Summoning Bones

Chapter The End

Hello lovelies!

Thank you for reading my story! This is the first book of the Underworld series! I have super exciting plans for my future stories. So I hope you continue reading about these lovely characters. Firstly, I want to write a short book between this one and the second story. However, I’m going to be writing and releasing it out of order. I know this so strange, but the characters are speaking to me all out of order. If I tried to write in order, I know it won’t be my best work. So here we are.

Books In Order:

1. Summoning Bones

1.5 Blessed Death

2. Deadly Ghosts

Released Order:

1. Summoning Bones

2. Deadly Ghosts

1.5 Blessed Death

There will be foreshadowing and hints in book 2 for book 1.5, but because I know I will be writing it out of order, I will be hyper aware to not ruin book 1.5. So, don’t worry about major spoilers. My hope is two leave questions in book 2 that will be answered in book 1.5.

Book 1.5 will be about Makaria and Thanatos chase. This will take place in the time period of this book and will carry onto modern day.

Book 2 will take place in modern day, but in the same alternative universe this book took place in. This will focus on Melinoe and Hades’ operation for world control. This will also introduce a love story between Thanatos and the goddess of bloodlust, Enyo. I have the first few chapters written and will start publishing them soon. I don’t have a specific release date yet, so follow me to stay up to date. There is a sneak peek out right now.

That’s all, I hope you enjoyed Summoning Bones and look forward to Deadly Ghosts.

With love,


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