Stuck in you

Chapter 78 Another Dream

Rachel wanted to tell Jack that Celine had come to give her problem a few times, but she decide otherwise.
It was better to stay silent because she knew that even if she said something right now, Jack would never believe her.
"All right," she simply said.
Celine, on the other hand, finally gave up on calling Jack and decided to leave his house.
She drove aimlessly and without a destination in mind. She wanted to look for Jack, but she had no clue where to start looking. If
he had just picked up her call, she wouldn't be crying right now.
'Is he planning to break up with me?' Celine shook her head at the thought. Jack was not the type of person who would treat her
like this without good reason. If he wanted to break up, he would've said it to her face to face.
Unbeknownst to Celine, the real reason that Jack became so cold to her was because he didn't have the time to talk to her in
person yet.
She guessed that he was avoiding to meet her because she had lied to him the other day.
She wanted to apologize to him sincerely.
She was willing to do anything to have him back.
But there was a faint voice at the back of her head telling her that this time was different and that he had never treated her like
this before.
She tried to keep her focus, but her mind was too clouded.
She didn't know where else she could go, so she drove to a bar.
Neon lights were flashing in front of the bar. She held her phone in her trembling hands. "One last call," she sighed.
Still no one answered her call. She began pounding the steering wheel while screaming, "Why won't you pick up the call? Damn
you, Jack!"
Celine took deep breaths to calm herself down. If she lost her cool, it would be all over for her. She looked at the bar in front of
her and she remembered her old tricks—she could date another man to make Jack jealous. With this in mind, she devised a

Celine pursed her lips and put on her lipstick. She stared at herself in the rearview mirror and wore a playful smile. Then she
called the guy who invited her to the yacht the other day.
"Hi Aaron," she whispered to her phone. The light from the bar glinted in her eyes, and the sound of voice was enough to make
any man feel weak. "Would you mind doing me a favor?"
During this time, Jack was staying at Rachel's—their wedding house. He barely visited this house.
He made a short call to his assistant and instructed him to send his stuff over. His assistant arrived with his belongings before
Before going into the shower, he remembered that he had a wound on his head. His assistant didn't bring him any liquid
If he wanted medicine, he had to go buy some. The problem was, he didn't know where the pharmacy was so he thought Rachel
could help him.
Jack went to Rachel's room and knocked on the door. Three gentle taps on the door was enough to catch Rachel's attention.
Inside the room, Rachel was talking to Lea about the things that had been currently happening in her life. "I'm so disappointed in
you," said Lea. She couldn't believe that Rachel would keep something so important from her.
Rachel felt guilty that she didn't tell her friend right away. She was about to talk, when she suddenly heard someone knocking on
her door. There was nobody else in the house, so she figured that it was Jack.
"We'll talk about this later," Rachel reassured her friend. She looked at the door. "He might have something important to tell me."
Rachel heard Lea click her tongue. "This is exactly what I'm talking about! Your messy relationship. What's wrong with you?
You've been acting weird lately, Rachel." "Who in their right mind would agree to something like that?" Her voice sounded louder
this time. She must be upset.
"I'll tell you later, I promise," Rachel sighed. She really wanted to tell Lea everything, but now was not a good time. She didn't
even have the chance to tell her about the conversation with Jonathan.

Lea was left speechless. She couldn't imagine the trouble that her friend was going through right now. She might lose her cool if
she learned something worse about Rachel. Lea finally gave up and dropped the call. "Go ahead," she snorted. Rachel
straightened herself up before answering the door.
By the time that she opened the door, she was already wearing a white night gown. Her long hair with a hint of curls from her
usual ponytail gently flowed over her shoulders against the silk cloth. Her beautiful hair highlighted the delicate parts of her face,
and it made her look all the more angelic.
When he saw Rachel like that, Jack was reminded of the dream he had of her.
It was harder to think with the wound on his head. She knew that Jack wanted something but it seemed as though he couldn't
say anything. "What's wrong, Jack?"
As if pulled back into earth, Jack stood straight. He coughed, his hands pressing against his lips and said, "I need to buy some
medicine. Do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?"
"Medicine? What kind of medicine do you need? All the pharmacies are closed already."
Jack lowered his head to show her the wound. "I need anti-inflammatory pills."
Rachel stared at the wound. She had already noticed it earlier but decided to wait until Jack opened up about it. Now that she
had seen it properly, it was more serious than she initially thought.
"I have what you need. Come on, let's go down so I could help you treat that wound."
He almost forgot that Rachel was a doctor. Perhaps the wound was making him stupid and senile.
Without a word, he followed Rachel downstairs. Her slender and smooth legs attracted his attention.
Jack lowered his head to conceal his emotions.
He turned his attention to almost everything to keep himself from thinking about Rachel. Noticing that the windows and the floor
were clean made him wonder how many times the housekeeper came by every month. Jack snickered at how pathetic it was
that he would think of something so pointless.
"Stay on the couch and don't move," Rachel commanded. "I'm going to get the first aid kit."

Rachel was prepared for this kind of emergency. She always made sure that her medicine cabinet was fully stocked, and her first
aid kit had everything she needed.
Rachel came over to the couch with the first aid kit in her hands. She took out the medicine needed to treat his wound. "How did
you get yourself hurt?" she asked. Talking to the patient while you were treating them was part of the procedure. It helped keep
them distracted.
She parted the hair near his forehead, revealing the wound. It was bigger than she imagined. Jack came back to his senses
when he realized that Rachel asked him a question.
He could not resist to look at her fair and beautiful neck as Rachel dipped the cotton with betadine.
He was caught off guard when Rachel drew closer to his face. He was lost in his thoughts when she held his head. When he felt
her slightly cold fingers rubbing against his forehead, he winced.
The strands of her hair fell on her face while tending to his wound. She tucked her hair behind her ear and began tending to his
"You should be more careful next time."
Albeit he was badly injured, Jack was lucky enough to get out of the car on time. Any longer and he would've suffered a more
dire consequence.
Jack let her tend to his wound in silence. He tried to look elsewhere, but her face was so close to his that he couldn't help but
look at her from time to time.
Helping Jack with his wound was not that hard for Rachel. She had seen injuries far worse than this. All she had to do was clean
his wound and apply the medicine.
It took less than three minutes to finish applying medicine to his wound. "Don't let water into your wound until it's healed," she
said as she organized her medicine kit.
That night, Rachel reappeared in his dream. It was the same dream he had before.
She's lying in bed and he could not take his eyes off her neck. It was smooth as porcelain and light as snow. If precious gems
could become human, Rachel was one of them.

Her long and wavy hair ran down to her shoulders and made her look all the more attractive. She was dressed in a silk night
gown, looking at him with those innocent eyes of hers.
He finally gave in to his desire. He slowly reached out to her. He moved his hands from her shoulders to her neck.
Rachel just lay there, looking at him with her pure eyes.
Jack untangled the strings on the left shoulder of her night gown, revealing her slender and shapely shoulders. He caressed her
shoulders and felt the softness of her skin.
He lowered his head and a tempting coldness greeted his nose. He really wanted to ask her where the fragrance came from and
why he had never smelled it before.
When he raised his head to look at her, he saw that she was staring at him with cold eyes.
The gentleness in her eyes was lost.
All that was left was contempt and disgust.
Jack woke up with a start and stared at the ceiling and the chandelier in a daze.
He felt something strange in his lower body.
He couldn't see anything with the quilt covering his body, but he could feel that something had changed in his body. His current
temperature was also a bit higher.
'If only there was a brick around, I'd slap myself senseless with it,' he thought to himself.
He had never been so embarrassed in his life. He couldn't believe that he was still having erotic dreams in his late twenties,
dreaming of the same woman.
Jack lifted the quilt and headed to the bathroom.
Jack stared at his manliness in the mirror.
He was too embarrassed to even think about handling himself.
But Jack couldn't just stand there while having an erection. He had to do something.

He calmed himself first and thought of what he could do. He blamed what happened on the fact that he hadn't touched a woman
for a long time.
He glanced at himself in the mirror and snickered. "You are really something. How can you suppress your desires all this time?"
But no matter how hard he suppressed his desires, he had never had this kind of dream with Celine. The last time that he had
this kind of dream was when he was still a teenager. It was degrading!
Jack was so ashamed of himself that he was driven to laughter. Why would he dream of Rachel of all people? Why not Celine?
On top of that, how could he keep dreaming of Rachel over and over?
There must be a reason. There had to be. Otherwise, he would think himself insane.
Rachel had left for work when he finished cleaning.
She had the habit of making breakfast, but not for other people.
As Jack made his way to the kitchen, he was attracted by the smell coming from there. He went in and found Rachel's leftover
He licked his lips. The porridge looked delicious, and he hadn't eaten since yesterday. His stomach started growling.
It suddenly occurred to Jack why he started liking Celine. It was because of her kindness.
When they had just gotten together, she got up early every morning to lovingly prepare breakfast for him, though it didn't taste
that good.
His stomach growled again.
Celine said she had learned to cook because she always cook when she lived with her parents.
But that was not the case for Rachel. He wondered where she learned how to cook. She seemed like a great cook as well,
making something so simple like porridge smell so good. Rachel couldn't have learned cooking from the Fu family. They always
had servants to do everything for them.
Did she learn how to cook after she left the Fu family? Nonetheless, she turned out to be a good cook and that was all that
mattered. Jack walked out from the kitchen. He was thinking maybe he could taste the food Rachel made some day.

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