Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 32 32. Ill-Fated Character Role

"Good news, There is no problem with the jaw bone. We can now start to remove the shoe. Hold tight. If it hurts a lot, Say it, We have given you numbing agent, If it's hurt then it still needs time to kick in."

A beautiful female doctor holding an X-ray report and talking to Nathan.

She looked at his reports and it turns out, His bone is actually quite strong, stronger than an average man and even woman. This surprised her but this was also a green light to take the show out of his mouth as there is no threat of breaking a bone.

So she had started a process. Now they just have to wait for local anesthesia to start its work before she can start.


Nathan couldn't wait to remove this disgusting thing from his mouth, He had to taste all the things on the sole of this shoe. This made him feel like dying. He felt very nauseating but he still bare it.

He hated every second of it. There was even a time he wanted to yank this shoe out of his mouth, But he resisted the urge.

With his angle, It's very easy for him to break a bone, He can't risk breaking a bone and hurting the symmetry of his handsome face.

So he still bears the disgusting feeling in his heart, He is counting every part of this humiliation and when time comes He will make that man pay every insult and humiliation of his with interest.contemporary romance

'Alex Winchester.'

He tried to grit his teeth in hatred but only realized that he was unable to do so. A huge black shoe was blocking all his actions.

'Protagonist is really something, Maybe he does have some weird fetish.'

Alex, who was standing far away in the corner of the emergency ward, Looked at Nathan's self-control. It's really not easy for a normal person to bear that disgusting feeling but he is able to do it.

But what makes Alex shocked is the fact that, There was a bowl in hands of Nathan but other than letting his saliva fall in it, He still tried to slurp that dirty spite of his.

'His luck is also good, He gets her as a doctor.'

Alex then looked at the attending doctor of Nathan in quite a surprise, He didn't think that she would be there at this moment according to the plot.

He knows her very well, Not normally but from the novel plot in his mind.

'Let's go and meet her.'

He looked at her and decided to meet her now to avoid sleepless nights or to say troubled thoughts later on. Good sleepless nights are quite welcoming.

"Hello, doctor, I think I have a fever. Can you take a look?"

Alex goes directly toward the female doctor, Who was about to remove the shoe from Nathan's mouth, and asked her to take a look at him

"Don't you see this is the emergency department, A general department is dow- !!! Okay, Ple-Please sir come with me."

Beautiful female doctor heard a sound from behind her and was about to annoyingly remind the person that this is an emergency section. Only emergency cases can be treated here. Feeling feverish is not an emergency but as she turned around, She saw that heavenly face.

She for a moment even forgot to breathe. That face was literally breathtaking, So she swallowed all the words she was about to say and asked the man in front of her to come to her office.

It's really an emergency. She can't afford it if anything happens to a handsome man in front of her. It will be a great loss for humanity. As for Nathan? She forgot he even existed.

[Ding! +90 Favorability of Xin Yan increased for the host (Current : 90 Obsession)]

Alex heard the sound of the system. He was not surprised at all. His charm was so much that it can even affect the heroines, not to mention a woman in front of him.

The woman in front of him belonged to the most ill-fated character type in novels, Supporting Female Lead.

In each friction, this type exists. In worse treatment characters neither villain nor the protagonist are able to compare with them.

They are just there to highlight the powers of another key role, And are sometimes even used as cannon folders.

If someone had to die, They would be the first to sacrifice. Their whole existence is to act as a ladder for other characters to reach higher to show-offs.

Most lucky supporting roles are the ones who didn't get any names. At least their fate will not turn worse but if some supporting role has a name 90% chance is that their life will turn into hell.

And if they are female supporting role then they are done, Their no place for joy in their life, They never even given any love interest from author fearing provoking reader, And if they are close or are rivel of heroine, Then there are 50/50 chance that she will either get raped or has to sell her body for competing with heroine, Just to get face slapped by protagonist.

Xin Yan is an unfortunate villain in this ill-fated supporting female lead role, Who is also a rival of Liza. So her fate was already doomed.

"wAiT?? wHaT aBoUt mE??? BiTcH!!! *Slurp*"

When Nathan looked at Alex appearing in front of him, He wanted to hop on his body and tear him into sheds just like a mad bulldog does to tod-*Ahem* toys.

But he stopped himself from doing that, He sensed a threat from Alex's body, He didn't know how but whenever he was close to a person stronger than him, His body feels a tingling sensation.

This might be a superstition but this thing saved his life countless times when his bitch of a master sent him on deadly missions.

So he just throws draggers from his eyes on Alex's body. If eyes could kill, Alex would be dead thousands of times by now.

Then a shocking thing happened: A doctor who was supposed to treat him, Ignored him and, like a dog, followed him wagging her tail.

For the first time he was ignored by a woman, So he felt even more humiliating. He hated when others, especially women, ignored him.

'This disgusting woman's, One day I will conquer them all, Making them beg under me.'

His hatred increased in his heart. In his eyes, All women are dogs, That's why they weren't able to walk past seeing a man. He will someday conquer them all. This was his biggest dream other than having a huge harem.


"So what is happening to you, sir."

Xin Yan brings Alex into her personal office to treat him, As for why did she bring him here? Even though she didn't know. She just felt like spending some alone time with him.

"Actually, Nothing much happened to me. It's just every time I look at your beautiful face miss, My heart skips beats."

Alex looked at Xin Yan seated in front of him and said a cheesy line.

Now that he gets to see her up close, She actually does not look worse than any heroine. She has a tall body, Curvy figure, Silky black hair, Her long slender legs were wrapped in black silk, and A beautiful oriental oval face.

Sadly, She was just a supporting female lead role with a name, Her fate was destined for the worse ending. Her role in the whole novel was just to glorify the medical powers of the protagonist and Heroine Liza. So after that was done, Later on off screen family behind her would get destroyed and she went crazy from shock. She then spent her whole life as a mad beggar on the streets.

But now he is here, Plot is already started to go on an unknown path.

"What!!?? There- Heart racing, I- Let me check about that condition."

Alex's words shut off all her thinking capability. She out of her doctor's instincts and started to search for any disease related to heart skipping beats in books by her side with a flushed face.

"Stop, What are you doing Xin Yan? You can't find a cure for my disease in the book."

Seeing her flipping pages continuously, Alex grabbed her healthy white cold wrist and said very seriously.

"Do you know about the cure? Tell me, I can help you find it."

His seriousness also influences her. When his slightly warm hand grabbed her, A shock spread in her body. Her thinking got all messed up, and She didn't even realize what she was talking about. Her body was fully on autopilot right now.

"Yes, The cure for my disease is...Your body."

Alex, seeing this was the right moment, moved his lips near her ear and spoke these words.


His words were like cold water sprayed on the hot pan, It sizzled her heart. His crisp, rough, lust filled thirsty words near her ears make her feel emotions, She never felt before.

Her body felt like it was injected with drugs, Shaking and trembling in excitement. Her throat got dry and her lower half became wet. Her vision also became misty, and confused. Her brain was wobbly, She wasn't able to think anything at all. She might pass out at any moment now.

'Did I do too much?!!!'

Alex was startled by the extreme reaction of Xin Yan, He didn't even do anything yet and she was close to falling unconscious.

[Ding! Host, you are underestimating your Charm, Heroine's are protected by the will of the heavens. So your charm did not affect them to the extreme but these supporting roles were not blessed by that favor.

So all your charm was affecting her, It's suggested to not provoke her any further right now and let her calm down or there is a high chance that because of extreme stimulation, Her body will fall into a coma]

The system jumped in to save the day, It turned out that Alex still underestimated his charm.

Heroines had protection against his charm but other people didn't. So the horror of 190 stats started to take effect.

His simple words were enough to make another party reach the highest level of pleasure there is. After all, he was 6 times more handsome then the most handsome being ever born in this world.

'Didn't that mean I can't do it with normal people? If they have this extreme reaction?'

Alex asked in annoyance. He didn't want to bind himself only to those heroines, There were also a lot of very good supporting and villainous women he wanted to Raid.

[Ding! Host, you can raid them. It's just that you have to let them adjust to your charm first, Don't start with your ace cards with them like you do with heroines.

Go slow with them or they can't handle the simulation of your charm.]

The system, as user-friendly as it is, Instantly resolves the worry in Alex's heart. He just has to go slow with other characters. He can still have them.

"Here is my number, Call me when you calm down."

Hearing the system explanation, Alex didn't want to simulate Xin Yan any more. He still needs her for his future plan to counter the protagonist.

So he just took her visiting card from desk and wrote his name and phone number on the card. After doing that he put that card in the breast shirt pocket of hers subconsciously.

"Ahhh!!!~ *Slam*"

Just as his backhand touched her breasts over the shirt, She jerked back and with a shirk of moan, She had a super climax before passing out. She was about to slam her face into the glass desk in front of her but Alex was quick enough to prevent her from injuring herself.

[Ding! Congratulations host for successfully raiding Xin Yan (Current : 105 Unhealthy Obsession)...

The rewards were being distributed...

Congratulations to the host for getting the Medicine (Lv10) Skill...

Medicine (LV 10) : Mortal peak level knowledge of medicine in all fields like surgery, all kinds of medicine and medicine making, etc.

(Note : Every time the Female Supporting role increases favorability for the host, Host will receive random stats points.)]


'My Charm is deadly.'

Alex looked at the extreme reaction of Xin Yan to his subconscious action and broke out in cold sweat.

'If my normal action has this big reaction then what would happen if I used my ecstasy hands just now?'

He couldn't help but wonder, His skill makes those heroines yell out in pleasure, So what happened if he used it on these people? He now became curious.

But he didn't dare to do anything to Xin Yan, He still needed her to deal with the protagonists, Not to mention he didn't want to harm her. He is a degenerate, not a psychopath who harms others just because of his curiosity.

'So who do I use this on to test?'

Well, curiosity kills the cat, He can't wait to know the powers of his skill mixture with his Charm. But sadly there was currently no one other than Xin Yan who meets this standard, So he had to drop this idea for now.

After making sure she was okay, Alex exited her office, closing the door on his back.

"Hey, buddy!! Do you wanna bet again? haha"

How could Alex miss the chance to taunt the protagonist? After all, he was the villain, It was his job to belittle the protagonist.

So when he saw that Nathan was still waiting to be treated he went to tease him.

"I wIlL kIlL yOu, BaStArD!!! *Slurp*"

Nathan was successfully provoked by Alex, His anger reached to peak, and right now, He wanted to cut Alex into pieces and feed them to dogs.

He can't wait to see the look of despair on that ugly disgusting face of his. He wanted to steal everything from Alex until he had nothing.

"Huh!? We think too much alike"

There was still a time of Thought Reader remaining, So he heard what Nathan was saying in his mind, Alex was surprised that both of them were thinking of doing the same thing to others, If this is not the Bromance then I don't know what is.


A notification from his phone disturbed Alex's thoughts, When he checked it. He raised his eyebrows in interest.

Unknown : !?=:

Messages were from an unknown number with only symbols contained in messages.


Alex with a smirk on his face replied to another party and put his phone back.

"Okay, I don't have time to play with you. Get well soon buddy, So we can continue our game."

Alex politely and very caringly said to Nathan before leaving the ward.

Nathan hears of "game" in Alex's mouth, Shivered in fear, He has a very bad feeling in his heart.

(A/N : Like always thanks for reading and have a good day �.)

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