Sweet Addiction: A One Night Stand Romantic Comedy

Sweet Addiction: Chapter 11

Joey and I load up Sam on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. with the breakfast treats, leaving me with just enough time to run back inside to give myself a quick once over before it’s time to go. I’ve picked out a pale pink summer dress and paired it with some strappy sandals, pulling my hair up into a bun before I run downstairs and lock up the shop. Joey is perched against the van and messing with his phone when I finally emerge.

“Okay, how do I look? Professional with a hint of playful? Do you think the dress is too much? Maybe I should wear my apron. Should I wear my apron?” Christ, why the hell was I nervous? I’ve supplied tons of business meetings with treats before. Of course, I wasn’t banging any of the men I supplied for until now.

He smiles and slips his phone away. “The only way I would suggest for you to wear your apron would be if you were to only wear your apron. You look great, cupcake.”

“Thanks. I think Reese likes me in dresses.” I walk around to the driver’s side and hop in as Joey gets in on his side.

“Hmmm I wonder why?” He laughs as my phone beeps. I quickly slip it out of my purse.

Reese: Counting the minutes. (19 to be exact)

I giggle.

Me: Oh come on, Mr. CPA, I’m sure you can do better than that.

Reese: 1140 seconds. Also, I met you roughly 823,447 seconds ago. Now get your sweet ass here safely so I can kiss you.

I hear a muffled laugh from my right. “Are we going to be driving to the Walker & Associates building or are they coming to us for the meeting?” Joey asks as I put my phone in the cup holder, grinning like an idiot.

“Smart ass. Does Billy know you can get testy in the morning?”

He laughs as I pull away from the shop. “Oh he knows, cupcake. He knows. By the way, this Saturday we’re having our coming out as an official couple party or whatever the fuck, Billy’s idea. 7:00 p.m. at his place, I mean our place. Ooohhh I love the sound of that.”

“You’re adorable. What should I bring? Booze?” I ask, weaving in and out of traffic.

“Obviously, bitch, and a housewarming gift for yours truly.” He sneaks in that last part under his breath and I laugh. I’m giddily excited to go to this particular party, and not just because I get to see Billy and Joey together and the home that they will be sharing which I’m sure is insanely chic. Joey has impeccable taste and even though I’ve only seen Billy a few times, the man can dress. But I’m also excited because a certain numbers guy that I’m crushing on will most likely be attending with me. And the thought of that makes me drive a little bit faster towards our destination.


I make Joey carry the bulk of the load as we walk into the foyer, across the marble floor and to the back of the lobby to the row of elevators. Riding up to the twelfth floor, I shift anxiously on my feet as I hold my two boxes of muffins in my hands, glancing over at the top of Joey’s head that sticks up behind his seven boxes. Trying to muffle my giggles, I hear him grunt and make tiny noises of protest as the elevator stops on our floor and I walk behind him, placing my hand on his back.

“If I drop this, cupcake, it’ll be your fault. This is once again a perfect reason why we need another fucking employee.”

“Stop bitching we’re almost there.” I walk down the long hallway, guiding Joey along with me and stop at Ian’s reception desk. The young blonde looks up and smiles warmly.

“Ms. Sparks?” she asks and I nod.

“That’s me. Where should we take these?”

Joey turns his body so that he can see the girl. “Seriously, where hunny cause I’m about to drop all of these and those sexy businessmen can eat them off the floor for all I care.”

She laughs a bit. “First door on your right. Go on in. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Carroll are expecting you.” I smile at her and walk with Joey to the tall door, opening it with my free hand and allowing him to walk ahead of me.

We step into a large conference room that has a killer view, tall floor to ceiling windows that overlook the bustling city, and a long rectangular table. A few men, all in nice suits, glance up from their seats as they flip through files while another group of men stand in the corner by the window, conversing together. My eyes find Reese like a honing missile. Standing in a dark gray suit with a two button jacket and a light and dark gray patterned tie, he stops mid-sentence as his eyes fall on me. I feel it, that familiar pull in my gut that makes me want to drop my boxes and spring up into his arms. The man rocks a suit better than anyone. But instead of acting on impulse, I settle for a smile.

“Hi,” I say softly as he moves towards me, his long legs bringing him to me quickly. I hear a laugh coming from the corner and think I recognize it as Ian’s but can’t be positive. Right now, the only other person in the room with me is Reese.

“Hi, yourself. Here, let me take that.” He grabs my boxes and places them on the table while Joey mutters something under his breath.

“I can’t wait to dig into these, Dylan. My girl talks about your creations nonstop and I’m starving,” Ian says as he walks up to the table and opens a muffin box.

“Well I hope you enjoy them. The banana ones are my favorite. Oh, nobody has allergies right?” I ask and hear a round of muffled ‘Nos.’

“Will someone take these from me already? For Christ’s sake, Reese,” Joey says and I cover up my mouth quickly to hide my laugh.

Reese takes his gaze off me and grabs several boxes off the top, revealing a very red faced Joey. “Sorry, man,” he apologizes and spreads the boxes out at the end of the table. Joey shakes his head in frustration, placing the remaining boxes on the table in front of the businessmen and opening them.

“Gentlemen, please help yourselves to the treats provided by Dylan’s Sweet Tooth. We’ll get started in five,” Ian announces. Shuffling of papers and footsteps fill the room and I watch as Reese turns away from the table and walks towards me. Joey steps aside and pulls out his phone, smiling at something and giving me the indication that the something he is smiling at is Billy related.

“Handsome,” I say softly as Reese stops just in front of me, his hands rubbing softly up my arms.

“Love, you look so pretty. I love you in dresses.” My chest constricts as he leans in and plants three gentle kisses on my lips.

“And I love you in suits. I’m about to say fuck your meeting and take you right here on this table in front of everyone.”

He laughs and looks at me wickedly. “I wouldn’t object. This meeting is going to bore the hell out of me. Maybe I’ll make you stay to keep me company.”

I play with the buttons on his jacket, pulling him closer to me. “If you think for one second that I could stay in this room with you looking like that and not wrap my lips around you, you’re crazy.”

His hand grabs my face and he leans into my hair, brushing against my ear. “Pervert. I love that dirty mouth of yours.” He glances down briefly at his watch before grabbing my hand. “Come with me.”

I look over at Joey who sees me getting pulled towards the door. Before I can speak, he grins and winks at me. “Meet you downstairs, cupcake.” I blush instantly as I nod at him.

“Don’t you have a meeting to run?” I ask as Reese pulls me down the hallway towards his office. My stomach is doing flips in anticipation of getting him alone.

“The meeting can wait. I need you.” My heart squeezes at his words as we walk into his reception area. Stop interpreting things the way you shouldn’t, Dylan. Scanning the small area as we walk towards his door, I lock onto the redhead behind the desk who glares in my direction, her eyes going to my hand that is in Reese’s and her jaw clenching before she looks back up at my face. “Uh, Mr. Carroll, you have that meeting.”

“Not now, Heather.”

Her face hardens as he pulls me into his office and closes the door behind us, locking it before he presses me against it.

“Fucking hell, I need more than five minutes, Dylan. I don’t like rushing with you.” His lips find mine and I part for him, stroking my tongue against his as he reaches down and wraps my legs around his waist. I moan into him as his erection digs right where I want it, rubbing me right where I need it. My hands grip his head and hold it to mine as his one hand slips in between us. He undoes his belt, unzipping and unbuttoning his slacks and pulls himself free.

“This is going to be hard and quick, love.”

“Please hurry, I need you.” My panties are moved to the side and the touch of his finger between my legs makes me gasp. A low grunt escapes his lips as he buries his face into my neck and pushes inside me. He growls loudly, his one fist coming up and banging the door above my head.

“You’re so wet. I love how ready you are for me,” he says between muffled sounds as he pounds into me. I hold on tightly around his neck, groaning as he strokes inside me with the perfect amount of pressure. I won’t last long and I know it. I’ve been primed for him all morning.  My legs tremble around his waist as his hands hold my ass and pull me towards him to meet his thrusts.

“Reese, OhGod.” I throw my head back and bite my lip to quiet my sounds. I want everyone to hear us and I don’t at the same time. Part of me didn’t care that I am being fucked hard against his door with his secretary just outside, but the other part of me wants it to be just us in this moment.  He licks up my neck to my ear and bites down lightly, pulling the tip into his mouth as his one hand comes around me and holds my face. His lunges become harder and I dig my nails into his neck and pull him closer, needing him as close to me as I can get him.


My name on his lips pushes me to the top. The burning sensation shoots through my body and I lose control willingly. “I’m coming.” I strain and arch into him, giving him the angle we both need to get him deeper. He growls and I feel him twitch inside me as I erupt around him at the same time. Warm release fills me and I pull his head back to allow me to watch him. “Look at me.”

His eyes fixate on mine, wide and dilated as he stills and exhales sharply. Blinking heavily, he drops his head. “Jesus Christ,” he says. His forehead is beaded with sweat and his hair is a right hot mess which makes me smile. No one can pull off the I just got fucked hair like Reese. I am placed down on my feet and have to keep my arms around him to steady myself.

“Wow. You might have to carry me out of here,” I say through a laugh. He grins and studies me as he tucks himself away, watching me pull my dress down.

“I could do that.” He moves quickly to his desk and grabs a few tissues, dropping down in front of me and wiping between my legs. He discards them in the trash bin and returns in front of me, brushing the strand of hair that fell from my bun away from my face.

I’m certain I look thoroughly fucked but don’t care in the least. This man owns my body and I will let him use it wherever and whenever, and the thought suddenly frightens me. I swallow loudly and back up a bit. “I think your meeting may have started without you.” I make sure my dress is covering everything, glancing behind me quickly. His hand stills on the door handle, getting ready to turn it when he looks over at me.

“I want to see you tonight.” His voice is low, his eyes hooded as if he’s bracing himself for my reaction.

I study him for a second before I respond. “But you just saw me.” I want to see him too, I want to see him every second of every day but I can’t. I’m not strong enough for that.

He moves closer to me. “I know. Is there a rule that says I can’t see you twice in one day?”

“Shouldn’t there be?” My question hangs in the air between us for a moment before he nods in agreement. And then I see it, the shift in his expression that makes my stomach tense. He looks nervous and uneasy. Was he struggling with this as much as I was?  Isn’t this what he wanted? I don’t ask but I hate seeing him like this, so I step in closer and slide my arms around his waist, planting a kiss on his jaw as he holds me against him.

“I just, I don’t want to get too attached.” Because I’m falling in love with you and it will kill me when you’re done with me.

He clamps his lips together and nods before planting a kiss on my forehead. “I know. Come on, pretty girl.  I have a meeting to run.” I stand on my toes and plant quick kisses on his lips as he laughs against my mouth. Serious conversation over, playful Reese back.

Swinging his office door open, he places his hand on my lower back and ushers me out into the reception area and down the hallway. My eyes briefly fall on little Miss Uppity, her expression cold as usual but I don’t linger. I laugh under my breath and Reese looks down at me. “Something funny?” He stops in front of the conference room door and turns to me.

“Your receptionist is kind of a bitch.”

He chuckles. “Ignore her.” Pulling me in for a lasting kiss, the door opens but I don’t register it until after he has broken our contact. I wobble. This man can make me weak in the knees if I even cared about having knees anymore. The sound of a throat clearing causes us both to look into the room at the table full of men, Ian standing at the door and wearing his biggest smile. “Caught ya. Come on, man, we need to get started.” I feel my face flush as Reese straightens his tie quickly and grabs the back of my head, pulling me into him for a quick kiss in my hair.

“Bye, love,” he whispers.

“Bye, handsome. Go crunch some numbers or audit something or whatever the fuck it is you do.” He shakes against me with laughter and pulls back, winking before he walks into the room. My eyes quickly scan the table for my empty bakery boxes when I stop on a familiar smirk that is plastered on the face of the man who had picked up the tarts for his father last week.  His eyes rake over my body, slow and sleazy like and I suddenly feel dirty as Ian clears his throat, earning my attention.

“Bye, Dylan,” he says and I wave awkwardly, turning on my heels and hearing the sound of the doors close behind me.

What the fuck was that guy doing here? And why the hell did he stare at me like that? I ride the elevators down and march purposely through the lobby as my mind races. I find Joey outside in the van talking on his phone as I hop in the driver’s seat and start it up.

“Okay, baby. I love you too. Bye.” He ends his call and lays his head back dramatically onto the seat. “I’m in deep, cupcake.”

“I can tell,” I reply playfully. “You are not going to believe who I just saw sitting in the meeting.” After waiting a minute for effect, Joey motions with his hands for me to hurry the fuck up with my information as I drive down the street. “That guy that gave me his card the other day in the shop. The cocky one who picked up the tarts.”

I hear his sharp breath intake. “Are you serious? What the hell was he doing there? Does he work there? Holy shit, are him and Reese coworkers?”

These are the same questions that are running through my mind. “I don’t know, I didn’t get to ask. I really hope not though. Asshole stared at me like he wanted to eat me.” I feel a chill run through me at the memory of it.

“That’s probably because he does. He wasn’t shy about wanting you last week and I’m sure seeing you again with Reese’s dick in your mouth didn’t help.”

I scowl at him. “Christ almighty, Joey, he just saw me kiss him.” In fact, everyone saw me kiss him. “Okay so you’re kind of an expert at the whole casual sex stuff right? Have you ever seen a guy that you are just fucking more than once in the same day? I mean, do you space out the times you spend together or do you just say fuck it and see him whenever you both feel like it?”

Joey chuckles before he answers. “Honestly, when I’ve done the just sex stuff before, we saw each other often because we wanted to fuck often. I think as long as you both can keep yourselves from getting too wrapped up in it, there shouldn’t be that many rules.” He slips his phone out of his pocket and begins messing with it, ending our discussion.

I contemplate Joey’s explanation to me as we drive to the shop.  There shouldn’t be too many rules? I felt like rules were extremely necessary, at least for me to be able to do this successfully. There are certain things that just can’t happen between Reese and me. Like sleepovers and meeting each other’s families and doing anything too romantic or intimate.  Keeping myself from getting too wrapped up in him is the biggest struggle of my life but immensely worth it. I want to do this with him more than anything because I love being with him. The alternative, ending this because it’s too hard for me sent a pain through my body at the very idea of it. If anyone is going to fuck this up between us, it’s going to be me. He isn’t going to interpret things the way they aren’t meant to be interpreted and he isn’t going to get too attached so neither should I. He’s used to not doing serious, and even though I’m not, I can keep up. I’m determined to make this work and I will. I just need to stop acting like a stupid girl about it.

I closed up the shop on Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m, saying goodnight to Joey after he helped me put any uneaten goodies away. My mind had been on Reese all afternoon and I was aching to be with him, and not just for sex. I wanted to talk to him and play with him. I just wanted to see him. And he wanted to see me. I had originally planned on spending my night watching television or taking a long bath, but neither one of those options sounded appealing anymore. I stopped fighting it and quickly made up my mind. Slipping off my apron and grabbing my purse and keys, I locked up the shop behind me and strolled towards Sam.

Driving to Reese’s building was an easy route from the bakery. He lived in Printer’s Row which was just south of downtown Chicago, a mere five minutes away. I was very familiar with the area, having catered to several businesses in the trendy upscale neighborhood. I liked this part of the city, and told myself that I really should come down here more often as I park Sam down the street a bit and lock him up, beginning the short walk to the front of the condos.

I practically sprint off the elevator and down the hallway, stopping sharply in front of Reese’s door and looking down at my flustered state. You would think by the way my skin is tingling that it has been days since I last saw him. Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I smile and quickly type a message.

Me: I really want to see you tonight. Is there any way you could stop whatever it is you’re doing and come to my place?

I wait patiently and then a thought hits me that makes me feel like a complete jerk off. What if he isn’t home? What if he’s at his office or out somewhere and is going to leave to go to the bakery and I’m not there? Shit. But just as my blood pressure starts elevating to a crazy height, his door swings open and I smile at the sight of him typing on his phone with one hand, his keys in the other. My phone beeps and he quickly glances up, his lips parting and a sharp breath escaping at the sight of me. I’m still in my pink dress from earlier, but now my hair is down and it frames my face in soft waves. As his eyes take me in it hits me. Reese had stopped whatever it was that he was doing to come to me and I knew that I would have done the same if he had asked. And I am done trying to convince myself otherwise.

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