Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 40 40. Birth Of Ice Queen

"No...No, NO!!!"

Alia just stared blankly at the empty place, Muttering to herself, Trying to understand what was happening.

She can't accept this reality, Not at all.

This can't be true. Her brother will not fall into the river. She wanted to rush there and look for him, But her feet were like they were filled with lead. It became so heavy that she couldn't move at all.

Not only her feet but her whole body were frozen in place. She wanted to yell at the top of her lungs, Shouting for help but her voice was also blocked in her throat. Her body was completely immobile because of shock.


Finally, her voice came back after a few seconds, So she shouted in an agonizing shriek and ran toward the shore.

But at the shore she stopped in her tracks, She looked around, Her two worried eyes were hovering over the surroundings finding his figure.

She still has a glimmer of hope that this was some sick joke, Jake just playing with her. He will come out from his hiding place any moment now, laughing holding his stomach.

This time she will not forgive him that easily for playing with her like this, She will sternly punish him for this stunt.

"JAKE!! Come out now, It's enough to play around!!"

Alia with her now hoarse voice yelled out, There was an expectation in her heart that he will come to the next moment, smirking and apologizing.

To her despair, however, he didn't come out. It's been nearly 30 seconds from the initial splash to now, In this mere few seconds of time. Alia experiences lots of emotions.contemporary romance

An anger for his actions, fear that something happened to him, hate for herself that she didn't stop him in time, Anxiety about what to do now.

These emotions were quite overwhelming for a child her age, She didn't want to feel this at all, She couldn't bear it.

'Should I jump too?'

This thought passed through her mind. She thought she could find Jake as a river should be flowing in the same way, right?

But she wasn't able to jump, Her natural survival instinct kicked in preventing her from doing this foolish thing.

​ At this point, she remembers that she can't swim. Jumping in the river is equivalent to suicide.

It's marvelous to see the inherent survival instinct work in real time. Alia who was still a child didn't realize the threat of jumping into this river but her body did. This threat of death was enough to stop her from harming herself.

"No. I have to, He should be afraid. Asking for my help."

Alia couldn't let her brother die, Jake's crying pleading for help looked passed through in her mind, His helpless drowning image was too much for her, As just like her he too didn't know how to swim.

So she had to save him. As a big sister, it was her duty, But she didn't know how to do this. She is still just 8 years old. No matter how high her IQ was, In situations like this one requires experience and a calm mind, Which she was lacking.

That's why she fought back her fear, The warning of her body of threat, the fear in her heart of drowning, and decided to jump in.


After making the decision, Alia didn't waste any more time, and she herself jumped in the river but as she landed in the water, She realized how foolish her decision was.

At first, she flowed with the current but soon she started to drown. That cold water went into her nose, eyes and mouth. She started to splash her hands and legs on the water out of instinct but that was quite futile in front of the force of this mighty river.

She started to suffocate. It was getting very hard to hold her breath, and soon she couldn't hold it any longer.

*Cough* * Cough*

As she exhaled, Her body inhaled on its own, also bringing the cold water of the river into her lungs. She started coughing violently trying to throw that water out but this action only filled her lungs more quickly.

As that cold water started to fill in her lungs, Her vision started to blacken. A very contrary feeling she started to feel in her chest. Other than feeling cold, She started feeling a warm burning sensation.

This time fear of death took over her completely and at this moment, Thought of Jake disappeared from her mind.

Now only one thought was in her mind, Survive!!

She didn't want to die, A natural fear of death terrified her. She wanted to see her mother again, She wanted to eat lots of sweet candy, She wanted to go to the amusement park at least once. There are lots of things she wants to do.

Alia's little child's brain finally collapsed. She wanted her mother to be here. Only her mother can save them at this moment. In her eyes, her mother is invincible. There is nothing she can't do.

But she can only think of it that way, Her senses started to dim down, As darkness started to take her in its embrace, Her eyelids became so heavy that she couldn't keep them open anymore. She wanted to sleep, A deep sleep so that she would not feel this terrifying feeling ever again.

'I don't wanna die, I didn't even save Jake yet.'

This was her final thought before she became unconscious. Soon she will become nothing but a floating corpse in this river but she can't do anything about it other than just wait for the reaper to come and rip her soul.


At this moment an anomaly started to happen in her body. Her heart started to feel cold as if it was frozen. Extreme glacier chillness ran through her body.


Alia being the one, Who has the fate of the main heroine, So she is impossible to die here. Her halo of protection was triggered and she became awakened, A dream of many humans.

Not only that, But the legendary SS-Class superpower, Ice Queen was bestowed upon her.

As she awakened her superpower, The whole river around 10 meters frozen solid, She herself was thrown out of the river onto shore by her subconscious thoughts controlling ice.

Even water in her lungs was frozen and forced out of her body on its own without leaving any injuries behind.

After all, how can she as an ice queen be able to get hurt by ice? Ice can't harm her at all.

*Cough* *Cough*

Alia coughed in an unconscious state, And her lungs started to work again. Although she still needs medical treatment but at least she was breathing, She will not die yet.


She didn't know how long she was "asleep" but when she woke up, Only the sound of the sirens of police cars, and ambulances were all around.

Lots of people were talking in the background but she didn't understand anything. Soon a sharp pain struck in her brain, and a burning sensation in her chest came back.

"Wait, she woke up!! Alia, are you feeling any pain in your body? Tell me quickly about it."

Suddenly a woman which was wearing a doctor's white coat with group of nurse ran to her and asked her in a very concerned and fearful voice

She can't let anything happen to this girl under her supervision. The background behind Alia is very terrifying. She can't afford it.


An icy cold word uttered by Alia, There was not an ounce of emotion in this voice. It was very plain like a robotic one.

This is not only a terrified doctor attending her but also Alia herself was surprised by her own tone.

Then she also understood one more thing, She couldn't feel the pain, or to say she couldn't feel anything, no sadness or any kind of emotions at all.

The burning chest and sharp pain in her mind were present there but she couldn't feel it. This is as if she was piloting her body from a 3rd perspective.

She knew it was there, But there was no pain. At best it was just like little pressure on her skin.

"Do- *Gulp* Don't worry, Heli ambulance will be here at any moment to take you to the hospital for further examination."

Doctor, although fearful of speaking in front of Alia, She still spoke little, She didn't want to enter the bad book, Alia.


There were no emotions on her face nor did in her voice, Even talking about her brother, The reason why she even jumped into the river in the first place, She felt nothing.

As if she didn't care about if he is alive or dead. This feeling was very scary for her but unfortunately, even fear can't be felt by her.

Everything was cold. Her thinking became very clear. She only calculating with pure logic without any bounding of other moral or emotional factors, So she already had an answer to her question. They didn't find Jake.

If they did then he should be laying next to her.

"Th-They are still searching, Don't worry they will find your brother soon."

The doctor didn't know how to answer her. It was not something an 8 years old should know about but she still said it. The aura this 8-year-old released was very scary. As he saw through her already.


Alia didn't reply, She just closed her eyes to rest, Her heart was still like the surface of the lake, The news of they did not find him didn't affect her at all. She already knew it.

Jake was worthless in Alia's eyes, Not worth worrying about.

This is the origin, The birth of the cold emotionless Ice Queen, Alia.


"How long has it been? I had forgotten how pain feels."

Alia finally calmed down. After the decades she felt this emotion once again, She felt like a human again not just a cold calculating machine.

She used to see Jake's photo every day not only because she wanted to be torture herself but also to remind herself, She was human.

This photo was the last hanging thread, Which was kept her bound to her humanity, if not she long since became a bloodthirsty demon.

But today a miracle happened and she started to feel emotions. A long-lost feeling finally came back.

To be honest, She didn't hate her superpower for turning her into that cold heartless monster, But was grateful for it. If not for this power, She would be dead in that river that day.

Also, Her superpower is the one, Which gives her the strength to move forward from that trauma. If not she didn't know what should have happened to her.

"I should go and find Alex. He should be the first to know about this change."

Alia was not dumb like Rose, She can guess the reason why she was able to feel once again had to be Alex.

It's not a coincidence that after doing that with him, She gains her ability back. So she wanted to share her joy with him. He should be the first to know about this news.

She felt a bubbly feeling in her heart, She was happy and that she wanted to go and meet him.

'Will he be shocked seeing me like this? hehe~'

Alia couldn't help but imagine what would happen, When Alex saw her like this, What his reaction would be. She wanted to give him a surprise and see it herself.

She also wanted to show that bitch Grace, Alex is her man, So she should stay away from him. They already crossed the final line, While Grace just like every licking dog, Licking to end for nothing.

"*Hiss* Fuck!! It still hurts."

Alia wanted to stand up and walk but as she did, Sharp pain struck her brain. Still, she bear with it, and a weirdly strange steps walked out of the house.


[Ding! Friendly reminder host, System detected the appearance of a new protagonist, Being cautious is advised.]


Alex, who was sleeping in the arms of Grace, was alarmed by the system's notification and woke up in an instant. He was confusingly looking at the notification panel.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day �.)

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