Sweet Caroline

Chapter 4

Andrew leaned in and placed his lips on hers. The first kiss he would ever give his mate, and she thought it was all a dream. Forcing himself to pull back, he froze when she whimpered.

Caroline grabbed his neck, pulling him back to her, whispering, “More.”

With a moan, Andrew gave her what she wanted. He kissed her multiple times, each taste creating a craving in him for more. So, Andrew nipped at her lower lip, and when Caroline parted them, he slipped his tongue in. Her tongue tentatively tangled with his, and he tasted the mint of her toothpaste.

Finally, figuring he should stop, Andrew pulled back. He watched Caroline as her eyes moved lower, widening at the fact that he was shirtless. Her hand reached out, and Andrew held his breath, anticipating her touch, but she stopped a hair breath away. He whimpered in his need for her touch. When she didn’t bridge the distance, he took her hand and placed it on his chest.

Caroline slowly moved her hand across his chest, her fingertips brushing over his nipple and causing it to harden.

Andrew’s breathing was becoming ragged as his body heated up. His head fell back, his eyes closing as her hand moved lower over his abs. “Ah, Doll, you move me like no other ever has or ever will.”

Caroline’s hand stopped, and Andrew raised his head to look at her. Caroline’s face was flushed, and her lips swollen as she begged, “Kiss me again.”

“Scoot over, Doll, and let me lie next to you.”

She moved over, letting him in. He then gently rolled her over onto her back, hovering over her. Leaning down, he kissed her, gently at first, then a bit rougher. As the kiss lengthened, her hand came up and moved along his naked back.

Andrew broke the kiss and began to nibble and lick along her neck, which caused her to moan his name. Her moans had his body responding, and his hips bucked against her thigh. His now swollen shaft rubbed against her, and he groaned with his need of her.

Pushing the thin straps of her gown off her shoulder, he placed more kisses on it, and she whispered his name. As her nails dug into his back, bringing him back from the edge, he pulled back to gaze down at her flushed face and desire-heavy eyes.

“Dream or not, Doll, I need to stop while I can.”

“Oh,” she agreed. “I liked what you were doing, though, and if I’m honest, I want more.”

Dropping a quick and chaste kiss on her lips, he snuggled down next to her. When she gave a sigh and burrowed into his side, he whispered, “We’ll save that for next time.”

“Mm… next time.”

Andrew lay still and waited as her heartbeat slowed and her breathing evened out. Knowing she was once again fast asleep, he moved slowly from the bed, careful not to awaken her. Quietly, he slipped across the room and out the window, closing it behind him. Then, stripping off his shorts, he shifted back into his wolf form and took off for home.

The next day Caroline awakened to her alarm blaring and blinked sleepily at it for a moment before turning it off. Laying there and thinking about her dream, she touched her lips and whispered, “My first kiss, and it was only a dream, how unfortunate for me.”

Shaking her head, she climbed from the bed and got ready for school. Forty-five minutes later, she was opening her locker and putting her books inside.

“Hey, did you get your math done last night?” Rebecca asked as she walked up, opening her locker.

“Yeah, I did,” Caroline agreed, “biology too. However, I may need Dale to look over my math again. It was so hard last night!”

“Did I hear my name?”

Caroline and Rebecca both turned to find Dale standing behind them with a smirk.

“Yes, you did,” Rebecca agreed, “and stop sneaking up on a girl like that! I could have gone all commando on you and hit you with this history book!”

“No, you wouldn’t because I’m your boyfriend,” Dale pouted.

“Ignore her, Dale,” Caroline huffed. “I might need some more help in math. Will you help me?” She asked him, giving him a pouty look.

Dale snorted. “That look won’t work on me. So, go find yourself a boyfriend to use it on, Caroline,” Dale said with a snort. “Nevertheless, I’ll help you. Are you working tonight?”

“Ugh, yes, unfortunately,” Caroline muttered, then reminded him, “it’s Thursday, remember?”

“Yeah, thanks for ruining my whole day,” he grunted. Then, grabbing Rebecca’s hand, he stomped off.

“Hey, you asked!” Caroline shouted after him with a laugh at his antics. Shaking her head, she headed for her class.

Classes went by ever so slowly, and by the time lunch rolled around, she was not only hungry but so tired she could barely hold her eyes open. Walking into the lunchroom, she huffed, I thought I went to bed early enough last night, but I feel like I didn’t even get my required six hours of sleep! Sitting down at the table with her friends, she greeted them. Then, she pulled her sandwich from her lunch bag and began to eat, her eyes half-closed.

“Caroline? Caroline! Earth to Caroline,” the voice said from a great distance.

Caroline blinked rapidly, trying to keep her eyes open as she mumbled, “Huh?” Looking around her, she found her friends all laughing at her.

“Oh, is someone tired? Did they stay up dreaming too long about a certain someone?” Maggie teased.

Caroline felt flush as she remembered her dream.

“Ah, I believe you might be right in your assumptions, Maggie,” Dale snickered. “Now, clue me in as to who this someone is, she’s been dreaming of lately. Because I’m Caroline’s honorary brother, meaning I’ll have to interrogate him to see if he’s worthy of my sister.”

Caroline looked everywhere but at Dale as she muttered, “No, you won’t, and it’s none of your business anyway, Mister Nosy!”

Looking out over the lunchroom, she wished she’d stayed half asleep when her eyes caught sight of something that made her feel like crying. Reva was sitting next to Andrew at the lunch table. She was sitting so close to him she was practically on his lap, and even though he seemed to be paying her no attention, it broke her heart to see it. She shook her head at her stupidity as she turned from the sight.

All I did was have a dream of him kissing and touching me last night. Now today, suddenly, I’m all possessive over him! How stupid can you be, Caroline? He isn’t yours, and he never will be because he’s so out of your league. The little pep talk didn’t stop the tears from flooding her eyes or keep the emotions from practically choking her.

So, she wadded up her trash and muttered that she needed to use the bathroom. Standing up, she headed for the trashcan, and after throwing her trash in it, she quickly left the lunchroom. Once in the hallway, where her friends wouldn’t see her, she sprinted for the bathroom down the hall. Walking inside, she locked herself in a stall and stood taking deep breaths, the heels of her hands pressed into her eyes.

Like a mantra, she began to chant softly, “Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry!” The sound of the door opening had her holding her breath, listening.

“Caroline, come out here right now and tell me what’s wrong!”

Her breath came out in a heavy huff as she let out the air she’d been holding at the sound of Rebecca’s voice. When she felt calm enough not to cry, she walked out. “I’m fine, Rebecca, honestly.”

“No, you’re not,” Rebecca argued. “Now, let’s find somewhere to talk. Somewhere besides a stinky bathroom.”

Then she pulled Caroline out the door and down the hallway. Rebecca stopped at the first empty classroom she came to and dragged her inside.

Neither girl noticed Andrew following them with a worried look on his face.

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