Sweet Caroline

Chapter 18

Twenty minutes later Andrew and Caroline walked into the kitchen to find his dad, and the Alpha, sitting at the table drinking coffee.

His mom was at the stove and as she glanced over her shoulder at them, she stated, “I’ve made bacon and the eggs are almost finished. Why don’t the two of you have a seat.”

“Good morning, Alpha,” Andrew said giving him a respectful head bow. “I was expecting to go see you this morning.”

“Andrew. I have a lot on my plate to get done this morning. It was easier to come to you,” the Alpha said as he focused on Caroline. “This is your mate?”

“Yes, Mr. Alpha, this is Caroline,” Andrew answered.

“Nice to meet you, sir,” Caroline said, a bit of a shake to her voice.

“I just wish it was under better circumstances,” the Alpha told her.

Dad puts his cup down. “Alright, son, let’s hear an explanation for your actions.”

“I asked Caroline to go to the game with us on the bus. I even cleared it with Coach. After the game, Caroline wasn’t where I thought she would be, and I became worried when I couldn’t find her. So, I had just asked Kyle and Coach if they’d seen her when I felt what seemed like a knee to my ribs, only I wasn’t fighting anyone.”

“You’ve marked her?” Alpha asked.

“Yes, I did, the day before yesterday,” Andrew answered.

Caroline pulled her hair back to show them all her mark.

“Alright, continue,” the Alpha demanded.

Caroline laid her hand on Andrew’s arm, drawing his attention. “May I?”

Andrew nodded.

“After the game, I went to follow the coach out to the bus. The guys had all disappeared into the locker room and I didn’t want to look like a creeper by waiting outside the door. Only, as I walked by the bathroom, I decided I should probably go since it was a long way home. When I saw all the girls inside, I changed my mind, thinking it would be better to just hold it. When I went to leave though, two of the girls blocked the door,” Caroline said softly.

“Why would you not want to be with the other girls?” Alpha asked.

Caroline sighed and lay her head on Andrew’s shoulder. “The girls don’t like me, Alpha. Reva and I had a… falling out in the fourth grade and she’s hated me ever since. She enjoys bullying me and has the other girls doing it too.”

The Alpha looked thoughtful. “If you don’t mind my asking, what was the falling out over?”

Caroline glanced at Andrew through her lashes as she whispered, “Andrew.”

The Alpha raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Even then she liked anything in pants, and she liked Andrew most of all, but he didn’t pay her any attention. When he began to talk to me it made her mad. That’s when she started bullying me,” Caroline explained.

“Hm, alright.” The Alpha cleared his throat a bit before asking, “So, you went willingly into the bathroom, but they kept you there unwillingly?”

“Yes. I told them I didn’t want any trouble and if they’d just let me leave, I wouldn’t say a word. Reva had most of the girls leave then the human ones I assume. Then she told me that I wasn’t going anywhere. She went on to say that it wouldn’t do me any good to say anything because nobody would believe a nobody like me.”

“Oh, doll, you aren’t a nobody,” Andrew whispered.

“I know that Andrew, and that’s what I told her. I told her that you would believe me. That’s when she kicked me the first time. Then she ranted about how she was more deserving of the female beta position than I’d ever be.” Caroline sighed softly. Glancing over at the Alpha she said, “She’s right, isn’t she? I mean, she’s a wolf and I’m just a human. What can I really do for the pack?”

The Alpha smiled. “I’ve known your father for a long-time young lady. Maybe he knows what I am, maybe he doesn’t. I don’t know and don’t care because I know he’d never tell my secret. You know how I know?”

Caroline shook her head.

“Because he’s a good man, an honorable man. He takes care of his workers, does what he can for the community, and never turns down the opportunity to help others. He’s helped more than one of my pack members, myself included when we were in a bind. I also know he thinks the world of you and talks about you a lot.”

“He is a good man, I agree, although I’m probably slightly biased in my beliefs,” Caroline said with a grin. “When I told my dad about Andrew he said, ’I know him, good boy, good parents, good work ethics.”

The Alpha laughed as did my dad. “That would be something important to a man like your dad. The man works like a house a-fire.” Turning to Andrew, he said, “Now continue the story.”

“Reva kicked her twice before I made it there with Coach and Kyle. The second kick felt as if it cracked a rib. She was about to kick her again when I arrived. I told her she had been told to leave my mate alone and that I’d felt what she’d done through the bond. I told her to run home and report to you about punishment.” Andrew huffed. “I was mad, Alpha. I know that isn’t an excuse, but I was mad, and, in my anger, I made her run home. I know it wasn’t my place to do it, but I didn’t want her on the same bus as my mate.”

The Alpha sat back and pursed his lips as he considered Andrew and Caroline. Finally, he said, “I agree that she shouldn’t have touched your mate, and I’ve heard others complain about her flirting with theirs. But I cannot let this go unpunished, Andrew. You know I can’t. If I do the pack will think they can take the law into their own hands also.” He sighed. “As much as it pains me since I understand why you did what you did, I must punish you.”

“I know, sir, and I respect that. In my head, I knew I shouldn’t do it but, in my anger, my heart took control, and I did it anyway.” Andrew bowed his head slightly.

The Alpha sat back and said, “I’m going to send you to our training camp for a week. Daryl will pick up all your schoolwork and you will be expected to complete it along with your training. You will also have no contact whatsoever with your mate during that week. No calls, nothing.”

Andrew swallowed hard as he looked at Caroline. His wolf whined. How am I going to survive a week without her? I barely survived the one night without her that I forced myself to stay away, and that was before I marked her. Now with us fully mated it might just kill me.

“What about Reva?” Dad asked.

The Alpha growled. “That girl is fast becoming a problem. I’m going to send her to stay with her aunt who lives two packs over. I’ll have the Alpha put her on probation and train her as a tracker. She obviously has been let go for too long by her parents and needs discipline. If she doesn’t straighten up, then I’ll have no choice but to banish her. Her Aunt is a hardened warrior though and I believe she needs someone who won’t give in to her whims,” the Alpha answered as he stood up to leave. Then he added, “You leave in two hours Andrew, say your goodbyes and be ready to leave.”

“Yes, sir,” Andrew answered.

“One more thing. May I see your bruising, Caroline?” The Alpha asked.

Caroline looked at Andrew and he nodded. She slowly stood and pulled her shirt up. The bruises showed clearly in the shape of a foot but looked older than twenty-four hours.

The Alpha frowned. “Those don’t look fresh.”

Andrew rubbed his chest nervously. “I… um… I gave her a bit of my blood. I could feel her pain and I wanted to help her. Mike said if I gave her a bit it would take the pain away and heal the cracked rib.”

The Alpha nodded, then without another word he left.

Andrew breathed a sigh of relief as he took Caroline in his arms. “It’s going to be a very long week, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is,” she whispered. “Andrew, I’ve gotten so used to you being around, I don’t know how I’ll survive you being gone for a week.”

“I don’t know how I will either, but we have two hours, let’s enjoy it,” Andrew whispered back.

Then taking her into his arms, Andrew carried her back to his room.

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