Sweet Retribution (Ruthless Games Book 2)

Chapter 16

I can’t look away from Marcus’s heated stare. My tongue is still tasting the pad of his thumb, my chest rising and falling fast as my breath picks up.

A ripple of shock washes through me at his words, but it’s followed closely by a swell of desire.

My fears were unfounded. Marcus isn’t pissed off at the idea of me being with his two closest friends, the two men who are his brothers in everything but blood.


He’s turned on by it.

The desire burning in his striking blue and brown eyes turns me on too, and I bite down hard on the tip of his thumb, wrapping my lips around it and sucking.

He growls, then yanks his thumb out of my mouth and palms the back of my head, dragging my face to his for a bruising kiss. His tongue delves between my lips, tangling with mine as our mouths clash.

Everything I need to know is in this kiss, and it lights my blood on fire.

I fist the front of his white shirt, pulling him closer to me as I angle my body toward his, forgetting to be gentle as need surges through me like a madness.

If I hurt him, Marcus doesn’t even seem to notice or care. He nips at my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth as he groans softly. I can feel him stiffening against me, but he catches me with a hand around my throat, squeezing just hard enough to make me break our heated kiss.

My lips are tingling, and I gaze at him with a slightly dazed look, almost tempted to risk cutting off my air supply completely just for the chance to kiss him again.

Marcus smiles as if he can tell what I’m thinking, but then he jerks his chin to indicate the other two men in the room. “Show me, angel. I want to see.”

I nod, trying to catch my breath. He helps me slide off his lap, depositing me on my feet beside his chair, his hands hungry and possessive on my waist and hips. He gropes one of my ass cheeks and then gives it a sharp slap, making my entire body react as slick arousal gathers in my core.

Forcing my feet into motion, I step toward the chair where Ryland is sitting. The broad-shouldered man has taken off his bowtie and unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt. His jacket is draped over the side of the chair, and his sleeves have been rolled up his forearms, showing off the colorful ink that covers his skin. He looks casual and confident, raw masculinity barely contained by his tuxedo.

He stares at me as I approach, his chin dropped slightly and his hazel eyes smoldering.

Once, the dark look in his eyes would’ve intimidated me. Once, it would’ve made me give him a wide berth.

But not anymore.

Not now that I know what it means.

Instead, the hard expression on his face draws me in, heat spiking in my veins as I come to stand before him. He’s watching me like a predator, like a lion who’s somehow made the gazelle come to him, and I can feel Theo and Marcus watching both of us.

Leaning over, I rest my hand on his chest. A smile pulls at my lips as I feel the quick cadence of his heart—the only thing that contradicts his outward appearance of calm.

I’m still smiling when I drop my head and press my lips to his.

It’s exploratory at first, a kiss to test the waters. To make sure this is really happening and that I’m not just dreaming.

We’ve only kissed a few times, but Ryland’s lips are familiar already. They’re full and firm, and as the connection between us deepens, I feel the exact moment when he gives up control.

The strokes of his tongue become fierce and insistent as it probes into my mouth, and he wraps an arm around me, tugging me down onto his lap. My dress restricts the movement of my legs a little, so I end up half straddling him and half draped over him, but he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. He arches his hips up to grind against me, his large hands skating over my bare back as if he’s been waiting to do this ever since the moment he first saw me in this dress.

Maybe he has.

Maybe Theo has too.

Holy fuck.

I’m not dreaming.

This is really happening.

The thought brings with it a tiny thrill of fear, but riding fast on the heels of that is… relief.

This is happening.

It’s strange and terrifying and exhilarating, but so was the way these men found their way into my life. Nothing about our relationship is normal, which means we get to define what “normal” is.

And right now, kissing Ryland like my life depends on it while Marcus and Theo make low, appreciative sounds as they watch us?

It feels like the most normal thing there is.

It feels like everything I’ll ever fucking need.

Ryland’s hands move to my hair, and he cradles my head between his large palms as he changes the angle of our kiss. I’m panting into his mouth, trying to crawl up his body to get closer to him, my clit throbbing as need builds deep inside me.

When he pulls away a moment later, I gasp for breath, trying to regain my equilibrium.

“Theo’s turn, sweetheart.” He grins at me, making his strong features look almost boyish, then drops a small kiss to the tip of my nose.

It’s a small, sweet gesture, nowhere near as heated as the way he was just devouring my mouth. But the meaning behind it—the tenderness behind it—makes my body ache for him anyway.

Fuck. How can I want all three of these men so much at the same damn time?

I never want to leave Ryland’s arms. But at the same time, I’m dying to kiss Theo, desperate to feel his hands and mouth on me, to feed the connection that sparks between us.

Crawling off Ryland’s lap is a little awkward, especially since I’ve only got one hand to use for balance, but he keeps a firm grip on me to steady me until I’m back on my feet.

My skirt settles back around my legs, and I flick a glance in Marcus’s direction to find him watching me with smoldering eyes.

His cock is hard, a straining bulge trapped by the confines of his clothes, and as he meets my gaze, he reaches down and palms his dick through the fabric of his pants, running his hand up and down his length.

His eyelids droop as his nostrils flare, and liquid heat gathers in my core.

Marcus destroyed my panties back at Luca’s party, so there’s nothing to catch the slick arousal that seeps from me as my pussy clenches. I can feel it sticking to my thighs as I turn to face Theo.

The man with laughing blue-green eyes and sandy blond hair is watching me just as closely as Marcus is. He’s hard too, and I remember the feel of his thick cock pressing against my clit, driving away the sadness and pain until there was nothing but pleasure. Nothing but him.

I wanted him so fucking badly that morning. Wanted to feel him inside me. Wanted to wrap myself in his warmth and strength and goodness until I could find those things in my own soul again.

But I was scared.

I was terrified of what it would mean to admit I was falling for all three of the men whose lives had collided violently with mine. I was certain it couldn’t possibly be real.

As I watch him, Theo reaches down and grips his cock too, quirking a lopsided smile as he jacks himself off through his pants. He bites his lower lip, his body shuddering slightly as his hips thrust up into his hand, and I stalk toward him quickly. Something almost like jealousy tears through me as I grab his hand, pulling it away from the thick bulge in his pants.

He chuckles as I release my grip on him to gather the fabric of my dress, keeping it from trapping my legs as I climb onto his lap. The skirt of my dress drapes around my upper thighs as I straddle Theo’s sculpted hips. The hardness he was stroking a second ago presses against my bare clit, and I let out a soft groan as I rub against him, kissing him hungrily.

I’m completely soaked by now. My body has been on edge ever since Marcus fucked me in the laundry room—sated but still hungry for more—and after the way he and Ryland kissed me, I feel like I’m channeling an electric current.

“Fuck, Rose,” Theo grunts into my mouth. “You’re getting me wet. I can fucking feel you soaking through my pants.”

It doesn’t sound like a complaint, and as if to prove that fact, he grips my hips and grinds me down even harder against his cock, smearing my cream all over himself. It’s filthy and possessive… and I fucking love it.

He breaks our kiss to trail his lips down over my chin and jaw, and I tilt my head back, letting him continue his path all the way down my throat as I lean backward slightly. He growls against my skin and delves one hand beneath the fabric of my dress, readjusting my position on his lap slightly as he slides a thick finger inside me.

“Oh, god…”

The words are a half-choked whisper as my pussy walls clamp around the intrusion. I thought his cock against my clit felt good, but this is even better. My walls ripple around him as he adds a second finger, and I start to ride his hand, working my hips against his palm as I try to take more of him inside me.

“Angel.” Marcus’s voice is gruff and commanding. I crane my neck to look over at him as Theo drags his tongue across my collarbone. He’s unzipping his pants, delving his hand inside to fist his cock, and his eyes gleam with intensity as he catches my gaze. “Show me. Show us.”

I know what he wants, and the thought of giving it to him makes a wave of arousal pulse through me.

He wants to see.


Forcing my unwilling muscles to work, I tug on Theo’s hair to bring his face back up to mine. I kiss him deeply, moving against his hand in the same rhythm as my lips as I chase my pleasure hard for a second. Then I slide off his lap, nearly groaning aloud at the feel of his fingers dragging out of my pussy. I miss them immediately, miss the feeling of fullness and the sweet pressure on my g-spot.

When I’m standing in front of Theo again, I reach up with my hand to push first one strap of my dress then the other off my shoulders. The fabric slides down over my breasts and torso, gathering at my waist for a moment before I shimmy it down over my hips.

Then it drops to the floor, pooling around my feet.

I’m not wearing a bra, and my shredded panties are still in the laundry room in Luca D’Addario’s house. So all that’s left on my body is the pair of heels Ryland bought me to go with the dress.

Acutely aware of the three gazes tracking my every move, I step out of my heels and kick both them and the dress to the side.

When my gaze meets Theo’s again, something has changed in his expression. Usually, there’s a hint of humor that gleams behind his blue-green eyes. It’s been mostly absent for the past two weeks, but I noticed it spark to life again when he realized Marcus had come back to us—as if color had been returned to the world again.

But right now, he doesn’t look like he finds any of this amusing. He looks serious.


And hungry as fuck.

I can hear the sounds of Marcus and Ryland stroking themselves behind me, but I don’t turn around to look, as tempting as it is. Instead, I hold Theo’s gaze, letting the chemistry that’s simmered between us for weeks charge the air.

This is about all of us, about the four of us. But right now, this moment? It’s only me and Theo.

I let my gaze travel slowly down his body, soaking up the way his tux accentuates his lean, muscled form. There’s a dark spot over the bulge of his cock, and my clit pulses as I see the evidence of my own arousal smeared over his pants. My breath picks up as I drop to my knees in front of him, and Theo makes a strangled noise as I reach for the waistband of his pants.

I’ve gotten good at dressing and undressing myself one-handed, but I’m not as practiced at doing it to someone else. But his fingers move quickly to help me, and the two of us get his zipper down before shoving his pants and boxer briefs down around his hips too. Theo yanks off his bowtie and makes quick work of the buttons on his white shirt, shrugging out of the shirt and jacket in one go.

His pants aren’t all the way off, but it’s good enough. His cock is free, hard and heavy and slightly curved as it arches toward his stomach. As I shuffle closer on my knees, he spreads his legs wider, inviting me into the space between them. My fingers trail up his thigh, and when I wrap my hand around the base of his cock, something glints in the light.

A piercing.

Oh, fuck, the head of his cock is pierced.

I can’t believe I didn’t notice that when we were grinding against each other in bed that morning, although in all fairness, I’ve never been with a guy who had a piercing, so it didn’t even occur to me to wonder.

It’s surprisingly beautiful, and after I stare at it for a second, I can’t help myself—I lean down and flick my tongue over the smooth head of his shaft, feeling the texture of the small metal balls on either side. I swirl my tongue around them, and Theo groans, his hand falling on the back of my head.

He doesn’t fist my hair, although I can feel the effort it takes him not to do it. I have a feeling he wants to grab my hair by the roots and drag my lips all the way down the length of his cock, but instead, he just lets me explore him, teasing us both with light flicks of my tongue.

The skin of his cock is nearly as smooth as the metal of his piercing, and the way it pulses angrily in my hand sends another rush of arousal surging through me.

I’m on my knees in front of him, and with the way I’m bent over, I’m sure my bare ass and dripping pussy are on full display to the men behind me. But that thought doesn’t bring up an ounce of shame or embarrassment.

Only heat.

My pussy clenches, and I’m sure Marcus and Ryland can see it because they both groan—twin sounds of tortured satisfaction that wrap around each other in the air.

My stomach clenches, and I stop teasing, wrapping my lips around Theo’s cock and sliding down, taking as much of him into my mouth as I can. My saliva coats his length, and I swallow when he hits the back of my throat, feeling the strange sensation of his piercing there too.

His grip on my hair tightens, letting me know I’ve pushed through the last of his self-control, and he mutters several low curses as I begin to suck him in earnest.

“Fucking hell, angel.” Marcus’s voice is rough as sandpaper. “I’ve never seen anything as perfect as this. Touch yourself.”

My amputated arm is braced on Theo’s leg, and my fingers are still wrapped around his cock. I’ve never wished so much in my life that I still had my right hand as I do right now.

But Theo doesn’t miss a beat. Reaching down, he loosens my grip before fisting himself again, holding his cock steady as I continue to work him up and down between my lips. My hand is wet with a mixture of spit and precum as I drag it down my body, trailing between my breasts and down the line of my stomach before the pads of my fingers land on my clit.

Sensation explodes inside me at the first touch, my body so desperate for release that I’m almost shaking. My jaw aches a little from holding it open, my knees press uncomfortably against the hardwood floor, and I gag a little every time I deep throat Theo. But every one of those feelings takes a back seat to the pleasure racing through me.

My fingertips become a blur on my sensitive nub, flying over it in desperate, hard circles as my hips move restlessly.

When I come, I lose my rhythm entirely, nearly choking on Theo’s cock as my body bucks and writhes. Only his tight grip on my hair keeps me steady as sparks dance in my vision and a low groan spills from my throat.

There’s nowhere for the sound to go. It’s trapped by Theo’s cock, the vibrations traveling from my body into his.

He grunts, then tugs on my hair suddenly. When I release him with a wet slurp and look up into his eyes, there’s a wildness in them that sends a shiver of anticipation through me.

“Get up here, Rose,” he murmurs, his chest rising and falling fast. “I have to be inside you. I want to fucking fill you up when I come.”

He’s got a tattoo on his ribs, I notice—the only piece of ink I see on his body. I make out several letters, but I can’t decipher the words and am too distracted to try.

I rise unsteadily to my feet and am about to crawl back onto Theo’s lap when he stops me. When I blink down at him, he grins sinfully at me, then grasps my hips in his hands and turns me around.

“Marcus wants to see, remember?” he murmurs, his hands running up and down the outsides of my thighs. “So does Ryland. Let them see.”

A flush rises up my chest, heating my skin as I look at the other two men. They’re jerking themselves off as they watch us, and the expressions on their faces are… indescribable.

There’s heat—so much heat—but there’s something else too.

Something almost like awe.

Just as my gaze locks with Marcus’s, Theo wraps his hands around my hips again, tugging me backward to sit astride him. My legs fall open, draping over his and splaying me wide, and I feel another gush of wetness leak from me.

“Fuck, Ayla.” Ryland’s fist moves faster, his jaw clenching. “Jesus.”

He looks almost as undone as he did the night we fucked in the kitchen, just from watching me with his friend.

“Come here, sweetheart.”

Theo tugs me backward a little more so that my back drapes against his chest. Then he reaches down to line himself up with my entrance and rolls his hips, sliding inside me.

We both catch our breath as he fills me, stretching my walls with his thickness. He can’t get as deep from this angle as he’d be able to from some other position, but he’s big enough that it doesn’t fucking matter. I feel him everywhere.

I feel his piercing, hard and unyielding as it drags against my walls.

“God, that feels good,” I breathe as my head lolls on Theo’s shoulder. My back is arched a little, putting even more of me on display for these men. I’m laid out like a fucking banquet as Theo begins to thrust shallowly inside me, gripping my hips to get leverage as he moves.

This time, Marcus doesn’t even have to tell me what to do. I just came, but my body is starving for more, desperate for more. My fingers move down to my clit again, pressing delicately at the over-sensitive bundle of nerves. Marcus and Ryland both match my tempo as I begin to swirl my fingers, and the three of us fall into sync as Theo fucks me from behind.

“I’m not gonna last long, Rose,” he murmurs into my ear, pressing a sloppy kiss to my hair and the side of my face. “I can’t. You feel too fucking good, and I’ve wanted this for too fucking long. I’ll fuck you slow next time, but right now, I just need to come inside you. I need to feel you take my cum. I need to make you mine.”

You’ve taken my cock. You’ve taken my cum. You’re fucking mine.

His words are an unconscious echo of what Marcus said to me once, and they make my toes curl as I grind my ass against his hips, clenching around him as I try to drag his cock in deeper.

am his.

I belong to this man as much as I belong to Marcus.

As much as I belong to Ryland.

As much as I belong to myself.

Our beginnings were born of violence and pain, but maybe that’s why the bonds between us feel so unbreakable, so unquestionable.

They were forged in flame.

I make a noise that’s half groan and half whimper, squirming against him as another orgasm builds steadily inside me, threatening a hurricane of pleasure as warmth spreads through my limbs all the way to the tips of my fingers and toes.

Since words are impossible at the moment, I just turn my head and capture his lips in a kiss, fingers strumming my clit with desperate movements. He kisses me back hungrily despite the awkward angle, plunging his tongue into my mouth as one hand grabs my waist, pulling me down on his cock as his hips thrust up hard from beneath me.

“Oh, fuck!”

The ragged shout comes from Marcus, not Theo, and it’s the sound of him coming apart that undoes us all, setting off a chain reaction like the first domino falling.

Pleasure detonates in my core, and Theo pulses and swells, his cock growing impossibly thicker as he empties himself inside me. Ryland gives a rough grunt, and the wet slapping noise of his fist around his cock slows.

All four of us are breathing hard, the sharp sounds filling the quiet room as tension bleeds from my body. My kiss with Theo slows and deepens, becoming less frantic and more gentle in the aftermath of our release. My heart is still thudding heavily in my chest, as if it got behind during the height of my pleasure and is doing its best to catch up.

Honestly, I’m not sure it ever will.

Theo’s hand leaves my hip, roaming up the side of my body before cupping my breast, massaging the soft flesh and plucking at my nipple. I gasp as a zing of sensation shoots through me, and he chuckles. Then he breaks our kiss, resting his head against mine as he glances over at his two friends.

They both look just how I feel. Sated and a little stunned.

“See what you did to them, Rose?” Theo chuckles again, a rough, warm sound. “It’s the same thing you do to me. We’re fucking gone for you, sweetheart. We’re wrecked.”

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