too many glasses before the start of dinner. This afternoon was spent lounging in the great room with Ellis and walking the property. I thought we were alone. I had no idea Sebastian was still here. After last night, I assumed he would have left the first chance he got. While I know he is hellbent on separating Ellis and me, I assumed his desire to go after Sayward was greater. His confession explained the purpose of his time in San Jose. I thought his need for revenge outweighed his hate for me, but I was mistaken.

‘Excuse me. I’m going to use the restroom.’

I’d like to excuse myself from the remainder of dinner, but I also don’t care to face the fallout. I shouldn’t be complaining. So far, Sebastian has been quiet, but that’s the problem. The silence amongst all of us has become deafening. As I stand up from my chair, I realize my choice of outfit and accessory couldn’t have been worse. I look every bit the harlot Sebastian accuses me of being. I’m wearing a cream-colored slip dress that barely covers my ass and has a slit up the side, and of course, I chose to wear it with no panties or bra. My nipples were completely erect the entire first course. Every time I move, the plug in my ass makes me clench. I’m positive my face is completely flushed from the arousal that’s been slowly building since I left my room.

‘Grab some clothes while you are at it,’ Sebastian mocks. He hasn’t said a word since we sat down to eat. So it’s only fitting that his first would be a jab at me.

As I rise to my full height, I meet Ellis’s eye. I don’t expect him to fight my battles. I’m a big girl and very capable of standing my ground. I have more than proven that by now, but I am surprised that he doesn’t say anything.

‘If you have a problem with how I am dressed, don’t look, but we both know you like what you see.’

I turn to exit the formal dining room and head straight for the kitchen, and just before the door closes, I hear Sebastian say, ‘You’re going to allow her to dress that way in front of other men?’

His words make me chuckle. ‘Allow me?’ As if. No man will ever tell me what I can and can’t do. I had planned on heading straight for the bathroom to remove this plug, but my need for something to take the edge off this evening is greater. I’m feeling too many mixed emotions, and they are allowing my mind to get carried away with ill-suited thoughts that will only further set me back. It’s not easy to sit in a room with two extremely dominant, hypermasculine men who are more than attractive. Ellis might be a Greek god, but Sebastian is every bit the Adonis himself, and I more than liked the feel of him pressed against me last night. Fuck.

I head straight to the walk-in freezer at the far end of the kitchen in search of the flavored whiskey I know Nico keeps on hand. This is not my first time at the Serra Estate. We had Charlie’s rehearsal dinner out back, and Ellis brought me with him to a few Sunday dinners before I left. When I open the door, the cool air assaults my nipples, and they grow achingly harder, but it also feels good on my heated skin. I need it to calm my raging libido and the whiskey to silence my mind.

I’m just reaching for the top shelf when big, warm arms wrap around my center, and soft lips find my neck. ‘I thought you said you had to use the restroom?’ Ellis questions before sucking the soft skin behind my ear.

I let him melt me briefly, savoring his touch before allowing the old me to break through. ‘Priorities,’ I say as I unlatch his hands and reach for the bottle once more.

‘Hey,’ he grabs me by the waist as I move to pass him. ‘I had a talk with him today. Sebastian knows he can’t change my mind when it comes to you.’

I know he means well, but his words aren’t enough right now. ‘I had a talk with him.’ What kind of bullshit is that? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was trying to incite me. Making my way out of the freezer, I stomp across the kitchen and throw open four cabinets before I find what I’m looking for. Pulling out a shot glass, I pour myself a drink and throw it back before turning to Ellis and asking, ‘Would you like one?’

I’m only asking so I don’t look like a total bitch. I’m aware that my anger is coming from more places than one. The vulnerability I feel, knowing that I’ve told Ellis about my upbringing and therapy, the anger I have toward Sebastian for his active hand in trying to destroy my relationship, and we mustn’t forget the pent-up sexual frustration I now have from deciding to wear a fucking plug to dinner. Putting his hands in his pockets, he leans against the counter and says, ‘No.’

His response doesn’t surprise me. It’s a rare occasion that Ellis has a drink. That’s another reason I know last night wore on his emotions as much as it did mine. The vodka he poured into our glasses was strong; I could taste it on his tongue when we kissed. I know my return and the choice I made before our reuniting didn’t make things easier, but I know there’s more at play, and that thought reignites the fire I had earlier to get my answers.

As I pour my second shot and get ready to turn on my charm, Sebastian walks in and says, ‘Pour me one.’

I throw back the second shot I poured before topping off one more and say, ‘Sorry I can’t. I have clothes to find and put on.’

He reaches me in two steps and snatches the bottle from the counter before me. ‘Good; maybe with your bee stings covered up, I’ll be able to stomach my dinner.’ Then, bringing the bottle to his lips, he takes a four-shot pull easily.

I swipe it right back and say, ‘Well, in that case, I suppose I have no reason to change.’

Before he can utter another snide remark, Mauricio enters from the butler’s pantry. ‘The main course has just been served.’ Sebastian and I hold each other’s eye, both refusing to be the first to back down, when Ellis’s phone rings.

He retrieves his phone from his pocket, and the name on the screen must be important because he says, ‘Go eat. I have to take this.’ Then, as he starts toward the door that leads to the backyard, he throws over his shoulder, ‘And Sebastian, be nice.’

I’m still overly salty about his lackadaisical attitude toward Sebastian’s obvious contempt and belittlement. When he asked if I liked what Sebastian did to me, I didn’t think he’d take it literally. I mean, I suppose I meant it that way, but I assumed he would take it as a queue to up the kinky in the sex department. Not to continue to allow his brother to berate and mock me at every turn.

Once Ellis has cleared the door and Sebastian and I are still standing toe to toe, I say, ‘Don’t fucking kid yourself. We both know you more than like what you see. My wetness may have gotten on your pants last night, but I didn’t miss an inch of how much you liked it.’ His hard length felt divine pressed up against me. I don’t give him a chance to respond before I take off toward the dining room, determined to put space between us.

Pulling out my chair, I throw myself down in a huff of frustration and get a reminder of why I got up at all. Fuck! The plug. Sebastian pushes through the door as I’m about to stand to remedy the situation. ‘Sit the fuck down, vipera.’ He scolds as he swiftly makes his way to my chair. Sebastian rests his hands on either side of the backrest before leaning into my ear, letting the sweet notes of vanilla whiskey on his breath skate over my sensitive flesh, only serving as a reminder of where his hand squeezed my throat last night. Then with his lips a hairsbreadth away from my ear, he adds, ‘Don’t test me. I may love my brother, but I hate you more.’

My breathing is shallow as I try not to let his close proximity affect me. I hate that my body responds to him at all. The goosebumps across my chest are clearly visible, my nipples are fully erect, and given the shortness of my dress, it’s clear that I’m clenching my thighs. My arousal doesn’t go unnoticed, because rather than deliver his venom and walk away, he decides to strike. With my focus on his mouth near my left ear, I don’t even notice his right hand snake around to my neck until it’s already wrapped around my throat. ‘Tread lightly,’ he starts giving my throat a more than tight squeeze before adding, ‘I don’t lose.’

Releasing me, he grabs my whiskey bottle and returns to his seat. I have no desire to eat; I’ve lost my appetite. I have not felt settled since we arrived, and not just because Sebastian is here. Sure, I’m attracted to him, and I think things I shouldn’t, but what drives me crazy is I don’t understand his hate, and that’s one thing that pulls at my heartstrings more than anything. I know I don’t need his validation, but I can’t help but seek it. So I ask, ‘Why do you hate me so much? We both know it’s deeper than the bullshit you gave me at the club.’

Sebastian might truly believe I’m a slut, fucking whatever comes my way, but it’s his mark around my neck, one he knows I had to answer for. Yet I’m still here. Ellis is still at my side. I have no doubt that they discussed what went down this past week. I guarantee Sebastian more than embellished everything that happened, and Ellis hasn’t turned me away. So what is this?

His eyes hold mine as if he’s digging deep internally, battling himself to give me an answer, but before I can give it another second of thought, he says, ‘I don’t need to justify my hate when it’s all that you deserve.’

That’s it. I’m done letting him disrespect and taunt me. It’s clear he’s trying to get a reaction out of me. He wants me to argue so he can have the last word and find more insults to throw my way. Well, fuck that. Standing, I place my napkin on the table, snatch the remaining bottle of wine, and exit the room. I’m done giving him the power to fuck with my head.

I storm out the back door to blow off steam, letting out a growl of frustration as I stomp my heel. The energy it took to trudge out here and release my anger has my head spinning. I know I put down every bit of one bottle of wine before taking any whiskey shots. The bottle in my hand would be better off forgotten, but fuck that. I’m so mad I could spit. I pull out the cork and take a long pull as I slip off my heels and kick them into the grass. I look every bit the part of the petulant child, but I couldn’t care less at this point. I’ve had it with both Lykos men.

No sooner do I lift my head to walk toward the pool deck, my eyes collide with Ellis’s. Damn it. He just saw my temper tantrum. I forgot he came out here to use the phone. It appears he’s done with his call because he’s sitting on the edge of a lounger with a smirk that only further provokes me.

‘You,’ I snarl as I point my finger and stomp over to where he is sitting. ‘You left me in there with him. Your call is clearly over. Are you intentionally forcing us together? First, the condo, and now this. I get that he’s your brother, and you want us to get along, but you’re not even attempting to interject.’

I’m well aware I played a role in creating these problems, but Ellis is doing nothing, if not perpetuating them with his hands-off attitude, allowing Sebastian to make all the lude comments he wants. It’s more than obvious he’s provoking me. He smirks; he literally has the nerve to smirk. ‘Ahh,’ I growl out before turning to walk off. That’s it. I’m out of here. I need some space to clear my head.

Before I make it three paces, Ellis’s arms are wrapped around my waist, and he pulls me back onto the lounger. ‘Don’t leave. I don’t want you to.’

I squirm to try and get out of his hold, but it’s useless. I’m too drunk, and my desire to be wrapped up in his arms is greater, but I still want answers, so I say, ‘You have to give me something.’

He lays down, pulling me with him so that I’m outstretched beside him. ‘I’ll tell you anything you want to know, but you’re going to have to ask, because all I’ve been able to think about all night is taking this dress off.’ His hand grips my bare cheek easily, seeing as my ass is now on display for anyone to see should they walk by.

‘Ellis,’ I passively warn, suddenly less brazen than five minutes ago as I try to pull my dress down.

‘Don’t do that. You’re beautiful.’ He nuzzles into my neck, pulling me close and kissing his way to my ear before adding, ‘It’s just me and you out here.’

‘Someone could see.’ I scold, trying hard to maintain a level head but failing miserably as he nibbles my ear.

‘Since when has an audience been a problem?’

Damn it. He shatters my resolve, and his mouth finds mine. When his warm tongue brushes over mine teasingly, I’m a goner. God, this man drives me crazy. I’ve never craved someone more than I do him, but that insatiable hunger is why we’re in this mess now. I stroke his tongue long and slow one more time before pushing him back and throwing my leg over his so that I’m straddling him. His eyes widen in surprise, and the smirk that crosses his face proves he thinks this move is something it’s not.

Bringing my hands to my hips, I say, ‘I told you about my past. I gave you parts of me I haven’t shared with anyone.’ I pause, pinching the bridge of my nose to find focus. This is a conversation I should be having sober, but I need to get it out. I don’t want to run anymore. I want to try with Ellis. It’s why I came back. Running is easy, but staying has always been hard. With my eyes closed, I finish with, ‘And all I know about you are pieces I’ve learned from Charlie.’

‘Baby.’ He sits up and pulls me tight. ‘Open your eyes. Look at me.’

I shake my head no. I don’t want to. I feel too vulnerable. His hands find mine, and his thumbs gently rub over the tops before skimming their way to my jaw and neck. ‘Vivian, I am not trying to keep anything from you. I was only trying to hear you. I know none of what you told me was easy, and I didn’t want to take away from your pain by sharing my own.’

I let his words wash over me as I try to focus. All of this is new for us. Our physical attraction is what drew us to one another. We burned hot and fast. The part we are trying to add now is the emotions. Opening my eyes, I ask, ‘Will you tell me now?’

Leaning his forehead to mine, he pecks my lips gently before saying, ‘I’m not hiding those things from you, Vivian. But, like you, I don’t display those parts of me for the world to see. My parents weren’t just addicts. They were abusive both physically and mentally. I lived a childhood no one should endure, but it doesn’t make my pain any different than yours. Hurt is hurt.’

My mouth finds his once more, and I take his lips sweetly, savoring what feels like a breakthrough moment for us. In therapy, I’m reminded that opening myself up and being vulnerable isn’t a sign of weakness. It takes courage and strength to put yourself out there when you have no control over the end result. I’ve closed that part of myself off for so long, not allowing myself to feel out of fear, and what I’ve found tonight is that my vulnerability makes me human. It makes me feel alive.

His hands glide up my back as he breaks our kiss, and those silver eyes that make me weak in the knees latch onto mine. ‘If you want something of me, all you have to do is ask. I’m all in, Vivian.’

My eyes dart between his, finding nothing but sincerity, and I’m hooked. I need him. Circling my arms around his neck, I pull his mouth to mine as I grind down on the boner he’s had pressed against me since he pulled me onto his lap. Ellis is a man of few words, and he just gave me the only ones I need to hear. I know they wouldn’t have been said if they weren’t true. This man wants me as much as I want him, demons be damned.

His hands move down to my ass, where he grips a cheek in each hand before squeezing hard and releasing a deep, appreciative groan that vibrates through his core. He pumps his cock up into me, creating sweet friction that makes me clench while simultaneously running one hand between my cheeks. Finally, he feels the plug, instantly reminding me of my other purpose. I need to get laid.

‘Fuck, baby. What are you trying to do to me?’

I knock him back and reach for his belt buckle to free his cock while asking, ‘What aren’t you telling me?’ Once his cock is out, I can’t help but stroke him hard. Ellis is deliciously thick. While I know people get the impression I’m promiscuous, in actuality I’m not. I’m twenty-five, and I can count the number of partners I’ve had on two hands. I like kinky shit and a little pain with my pleasure, and for the past two years now, I’ve only allowed myself to be a third wheel, but not with just anyone. A night of drinking with a guy from high school and his wife led to more. She mentioned wanting to try a threesome and suddenly I was their girl. It worked for me. I wanted no strings attached. It was fun. Being the third wheel allowed me to discover things about myself I didn’t know I liked or wanted. I wasn’t worried about pleasing one of them. I had no leg in the race either way. They were married, and I wasn’t trying to be a homewrecker. But there were some things I missed out on, and one of them was a big dick buried deep in my pussy. His wife’s one hard limit was he couldn’t fuck my pussy. By the time I met Ellis, I was starved for it like I am now, but he still hasn’t answered the question.

I straddle his hips before settling on top of him, allowing my lips to slide up and down his length without taking him in. His hands come to my hips, halting my movement. ‘I can’t read your mind, Vivian. You want my truth, then ask it.’

‘Last night, you said the next time you have me, it would be the way it was always meant to be, and you barely touched me at all today. What did you mean by ‘the way it was always meant to be?’ I gave you truths today, parts of me I haven’t shared with anyone. I thought that’s what you wanted from me.’

His hands move from my hips and run down my thighs in a motion meant to soothe. That’s one of the things I love about Ellis. Where I’m always quick to react and overly emotional, he’s always levelheaded and even keeled, calming the raging storm that always seems to be brewing inside of me.

‘I can’t tell you. It’s something I have to show you.’

‘What does that mean?’ I say, somewhat exasperated by his evasive answer.

He squeezes my thighs and asks, ‘Do you trust me?’

My brows automatically furrow at the direction this conversation seems to be going. What does fucking me have to do with trust? Regardless, I bite all the same, ‘You know I do.’

His hands move to the hem of my dress, and he says, ‘Take this off.’

I hesitate, looking around before deciding to do as he asks. It’s dark, and there are only three other people here on the property, two of whom, it’s their job to be unseen and unheard unless needed, and the other hates me enough not to come looking anyway. Without another thought, I pull the cream-colored satin gown off over my head, throwing it on the lounge beside us before saying, ‘Lykos, if you think getting me naked is going to make me forget—’

He cuts me off, ‘Sit on my dick, baby.’

I lift slightly onto my knees, taking his length into my hands and running his tip through my folds. I’m more than wet; I’m fucking soaked. It’s been months since we fucked, and between this past week and the plug in my ass, I’m thoroughly teased, but I want his confirmation first. ‘Promise me—promise me you’re going to show me.’

‘That’s my plan.’

He doesn’t promise, but I can see the sincerity in his eyes. I slide his tip to my entrance and slowly take him in. ‘Oh, god,’ I rasp as the first inch pushes in. ‘So good.’ I pull up before attempting to slide back down. I’m no virgin, but my man is big. I move my hips from side to side as I slowly rock before finally bottoming out.

‘Fuck,’ he draws out. ‘Don’t move, baby. I need a minute.’ My hands hurriedly find the buttons of his shirt undoing one before deciding, fuck it, and ripping his shirt open.

“Slow down, baby. I don’t want this to end before it even starts. You’re the last person I had.”

I had assumed that much was true, but his verbal confirmation only makes me simp for him more. My mouth finds his bare chest, where I slowly leave a trail of open-mouthed kisses up his well-defined pecs as I attempt to rub my clit against his pubic bone, searching for the slightest amount of friction. When my mouth meets the stubble of his jaw, I teasingly give it a nip before pushing back down on his cock.

His hand slaps my ass hard and he says, ‘Don’t hold back.’ His right hand skates up my stomach, stopping to give my breast a firm squeeze before continuing its ascent and resting around my neck in the exact spot Sebastian grabbed me. My breath catches from equal parts thrill and hurt. Last night, he caressed my marks as if they didn’t bother him. It made me feel as though he was accepting me regardless of my indiscretions. In my eyes it felt like we were moving forward and putting it behind us. But this now feels different. His grip is tighter, and the feral look in his eye tells me the lasting effects of these marks are not something we are putting behind us. ‘Fuck me like you wanted to fuck them.’

I hesitate. His words sting, but only because I’m letting them. Ellis isn’t trying to hurt me. This is something different. My pause, while brief, doesn’t go unnoticed. He gives my throat another squeeze to spur me on, and fuck if that wasn’t all the incentive I needed to give it to him. I rise onto my knees only to slam back down hard.

‘Fuck, yeah,’ he chides, pushing back up into me. ‘Let me see those titties bounce, baby.’

He releases my throat, and I sit straight up and start a punishing pace riding his dick. Fuck, he feels so damn good. This is what I came back for. The man beneath me that accepts me as I am and makes me feel beautiful and free. Throwing my hands into my hair, I slow my pace as I look up toward the night sky. I don’t want this moment to end too soon. The high I feel right now from the drinks and exposure is exhilarating, but no sooner do I feel like I could spread my wings and fly, than the sound of the back door closing snaps my attention out of the sky and toward the house. As I move to dismount him, Ellis grabs my thighs hard and says, ‘Don’t do that. Eyes on me, baby.’

‘Ellis,’ I hiss out. I’m not looking for more insults to be hurled my way should our onlooker be Sebastian.

Any questions about who has caught us are soon answered when our guest says, ‘You have twenty acres to fuck. You had to do it right here?’

Ellis has his eyes trained on Sebastian, who is still behind me when he says, ‘Don’t act as if you are repulsed. We both know you’ve been watching.’ His eyes snap to mine before he adds, ‘Unless you plan on joining, keep walking.’

‘Ellis,’ I whisper yell his name, slapping his chest.

I once again move to get up, but he captures my wrist and pulls me down this time, ‘I asked if you trusted me. Is that still true?’ He questions loud enough that only I can hear, and I swallow hard as my eyes search his.

I stutter out a shaky, ‘Yes,’ still unsure where this is going.

His hands slide down my waist, and I bite back my desire to moan at how his touch lights me up inside, setting every nerve ending on fire. No sooner do I close my eyes from the sensory overload of being on display with him buried deep inside me, than my moment is stolen. His hands grip my cheeks, and he spreads them wide, saying, ‘Her ass is just as good as her pussy–’

My fist slams into his chest hard. ‘No, that is not happening. Not him.’ I hit him again and rise up, but he stills my hands, easily capturing them with his own. Sebastian’s silence is not lost on me. He has yet to respond with a taunt or otherwise. Once more, I struggle to get out of his grip, but the sound of a loafer clicking against the stone patio behind me puts every cell of my body on high alert. The sound is too close. He’s too close. Is he actually considering this?

Before I can put any more focus on the man behind me, Ellis is in my ear, his lips skimming my lobe when he says, ‘You left because of him, and you came back for me, but I’m asking you to stay for us.’ His mouth finds my neck, where he gently places a kiss before pulling back to search my eyes. That’s when his words from earlier crash into me like a ton of bricks. He meant this when he said, ‘It’s something I have to show you.’ Ellis knew there was no way in hell I would entertain this conversation. It’s been a crux in our relationship, something he’s wanted to give me, and I refused because I don’t need it. I have him, and that’s enough.

Quickly, before this gets more embarrassing than it already is, I say, ‘Not him. I’ll do it, but not him.’ If he’s so hellbent on giving me a threesome, I’ll do it, but I don’t need to proposition his brother and my arch-nemesis to do it.

I shake my head and pull back, only to hear the metal clangs of the clasp of a belt unbuckling. Wait, Sebastian’s going for this? I don’t even get another moment to process before Ellis says, ‘Ass up, baby.’ The shock on my face must register, because Ellis starts in with the praise. Yes, shocker, a girl with daddy issues has a praise kink. ‘Be a good girl and show him how tight that ass is.’

He pushes his cock into me, reminding me that he’s still very much buried deep, and I struggle once more with my desire and my heart. Before I can settle on one, Sebastian’s hands grip my cheeks hard, and it hits me. He’s probably enjoying every fucking second of my squirming, but damn if I don’t like his hands on me.

‘Ride me slow.’ Ellis says, pulling my attention back to him and away from the man at my rear. I start to move, and as I do, my nipples graze his chest with each slow rock, and I bite my lip to stifle my moan. I don’t want to share my rapture with Sebastian. The last thing I need is to give him more fuel to fan his flames of hate. I burn for him, but he doesn’t need to know that. The promise of what’s to come ignites a hunger I’ve buried deep, and my body starts to loosen. The euphoric sensations thrumming through my veins as two sets of hands explore my body is intoxicating.

‘That’s it. Soak my cock.’ Sebastian’s hands leave my ass, and I immediately feel his loss. A pang of panic sets in as I consider maybe he changed his mind. But Ellis’s mouth finds my breast, and he sucks my nipple hard, making my pussy clench him and the plug still in my ass.

‘Mmm,’ rolls off my lips as the sound of our arousal permeates the air.

‘Take me out. Get his dick wet.’ I rock back on him two more times, not wanting to release him, but I do because fuck if I don’t want this.

The second his cock slips out, Sebastian’s hand finds my lower back, guiding me back. I feel his tip nudge my entrance, and my eyes widen when I feel the cool metal ball of a piercing. Oh, fuck. My pussy automatically clenches. I’ve never been with a pierced man, and I never thought my first time would be with one in my ass. I bite my lip when he slides through my folds, dragging my wetness from front to back. He’s rock-hard and every bit as thick as Ellis. Sebastian nudges the entrance of my pussy tauntingly, just as Ellis says, ‘You’re so beautiful. Now put me back in.’

I take his cock in my hand, eager for him to fill me once more, but this time, there’s no slow riding. No, Sebastian pushes me forward immediately once I’m fully seated and pulls out the plug. I don’t even have a chance to miss the sensation before his tip nudges my entrance. The cool metal balls of his piercing against my heated flesh instantly make my core clench. His hands find my hips, and he grips me hard, pulling me back onto his length. He’s barely breached my rim, and I let out a whimper. I’m no stranger to ass play, and the plug more than readied me for him, but this entire experience feels too good.

As he pulls back to work himself back in, Ellis says, ‘Fuck baby, your pussy is squeezing me hard. You’re doing so good.’

Once he’s fully seated, I stammer, ‘Oh fuck.’ It feels so damn good. I’m incredibly full and deliciously stretched by two men I’ve fantasized about. I want this with every ounce of my being, consequences be damned. I realize this could be the beginning of the end, but we are all here now. Sebastian has yet to say a word, but his stillness is everything. He’s just as fucking turned on.

He starts the pace, gripping my hips hard, no doubt trying to leave yet another reminder of where he’s been. My eyes find Ellis’s as he lets his brother pump into my ass. He wanted this, and I can tell he has no regrets by the slack in his jaw. I close the mere inches that separate our mouths and take his lips in my hunger. My tongue dives deep, and he battles back with the same vigor. Our kiss either pisses Sebastian off or turns him on because he picks up the pace.

Ellis’s hands find my thighs, and his eyes lock on mine as he shoves up into me, meeting his brother’s thrusts.

“I can feel him inside you, baby. Tell me, is his piercing hitting that spot that makes you feel good the same way my tip is deliciously dragging over the g-spot in this tight pussy.”

I brace myself on my trembling arms as best I can as the euphoria racking my body from his words and new sensations threatens to steal my strength. I have a devil at my back and an angel at my front. Both are wholly consuming me in the best of ways. Each pulls at different parts of my heart, which has forever been divided by the darkness I’ve fought to push out and the light I’ve so desperately sought.

“She’s got a perfect fucking ass, brother. I know she’s choking your cock like she’s squeezing mine.”

Ellis’s big hands find my sensitive breasts, and he pushes them together before flicking his tongue over my erect nipples.

“I love watching your ass bounce while my cock disappears inside that ass, but having these tits sway and sucking on them to make that sweet pussy choke my dick is heaven.”

He then pulls one of my nipples into his mouth and sucks hard, and I know I won’t last. This is all too much.

‘Fuck, baby. If you keep clenching my dick like that, I’m going to come.’ He hisses out as his hands move to my thighs.

I know I’m clenching Sebastian just as hard. I can feel it, and because he refuses to talk and I know he’s playing mind games, I push back on him hard when he slows his pace. This push and pull between the two of them is driving me crazy. Ellis’s praise and adoration and Sebastian’s hate and rough handling have me on edge. Something about how Ellis’s hands skim my thighs while Sebastian doubles down on my hips has me reeling. Ellis has always been in tune with my body. So, he sees the moment I start going over the edge and grabs my chin to say, ‘Eyes on me, baby. I want to watch you come on my dick with my brother’s cock in your ass.’

‘Fuck, yes,’ I scream as the best orgasm I’ve ever had in my life takes root and sends me spiraling. Ellis lets out a string of expletives in Italian, and the next thing I know, both men are filling me up. I fall on top of Ellis, unable to hold my weight as the tremors rock my body. Ellis’s lips are immediately on my shoulder, alternating between sweet words of praise and kisses. Sebastian promptly pulls out. My body is spent. The alcohol and the pleasure I endured steal every ounce of my energy, but my brain refuses to rest.

This wasn’t planned, at least not by me, and Sebastian’s quick exit, coupled with the fact that he said zero words the entire time, let me know this wasn’t on his schedule, either. Damn it.

I shakily move to get off of Ellis in an effort to clear my head and sort through the million-and-one feelings battling for dominance, but Ellis holds me in place. ‘Stop, don’t do that.’

My feeble attempts are pathetic, but I can’t help but feel it in the depths of my soul: this moment has irrevocably changed all of us. ‘Let me go. We shouldn’t have done this. It was a mistake.’ I swat his chest, only succeeding in wasting more energy. Ellis had zero alcohol tonight. I will not win, but it doesn’t stop me from trying.

‘Stop fighting me,’ he says as I wrestle to get free of his arms, making zero progress.

‘Please, just let me go,’ I say on the verge of tears.

His hold loosens slightly when he hears the vulnerability in my voice, and he says, ‘Fine. Answer one question for me, just one, and I’ll let you go.’ He continues when I go lax in his arms, ‘Did you want it?’

‘Ugh,’ I whine out, exhausted by the question I don’t want to answer. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ I say as I wiggle again.

He tightens his hold once more before saying, ‘Vivian, look at me.’

‘No, I don’t want to. I just want to go back to the room.’

‘Look at me now. It is not a request,’ he says with a stern tone that leaves no room for argument. When I do as he asks, he releases me only to cup my face and say, ‘It matters very much. Stop denying yourself what you want. I’m not making you choose.’

His words practically stop my heart. He may not be making me choose, but he can’t just make it so because he believes it’s what I want or need. What he’s proposing and who he’s suggesting it with are huge things, if that’s even what this is. I squeeze my eyes closed tight, convinced none of this is real. I’ve had too much to drink, and the highs and lows I would have normally run from… today I answered for them. My brain is mush. I feel as if I’m drawing conclusions that maybe aren’t there. There is no way he’s proposing I sleep with him and his brother regularly.

His lips press against mine, gently pulling me out of my thoughts as his fingers run through my hair. ‘Let me take you to bed. Nothing has to be discussed tonight.’

I give him a reserved smile of acceptance and allow him to take me back to our room. As he carries me through the courtyards of the Serra Estate, only one thought crosses my mind. Tonight, we more than blurred lines. We fucking erased them. Hopefully, we can survive the fallout.

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