Sweet Sexy Lover

Chapter 12 The Extra of the Crew

At the same time, he looked around the bedroom quickly and did not find Christy, so he asked, "Mr. Enrique, where is Miss Lauren? Did you enjoy your time last night?"

After leaving the hotel, when Christy was about to use the remaining money to take a taxi to visit her grandmother in the nursing home, she received a phone call from Juana Reid. "Christy, where are you? They need an extra for the crew. Would you like to take this job? They will pay you 200 for each performance."


She just lost 100 in total and she was short of money now, so she was willing to take this job even they just paid her 20 for each performance.

Her grandmother was in the nursing home, so she could not just rely on her uncle, she must make money by herself.

Therefore, she answered at once, "Yes, I want to take this job. Juana, please send me the address, I will go to the crew right now."


The Crew of Lady Stunning.

"Action!" When the director gave out the instruction, the pretty girl as the supporting actress in the TV drama slapped Christy in the face strongly.

With her face tilted to the side, Christy covered her sore face, with tears and grievances in her eyes, and cried softly, "Madam, please don't get me wrong. Mester and I are innocent." With a loud voice, the co-starring girl slapped her again and pointed at her and scolded, ""You bitch, how dare you to quibble in this way? I saw you seduce my husband." "Cut!" The director said it was good, and he looked at them with satisfaction, "You really had a good performance. There is no need to take another action for this performance." The director looked at Christy with appreciate, "You did a good job!"

"Thank you, Sir."

She bowed to the director and thanked him. As she majored in performing arts and loved performing, she felt gladder than getting a prize for being praised by the director.

The co-starring girl walked towards Christy and looked at her face which was red with slaps, "I'm sorry, Christy. I was too involved in the performance just now, I'm sorry for hurting you.

She was a senior of Christy, called Sheryl Wagner. She had been engaged in the entertainment circle for more than one year, and now her popularity was lower than that of the first-tier stars while higher than that of the second-tier stars.

Christy ignored her smile with wickedness. She just looked at her and shook her head with smile, "It doesn't matter."

"Are you kidding? Your face has been swollen with slaps." Juana came up to Christy. She looked at Christy's swollen face and then turned to Sheryl.

"Sheryl, we just make a performance for the TV drama, you can do it with fake action. How could you put forth your strength to slap her?"

Sheryl thought that Juana just played a bit role in the TV drama, so when Juana questioned her, she felt a little disgusted. And then she smiled gently at once, "I just wanted to perform well. If it weren't for the lifelike performance taken myself, how could it be approved by the director once? Anyway, I have already explained to Christy, I was just too involved in the performance."

Juana wanted to say something more, but she was dissuaded by Christy.

Sheryl looked at Juana for a while and then she turned to Christy with gentle smile. It seemed that she was very kind, "Christy, I think you really did a good job in such performance like being slapped. If there are any roles like this, I will call you. You don't need to say thanks to me, because I will take care of you as we are both from Starfield Communication University."

And then she walked towards her vehicle with affectations.

"Julien, give me my coat."

Julien, Sheryl's assistant, ran over to greet her and helped her put on her coat.

Juana was angry when she saw Sheryl acted with affections, "Shit! Christy, how could she be so arrogant with affectations? She is not a first-tier star, and you perform better than she does. You got the best performance in our Performing Arts Department. You just haven't got the chance to be play the leading role. If you get the chance, you will definitely be famous. Sheryl must have had sex with the director, so she can be the co-starring in Lady Stunning."

Juana usually said something without thinking about it twice, so Christy sometimes worried about her.

"Juana, thank you for defending me against the injustice. But we can't talk like this as we have no evidence."

"That's not bullshit! You can see that she just looks like a bitch. I wonder how many times she had sex with those famous directors, so she could get those roles in different TV dramas."☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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