Surrender To Me (The Wolf Hotel Book 4)

Surrender To Me: Chapter 16


Katie stands at the door to the balcony, my phone in her hand. “It’s your mom.”

I release the breath I was holding. “What time is it?” It’s still pitch black.

“5:00 a.m.”

It’s been more than twelve hours since the shaft collapsed on Henry, and we’ve heard nothing yet.

My movements are mechanical when I accept my phone and press it to my ear. “Hello, Mama.”

“Abigail! Good Lord, you’re safe!”


Katie comes around to reposition the blanket she wrapped around me earlier, when I came out here to sit on the small love seat.

“This business with Henry and the mine is all over the news!”

She actually said his name. I’m not sure she’s ever actually used his name. He was always that man. A predator. A wolf.

“Have they told you anything new?”

“They said it was a major cave-in. They’re trying to clear the shaft.” My voice sounds hollow.

“Gosh. How anyone goes so deep into the ground like that is beyond me. Why didn’t you call and tell us about it right away?”

“Why would I?” I say it so simply. “I know how you feel about Henry.”

“Abigail!” she exclaims indignantly. There’s a long pause, and when she speaks, her voice is calmer, as if Aunt May is in the background, coaching her. “The past is just that—the past. We are goin’ to move on from that and—”

“Yeah, because he’s probably dead. Is that what you mean by moving on?” The second I say the words out loud, tears spring to my eyes.

“No, you can’t think like that. Do not lose hope, Abigail. We’re all praying for him. The Reverend is goin’ to say a special prayer at service today and tomorrow, and every other day until they find him. God willing, he’ll survive this just like your daddy survived. ”

“I’m so scared that I’ll never see him again.” I’m crying openly, unable to contain the emotions that have been dulled by fear up until now.

“I know, baby girl. I wish you weren’t so far away. Is someone there with you?”

“Yes, I have friends here. I’m not alone.”

At those words, Katie curls up on the loveseat beside me and puts an arm around my shoulder.

“Good. I’m glad. Don’t lose hope, Abigail. All of us, we just need to have faith.”

I’m not sure what’s more shocking—her words or the fact that she sounds genuine. Regardless, it’s what I need to hear. I take a deep breath and rub away my tears. Henry doesn’t need me giving up on him so quickly. “Thanks, Mama.”

~ ~ ~


“Damn, now that is a shower,” Rachel murmurs, strolling out of the bedroom in her work uniform, her long hair pulled up into a messy bun. She tosses her makeup bag onto the couch and heads for the table to pick at the platter of fruit and sandwiches that Autumn ordered in. “Thanks for letting me get ready here.”


“You need to make her sleep,” I overhear her whisper to Autumn.

“I don’t know what to do!” Autumn hisses. “I tried giving her an Ambien but she won’t take it!”

“Then slip it in her drink!”

I smirk as I stare blankly at the television screen. Good luck. I’m not eating or sleeping again until they find Henry.

“Okay, well, I have to go to work now, but my shift ends at seven and Katie should be done by three,” Rachel calls out louder.

I listen to her heels click on the hardwood and the sound of the door opening. “Uh… hello?”

Bonjour. I was told this is Abigail’s accommodations?”

My head whips around at the sound of her voice.

Rachel and Autumn stare with wide eyes as a glamorous-looking Margo strolls in. There’s no way they don’t know who she is.

Margo sees me on the couch and heads straight for me, her beautiful face twisted with worry. “Do not worry, Abigail. If anyone can find a way out of there, I promise you, it is Henry.”

I dive into her waiting arms as a fresh wave of sobs tear through the cabin.

~ ~ ~

“You’re not exactly dressed for Alaska,” I note, taking in her red leggings and billowy white blouse. Her black suede booties are lying on the floor where she kicked them off to curl her legs beneath her on the couch.

She chuckles in that laissez-faire way of hers. “I was not planning for a trip to Alaska. I packed for LA.”

“Shit. That’s right. You had your party last night.” Henry helped wrap hundred of bars with me. It was such a tedious job, and yet he didn’t complain once. Bruised and battered as I was, it might have been one of the most calming, pleasant days I’ve ever spent with him. And it might end up being one of the last I’ll ever get.

A fresh wave of tears well in my eyes. I blink them back, and swallow against the hard lump in my throat. “How was it?”

Fantastique, from what I’ve heard, but I was only there for an hour before news of Henry broke. I am so sorry, I could not get here sooner.”

“No. It’s okay. I appreciate you coming. Don’t get me wrong, Autumn and the others have been great and all. But having you here feels different.”

“Of course, Abigail.” She reaches forward and squeezes my hands. “You are both important people in my life. If something happened to either of you….” Her flawless forehead wrinkles with concern. “Well, we cannot even think like that. I’m sure they are doing everything they can.”

“It’s been nineteen hours, Margo. How long can someone last down there? What if he was hurt? Is there even any air?”

“I am sorry, I don’t know much about how these mines work.”

“I don’t even know why he went! He said he was going to worry about the gold mine. This other thing was Scott’s mess. This is all him! This is Scott coming back from the dead to punish Henry!” And here, Henry was so sure Scott could never hurt me again.

“Sshhh.” She pats my hand soothingly. “Do you know how many people are there to help?”

“I don’t know.” I tell her about how Connor and Ronan jumped into the helicopter to help with the rescue.

She frowns curiously. “And who are these two men to you. Friends?”

I groan. “It’s a long, sordid story.”

She reaches for the coffee that room service set on the table beside us, and pours us each a cup. “My favorite kind.”

~ ~ ~

“Miss Lauren, we’ve brought your things over to Penthouse Two,” Isabella announces, standing in the doorway, wringing her hands. Margo makes her nervous. “I can guide you there if you’d like.”

Merci. That is wonderful. I’m going to stay with Abigail for now though. I am confident we will hear something soon and I want to be with her.”

Isabella nods and then turns to me. “Is there anything I can get you?”

“I’m good. Thank you for everything you’ve done.”

“Autumn mentioned that you haven’t slept yet. We could have a doctor prescribe you a sedative to help.”

I’m sure she doesn’t need Autumn to confirm that. The dark bags beneath my eyes are evidence enough. “Thanks, but I don’t want to be drugged out when news comes through.”

“Okay. But if you change you mind….” She pauses, head cocked as if she’s listening.

I hear it a moment later.

The whir of helicopter blades.

I’m on my feet and running out the door and down the path to the helicopter pad as fast as I can.

Holding my breath the entire way.

The helicopter holds more than just the pilot this time, I note, trying to count heads, to recognize them through the glass. But it’s too hard, and so I’m left hugging my body and waiting for the door to pop open.

Connor jumps out first, covered head to toe in dirt. His hair doesn’t even look blond. Ronan steps out after him, limping slightly. His eyes search me out immediately.

And he nods.

“Oh my God….” Relief bowls over me as Henry’s feet hit the pavement. I stumble a step before I can regain my strength. And then I’m running for him.

He grunts as I plow into his chest. “Hey… it’s okay. I’m okay.” Warm, strong arms wrap around me, pulling me tight into him as my tears flow freely.

“I thought you were dead. I thought I’d lost you.”

“No. Shhh….” He strokes my hair and presses his lips to my forehead. “I’m right here.”

“I wanted to go and help but they wouldn’t let me.”

“Good, because I would have fired every last one of them if I found you on that site when I came up,” he warns sharply.

I reach up to grip his jaw, my fingertips reveling in the feel of his scruff as I pull his face down for a kiss on my lips. He’s as dirty as Connor and Ronan are. And there’s a gash on his forehead. “You’re hurt!” I reach for it instinctively.

He flinches. “It’s nothing. They’ve already checked me out and I’m fine.”

Now that I’m actually looking, I note that his jacket is soaked in blood. A lot of blood.

Henry notices my panicked look. “One of the guys got hurt pretty bad, but he’ll be fine. They’ve taken him to Anchorage.”

“So, what happened? How did you get out? Why the hell were you in there in the first place!” Now that I know he’s safe, my anger flares unexpectedly.

He sighs. “I know. It was a stupid move. I figured I was already up there so I may as well check it out. But when that earthquake hit, the shaft crumbled, burying us in there. There was no way we were getting out through there. Derek—one of the guys I was with—knew of another shaft entrance. We headed for that, hoping it’d be clear enough to get through.”

“So you climbed out there?”

“With help.” Henry’s gaze flickers behind me. “When we got there, Ronan and Connor were already inside.”

My mouth drops open. “They went into the mine after you?”

“Yeah. A miner who’d worked there all those years ago heard about the collapse and came in to try and help. He remembered the other shaft, but he couldn’t remember how it connected. The emergency crew decided to focus on the main shaft until more help arrived, figuring that was still their best hope. So those two took off with the miner and some equipment to see if they’d have any luck. Against orders from the recovery team leader, apparently.”

“So… Ronan went down there?” I say, dumbfounded. “But Ronan’s claustrophobic.”

Surprise flashes in Henry’s face and his gaze flashes in their direction. “Well, it was definitely ballsy as fuck. There was nothing to say that another quake wouldn’t hit and bury them, or that the shaft wouldn’t collapse as soon as it was disturbed, or that the miner knew what the hell he was talking about. If they didn’t go down, I’d still be stuck in the mine.” He shakes his head. “I never thought I’d be so happy to see those two jackasses in my life.”

My hands smooth over his chest. “So you’re really okay?”

“I’m really okay. I promise.”

I bury my face in his chest and inhale deeply. He doesn’t smell like my Henry. He smells like earth and dirt and dried blood. But all that can be washed off. “Promise me you will never go into any mine ever again?”

His deep chuckle shakes my body. “I may have trouble keeping that one, given I own one. But I can promise that I’ll never step foot in a mine that’s been shut down for decades ever again. Give me a minute? I need a word with a few people.”

“Okay,” I say, even as I’m pulling his face down into another kiss. This one he meets deeply, lingering.

“I was afraid I’d never get to do that again,” he whispers.

“Same here.” I smile. “Margo’s here.”

“I see that. Give me a few minutes and then we can head back to our place.”

I have to force myself to let go of him, my eyes trailing him all the way over to the small crowd that’s gathered.

Henry’s alive. And safe.

And I owe it all to Ronan and Connor.

I rush for them.

“Has anyone ever told you that being your friend is hazardous to—” Connor’s quip is cut off with a grunt as I barrel into his chest.

“Thank you.”

“Thank him. He’s the nutcase that made me go down in there.” He jerks a thumb at Ronan, who stands quietly off beneath a tree, his clothes soiled, but somehow looking as calm and collected as usual.

“I don’t know how—” I choke over the rest of the words, unable to get them out. I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders.

With a heavy sigh, he pulls me into his body, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

I finally manage a “thank you” in a rough whisper, and squeeze him tight, not relenting until approaching footfalls sound on the gravel and Henry calls my name.

“Come on, Abbi. I think we can both use some sleep.” He looks down at my socked feet. “Where are your shoes?”

I fall against his chest, not bothering to answer, succumbing to the weight of the last twenty-four hours.

Henry leads me over to Ronan. “Make sure you ice that leg,” Henry warns him. “And you’re taking the next few days off.” After a long moment and a heavy sigh, he sticks out a hand.

Ronan clasps it, a smirk curling his lips.

“Holy fuck! What is Margo Lauren doing here?” Connor suddenly exclaims, loud enough for everyone, including Margo, to hear.

~ ~ ~

“I’ll be there in five minutes. I just need a quick shower.” Henry tries to steer me toward bed but I smoothly avoid him, and head for the bathroom.

I’m beyond exhausted, I accept, as I gracelessly strip my clothes off, leaving them in a heap on the tile floor.

Henry steps into the bathroom, his tired gaze drifting over my naked body.

I have no energy for words. I quietly begin undressing him, peeling his layers off and tossing them onto the floor. And he allows me, standing still and watching me unbuckle his belt and jeans. I drop to my knees to unfasten his boots and slip off his socks.

It’s like I’m operating mechanically as I take his hand and lead him into the giant glassed-in shower. I turn the dials, and streams of hot water hit us from the various angles, earning Henry’s deep moan. Grabbing the bar of soap, I begin lathering Henry’s chest, my hands slipping and sliding over his hard curves.

“You don’t have to—”

“Let me.” My fingers touch every inch of his perfect body as I bathe him. By the time I reach his waist, his cock is jutting out. Skipping that part for the moment, I drop to my knees and work on his legs, marveling at his powerful thighs and sculpted calves. I even spend a few moments on his toes.

And when everywhere else is done, I take my time, gripping his length as I soap him up; gently cupping the heavy sac that hangs beneath, full of his virility. I even slide my soapy hand farther back, along the crack that parts two perfect sides of his ass. That earns a sharp inhale from him.

“Rinse off.”

He has no clever quips for my demand. He turns into the jets and in moments, his body is clear of all soap. He holds out a hand for me to get off my knees.

But I ignore it, taking him into my mouth instead.

“Oh, fuck. Abbi….” His hands gently clasp my head on either side. “Look up.”

I make a point of looking up while I’m sliding my mouth off him, to lock gazes with him. But instead of taking him in again, I grip his cock with my fist and focus my time on his tip, tonguing the tiny hole until I taste the salty liquid beading out.

“No more.” Henry reaches down to grab my waist. He lifts me up with seemingly no effort, and after knocking off all the shampoo bottles aside with one quick swipe of his hand, settles me onto the tile ledge.

His mouth finds mine and he starts kissing me with such abandon that I can’t breathe. But I don’t want to breathe, not when Henry’s mouth is on me. I curl my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips, until our bodies are fully together everywhere.

“I thought about this. About being with you. About being inside you. About your arms around me.” He reaches between us to fit himself into my entrance. “It’s all I thought about. It’s all I wanted. I didn’t care about the hotel or my money or anything. Just this. Just you.” He pushes in slowly but forcefully. My exhausted body isn’t ready for it, despite how much I want it. But still he goes, inching his way in, until he’s buried deep inside me. He hooks an arm under each of my legs to spread me wide and pin me in place against the wall.

I let my head fall back against the tile and close my eyes.

His mouth slips down to my neck, to my collarbone, to my breasts, sucking in my nipple, his stubble scratching me roughly. I revel in the discomfort of it as he begins thrusting into me.

“Harder,” I demand, clasping the sides of his face with my hands to pull his forehead to mine. “I don’t want gentle tonight. I want to still feel you inside me when I wake up, two days from now.”

“Fuck.” He releases one of my legs, letting it hang off the ledge. His fingers coil around my hair at my nape and he pulls my head back to expose my neck to his lips, his teeth. Adjusting his stance, he begins driving into me with his powerful body, over and over again. My cries, my gasps, my moans fill the shower stall as my body opens up for him and ecstasy quickly takes over. As I enjoy what I thought I would never feel again.

When we’re done, when we’re both clean and fully sated, Henry shuts the water off, wraps us both in towels, and carries me to bed, where I promptly drift off.

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