Sweet Addiction: A One Night Stand Romantic Comedy

Sweet Addiction: Chapter 9

I’m lying completely naked on my work bench, my thighs clamped tightly together in anticipation as Reese continues to remove his clothing. I’d never realized until now just how sexy it is to watch a man undress. But I’m quickly realizing that whatever this man does, he does it in a very sexy way. I bite the inside of my cheek as I watch him pull his T-shirt off with one hand, revealing his brilliantly sculpted upper body. I moan softly at the sight of him and catch his attention, seeing his lips curl up in the corner. His boxers come down with his jeans and he steps out of them, grabbing the bowl of frosting that he had placed on a nearby stool before he moves towards me. His hand grips my thigh and spreads it open, giving himself room to settle between my legs. I feel the tip of him push against my clit and I whimper.

“Now, where should I begin?” His eyes run down my body and he smiles wickedly.

“You can begin with sticking that big dick in me,” I answer, wiggling against him to give me some relief. Christ almighty, he feels amazing. 

He chuckles and bends forward. “Somebody’s greedy. Did you not get yourself off well enough?” He drops his head and kisses between my breasts. “You should have let me in when I told you. I would have made you come so hard you wouldn’t be begging for my cock just yet.” He holds out his hand to lift me so that I’m now sitting up, my eyes doing a quick rundown of his body and seeing him notice it.

“Yes, you caught me, I was looking but I can’t help it.” I lean back onto my hands and stick my chest out. “Now, get busy.”

“Are you always so bossy?” he asks as he dips his finger into the frosting and spreads a generous amount onto each erect nipple. I try to keep still as best I can but am quickly getting worked up. But let’s be honest here, I’ve been worked up from this man since I fell into his lap. He looks so concentrated, so meticulous with his pattern he’s drawing on me that it makes me vibrate with silent laughter against his hands. “Stop squirming.” He scoops another glob out of the bowl and trails it down the center of my stomach, swirling the pink sugariness onto my clit. I bite my lip to keep from jerking, watching him set the bowl onto the wood next to me and step back, admiring his creation.

“You like?” I ask, my eyes glued to his massive erection that I am aching to jump on.

His hand strokes his jaw as he studies me. “Fuck yes.” His eyes flick up to mine and I clutch the edge of the work bench with my hands.  Shit, his sex stare could melt me like a candle. Moving quickly to bridge the space between us, his hand grips my head and crashes my mouth against his. He’s rough, swiping into my mouth with his tongue, his breath hot and minty on my face. We’re all lips, tongues and bursts of air as he sucks and bites my lip, the tiny pain of it fueling my desire for him. Breaking away to ease me back onto the wood, his tongue darts out and licks the icing off my left breast.

“Oh yes.” I tangle my hands into his hair as he strokes my nipple with his tongue, pulling it into his mouth and sucking hard before releasing it.

“Mmmm, you taste almost too good.” His mouth moves to my right breast where he licks it clean before flicking my nipple, earning himself a deep cry from my core. He sits up and stares down at me. “Now what?” he asks and I know the look on my face is one of pure delight. Was I in control of this?

“Lick me.”

“Be specific, love.”

I sit up quickly and wrap my hand around his cock, hearing a sharp gasp from him as he grabs my neck. He shakes his head and removes my hand gently, causing me to frown.

“Not yet.” He guides me back down onto my back and I playfully try to reach him as he bats my hands away. “You were telling me to lick you and I want to know where.”

I smirk. “You know exactly where.”

He shrugs and slowly begins tracing my belly button, moving the icing around and causing my stomach to clench. “Where, Dylan?” Good Lord, the man is persistent. I wish I found that to be anything but a major turn on.

Okay, I can do this. I clamp my eyes shut. “Reese, please lick my pussy until I come in your mouth and then fuck me until I can’t walk.” Slowly peaking one eye open, I find a very amused man staring down at me with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on his face. I can’t help but laugh. “You’re a pervert.”

“So are you.” Dropping in front of me, he latches onto my clit and sucks hard. I groan loudly and arch my back, feeling his hands grip my ankles and plant my feet flat down on the wood. I’m completely open to him and go to drop my feet off the sides when he holds them in place.

“Move and I stop.”

I stare down my body and look into his bright green eyes. “Seriously?” I shake my head quickly. Crap. I feel so exposed like this. He can see everything.

He keeps his eyes on me as he trails sweet kisses on my inner thighs. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are, Dylan? Every single part of you. Especially here.” His hand brushes between my legs and I whimper. “I want to see you like this.” Well in that case. I drop my head back and firmly plant my feet, letting go of my anxiety and opening up to him and his extremely talented mouth.

“Oh yes.” I move my hips against him as he slowly strokes up my length and around my clit, licking off every bit of icing. I want him to pull me into his mouth and suck hard, knowing full well that when he does I will surely lose my mind. But he doesn’t. He keeps up the rhythm of deep caresses, swiping just over or just under my clit and driving me insane. He only dips his tongue into me just enough to make me grip his head with my thighs and then he slowly removes it.

“You’re so close, love.”

“I know that. Why aren’t you letting me come?” My climax is there, right there and he’s toying with it. My body is shaking on the hard wood, the slight chill of it cooling down my heated skin.

“I can feel you pulsing against my tongue. I want you to come, Dylan. I really do.” He gives me slow even laps with his tongue, swirling and dipping. Brushing just over my clit, I bring my hips up to make him go where I want him, where I need him but his hand quickly clamps down on my stomach and presses me to the table.

“Please. I need… please just…. little lower. No higher. Please what the fuck?”

“Are you not enjoying this?” Lick. “Because I sure as hell am. In fact—” Lick, “—I think I’ll do this for the rest of the night.”

Oh God, he’s trying to kill me. Fuck that. If he won’t get me off then I’ll fucking do it. Quickly dropping my hand to my sex, I go to rub my two favorite fingers on my spot when he grabs my hand, forcing it back down to the wood and holding it there firmly. Letting out a string of colorful curse words, I finally let myself go limp on the table and give up.

“Why are you doing this?” I whimper as he continues his torment.

His breath warms me between my legs. “Because you wouldn’t let me touch you. Do you have any idea how close I was to breaking through your window?” He licks my clit quickly and I pant. “I want to be the only one to give you pleasure, Dylan. Your orgasms belong to me.” Holy shit. I am completely fine with that. Yes. Absolutely.

“So I can’t touch myself anymore?”

“No you can but only if I am there to help you. You’ll never come as hard as if I do it anyway.” Another lick and I shake. “You know that don’t you?”

“Yes.” The orgasms I give myself are bland compared to his. Even this anguish he is currently inflicting on me is better somehow. I moan loudly. “Please, you’re the only guy that’s ever made me come.”

He stops, completely frozen between my legs. I feel his hot breath against my skin but nothing else. Shit, was that not something he should know? Awesome. No Reese style orgasms for me tonight. Good job, Dylan. Brilliant.

“Really?” His question hits me after several long seconds of silence.

I nod and cover my face with my hands. “Really. It’s just you.” Oh those words rip through me in a way I don’t need them to. I’m going to fuck this up and it’ll be entirely my fault. I open my mouth to say something, anything when he wraps his lips around my clit and pulls it into his mouth. “Oh God.” I cry out. Sucking hard, then harder, he growls against me and I go off like a missile.

“YES.” Mid-orgasm, he stands up and before I can protest the sudden change of direction, he charges straight into me. “Reese.”

“Dylan. Holy fuck, you feel incredible.” His words are barely audible over my cries as the first orgasm rips through me and another comes up close behind. His hands mold to my breasts as I grip the edge of the work bench and hold on for dear life.

“Tell me again. Tell me I’m the only man that’s ever made you come.” He pants as his powerful hips crash against my legs. My eyes are glued to his broad shoulders that are flexing with each drive.

I release my lip that I’ve been biting and look up at him. “You’re the only man. And you’re so fucking good at it.” My eyes are locked onto his face, his chest, his neck as it pulses with each thrust. His gaze drops to between my legs and I know he’s watching himself enter me over and over, stroking me hard and deep. “So sexy, love. Christ, I’m close.” Pulling his bottom lip into his mouth, his hands dig into my hips and pull me against his pelvis. I fall, giving him another orgasm as I arch my back off the work bench and clench around him. He groans loudly and pulses inside me, giving me his release with my name on his lips.

“Holy shit.” I pant between quick breaths as he sprays his body on top of mine.

“Yeah, holy shit,” he says into my neck. I wrap my arms around his back and hold him to me. I missed this. The feel of his chest against mine, the way my skin warms instantly against his. Having him killing me slowly between my legs with his mouth is worth it if it allows me to be this close to him.  At the movement of his head, I glance down to see his eyes turn up to mine.

“Handsome,” I say, smiling as if I’d just won the lottery. He winks at me and quickly kisses my breasts before he stands up and glances down at our hot pink covered bodies.

“Love, I think we need a shower.” He arches his brow at me and I quickly sit up, nodding frantically. Shower with Reese? Hell fucking yes.

“This way.” I hop down and grab my clothes off the stool as he retrieves his, trailing behind me as I start up the stairs.

“Ah!” After a quick slap on my backside from him, we make it to the top and I turn around to face him, backing farther into my living space. “This is me,” I say, watching him take it in. It doesn’t take him long. There isn’t much to look at. He peers around the partition and wiggles his brows at me when he spots my bed. No way buddy. Not happening.

“I like it. It’s tiny though,” he states with a smile as he follows me into my bathroom.

Turning on the shower, I place my clothes on the sink top and catch a glance of myself in the mirror. I am flushed and covered in sticky frosting, and I love it. Coming up behind me, he places his clothes next to mine and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me back against him. Rolling my head back to rest on his chest, our eyes meet and he smiles at me. I will never, not ever get tired of his smile and the little lines it brings out next to his eyes.

“Are you mad at me for what I did?” he asks, causing me to narrow my stare a bit but cracking when his eyes bulge. The bathroom begins to fill with steam and I turn in his arms, lightly pressing a kiss to his jaw.

“No, however, if you would have kept my orgasm from me, you would be purchasing a new ninety thousand dollar vehicle because I would have keyed the shit out of the one you have.”

He chuckles. “Noted. Now, let’s get wet.”

I grin deviously and open my mouth to say something dirty, of course, when he stops me with his finger to my lips.



I’ve never showered with a man before and I must say, I’m pretty sure that’s the best way to go. I was completely pampered. He laughed at my fifty thousand shampoos, conditioner, and body wash choices that were stacked against the wall and studied several before choosing the ones that he said smelled like me. He picked the scents I used most often and I beamed inside at the idea of him knowing what I smell like. He insisted on washing my hair, taking his time and giving me an amazing head massage as he lathered me up. Washing my body, his face hardened as he carefully rubbed my shoulders and my back but got back to playful when he washed between my legs. That he spend a little extra time on. After I rinsed clean, he dropped his head and freshened up his marks on my breasts as I moaned softly against his mouth. He seemed just as happy about them being there as I did.

When it was my turn, I skipped the loofah and squeezed the body wash directly onto my hand, wanting to feel every inch of him as I washed him. His muscles relaxed against my touch and I rubbed his arms the way I did on Tuesday, seeing his eyes close and his head fall forward. The only muscle that didn’t relax and seemed to not be able to at all during our entire shower together was my favorite muscle of his. I stroked him long and hard, the lather building as he held onto my waist and buried his face in my hair. He kissed me deeply, almost lovingly when he came in my hand. The feel of his hot liquid against my skin was exhilarating and I wanted to fuck him again, but didn’t. More than that, I wanted to get out of the shower and nuzzle against his chest, breathing my favorite air. But Reese had other plans. He wanted something besides frosting in his stomach.

I perch myself up on the counter and watch as he raids my fridge, his hair wet and fuckably messy. “Where is all your food? The only thing in here is milk, some weird cheese, and jelly.” He closes the door and glowers at me. I’m busy pulling my damp hair up into a messy knot on top of my head when his question finally hits me.

“Oh, I eat out a lot. And what weird cheese?” I hop down and stick my head in the fridge, following his finger to the second shelf. I quickly close the door. “That is not cheese. Maybe it was at one point but now, I’m not sure what it is.”

He laughs and pulls his phone out of his pocket, kissing the top of my head. “Alright well, I need to eat something besides you. What do you want? Chinese?”

I shrug. “I don’t care. I’m not really hungry.”

Pressing the buttons on his phone, I study him as he licks the slit running down his lip and brings his cell up to his ear.  I reclaim my spot on the counter as he moves between my legs. This is becoming a regular position for us. My fingers slip under his shirt and I trace the hard lines of his stomach.

“Yeah, I wanted to place an order for delivery. Dylan’s Sweet Tooth on Fayette. Yes, one order of general tso chicken and one order of shrimp lo mein. Nope that’s it.” He moves the phone away from his mouth. “What’s your last name?”

My jaw drops open. “You don’t know the girl’s full name who you are currently fucking? That’s just awful. I know yours, Carroll.” I cross my arms over my chest and push my boobs up, seeing his eyes flick down and linger for a long second.


I shake my head in disapproval. “It’s Sparks,” I huff.

He chuckles in amusement. “Wow. That’s ridiculously fitting.” Before I can ask him what the hell that meant he looks away from me and pays attention to the call. “Alright thanks.” Placing the phone back in his pocket, he kisses me quickly on my nose and I groan in protest.

“Why is Sparks fitting?”

His lip twitches. “Because, you’re like this little firecracker.” I laugh as he plants a kiss on my forehead, running his hands up and down my arms. “Dinner will be here in twenty. Oh, before I forget, we’re having this big meeting with some clients on Tuesday and I was wondering if you would like to provide some of your treats for it.”

I run my fingers through his damp hair, causing it to curl a bit at the ends. “I’d love to. What kind of treats?”

“I don’t know. It’s at 10:00 a.m. so I guess breakfast treats?” His forehead creases as he looks past me and thinks it over. Lord, he is adorable.

I smile and play with his T-shirt, bunching it up in my hands. “Well, I happen to make some mean breakfast treats. How many people am I providing for?”


I nod. “Okay.  I’ll make sure to have enough for everyone to have three, that way if they don’t get eaten, which is absurd, then you can have the extra.”

“Great. I’ll pay you in orgasms.” Well that was way too tempting. His smirk lingers as I carefully think about his offer, looking up at the ceiling for my answer.

“Eh,” I finally reply and he wraps me up, kissing me once and then once more, longer and softer as I melt.

We sit in comfortable silence as we eat our dinner on the floor in my living room. Reese makes sure to point out that I am indeed hungry, watching me with amusement as I tear into both of his orders. And I make sure to point out that he is the one who ate most of the frosting. I exhale heavily and lean against the partition, resting my hand on my belly as he sticks the leftovers in my fridge and returns to sit across from me.

“Full?” he asks.

“Very. That was crazy good though, I haven’t had Chinese since Joey and I ordered it on Easter weekend and we puked it up in my bathroom after a night of binge drinking.”  He motions with his hands for me to elaborate. “He got dumped by this guy through a singing telegram.”

“Jesus, that’s really shitty. I didn’t realize those things were still around.”

I nod and laugh slightly. “Me either, it was awful. The telegram came to the shop and he sang in front of all these customers. Joey was so embarrassed.” I brush the tendril that is tickling my cheek out of my face. “So in typical you just got dumped and your best friends are going to cheer you up fashion, Juls and I bought all this alcohol and we played drinking games all night. It was really fun until we all got sick.” I shake my head at the memory. “And that is why Tequila and I are no longer on speaking terms.”

He laughs, resting back on his hands, his long legs stretching in front of him brushing against mine. “I can’t imagine you drunk. Do you get even feistier or are you an angry fireball?  Because honestly, I can kind of see both.”

I giggle and rub my bare foot against his leg. “Neither actually. I get really loud and start giving people nicknames, and then I usually get emotional which is always fun for everybody.” I laugh and he smiles at me. “What about you? Do you get extra flirty or do you start hitting people? Cause I can kind of see both.” He moves closer and pulls my foot into his lap, rubbing it and causing me to moan softly.

“I don’t get drunk. Well, at least I haven’t since I was seventeen. I don’t usually have more than a few drinks at a time.” He pauses briefly and narrows his eyes at me. “How old are you?” His weird line of questioning causes me to give him a strange look. He notices it and continues “I just realized I have no idea.”

“Jeez, good thing I’m legal.” He smirks at me and I shake my head disapprovingly. “I’m twenty-six. So why don’t you get drunk?”

He seems to mull over my answer with a smile. “I don’t want to so I don’t. I think drinking specifically for the purposes of getting drunk is bullshit.”

“Well you haven’t had someone break up with you through a musical number.” I pull my foot out of his grasp when he starts tickling it, quickly tucking it under my other knee. I try to stiffen my yawn but give into it, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands. I am thoroughly exhausted from all my orgasms and my full belly is making me sleepy. Reese stands up and holds his hand out to me and I allow him to help me to my feet. This gesture will also never get old.

“I should probably go,” he says, running his hands up my arms and holding me at my elbows. I yawn again. Damn it, I really didn’t want him to leave but he couldn’t stay. No fucking way. No sleepovers. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

I lick my dry lips and place my hands on his chest. “Juls and I are having a girls day.  We’re going to the spa to get massages and facials and talk about boys.” He smirks at me and I give it right back to him. “I feel like I haven’t had her all to myself since she met Ian, which I totally get. She’s crazy about him.”

His hands grip my hips. “I’m sure the feelings mutual. He talks about her constantly and I give him all kinds of shit for it.” I smile at his admission. Definitely telling Juls that tomorrow. After a brief moment, his face scrunches and he runs his hand through his hair quickly, looking a bit unsure of himself. “Uh, when you get massages, is it a girl that does it?”

I roll my eyes. “And you call me the pervert?”

“What? Oh, no that’s not what I meant. Pervert.” He snorts and I shrug. Yup, that’s me. “I mean, is a guy going to be giving it to you because I don’t think I’m okay with that.”

Wait, what? I answer honestly. “Actually I have no idea. Juls booked them weeks ago.  But, why does it matter? It’s a massage, it’s not sexual.”

“It just does. If you want a guy to massage you, I’ll give you a massage. I’d prefer it if it was a girl and not for the perverted reasons your mind is thinking.”

I step back and stare at him. Seriously? “Okay well, I just don’t understand why this bothers you.” If this is just casual, then it shouldn’t. Right?

He throws his hands up and looks exacerbated. “You’re right. Never mind, it doesn’t bother me. I should go.” He leans in quickly and kisses me on my temple before turning for the stairs.

“Reese.” He looks over at me, stopping on the stairs. My head is full with things I want to say to him. I want to ask him to be honest with me, to tell me exactly why it bothers him to have a man massage me. I want to ask him if this was becoming more for him than how it started out. But I don’t. I don’t ask him anything. “Goodnight.”

He smiles slightly and continues walking away. “Goodnight, love.”  I watch him disappear down the stairs and hear the door close shut behind him as I’m left to ponder what just happened.

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