Subject Seventeen: Wraith Among Shadows

Chapter 32

I teleport us all up to the hangar. As soon as I open my eyes I see that Thirteen and the rest of the team is waiting for us nearby one of the jets. All around me I see dead bodies which seem to have been crushed by something – just like in my vision – which I instantly recognise as Twelve’s doing.

“What took you guys so long?” Ten says.

“We need to leave now!” Nine screams.

I rush over to heal Sky. I stare into her eyes as she looks back into mine. I missed this feeling. This moment of being with her is all I’ve ever wanted and I’m glad I got to have it.

“You remember my promise?” I ask her.

I can see the confusion on her face and just smile as I heal her before I give her a light kiss and I carry her over to where everyone else is. She smiles back at me but seems too weary to say anything. If anything she just puts her arms around me as I carry her back.

Everyone else seems to be confused as to why we are in a rush but I know more than anyone the danger roaming this facility right now with the sole intent of killing us. Fourteen comes over to help Sky up to her feet and I exchange a look with him as he passes. He already knows what he has to do and I expect him to follow through. I watch as he lifts Sky to her feet and his hands flash orange for a second or two as she rises. She doesn’t seem any different when she is back on her feet.

“God damn it!” Fourteen screams. “All of you gather in!”

“Good to see you too, Fourteen,” Five says.

All of them huddle together and I watch as Fourteen raises his arms and an orange glow appears. It softly spreads itself out in the form of a weird looking dust and circles the entire team.

“I thought as much,” Thirteen says. “They woke up the Forgotten. Nine, get in the pilot’s cabin. You’re the only one who knows how to fly this thing. Six will co-pilot. Staying here for even one minute is dangerous. We don’t even have enough time for One to bring this place down. Let’s go.”

Nine simply nods and heads inside the jet. The rest of the team slowly enter one by one, all of their faces ridden with shock and fear. It seems Fourteen shared his memories with everyone. I doubt anyone has any time to react or show their emotions given the situation we’re in currently. I can’t help but laugh inside. Somehow I feel like I know exactly what I need to do. I turn my back to them as they board the jet and start walking away.

“Why do you need to do it?” Thirteen calls to me.

“What are you talking about?” I say.

“Come off it, Lewis. Stop trying to play the hero. You finally have your memories back and you’re re-united with your precious childhood friend aren’t you? Enough is enough. Don’t do it. You and I both know you won’t be walking back out of here if you don’t turn back now.”

“Well,” I say, turning to look at Thirteen’s nonchalant face. “You already know don’t you? I killed Sanders against your instruction. The future has changed again. You know, I don’t really feel like I have a place among the team. I’m not a Shadow.”

“So do you think that what you’re about to do will make you feel any better about the shit going on now?”

“Does it really matter? I’m no Shadow, Thirteen. I never was and I never will be. I was thrown into your petty world of crap and had to make do with it. I’m just a fly on the wall. A ghost. A wraith.”

“You’re part of the team now, aren’t you? Now that you have your memories you should be happy. Shouldn’t you be helping us win this thing?”

“The Forgotten. The Crows. This World War. All of it is messed up. Now that I’m me again I feel like I’m going to go crazy. You know how hard it has been to suppress my emotions after getting my memories back? You think I don’t know what will happen if I don’t keep my emotions in check? You don’t know how I felt finally being able to see Florence again and she didn’t remember me!”

“Shut the hell up. You think anyone cares about your feelings at this point? Right now we’re on our own. We have a better chance of surviving with you. Now more than ever! Sure, if you don’t do what you want to do now, the world may be worse off, but we may be able to stop it. Of all the thirty-four ways I saw, this is the most helpful, no doubt about that. But it would still be better if it didn’t happen.”

“Thirteen… You’ve seen it too haven’t you? The future? If I let the Forgotten leave this facility alive with Noah then they’ll wipe out entire cities within days. China who have been secretly developing their nuclear weaponry despite the treaty will nuke New York and London. The U.S.A and the U.K will respond in kind. The entire world will go to shit, and even if only a little, if doing this can make it better then I will do just that. If I don’t, the Forgotten will lay this world to waste. Is that what you really want?”

“You’re really pissing me off. I don’t think I’ve never had to talk this much before. So what good comes out of doing this? Together we still have a chance to change the future and put an end to this war that has just started.”

“Impossible. You and I both know that that’s a farfetched idea,” I say, shaking my head. “Besides, by killing Sanders I messed with the time line. All the lives he would have taken that I saved have to be balanced out. You know what that means don’t you.”

Before Thirteen has time to answer Fireballs begin flying at us. I simply raise my hand and they dissipate into thin air. The Forgotten have arrived. I look at Thirteen again and continue talking.

“The Crows will be coming right after the Forgotten do. You think you can handle both the Crows and the Forgotten at the same time? I mean, for God’s sake, you’re the guy who can see the future! You know this is the best option right now. You’re being a lot more sentimental than me. So let me do this and steer us towards a better world, Thirteen.”

“You want to shoulder the weight of the world by yourself. All the burden and the pain... You’ve opened Pandora’s box and thrown away the hope and plan take on all the evil on your own. You’re not thinking of everyone else. You’re not thinking of the greater future. You are stuck up and selfish. You have no reason to do this except pride.”

“Yes. That’s true. But you know that my journey doesn’t end here. And I know my true name now; the Xerxes told me. I’ve heard my true calling and I intend to answer it.”

“Fate is never pre-destined. Never set. You don't have to do this, Seventeen.”

“This place needs to be buried. You know that, so shut up and let me do this! Stop being such a stuck up ass. And you know, I’ve finally realised something.”

“Which is?”

“I’m just a small time criminal who’s never been caught. I’m just nobody worth mentioning. But even I believe in something. Some form of justice. So if I have the chance to do something to change the world or do something that has meaning, even if it means risking my life, then of course I’m going to do it. I know my future. I know what happens next.

“I spent years fighting the demons. The ones inside of me and around me. Then I realised I was the demon. I am the demon. All this darkness inside of me, I’m going to use it to take out all the darkness in this world, just like a fire snuffs out another fire. This is my calling and my duty. And nothing you say can change that. I’m sorry, Thirteen.

A gloomy silence fills the hangar, save for me holding off the attacks of the few Forgotten who have made their way into the hangar. A few seconds later Thirteen speaks up again.

“So let’s assume you take out the Forgotten here and now. What about the Crows?”

“I’m not even sure what the hell the Crows are, but I know that they’re coming after you too. As long as I stop the Forgotten you might stand a chance against the Crows and Youdu, right? This right here is what I have to do. I caused it. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control this power or whatever it is, especially after I killed Sanders.”

“I did warn you not to kill Sanders. How’s this for a ripple effect? You know, the only reason I told them to restore your memories is because I had faith that you would be able to control your abilities despite the flood of emotions. I had hoped it wouldn’t overwhelm you. And even if it did, Fourteen may have been able to suppress your emotions. Too bad. You did seem like a good guy.”

“Hah. Don’t tell me you’re getting sentimental.”

“What? Nah mate. I’ve got bigger shit to deal with now. Like the war and the Crows. See you later.”

With that, Thirteen finally shakes his head and boards the jet. I don’t bother watch the jet as it takes off. I don’t need to. I know exactly what I have to do. I smile as I hear the jet slowly draw further and further away from me.

Sky left the care home with the Jeffreys a week later after we had that conversation. She went to China with them as planned for the holidays, but I never heard from her since then. I never would have imagined that this is where she’d end up. I always assumed that there was nothing more to it other than there was no way to contact me and I had planned to look for her later. Two years after I ran away from the orphanage. I travelled to China and lived there for nearly three months – just back-packing. What are the chances that both of us would have been kidnapped by the same people for the same project?

I smile to myself as I wave away another fireball a Forgotten throws at me. There are at least sixty or so in the hangar now. More keep on filing in, all of them desperate to kill me and quickly catch up to the jet to take out the rest. A Forgotten using Ten’s power tries to fly past my but I send him crashing into the ground with telekinesis.

It almost feels unreal. Everything that I’ve done up until now seems pointless. I sure did live a useless life. Wasting away in a care home and hacking into places like a criminal. Running away from the care home just because Sky had left me. Maybe it’s time I stop calling her Sky completely. Her name is Florence after all. I find myself laughing again as I push back every single Forgotten trying to go after the jet with telekinesis.

This actually reminds me of those anime I love to watch. The main character gets summoned to a completely new and random world, not knowing where he is and sometimes not having any memories like me. Then they would get some awesome power and be expected to be a hero and save people. How I wish I could be as cool as that. Unfortunately that just isn’t who I am.

I raise my hands and create a wall of fire between me and the Forgotten. Some of them run straight through it – Fifteen’s ability – and head right towards me. I grin as they dash straight for me. Maybe it’s just the thrill of being in a situation like this. A life or death situation where anything can happen. I have the power to control any natural force, or so I’ve been told. If we all have defects then it is only natural this would happen. I’m not depressed at all. Controlling any natural force seems like an extremely big deal. It’s like the ability of the boss character you usually fight in games; the one you can never beat.

The Forgotten with Fifteen’s abilities are closing in on me. I raise my hand and I know by just imagining what will happen it will happen. I watch as they fall to the ground clutching their throats for air. No matter how intangible you are, you’re useless if you can’t breathe.

I was so happy to see Florence again. No, that word doesn’t begin to describe it. Rather, I was overjoyed. Jubilant. Over the moon. What else can I say? However, the fact is that it was just never meant to be. I now fully understand exactly what I have to do. World War Three has already begun. China has already nuked New York City. There was nothing any of us could have done to stop that. However, Thirteen knows more than anyone right now what to do. We started this war, and we should be the ones to end it. No-one else should have to suffer for our actions, whether we knew what we were doing or not.

A Forgotten begins to use Twelve’s power to manipulate the air pressure and begins to compress the air between his hands. Other begin to follow suit. They all begin firing the compressed air at me. I wave my hand and they all turn to dust before they can fire any more at me. The energy is takes to decompose them makes me drop to my knees. I can already feel the blood pouring out my ears, and my eyes too this time. My head is ringing so much.

I wanted to go out looking all cool, but I guess that isn’t the case. Hah. What a laugh. A couple of years ago I was talking to Florence about writing a book about Henshaw starting the next world war and it actually came to past. Ironic. Everything in the past week has happened too fast; like a blur. It’s almost as if I’m in a story and my life has been written by some bored kid with a flair for theatrics. If that’s the case then screw that kid. No-one is going to like this ending, will they?

I take a deep breath and let loose a blast of plasma energy from my hand. It spreads throughout the hangar, spinning around in the air and crafting its way in between hundreds of the Forgotten. They begin to burn up instantly. They don’t even scream. I guess that’s what happens when you completely brainwash someone to the point they don’t even realise their own existence. They may have the powers of Shadows but they have nowhere near the same strength if they can’t think for themselves.

I sigh as blood begins to drip from my nose as well. I’m no saviour after all. No. I’m just a kid. I lived a shitty life and couldn’t make one bit of difference to the world. But now I can make a small one, even if it’s one that nobody remembers or knows about. It must have taken Noah years and years to create all the Forgotten. I’m going to make sure that I single-handedly destroy them along with this facility.

I crack my neck as I thrust my palm into the face of one of the Forgotten. I spin around clockwise on my right foot and smash my fist into the face of another. I don’t know when or how but I’m sent flying backwards into the ground a few yards back by a flaming ball of fire. I groan as I get back up to my feet. I can’t let any one of the Forgotten survive. I’ve seen the future and I know that letting them live only helps China and Russia win the war within the space of six months. Not one member of the team is in any condition to fight them right now. It’s a job only I can do.

I grin as I rise back up to my feet. Who would’ve thought that arrogant little kid who lived in a care home would be here fighting with the future of the world on his shoulders? Not me, that’s for sure. My hands start to glow a bright white-orange colour, and my body begins to tingle. It’s starting. I can’t help but grin and I start tossing the Forgotten about left, right and centre with telekinesis. I send untamed bolts of lightning hurtling throughout the hangar, frying as many of them as I can. I notice one Forgotten begin flying out of the hangar just as another sends me flying into the ground.

“Not happening!” I scream at the flying Forgotten. I stretch out my hand and a robust gale of wind pummels him, sending him hurtling back into the hangar. Not one of them is leaving this place alive. Raising my hand, everything and everyone in the hangar begins to float. We don’t need gravity here.

A Forgotten propels himself forward with flames and heads straight for me. I simply smile at her as she approaches. I can only hope I’m not doing this in vain. I do wish I could have talked to Florence one last time. My Florence. My Sky. In any case, I don’t need to be remembered by her. It would only be a hindrance to her. I need to be forgotten. Like the ones coming after me now.

With that, my entire body lights up and I can feel the mass of energy growing inside me. I smile again and raise my eyes up to look above me. I guess it’s true that your life flashes before your eyes before the end. Maybe this is to tell me the truth that maybe I’m being selfish here. It is true. After all, I’m no white knight. I know that better than anyone. Perhaps with this though, perhaps I’ll be remembered. Maybe I’ll be more. I could be something more. Or rather, I am something more. I’m just a kid who got thrown into this chaotic world and maybe that’s enough.

I laugh as a single tear falls from my eye. Why am I being so dramatic? It’s not a big deal. I have to man up and prepare myself. In my mind I begin to repeat the same thing over and over again to convince myself: I’m no hero… I’m just one guy. But I do have something to protect – Florence. I’ll do anything I have to if it keeps her safe. And I will kill anyone who stands in my way.

I take a deep breath as all the sound around me gently fades away and is replaced by a small humming sound. It’s almost calming really. I look back down at all of the Forgotten. Too bad I can only take them out. Whoever or whatever the Crows are, Thirteen will have to find a way to deal with him by himself. I sigh as I blink a few times. My vision is getting blurry. Hah. This isn’t so bad after all, is it? I glance back to look at the exit of the hangar and see the clear blue sky one last time.

The next thing I see is white.

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