Surrender To Me (The Wolf Hotel Book 4)

Surrender To Me: Chapter 19

Silence lingers in the bedroom as the two men quietly watch me process the situation.

Ronan would not be here if Henry hadn’t already agreed to this. He wouldn’t have the nerve to even suggest stepping inside the room.

“You told him to come,” I whisper.

“I gave him a choice,” Henry begins calmly. “I told him that he could either stay outside and help his friend satiate Margo, which will keep him busy all night, or he could come in here and watch me fuck you.” He glares intently at Ronan. “It was one or the other, and he had to choose.”

Ronan chose this over a night with Margo? A night likely to push even his boundaries, which seem to be nonexistent?

Ronan chose me over Margo?

The tension swirling around us is palpable as I glance back at my friend. He’s wearing his typical aloof expression. But I see that dark hunger in his eyes. That dark hunger, and something else.


Of what, exactly?

What does Ronan really think is going to happen with a man like Henry here?

I clear my throat against the rush of nerves. “What if I’m not okay with it?”

“Then tell him to get the fuck out and he will. He knew that was a chance when he walked through that door.” Henry gives me a steely-eyed look. “But I think we all know that’s not what you want.”

Oh God. He knows me so well. Still…. “Why does this feel like a test?”

“It’s not a test, Abbi.” He smirks, holding out his hand, beckoning me. “Unless you count me wanting to know if you’ll finally be honest with me as a test. Come here.” He seizes my hips and pulls me to him. “Are you warm enough?”

I nod. In fact, my entire body is suddenly on fire with anticipation.

Is this really happening?

“Good.” Reaching down, he tugs on his towel to release it from its binding. It falls to the floor, showing me how his thick erection stands in wait, his tip adorned by a single bead. I settle my hands onto his broad shoulders, taking a moment to trace the lines of his collarbone with my fingertips before I lean in replace them with my mouth. Of all my favorite parts to have my mouth on Henry, I still think that might be my top. “I thought you said you’d never share me with anyone,” I whisper.

So gently, he cups my face between his hands and presses a tender kiss against my lips. “I also said that I don’t ever want you to have regrets.” His blue eyes pierce me. “So this is the once for this. You agreed to Margo in France, and now I’m agreeing to Ronan here.”

“But I didn’t ask for it.”

“You don’t have to ask. I know you, and I know what you like.” Henry’s hooded eyes drift behind me. “I wouldn’t be agreeing to this with anyone else. I trust you, and you trust him.”

I glance back at Ronan and then at Henry. Unspoken words seem to float between the two of them.

Oh my God. This is actually happening.

The backs of Henry’s knuckles skate over my nape before trailing down to slip into my robe and around my back, to pull my body flush with his. I feel the hard press of his cock against my stomach. “Always so ready, Abbi,” he whispers, sliding his hand between my legs and dragging it slowly through my slit, back and forth several times.

“For you, yes. Always.” I trail my tongue along the seam of his lips before leaning in to kiss him, hoping he senses how much I mean that. “I love you more than anything or anyone in the world.”

He smiles, his confidence dripping from him. “I know that, Abbi. That’s why I can do this with you tonight.” He bows his neck to kiss me deeply, his lips prying mine open wide, fitting his tongue inside.

I kiss him back eagerly.

From behind us, a soft curse slips from Ronan’s mouth. The chair creaks as he adjusts in his seat.

“Something wrong, Lyle?” Henry asks, using his last name, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Nothing. I just thought I was going to get a half-decent show,” Ronan mocks, though I can tell from the huskiness in his voice that he’s thoroughly aroused by every second of this.

Henry clenches his teeth so hard, I hear a cracking sound. “I can still kick you out.”

“Then you’d be unsatisfying your girlfriend on all accounts.”

“You motherfucker.” Henry shakes his head but he’s grinning. It’s a wicked grin.

My robe loosens and then slips away under Henry’s hands, the plush white terrycloth falling to the floor, putting my naked body on display for Ronan.

I shiver.

“Cold?” Henry asks, trailing a fingertip over the gooseflesh coating my breasts.

“No.” At least, I don’t feel the cold. I don’t feel anything except Henry’s hard body pressed against me, Ronan’s searing gaze on my back, and the low burn of erotic anticipation coursing through my veins.

“Good. Turn around,” Henry orders softly.

I do, slowly, to find Ronan’s molten green eyes taking in my naked flesh from top to bottom, before following Henry’s hand as it slips between my legs again, this time from behind.

For all the times I’ve watched this happen to others, being the one on display like this is ten times more stimulating.

I can barely breathe.

But why the hell would Ronan want to watch this? If he cares for me the way he says he does… wouldn’t this hurt him?

Did Henry make him feel like he had to?

“You don’t have to stay,” I say gently.

Ronan’s gaze flies to meet mine, narrowing slightly. “Do you want me to leave?”

“No. I just mean, if this is too hard….”

Finally, I get a smile.

A smirk, more like, as Ronan reaches over to release his towel and cast it aside. He takes his swollen cock in his palm. “It’s definitely too hard, Red,” he says, his eyes lifting to meet mine for a lingering moment, to show me the amusement in them, before settling down between my legs again.

Henry slides two fingers inside.

My lips fall apart with a moan and I adjust my stance to give him more access, surprised that I’m so comfortable in doing so. But that entire scene earlier—all of us naked in the hot tub, Margo and Connor performing in front of us—has left my body wired, desperate for its own release. And Ronan’s eyes on me don’t scare me. This is far from the first time he’s seen me naked. He already knows my body well.

Henry bows forward to catch my earlobe in his mouth, and I can’t help but close my eyes and let my head fall back. “You want to come, Abbi?” he murmurs.

“Yes,” I admit breathlessly, feeling my orgasm hovering there, along my spine, just out of reach.

“Not yet.” The bed creaks as he takes a seat behind me. Seizing my hips, he guides me back to straddle him in reverse, folding my legs up to nestle against his outer thighs. Keeping me facing Ronan, facing his arousing gaze, as he lifts me slightly to float over his hard cock.

Need pulses in my core as he drags his tip through my folds.

“How badly do you want to be fucked by that right now?” Ronan asks in that way he has, his voice a deep lull. His chin is propped up casually on one hand as he observes.

I hesitate, but only for a split second. “So badly.” Normally I’d be mortified, talking so openly like this. But whatever this is tonight, the three of us are in it together.

Henry’s strong hands grip my hips tightly. And then he’s pulling me down onto his hard length, sinking all the way to the hilt with one thrust.

My cry fills the room.

“Fuck,” Ronan mutters. “You are so goddamn beautiful, Red.” He wraps his fist around himself and begins stroking lazily from root to tip and back again.

The sight of it sends a pulse deep into my pussy. We’re definitely all in this together now.

Henry fills his hands with my breasts as he rolls his hips, his thumbs brushing over my peaked nipples teasingly. I arch my back reflexively. “So start fucking me then.” His lips are a soft caress against my nape, even with his sinful words.

I grind down on him, and feel his head press deep against me inside. It pulls a moan from my throat with each pass as I begin riding him, my thigh muscles clenching around his hips.

Ronan’s strokes suddenly speed up and his thighs fall farther apart, showing off his swollen sac. He looks ready to burst.

On impulse, I reach down to skate my middle finger across my clit.

“Dammit, Abbi!” Ronan grunts, gritting his teeth as milky-white cum spurts from the tip of his cock in streams, over his fist and onto his taut belly.

The sight of him coming—for me, because of me—sends an unexpected wave of heat exploding inside me, spreading through my thighs and belly. My muscles pulse around Henry as I cry out and Ronan milks himself dry, his head fallen back, his Adam’s apple jutting out as he jerks in his palm.

“Jesus. I thought you two would last longer than that,” Henry mutters through pants, his own breathing growing shallow.

Without warning, I’m suddenly off Henry’s lap and lying on my back, on the bed. Henry drops to his knees in front of me. With his hands pushing on my thighs to open me up wide, he wastes no time sticking his tongue into my entrance to begin lapping the post-orgasm wetness up.

Ronan, seemingly unbothered by the sticky substance all over his hand, watches quietly, the angle from his chair perfect for the view.

“You have the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted,” Henry murmurs, his tongue slipping through my folds and swirling over my now sensitive clit. He pushes first one finger inside, and then another. And then two more, to allow him to reach deep inside me, to that spot he loves to touch.

I close my eyes and revel in the depravity of tonight. Henry’s right. I do like our sordid sex life. I do want Ronan here, watching Henry and me. And I am so far gone from the Abbi who stepped off that ferry in May. I’m happy for it, because these carnal nights with him keep bringing me closer to him.

I fist Henry’s thick, wavy hair with my hand, tugging on it gently as I roll my hips against his face. I dare look over at Ronan again, to see him stroking himself languidly. The cool mask is gone and raw desire fills his face, his lips parted as Henry’s tongue fucks me.

And suddenly Henry’s rising and I’m being moved again, being lifted and flipped, to straddle Henry, who’s lying on the bed. In seconds his cock is deep inside me again, earning my deep moan as a tingle begins sneaking up my thighs. I’m going to orgasm again, and soon.

It’s as if he senses it because he doesn’t begin thrusting right away.

Instead, he weaves his hand through my long, red hair to grip the back of my head. “You liked watching him come, didn’t you?”


He smirks. “Finally, an honest answer without any hesitation.”

I pepper his carved jawline with kisses. “You’re not mad, are you?”

“No. I’m not mad.” He pauses, his blue eyes studying mine intently. “You have my mouth on you, my hands on you, and my cock in you, and I won’t love you any less. I promise you.”

“Okay,” I murmur as I hear my own words from earlier repeated back to me.

Our lips mesh together in a slow, seductive dance as his hands slide along the contours of my body, from my knees all the way to my shoulders. I match him stroke for stroke, teasing and tasting his tongue, running my tongue along the seam of his lips, nipping at his bottom lip with my teeth.

Until something grazes my tight back entrance, and I know it can’t be Henry because his hands are locked on my hips and his cock is buried deep inside me. I startle, pulling away from Henry’s mouth.

His blue eyes blaze as he looks up at me. “Tell me now if you don’t want to do this, and it won’t happen,” he says evenly.

I turn to find Ronan standing behind me, his dark and intent eyes on mine, his hard length jutting out, aimed straight for me.

“Please let me, Abbi,” Ronan whispers, his throat bobbing with his swallow.

Oh my God.

I’m speechless.

Henry didn’t invite Ronan in here to just watch.

“How? I mean….” My words catch in my throat.

Ronan smiles softly. “I think you understand exactly how.”

From beneath me, Henry’s lips trace my shoulder, leaving a trail of wetness.

I turn to him, look questioningly at him.

“I want you to do this with you, just once. I want you to experience this. If you want to. If you’re nervous—”

“I am. Nervous, I mean.”

Henry hears what I don’t say: that I want to experience this with him, too.

“You’re in good hands. We’ll go slow. And you can stop it at any time if you change your mind. Just say the word. Okay?” His mouth moves to feather my jawline, so light that under other circumstances, I might have giggled. But I sense Ronan approaching and that stifles any silliness. Ronan has a perfect view of Henry inside me, and of my ass in the air.

“Okay,” I manage to whisper.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” With my body, with my heart. With everything that I am.

“Just focus on me. And don’t move your hips until we tell you to,” Henry whispers. “As much as you may want to.”

With a deep breath, I lean in to press my lips against Henry’s.

“Hold still for a bit, Red,” Ronan murmurs. “Once I’m in you, you can fuck him as hard as you want.”

I hadn’t realized now that my hips had been moving; I’d been subtly riding Henry, the feel of him inside me, against me spurring on my natural reaction.

I freeze.

From behind me, I hear a cap opening. Moments later, the familiar drip of liquid hits my skin.

Then there’s a second touch on that spot, this time more intentional, lubricated fingers smoothing over the area to wet it.

My heart is racing, and my fists curl around the bedsheets tightly, but I keep my eyes locked on Henry’s and focus on his soft lips, kissing them over and over again, conveying how much I love him, despite the fact that Ronan’s hand is all over my ass.

Henry smiles. “I’m not worried, Abbi. I know how you feel about me. And I know how I feel about you.”

God, to be so damn confident.

Ronan presses down against my tailbone to angle my hips. I hold my breath as he begins drawing circles over my tight entrance with a single fingertip. On the sixth pass, he pushes against it. It slides in so much more easily than last time. “How is that?”

“Fine,” I whisper, tightening the muscles back there.

“Good.” He leaves his finger there for a moment, while his other hand palms my ass affectionately. And then I feel him sliding it out, only to replace it with another, thicker finger. He does this two more times, before slowly pressing something thicker—two fingers, I realize—in.

I close my eyes as my body accepts them more slowly.

“She’s pretty fucking ready,” Ronan murmurs.

From below me, Henry smirks. “I guess she really wants your dick in there.”

I never thought I’d hear Henry joke like that. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I whisper.

Henry pauses. “The truth?”

My stomach tightens. “Yes.”

“I want to punch his teeth out. But it’s also making my cock as hard as a fucking steel pipe.”

Behind us, Ronan chuckles.

I can’t help my own smile. “Everything makes you hard.”

“Everything to do with you makes me hard,” he corrects. “And he better hurry the fuck up, because I’m about to blow my load just sitting here inside you, waiting.”

The familiar sound of a foil packet tearing fills the room. A few moment later, the edge of the bed sinks with Ronan’s weight as he settles a knee on the mattress.

“Open her up for me.”

Henry’s hands leave their spots—one woven in my hair, the other on my hip—to move to cup either side of my ass. He spreads my cheeks apart.

“Breathe, Abbi,” Ronan says softly.

My eyes flare as I feel his tip nudging against me.

“Kiss me. Now,” Henry demands softly and I obey, distracting myself from the burn of Ronan slowly pushing into me, with Henry already deep inside the other entrance.

“Oh my God,” I groan, as the intense pressure and burn grows.

“Relax your muscles, Abbi, or I can’t get in.” Ronan’s hand smooths over my spine, back and forth soothingly, sending chills through my body, jogging memories of two sets of male hands on my body, kneading my breasts, smoothing over my thighs, rubbing my clit.

Henry latches on to my favorite spot halfway down my neck, his tongue stroking back and forth, his teeth grazing occasionally. Meanwhile, he fits a hand down between us and begins rubbing my clit.

“That’s it, Red,” Ronan murmurs. “Just keep thinking about how much we both want you. About how hard we both are for you. About how good it’s going to feel when both of us are coming in you.”

My body begins opening up to him, growing slick from both entrances as my pussy throbs for relief.

A growl of “Fuck” escapes Henry as Ronan sinks in even deeper.

“Start fucking him, Abbi. Slowly.”

Henry grasps my hips, giving him purchase so he can lift his pelvis. His cock pushes into me.

“Oh my God!” I gasp. I’m so stretched by the two of them.

Ronan shifts his position and then begins pumping gently into me, too.

I cry out, dizzy, a thin sheen of sweat forming over my skin as I try to focus past the burn to the carnal pleasure that’s building deep inside, with so many nerves being stimulated by these two men at the same time.

Henry rocks his pelvis to pump in and out of me. It’s different from how he normally fucks me, but everything about this is different.

“Does this feel good for you?” I manage to get out between my ragged pants.

He lets out a weak, breathy laugh. “Yes, Abbi. It feels good.”

I turn to look over my shoulder. Ronan’s face is tight with concentration, every muscle in his body tense.

“Yes. Abbi. Fucking incredible.” He moans as if to emphasize how much.

With my palms resting against the bed on either side of Henry’s head, we fall into a rhythm, our groans and cries tangling together with each thrust, each man sinking deeper into me as my body greedily shapes around them, until they’re both hitting that spot within me. Until I can’t even focus my hazy eyes on Henry, my other senses wild with need. The burn that I felt from Ronan is still there, but it’s dulled, replaced with pleasure like I’ve never felt before.

Ronan’s hands slip from my back, to shape around my breasts.

I peer down at them, watching as they tenderly knead my heavy flesh, the pads of his thumbs stroking my hard nipples, before daring look at Henry to see if he minds Ronan touching me so intimately.

“His dick is in your ass, Abbi,” Henry reminds me, as if reading my mind. His blue eyes are alight with fire as they watch Ronan’s hands. And then he’s using his thick wall of abdominal muscle to lift his face to my nipple, his lips parting.

Ronan holds my breast out for Henry’s searching mouth.

Henry takes it in, first grazing it with his teeth.

I cry out as I watch Henry’s lips wrap around the pink bud and feel him suck hard, the suction borderline painful.

The sting is tempered quickly by a soft feathering at my spine.

Ronan’s plump lips and tongue, doting on my body from behind. All while one of his hands slips away from my breast to move between my legs. He begins rubbing my clit.

“Oh my God.” I gasp, throwing my head back as his fingertip slips back and forth over the slick, swollen nub. This is too much! Their cocks inside me, their hands and mouths all over me, their grunts and moans carrying into the night, their beautiful bodies….

Pressure begins building in my spine.

Both of them have increased their thrusts in tempo and strength, and I’m moving in time with them, eagerly bucking and moaning with each delicious stretch of my body. Henry has fallen back to the bed, unable to hold himself any longer. He watches me writhe above him, his lips parted, his breathing ragged, his moans deep and raw.

Henry is the first to orgasm, his fingers digging into my hips as he pounds my pussy with hard, erratic thrusts, his face contorted as he groans. It sets off a chain reaction immediately and my body begins quaking with the seismic wave that sweeps through me, every last muscle in my pelvis squeezing around the men’s swollen lengths. Ronan’s hands find my breasts again, gripping them tightly for purchase as he jerks into me, abandoning all rhythm with his surrendering cries of ecstasy.

I fall against Henry’s body, no longer able to hold myself up as the men finish off, pulsing and spilling their hot seed into me, Ronan’s contained by his condom.

In moments, the room is quiet again, save for our ragged breaths. I’m draped over Henry’s body. His chest rises and falls beneath me; he’s seemingly unconcerned that Ronan is bowed over me, his sweat-slick hard chest pressed against my back, his hands on either side of us to hold himself up.

Ronan lays a gentle kiss against my shoulder. “Thank you for letting me have one last time with you, Red.”

I twist my neck to meet his hooded eyes, so much tenderness and love in them right now. “That was…. I’ll never forget tonight.”

“Me, neither.” His eyes drops to my mouth. He hesitates for only a second before, almost timidly, leaning in to brush his plump lips against mine once… twice….

He shifts away to meet Henry’s sated gaze for a long moment, something passing between the two of them. And then he lifts his spent body off me, leaving my back cold.

“Kiss me right now,” Henry whispers, but he doesn’t wait for me to act before his fingers weave through my hair and he guides my mouth to his, to deliver a surprisingly hot and hard kiss.

It takes me a moment to respond, and then I’m wincing as Ronan slowly pulls out of me, my entrance burning. The fullness dissipates almost immediately.

The floor creaks with Ronan’s footfalls as he disappears out the bedroom door without another word.

“Did you enjoy that?” Henry whispers, his sinewy arms wrapping around my limp body, cocooning me.

“Do you even have to ask?” I press my lips against his neck, tasting salt from his sweat. “Did you?”

He doesn’t miss a beat. “Yes. Watching you come apart like that… it was incredible.” He pauses. “Are you going to ask me for—”

“No.” I shake my head to emphasize my resolve.

“Good, because I don’t ever want to share you like that again.” His hands begin wandering, over my shoulders, along my spine, down to cup my tender ass. “Every square inch of this body is mine and only mine from this day forward, you understand?”

“Every square inch. Yours and only yours.” I run the tip of my tongue over the outside curve of his ear, and feel him shudder beneath me. “I love you more than you could possibly ever understand.”

My body shifts as his chest heaves with a sigh. “Believe me, I understand it just fine.”

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