Summoning Bones

Chapter 41. Returning to the Underworld

The plan was set, the glamour was over Zagreus while Cadmus tucked Melinoe into the upstairs bed.

As he walked downstairs, he paused. Zagreus stood in front of him, but his face and body was that of Eirene’s.

“What?” Zagreus snapped. Cadmus smirked.

“Nothing in the world.” He finished walking towards Zagreus, who huffed and turned. He led Cadmus out of his shop, locking it behind them. As they began to walk up the streets, Cadmus grabbed Zagreus’ hand. He quickly pulled it out of his grasp.

“What in the realms above and below?” He snapped.

“You expect me and my apparent mate to not hold hands walking into the Lord’s mansion?”

“I will not hold your hand,” Zagreus growled, making Cadmus chuckle. He reminded him of Eirene when they had first met.

“How do you expect to pass as my love if you refuse to hold my hand?”

Zagreus glared at him and reluctantly took Cadmus’ hand.

“Fine, only so my sister can keep her freedom. Humanity has reached across the line, stealing from the gods far too much. Threatening to enslave Melinoe is too far, let alone the fact they have for centuries.”

Cadmus’ guilt stabbed at his hearts he led Zagreus into a trap to keep Melinoe safe as they traded places in front of Lord Eldridge.

“So how are you going to bring Lidia back to life?” Cadmus said, breaking the silence.

“I will travel through the astral plane to the Underworld and bring her soul back. Melinoe could do the same before, it was how she brought so many lives back.”

“Then why don’t you usually?”

“Melinoe’s kindness and sympathy for humanity came from our Mother. I did not inherit such a sympathetic touch.”

They fell into silence as they reached the path behind the mansions. They neared the Eldridge Mansion, and Miss Menour ran from the back door with her arms wide.

“Cadmus, thank goodness you’re here. We were worried you wouldn’t make it back,” she yelled, running to Cadmus. He wrapped her in a warm hug, letting his hand fall from Zagreus’ grasp.

“Thank you, unfortunately I won’t be staying long. I found the love of my life,” he said, pulling Eirene to his side. Zagreus rolled his eyes, but with a tight squeeze from Cadmus, plastered a fake smile on Eirene’s face.

“How wonderful,” she said, clapping her hands. “We’ll miss you dear, but how lovely. Who is the young lady?”

“The same woman hired to bring Lidia back to life, once she does, we will leave for a new life. Together,” Cadmus looked at Eirene, feeling his future reveal ahead of him in a perfect line. He held hope tightly, excited for a life with his love.

“The Summoner?” Whispered Miss Menour.

“Yes, I’m Eirene,” Zagreus said, holding out her hand. Miss Menour took it cautiously.

“Well hello dear, I’m Miss Menour. Come, come, I’ll bring you to the Lord,” she said. The trio began their way to the mansion.

They made their way up to Lord Eldridge’s office. The harsh man sat behind his desk, reading over reports to some sale with merchants in the kingdom over. He looked up with his sharp eyes, but a rare smile split over his face.

“My Summoner, how perfect, are you ready to bring my daughter back?”

Eirene nodded. Lord Eldridge waved his hand, dismissing both Cadmus and Miss Menour. Miss Menour squeaked and bowed out. Cadmus embraced Eirene tightly, and let her go, bowing out of the office.

“Young love,” Miss Menour murmured under her breath. Cadmus smiled at her as he went to his suite, beginning to pack for his new life.

Meanwhile Eirene turned to Lord Eldridge, who smirked.

“Follow me,” he said, standing. He led Eirene up the stairs to the library and opened the door to show his daughter preserved on the table. She looked alseep if not for the lack of a heartbeat. “Bring her back, then we will discuss your... freedom.”

Lord Eldridge left the room, locking the door behind him.

Eirene turned to the young woman. Approaching her, Eirene pulled the black lace away from her face.

Eirene shut her eyes, letting the power of reincarnation wash over her.

Zagreus had brought people back to life, yes, but often was to continue whatever torture had killed them. Never had he done it out of the kindness of his heart. But to protect his sister, Zagreus would do much. If he could keep Hades distracted so Melinoe and Makaria may live, he would. Father had always favored him anyway.

When Zagreus opened his eyes and looked around the castle he had been raised in. His astral form flexed his fingers and tested his body.

He glanced over the empty library and poked his head out of the door. He scanned the hallway, looking for guards, Thanatos, or Hades. Seeing no one, he stepped into the hallway, wading through the fog that covered the ground to his knees. He crept out of the castle and down the steps.

Zagreus closed his eyes and felt through the new spirits for Lidia. He felt a pull from the center of his chest, and his eyes snapped open. He had found her.

He spun and felt his astral form jerk away and plant itself in a crowd of spirits. White mist in the shape of thousands of newly dead souls floated around him. Zagreus focused for a pull towards Lidia and felt it from his right. He began to weave through the souls towards hers.

He saw her misty form floating ahead of him, nearing the Temple of Judgement to determine which section of the Underworld she would spend her afterlife.

“Lidia,” Zagreus called. Her head slowly twisted on her neck, so she faced him. Her body followed to face him too once he began to shove spirits aside to reach her. The spirits drifted the side, not particularly bothered to be shoved. “Lidia, I’m here to bring you to your family.”

She frowned slowly, all her actions delayed.

“Father..wouldn’,” she said with each word deliberately.

“It was his idea,” Zagreus said. Lidia frowned

“ He...doesn’”

“Will you come back with me?”

Lidia’s head cocked to the side, looking at Zagreus with analytical eyes.


“Heartbroken I’m sure. Will you come with me?” Zagreus pushed for an answer. He needed her to come with her soon, before Hades discovered he was here.


“Dead? What do you mean?”

“Father...killed...her. It’s...a...trap. He...wants...the....Summoner. Farewell....Son..of..Hades.” Lidia turned away from him and began to drift with the rest of the spirits closer to the Temple of Judgement.

“What do you mean?”

“Run...Zagreus.” Lidia’s voice drifted over him as she moved further away. It was clear Zagreus could not convince her join him in the living realm.

He pulled himself to return to his body, his glamour falling. Lidia was still dead on the table, her pale face illuminated by the candles.

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