Summoning Bones

Chapter 35. Mates in the Moon’s Mansion

Eirene stood at the door, watching Cadmus. He had fallen silent at her story and hadn't spoken since. She spared him a final glance and left for Selene's mansion. She wove through the trees, her grey cloak firmly wrapped over her shoulders. It wasn't as protective as her wards over her house, but for an hour with another goddess, she would be hidden from Hades. Tears began to fall hot and fast from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and hurried forward.

The trees grew thicker as she neared the goddess' home. She snuck to the Underworld as a get away from her duties as goddess, but more likely to evade her brother, Helios.

As Eirene stepped around a tree that blocked her path, Selene's mansion rose form the shadows. Silver and white marble was sculpted into various moon phases that littered the yard. White spires rose into the air, higher than the trees, but grey clouds hid them from view. Doors loomed over Eirene, the silver knockers glinted from what light could penetrate the Underworld.

However, before Eirene could knock, the door was flung open by a tall woman. Her curly brown hair was pinned to the top of her head with a crescent moon clip. Her darker-than-night eyes shown with glee. She wore a white dress, the bottom half faded into silver. She held her arms wide, and Eirene stepped into them, letting the smell of burnt gunpowder and devil's trumpets surround her.

"Welcome dear, come in, come in," Selene said with her smooth voice that sounded exactly as melted silver would.

"Thank you, I have much to discuss with you," Eirene said, stepping into Selene's mansion. The foyer rose up in a grand dome. The ceiling was painted navy blue with white stars shining against the dark paint. The stars swirled and danced on the ceiling as if time were sped up.

"I know," laughed Selene. "Is there anything I can get you? Tea? Biscuits?"

"No, I am only here for a temporary visit," Eirene said. Selene nodded sympathetically.

"Families are difficult, you don't need to tell me," she giggled, swaying out of the room and into the parlor. Eirene followed behind her, fiddling with her cloak's clasp. "I just couldn't stand Helios' face anymore, ugh the bastard! But what can you do? Ha, sibling rivalry and all," she said turning to Eirene who flashed a quick smile that fell as soon as Selene turned back around. "Anyway, I got bored, oh so bored since Artemis took over. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't trade her anything to get my old job back, no, that was awful. But what else am I supposed to do? Jumping between here and Olympus helps, but even now the Underworld- the Underworld, can you believe it- well, the Underworld is having its drawbacks and getting boring too. I heard the mortal realm is fun. I mean Zagreus has spent,-what the last century?- there. And if I know anything about you kids of Hades, you like fun, especially your brother, isn't that right?" Without waiting for a response, she carried on, continuing to lead Eirene further into her mansion. "If Zagreus likes it, maybe I will too? Who knows? Ah, but that is not why you visited me, no," she paused her ramblings, stopping and facing Eirene.

They were in a library. Bookshelves lined the walls, all the covers of the books gleamed white with golden writing. The chairs and couches scattered around the room were a subtle grey and filled with varying shades of grey pillows. Selene plopped herself down on the loveseat, letting her legs stretch out. She held out her hand, and immediately a martini glass appeared in her grasp. She sipped the clear liquid and beckoned for Eirene to seat herself across from her on a matching loveseat.

"Please, please sit. Now let's hear it, what questions can I answer for you?" She took another sip of her martini as Eirene situated herself on the loveseat.

"My mate," Eirene began.

"Ah yes, lovely fellow isn't it? I chose him specifically for you, isn't he yummy?" Eirene couldn't help the jealousy that coiled like a viper in her stomach, but she swallowed her pride and nodded.

"Yes, he's lovely, I've grown fond of him." Selene snorted.

"Fond of him? You'll need more than that? He's your soulmate dear. Don't you just want to jump his bones?" Eirene blushed at her vulgar language.

"I, I don't-"

"Of course you do, you wouldn't be that red if you didn't. You remind me of myself when I met- well never mind," she said, catching herself, before taking a hearty swig of her martini.

"It's only that, well-"

"He's not hot enough. I knew it! Don't worry, a simple memory spell, we'll start over. Don't let yourself get tied into knots over it-"

"No, goodness no. He's perfect, well not perfect, but I don't want to trade him out. But-"

"I know! How have the conversation with him? I understand, remember consent is sexy, protection is great, of course I can arrange that for you with magic and sorts, and talk about what you like. It'll be great, is this your first time?"

Eirene gaped at her like a fish. "It is, isn't it? How wondrous!" Selene clapped her hands in glee, the margining glass was left floating in mid-air before she snatched it up again.

"It's not that-"

"Then what is it? Spit it out," Selene interrupted. Eirene rolled her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek.

"Why him?"

"Why not him? He's hot, sexy, strong too, wolves tend to be. He and you also met right when you needed a little extra help in that lovely village. He's perfect for you, but no?" Eirene shook her head, looking down at herself.

"He's perfect like that, I don't worry about those parts, but he's well," Eirene paused. Her thoughts were more scrambled and cluttered than ever. Now that she faced Selene, the real and daunting possibility Cadmus was not hers, that it was a mistake, hung in front of her. Her fear grew into a horrid caged beast, ready to rip out of her chest and flee into the woods, Eirene following behind it.

"Well what? Dear, I make no mistakes," Selene said softly.

"Don't you? He's," Eirene drew in a shaky breath then continued, "well, he's mortal. He will die, and I will live on without him. Aren't soulmates forever? And why in realms above and below did you mate me, Goddess of Ghosts with a mortal wolf shifter?"

Selene's face fell, and the martini glass dropped to the ground, shattering into a million shards.

"You don't know?"

"What?" She whispered.

"Melinoe, my sweet, you are mortal too."

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