Subject Seventeen: Wraith Among Shadows

Chapter 10

I wake up to the sound of an alarm. It’s not incredibly loud, but loud enough to wake me up. I slowly sit up in my bed, scratching my head. It takes me a minute to realise where I am and I jump up straight away. As I exit my room I see the others running out of their rooms. What on earth is going on?

I follow suit and run right behind Ten. I follow him all the way to Block H; the control room. Everyone else seems to already be in line. Ten and I fall in line also. Sanders is in front of us, bags under his eyes. He looks at each and every one of us, studying us from head to toe.

“Good,” the Doctor says. He walks down the flight of stairs whilst looking directly at us. “We have an emergency.”

“Eleven and Thirteen are caught in the middle of an ongoing assault.” Sanders says. “As you know, they are both on a covert mission to infiltrate a secret Chinese military base just off the coast of Japan. Unfortunately their cover was blown when they discovered a weapon the military was developing and they are now struggling to escape. You’re mission is to extract them. I doubt they can last for much longer. I don’t care how you do it, improvise if you have to. Just get them out of there; we need them.

“You have fifteen minutes to get ready. A jet is waiting for you in the hangar. Dismissed.”

Sanders signals for Three to approach and she does. I see him slip her two small vials and whisper something in her ear. I want to find out what’s going on but I decide to play it safe and dismiss it.

The entire team moves straight away. Sanders had said ‘we need them.’ What did he mean? I know Eleven has the ability to heal and turn invisible, but what makes Thirteen so special?

I race after Five, following him and the rest down several flights of stairs until we reached a door marked ‘Armoury.’ Inside is a large space filled with lockers and various cases with different types of weaponry. There is another door at the back of the room, however no-one pays it any attention. Instead each of them goes to a locker with their number on it.

I look for a locker marked with the number seventeen, and when I find it I pull it open. Inside is a leather suit, an earpiece and a large assortment of weapons. I put on the suit straight away. Next I holster a small submachine gun and two large knives. I don’t dare hesitate to equip them; I don’t want Three or anyone to become suspicious of me, despite how uncomfortable I feel carrying such dangerous weapons.

Three, Nine and Eight have already finished equipping their gear and are on the move. I follow them. Before I exit I glance back to look at Sky. She’s strapping on a belt with a series of small throwing knives. It doesn’t seem as if she’s even registered my presence. I turn away and continue following Nine.

A few minutes later we arrive at the hangar, and sure enough a jet is already waiting to drop us off at the military base. I scramble aboard in Nine’s wake. The cabin is a bit different from the one we flew in last time. It’s definitely smaller, but also slightly newer than the last. The chairs are packed in close together, leaving room to move about on the sides. There are no windows in this aircraft.

I choose a seat and strap myself in. Everyone else does the same as they climb up and soon enough the jet begins to move. Five minutes later we’re in the air.

Ten is sitting on my right and I can see the energy around him moving wildly. He’s clearly excited. I turn to my left to look at Sky, but she’s not looking in my direction. Her energy is that of a pale blue colour, but hazy. She’s both distant and confused. I sigh. I doubt she’ll talk to me again after last night.

“We need to hurry and get Thirteen out,” Three says. I can sense the panic in her voice.

“What power does she have?” I ask.

He,” Nine corrects me. “He can speak any language and has the ability to see a fair way into the future. It’s likely to be the reason they’re still alive after being discovered.”

Wow. Someone who can actually see into the future. I didn’t think clairvoyance could ever be real. Now I understand why Sanders seemed so stress. This Thirteen is an important asset to them. If we don’t save them now goodness knows what might happen. It slowly dawns on me that this Thirteen is probably the reason why a lot of the team is still alive. Haha, this is starting to feel like a superhero movie now.

I wonder where the rest of the team is. I still haven’t heard about Twelve, Fourteen or Fifteen. Seeing how Four and Six are still alive, I doubt Fifteen is dead like the Doctor had said.

The jet lurches to the side. We must have hit some turbulence. I hold on to the edge of my seat, clinging for dear life. The jet rocks from side to side for a little while before steadying itself. I try to calm myself down. Once we land I know that Three will expect me to do my part. To take lives. But how can I do that? Will I have enough resolve to do it?

I think back to when I didn’t have my memories. I ruthlessly killed some men as if I didn’t have a heart. I did that. There’s no excuse or reason which can excuse what I did, and I realise that. But this time I have to do it. For both my sake and for Sky. I can’t let her down again.

I wince as an image flies through my mind; this happens every now and then. This time it’s of something tiny flying around in a glass box. It hits the glass and the glass cracks. I blink and the image is gone.

I’ve been having brief flashes and glimpses of what I assume are some of my memories. Earlier I had one of me fighting Nine and Three. It’s almost as if I forgot about it and then remembered again. It seems there’s a lot I’ve forgotten about. It’s taking all I can to remain calm and keep this under wraps. All I know is that Nine says that if I don’t I’ll be killed.

I would love to freak out right now but looking at the situation from a different perspective I realise that I have to remain calm to protect Sky. I only wonder how long I’ll be able to put on a brave face before I break down.

Several thoughts swirl about my head and keep me from noticing how much time has passed. It’s already been four hours. It should take about six more hours to get to China – assuming we really are based in the U.K – but Three had been given some sort of serum. It seems like it boosts her powers for a short while. She’s planning to ghost the entire jet right above the military base so we could launch an early attack. After we’ve picked up Eleven and Thirteen the plan is to ghost back onto the jet which will be in the air for an hour, just circling until we’re ready to be picked up. Although Three has never been to our current destination I heard that as long as she has the co-ordinates and that vial, it should be a piece of cake. Now that sounds cool.

“Ready?!” Three yells as she injects herself.

We all nod and hold on tight to our seats. I close my eyes. One moment we’re flying steadily at a good pace, the next I feel a rush of cold and a shiver creeps its way up my spine.

When I open my eyes everyone is already out of their seats and putting on their parachutes – except Ten who is already out the door. It feels like I’m possessed as something takes over me and overpowers all my instincts. I run and jump out after him – I expect to be scared out of my mind but I’m not – not bothering to equip a parachute either.

As we fall down to earth at a frightening speed I slowly make out what seems to be a small island. Various buildings have been built on it systematically. From a bird’s eye view it looks like an assortment of Lego blocks.

Ten lets loose a burst of fire from his hands which propel him forward at an alarming rate. A few seconds later I can no longer see him but he doesn’t forget to make himself noticeable as I see a huge ball of flame erupt from below. Just like Nine said; he loves to blow things up.

Forty metres away from the ground I push my arms out and will myself to slow down, imagining my kinetic energy and momentum being reduced to nothing. It feels so natural to use these powers which come at a surprise to me. I land on the ground smoothly. Looking up I see hundreds of soldiers in light blue navy uniforms and caps running about. All are armed and are shooting at Ten who is already flying around using fire as a propeller and firing off giant fireballs left, right and centre.

If I’m correct I think I can mimic him - as Nine had explained the nature of my powers to me earlier - but only if he’s nearby. I look towards the nearest group of soldiers who have just spotted me and have opened fire on me. The speed at which I move surprises me. I’m nowhere near as fast as Four – that’s for sure – but within a matter of two seconds I’ve covered the fifty or sixty yard difference and I jump up and kick the first soldier. Another one adjusts his aim to shoot me but is struck by a bolt of lightning. Several other bolts rain down from above and hit the soldiers, as if delivering divine punishment.


I take a deep breath and resolve to see the fight through. ‘It’s you or them,’ I think. I look around and see flames erupting every now and then just a few hundred metres away. Ten is still nearby. Good. I spin around and raise my hands, bringing them down with lightning speed and incredible accuracy. Pillars of flame erupt from my fingertips resulting in several men shouting and running backwards. A few armoured vehicles are in front of me and I urge the flames on, willing them to destroy the vehicles. It takes a few seconds but soon enough the cars explode. I’m thrown backwards by the force of the explosion. Several men who were hiding behind the vehicles for cover are no longer anywhere to be seen.

Trying hard not to think about it too much I turn my back to the scene and speak into my mic. I don’t even stop to question my calmness amidst the chaos of this scene.

“Where are Eleven and Thirteen?” I say.

“According to the intel, they’ve been holed up in the underground bunker for nearly six hours,” Three replies.

“Should I go get them?”

“No,” Nine says, his voice booming over the earpiece. “Seventeen you need to stay here and clear away any resistance. We can’t get anywhere near the east wing which leads to the bunker unless we kill everyone in the way.”

I wince at the word ‘kill.’ But I don’t question it. It’s not as if I can.

“Me and Eight will take them out,” Three says. “Seventeen, you’re supposed to be able to control the forces of nature – can’t you do something about that piece of junk?”

I turn around looking for what she’s talking about, only to meet with despair. About twenty or more tanks are rolling down in my direction. Their cannons fire off shots every so often, causing massive explosions all around. One who has just landed jumps into the air and punches the ground. I’m sent flying off my feet as the ground shakes uncontrollably. The cement all around us splits into several pieces and enormous gaping holes swallow up about six of the tanks.

Sky is on my left summoning a massive tornado which sends a few tanks flying into the air. Behind her I see a soldier slowly get up and aim his gun at her. I don’t know what it is; I can only describe it as some sort of instinct or supernatural spirit which possesses me. I’ve already borrowed Three’s power and have teleported in front of him. I punch him in the stomach and the man keels over. Just when I think he’s done for he charges at me with a small knife. I jump back and pull out the Uzi on my hip, aim at him and fire. He drops still.

The recognition of what I’ve just done takes a while to hit me. I killed a man without any hesitation whatsoever. And what’s worse, I don’t even feel anything. No sorrow, no pain or remorse. Not even anger. Looking back I see Sky staring at me.

“You ok, Sky?” I ask her, putting my hand on her shoulder.

“My name is Two… Don’t make me say it again.”

With that she runs off, blasting every soldier in her path with bursts of lightning. I look around at the havoc we’ve reaped. Fires decorate the entire base and bodies are scattered all about. Occasionally something explodes – courtesy of Ten. Smoke rises into the air and I cough, my eyes watering from the ash.

A dozen or so tanks still remain and are firing off shots in my direction. I close my eyes and think. All sorts of ideas and tactics rush into my head, overwhelming me. I can force my way inside the tank, make them fire at each other or blow them up all together if I can produce enough firepower. I can even bring the ground beneath them down. I struggle to keep up with all the new information swirling around inside my head. I begin to move while contemplating my next move, breaking into a small jog and then a full on sprint..

Running through the sea of bodies I raise my hand and stop any bullets heading in my direction. Next I jump up and swing by arms behind me; blasting myself forward using Ten’s flames. The fire is not as strong as I would like and I fall short of my goal. Ten is clearly too far out to mimic his power completely. Instead I get up and run forward, heading straight for the tank in front of me.

The tank fires off a shell at me which I bring to a stop in mid-air. I jump high into the air whilst closing my eyes to protect them from the ashes. I land on top of the tank and I force the turret to turn in the direction of the next tank using my bare hands. My enhanced strength does not come as a surprise. The tank fires a shot and blows away its fellow tank which sends its ally flying into the smoke.

Raising my arms, I negate the force of gravity and rise into the air along with the tank. I place my hands on the exterior of the machine and focus all my energy into making it rust and deteriorate. It takes about fifteen seconds, but eventually the tank fades into dust and three men float out.

The first pulls out his gun and attempts to shoot me, but I hit him hard in the face. The force of the punch sends him flying out of the zero-gravity zone and his face smashes into the ground. Blood flies everywhere. I flinch and turn my attention to the other two. The other two shoot at me and I slow the bullets down and brush them away. I summon a burst of lightning and blast them before they’re sent flying out of the zero-gravity zone by the force of their guns.

Dropping back down I notice that Ten has burned most of the base to cinders. All that remains are seven tanks. I move to take care of them when I notice movement in the air. I count nine fighter jets flying in our directions. I’m too tired to try to deal with them. In my stead I see Nine standing in front of the coming onslaught. He raises his arms and whirls them in a circle causing all of the jets to fly straight into each other which results in a massive explosion. A piece of shrapnel flies straight towards me and I dive out of the way.

I fall to all fours, exhaustion taking over my body. Sweat pours down my face. I pant heavily, trying to catch my breath. Blood trickles out from my ear. I’ve reached my limit.

“I can’t do anymore,” I say into my mic.

“Well,” Ten says. “Screw you then. No need for weaklings here.”

“Ten…” Five says. “Really?”

“Three,” Nine says. “We’ve held out as long as we can. Seventeen needs to recover; such a massive power takes a toll on his body. Hurry and get Eleven and Thirteen out of there.”

Nine has already run over to me and draped by arm over his neck, helping me to my feet. I don’t know how much more I can take; I passed my limit ages ago.

“Where’s Sky?” I ask.

“What?” Nine asks, struggling to be heard over the gunfire and constant explosions.

“Two! Where is she?”

Nine points to a series of blue bursts off in the distance. He pulls me in the opposite direction. We’re going in the same direction Three and Eight did.

Every now and then a soldier would attempt to open fire at us but Nine would fling them aside. I count the seconds as we move. It takes us six minutes and twenty-four seconds to reach a large set of reinforced doors. The doors are at least fifty metres wide. Nine presses his palms against the cold steel and forces it open. The doors swing open slowly, dust clouding our vision for a moment.

“How are we going to find our way to the bunker?” I ask.

“We’re not going to.”

Nine aims his palm at the ground beneath us and concentrates. It slowly begins to break away into several pieces with us atop the one in the centre. I don’t believe it… He’s actually using his telekinesis to split the ground apart! This is madness. He’s like one of those Greek gods of old. You mean to tell me that I can do something like this too?

We slowly begin to descend as Nine forces the very ground beneath us aside so we can pass. Just as we continue to descend I’m sent flying headfirst into the passage Nine has created as something embeds itself in my right shoulder blade.

I clench my teeth together to keep myself from crying out from the sudden pain. I don’t get it, sometimes I can feel pain and other times I can’t.

Behind us are two soldiers. Their rifles are aimed at us and they’re shouting something as they shoot at us. My vision blurs, making me unable to make out their features before Nine shoots them both.

I fall quite a distance before Nine catches me with his telekinesis. He lands us softly on something cold and hard. The bunker. I lay down on my back trying to take in all the air I can. My throat burns and my eyes are watering. I have no place being on a battlefield. Yet somehow it feels so natural. Is this what I’ve become as a result of these powers? A soul-less monstrosity whose sole purpose is to kill? I refuse to accept this. I may have to live through this stupidity, but I’m no soldier. I’m not a monster…

Nine orders me to lie on my stomach and I comply. He tears off some of the fabric of his coat and stuffs it in my mouth and tells me to bite down. Then he carefully removes the bullet lodged in my shoulder blade. I thought before that I couldn’t feel pain but I guess - once again - I’m wrong. My shoulder is worse than on fire; it feels as if someone dunked me in a volcano and poured salt on me afterwards. It’s pure hell.

I try to scream but I can’t because of the fabric in my mouth that I’m biting down on with every fibre of my being. Oh god this hurts like hell. I don’t know how long the pain goes on but eventually I let my head drop and hit the cold metal ceiling of the bunker.

I feel grateful for the oncoming rush of darkness as I close my eyes and let myself go. Then Nine slaps me awake. I rush back up to my knees, my eyes wide and my face hot.

“I need you awake,” Nine says.

He looks at me with pity, then his face switches to one of business. I take note of the amount of ash in his hair and his dirty smudged face. One of the lenses for his glasses is missing and the other is cracked. There’s a huge gaping wound stretching from the side of his forehead all the way down to his cheek. Blood pours down in a continuous stream, not letting up. I feel a little bad after I realise I’m not the only one in pain or suffering.

“How are we supposed to get in?” I ask.

“Can you ghost?”

I sit up and try to feel if Three’s energy is nearby. It takes me a little while but I sense her fairly close to us. She’s jumping around pretty fast though.

“Yeah,” I say. “You want me to get us inside?”

“Yeah, if you can.”

I nod. Taking a deep breath I close my eyes and try to imagine ghosting past the reinforced metal and inside the bunker. Nine is holding on to me. The next thing I know is that we are falling. I open my eyes and see the reinforced metal ceiling we were resting on getting further away, but now we’re on the other side.

I can’t help but wonder as I fall why Nine decided to go and get Thirteen and Eleven before Three. I’m pretty sure she said leave it to her. I guess Nine isn’t one to listen to orders.

I hit the floor and the breath is knocked out of me. I can feel more blood pouring out of my ears and I don’t try to move. My body aches too much. Ten’s explosions can still be felt from here. Nine is already on his feet looking around and studying the interior of the room. I turn my head in the direction he’s looking.

At first I don’t see anything but heaps and heaps of documents with a mass of writing scrawled across them. I have to squint to make out the two heads poking out from behind a stack of documents. One has dark skin and brown eyes. His short hair is a little messy and has dust in it. I study his face and wonder how he came to have such a well-defined broad jaw and such a young age. This must be Thirteen.

Behind him is a girl with short wild amber hair. Her eyes are bright amber also. Dark shadows form under her eyes. She has to be Eleven.

I turn my gaze up towards the ceiling of the bunker as I lay down on the cold, hard ground, weary from everything I’ve just endured. A few seconds later I see Eleven hunching over me. She places her hands on my head and just stares into my eyes. The next thing I feel is a chilled warmth coursing its way through my body. My wounds start to heal themselves and my bleeding stops. My energy returns to me and I’m able to move again.

“All better,” Eleven says. She smiles at me. I’ve never seen a more kind-hearted smile. It warms my heart.

I rise to my feet whilst opening and closing my fist. I feel absolutely no pain or fatigue whatsoever. Eleven’s ability truly is amazing. I watch as Nine goes through the exact same process. It’s as if the wound on his face had never been there.

“You two alright?” Nine says.

“Fine,” Thirteen replies. His voice is unexpectedly deep. “I knew you two would come for us, but we have a problem.”

Thirteen points upwards towards the ceiling, and immediately I know what he’s talking about. I can feel the presence of someone. It’s like the research center all over again. It has to be the weird speed freak.

“Four,” I say.

Nine shifts uncomfortably at the mention of the name. I eye him. It’s just the same as before. Whenever the name Four is mention he makes a strange movement as if he’s guilty of something.

“What’s he doing here?” I ask.

“Probably to kill Thirteen,” Eleven says. “That’s what Thirteen said last week; he saw Four shooting him in the head.”

“And why would he want to do that?” I ask.

I'm simply met by silence. Clearly I haven't been told everything yet and I'm still not completely trusted by them.

“We can’t let that happen,” Nine eventually says.

Eleven and Nine walk towards the entrance of the bunker. I make to follow them but I’m pulled back by Thirteen. He leans up to whisper into my ear.

“Don’t leave her by herself,” he says. Then he runs to catch up with Nine and Eleven. What did he mean by that? Leave who by herself? Then it hits me. Sky is still fighting up there. She should be exhausted by now shouldn’t she?

I run past the other three and push the doors open. Nine reaches out to pull me back but I duck away from his hand. I come to a set of stairs which lead upwards. It seems as if these stairs go on forever but I run up them two steps at a time without stopping. Sky needs me is the only thing going through my head right now. And I’m not about to let her down.

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