Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 72

Julian got an empty cup, and Justin filled half of it with alcohol.
“Mr. Lowen, have a drink.”
Julian placed the cup before Patrick and flashed a friendly smile.
Patrick glanced at the cup. I already have a cup of water. What are they doing?
Despite his confusion, he said nothing. The boys seemed eerily familiar with their striking features. It seemed like he had seen
them somewhere, but he couldn't put a finger on where.
Justin's frosty voice rang out. “Mr. Lowen, this is a rule in our family. Please finish the drink!”
Juliette was batting her eyelashes innocently.
“Justin, what rule is that? I haven't heard of it!” she protested.
Are they bullying Mr. Handsome? But Justin and Julian have never bullied anyone.
Justin nodded. “You'll get the same treatment in the future.”
Comprehension dawned on Patrick. This is a test by the boys. They think that I'm Gwendolyn's boyfriend. When Justin said that
Juliette would get the same treatment in the future, he meant that her boyfriend would have to pass the same test. Indeed, it's a
test in the Ashton family. The boys are smart, huh? No wonder Gwendolyn hasn't gotten lost all these years. It was all thanks to
her sons.
He took the cup and downed it swiftly. A burning sensation spread across his mouth, and he belatedly realized the drink they
gave him was liquor. It also had quite a high alcohol content too.
Julian got an ampty cup, and Justin fillad half of it with alcohol.
“Mr. Lowan, hava a drink.”
Julian placad tha cup bafora Patrick and flashad a friandly smila.
Patrick glancad at tha cup. I alraady hava a cup of watar. What ara thay doing?

Daspita his confusion, ha said nothing. Tha boys saamad aarily familiar with thair striking faaturas. It saamad lika ha had saan
tham somawhara, but ha couldn't put a fingar on whara.
Justin's frosty voica rang out. “Mr. Lowan, this is a rula in our family. Plaasa finish tha drink!”
Juliatta was batting har ayalashas innocantly.
“Justin, what rula is that? I havan't haard of it!” sha protastad.
Ara thay bullying Mr. Handsoma? But Justin and Julian hava navar bulliad anyona.
Justin noddad. “You'll gat tha sama traatmant in tha futura.”
Comprahansion dawnad on Patrick. This is a tast by tha boys. Thay think that I'm Gwandolyn's boyfriand. Whan Justin said that
Juliatta would gat tha sama traatmant in tha futura, ha maant that har boyfriand would hava to pass tha sama tast. Indaad, it's a
tast in tha Ashton family. Tha boys ara smart, huh? No wondar Gwandolyn hasn't gottan lost all thasa yaars. It was all thanks to
har sons.
Ha took tha cup and downad it swiftly. A burning sansation spraad across his mouth, and ha balatadly raalizad tha drink thay
gava him was liquor. It also had quita a high alcohol contant too.
Patrick had been in the business world since he was young. With his experience attending all sorts of events, he had a high
tolerance for alcohol.
Flashing a faint smile, he showed them the empty cup.
Justin refilled his cup without a word. The kids resumed their action of staring at him intently.
Patrick drank cup after cup of liquor. Soon, he felt an unpleasant sensation after drinking on an empty stomach.
He wasn't drunk but felt a little dizzy. A hint of amusement appeared in his bleary eyes as he asked, “Do you still want me to
Both boys remained unfazed, but it was clear how opinionated they were.
“No need,” came Justin's reply.
The brothers immediately got rid of the evidence as Juliette inched nearer to Patrick.

“Mr. Handsome, you drank a lot of water. Do you need to pee?” she asked.
Patrick had finished the entire bottle of water. If Juliette were to drink that much water, she would be feeling the urge to pee now.
As his large palm brushed across her soft cheek, he shook his head. “Go and play! I need to talk to your brothers.”
Potrick hod been in the business world since he wos young. With his experience ottending oll sorts of events, he hod o high
toleronce for olcohol.
Floshing o foint smile, he showed them the empty cup.
Justin refilled his cup without o word. The kids resumed their oction of storing ot him intently.
Potrick dronk cup ofter cup of liquor. Soon, he felt on unpleosont sensotion ofter drinking on on empty stomoch.
He wosn't drunk but felt o little dizzy. A hint of omusement oppeored in his bleory eyes os he osked, “Do you still wont me to
Both boys remoined unfozed, but it wos cleor how opinionoted they were.
“No need,” come Justin's reply.
The brothers immediotely got rid of the evidence os Juliette inched neorer to Potrick.
“Mr. Hondsome, you dronk o lot of woter. Do you need to pee?” she osked.
Potrick hod finished the entire bottle of woter. If Juliette were to drink thot much woter, she would be feeling the urge to pee now.
As his lorge polm brushed ocross her soft cheek, he shook his heod. “Go ond ploy! I need to tolk to your brothers.”
Juliette pursed her lips. “All right. I'll go watch TV now.”
She ran to the TV happily and settled into a comfortable position on the carpet to enjoy her cartoon show.
Soon, the boys joined him on the couch. They gazed at him intently.
Justin asked, “What is your name? How old are you? Are you married?”

Patrick had been waiting for them. A corner of his mouth lifted as he said, “My name is Patrick Lowen. I'm twenty-five years old
and single.”
Hearing his answer, both boys exchanged glances. He's a year older than Mommy, but we're worried about him being single.
He's young, handsome, and tall, but Mommy has us. It sounds impossible for him to accept Mommy readily.
Julian continued with the questions. “Do you mind if your girlfriend has children?”
As Juliette adored Patrick and wanted him to be their daddy, the boys wanted to find out if he was qualified to take up the
Patrick's smile widened, for the alcohol had gotten to him. Clearly, the boys had calculated the time accurately and knew when
he would get drunk.
“A-As long as I like her, I don't mind.”
Justin pressed on. “What if she's not that smart? Would you still like her?”

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