Summoning Bones

Chapter 16. Secrets in the Inn

Eirene sat back into the warm bathtub. The water lapped over her as she closed her eyes. The day played in front of her, she lingered over the eyes of Cadmus as he suggested they were married. There was hope and joy in them.

He truly wanted to live with her for the rest of his life. A goddess from the Underworld, daughter to Persephone and Hades. How could she have been mated to a wolf as a goddess. She would have to talk to Selene at some point, and speak to Cadmus about their future. But for now, she would just enjoy the warm water easing her soreness from the walk.

Cadmus returned to the room with two plates of chicken. The skin browned to perfection, and topped with sprigs of rosemary. On the side was a small heap of buttery asparagus. He set the plates on the table and rummage in the kitchen for silverware. He found them and finished setting the table.

Eirene stepped out of the bathtub, and pulled the stopped, letting the water begin to drain. She finished readying herself to face another person, and stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a nightdress to her knees, provided by Lady Eldridge.

"Is that diner," she said as a form of greeting. Cadmus spun around with a smile, his eyes glancing over Eirene's form, not hidden by her dress and cloak. His eyes darkened, but with a shake of his head, he ignored how her nightdress seemed to slip up as she walked towards him. When Eirene was in front of him, he stooped into a low bow with a flourish.

"It is indeed, my Lady," he said. Eirene rolled her eyes, but did give him a small smile. She moved to the table and sat down, placing the yellow napkin on her lap. Cadmus sat across form her and did the same.

"I ordered chicken. I do not know your favorite meal," he said apologetically.

"Chicken will suffice," smiled Eirene. They began to eat in silence. With Eirene's first bite, her moaned. The chicken was cooked to perfection and the rosemary added extra flavor to make a wonderful bite. Cadmus growled. Eirene looked at him.

"What?" She smirked. He merely growled again in response and continued to chew at his meal. Eirene had another bite, and it proved to be just a delicious as the first. And again, Cadmus growled.

"If you continue to-"

"Eat my meal," interrupted Eirene.

"Make those sounds," corrected Cadmus. "I'll-"

"If you continue to act like a perverse beast, you shall be sleeping on the floor," said Eirene. Cadmus scowled, but with Eirene's next bite, she bit back the moan of delight. They continued eating with no interaction, except for the times Eirene accidentally hummed in appreciation, making Cadmus growl, which earned him too many dirty looks he thought possible.

When half their meal was finished, Eirene spoke.

"Beast," she began. Predictably, Cadmus groaned.

"Yes, witch," he said.

"I am not a witch."

"And I am no beast, but continue." Eirene huffed but did so.

"I'm sure you are aware you and I are mates, a foolish bond, but nonetheless here we are," Eirene said. Cadmus set down his fork with a piece of chicken ready to be eaten on it. "I know you expect me to join you at Lord Eldridge's mansion, but I must continue my work for those who lost loved ones. I will not give up my passion. I am not even sure if I enjoy your beastly company, but I do know that our situation-"

"Is difficult. I understand Eirene. I would not have asked you to give up your love. You give people back their dead. How could I be so cruel to make you stop? We will find a solution," said Cadmus, reassuringly. "And if you do not enjoy my company now, I will change your mind by the time we return home." Eirene scoffed.

"I highly doubt it, but perhaps."

"However, I do wish to know your real name," said Cadmus leaning forward. Eiren looked down at her forgotten diner.

"Not yet." Not until she had spoken to Selene, and figured this mess out. But she had stopped anything between them until they returned home, giving her more than enough time to figure out her position. No goddess was mated with a lowly wolf, and perhaps Selene could fix the matter so Eirene would not have to deal with such a trivial thing as a soulmate.

"Please," Cadmus pressed. Eirene's head snapped up, and she stared at Cadmus.

"No, not yet. I have given you what I want to be called. My true name is mine, and is not given, but earned. Thank you for diner, but I will be going to bed." Eirene stood and brought her plate to the sink before walking past Cadmus to the bedroom.

He watched her with sadness in his heart. How could his mate not trust him enough to give him her real name. He sighed, stood, and brought his plate to the sink. He cleaned them both, then went to the bathroom, preparing for bed. He started the tub for himself, and after half an hour his soreness was gone, he had brushed his teeth, and changed into pajama pants form Lord Eldridge.

He turned off the lights and went into the bedroom, where Eirene was already asleep. The soft sounds of her breathing filled the room, as her chest rose and fell. Cadmus went to the other side of the pillow wall and laid down, staring at the ceiling.

His mate was so far away, and yet just an arm's length away. But hope floated in his heart, she wanted to find a way to be with him and her job. He would find a way for her to do both. He must.

Soon sleep dragged him into the darkness of the night, and his gentle snores filled the room.

Eirene, still half asleep, shivered under the thin sheet. The duvet was long gone, wrapped around a snoring Cadmus. She tried to pull the blankets out of his grasp, but it proved impossible with his strength. Eirene longed to fall back asleep but couldn't without the warmth of the duvet. So, still half in the land of dreams, Eirene pushed herself off the bed and walked around to the other side, stumbling all the way with closed eyes. She plopped herself in front of Cadmus's chest and cozied under the blankets there. His warm chest at her back, and she quickly fell back asleep.

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