Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave

Chapter 10

Rain pov. This little human is dangerous. I watch her, seated on my lap with nail clippers in her hands, gently chopping away at my fingernails. There's a softness about her, concentrated on her task she quickly took up after I just had my head between her legs. She'd moved herself out from under me and demanded I not move, only to come back with the nail clippers and a file and then proceeded to straddle me, where she's been ever since. Focused on her task, a small frown appearing between her eyes every now and then, playing hide and seek with me and I wonder where her thoughts are. I'd never been groomed by anyone else besides my parents, years ago and I must say it feels good. Something that directly contradicts the feelings I need to be having in order to leave.

I can't stay with her and take care of River. Hutting might have cheated me out of coins but at least I had something to send to my sister. Here, with this little human there is nothing I can do. If she was paying me to cook for her and keep her house clean, I wouldn't have minded so much but it's clear I'm not here to do chores. From what I've read about these contracts she would supply me with all my needs, and I'd just keep her company. I've never entered into a contract like this before, but humans must be very lonely if they have to buy affection. I turn my head to the side and wonder if my little human does this all the time.

"What is it, Rain?" The way she says my name sounds like I belong to her. It's not a terrible thing but it's an unachievable thing.

"I'm wondering if you're really going to let me go if I want to go." She files the nail she's busy with short, before moving on to my next hand, cutting the nails off. She picks up the file again and twirls it in her hand, the frown between her eyes appearing again.

"Do you want to leave?" She starts filing my nails again and I shrug my shoulders. She makes eye contact with me, her brown orbs giving nothing away about how she's feeling. When I don't answer her, she goes back to filing my nails and when she's finished, she slides off my lap, leaving me feeling empty and cold. When I hear her shower running, I get up from the bed and head to my own room, taking a shower myself and then going into the kitchen to clean up. When I'm done, I stand still and listen for her movement, heading towards her office where I find her door closed but there's movement on the other side. I wait for a few more minutes and then decide to just go to bed, knowing I'll see her in the morning.


My little human stops just inside the kitchen doorway, turning her head from one side to the other before her eyes travel over the counter where I've made breakfast. I refused to make her pancakes, instead settling for cutting up fruit, frying bacon and sausages and making her mini egg pies with finely chopped bell peppers and carrots in them. She sighs and walks into her room, placing her things down on the side of the table I didn't set and then comes around the corner, stopping two feet away from me.

"I thought you were leaving." There's no emotion in her eyes. None of the softness from last night and I don't like it. Not one bit.

"I'm not leaving." I have no idea how on earth I'm supposed to provide for River at this rate but this little human, my little human, I can't leave her behind. She's dangerous, that much I know but something inside of me wants to see more of her soft side. The person that was sitting on my lap, cutting my nails, for her own pleasure but none the less. I would like to see her lose herself in the pleasure I gave her again.

"You better be damn sure of that." It's a threat but it's laced with something else. I don't know if it's relief or desperation but whatever it is, it shows that she cares, even if just a little bit.

"I made breakfast." I point out the obvious and she nods, taking a step closer. "You need to eat." She smiles, the corners of her mouth lifting ever so slightly and reaches behind me, brining her closer to me, her sweet scent mixed with that of her perfume making me just a little bit dizzy.

"Thank you." She brings an egg-tart to her mouth and turns on her heels, walking to the table and picking up her tablet. I bring the dishes to the table, plating some food for her as she scrolls through her work, her face going from serious to annoyed and then seriously annoyed. When she's done eating, she places the device on the table, revealing a bunch of numbers sliding across the screen. I shake my head, in awe at how she can understand what it's saying. I hear her when she comes back into the room, stopping behind me and sliding a hand through my hair.

"It tickles." I tell her when she scratches behind my ear, causing them to twitch. She cups my jaw, making me look up at her and when our eyes meet the softness from last night reflecting in them again. She leans down and kisses the side of my jaw, then my cheek, the corner of my mouth until her lips slot over mine and my eyes widen. She leans back and looks at me, amusement shining in her eyes.

"Have you ever kissed a girl, Rain?" I shake my head, finding it a little funny how I'd never kissed her before but had my face in between her legs last night. She leans down and kisses me again, pressing her lips against mine ever so gently, keeping them there until I move mine against hers. The whole movement feels clumsy and not quite right but she's patient, kissing me until I get the hang of what the hell my lips are supposed to do. Her hands tangle in my hair, and she goes to straddle me, her skirt bunching up as she does. She pushes herself against me and then grinds down on my hard member.

"Mor..." She kisses me again before I can say anything and when she's had her fill she leans back and smirks.

"I have to get to work. See you later." She gets up from my lap, fixes her skirt and grabs her things. Looking back and giving me a wink before she leaves the room. I watch her go, and then look down at my lap, where there is a very clear tent in them. With a sigh I head to the bathroom and take another cold shower. My little human is something else.

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