Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“I love my people they deserve a great Luna and a strong heir,” He panted

*Oh! How nervous could someone be! *

“I’m sure they do. I would like to know more about you,” I smiled.

This was my third conversation of the day. We were walking in the fields talking about what life may be like if he won. I wanted to get to know the men before they fought. This was not part of the tradition but I had insisted and so had my parents.

The alphas son I was with now was 17 and highly strung about his chance with me. I could empathize with him and his hopes.

We had been walking for 10 minutes and he had not said a single word about himself.

“I enjoy reading and learning. My father wishes I would practice my fighting more but I do my best to balance both,” He did indeed have broad shoulders and hefty arms. “I know it seems foolish but I do believe that knowledge is power as well. Though I know you are a strong warrior,” He smiled, wringing his hands.

“I am. I’ve learned many forms of combat to help defend my pack. Though reading is one of my passions,” I looked over the fields at the growing food my pack would harvest at the end of the season. I would not be here for that.

“Really,” He examined. “I am so glad, it would be nice to enjoy sharing my books with my mate,” He nodded his eyes now alight.

“I enjoy a good romance,” I furthered.

His face dulled. “Ah,” He turned his head away from me “I meant nonfiction. Science books, psychology, and historical texts,” he folded his hands behind himself.

I scrunched my eyebrows. “There is a lot to learn from fantasy novels as well. Morals, facts, coping, heartbreak,” I pushed back.

He smiled. “You are right. Still not my favorite. I do think I’d listen to you talk of them all day though,” He said, turning to smile at me once more.

*I’m not sure he seems too good to be true. *

I could not hope to fall in love in one conversation, and he seemed honest. No man trying to deceive me would show their dissatisfaction with an answer of mine unless they were stupid.

“That is very sweet Maxwell,” I laughed.

“Your time is up Annette has some duties to attend to,” Theo stuck his head in between us.

I smiled and waved goodbye to him as I turned.

“Please call me Max!” He hesitantly called after me.

“Only if you call me Anna!” I called back.

I turned my head towards the building of our pack. This was the best conversation I’d had this day. I enjoyed him, though I still felt a stone in my heart that he was not for me.

“He seemed nice,” Theo poked my side.

I turned to the middle of my brothers. “He was. Still, I’m holding my heart behind closed doors. Something is sitting in me telling me to wait,” I shook my head confused at this unsettling sense I held onto.

“Is it your fears?” Theo stopped. “You should not let them hold you back you know,” He looked so worried. I knew it was not easy for him to see me like this, so vulnerable and there was nothing he could do.

“It is not, I feel as though there is something missing,” I shrugged my shoulders not sure how to explain to him the feeling I knew was right.

He put his hands in his pockets. “Perhaps there is something the goddess wishes to show you?”

I turned away from him. “I could only hope, still I am going to listen to it. I will not bend,”

“As you should,” He walked after me lazily. “I wish I could give you advice but I knew who I wanted for the longest time. No one cared who I choose,”

He and Cea were good together. They brought out the best in each other and I saw it every day. It was hard to look at sometimes knowing I’d never enjoy something like that for myself.

“Mother wants you to help her with Patricia. She’s started too soon,” Theo explained finally why he had indeed pulled me from my chat.

I turned now enraged that he’d let me ramble on for so long. “Are you an imbecile? Where is she!”

I took off running as soon as he gave me her location.

“And we have horses. Lovely breeds it’s how we make the money we have….” He didn’t even look at me as he spoke. He had been speaking the entire time.

I could not care though my mind was still with Patricia. She had birthed such a beautiful little girl. Her husband, a strong warrior, already had six sons. Six! The baby had come so soon because she was not breathing but I could tell she hadn’t left us yet.

My mother worked to help Patricia and I worked with the elders to bring back her daughter.

Soon enough there were cries of a strangled nature not used to fresh air. Patricia wept such happiness as I placed her girl on her chest.

Those moments of joy you get from being there for others in moments of true need were the greatest kind of high I could imagine.

“…..I would expect you to ride of course as it is most of the day for us. You shall not break a horse though because they can be a bit rough. I wouldn’t even have you near the unbroken while pregnant ….”

Patricia did very well even though she’d lost a lot of blood. Her husband, one of the largest men I’d seen, looked broken in half at the sight of her unconscious. The elders had given her tea for sleep and to help her regain her strength.

“……you could not believe the smell sometimes though I do believe you’ll get used to it…”

It was one of my roles I enjoyed the most. I could only hope my alpha would allow it or that his elders would even consider it.

“….I have ridden many horses so I am in good shape. The tournament tomorrow will be so easy…..”

“And the sun doesn’t set at all,” I was astonished this actually happens.

“Not for almost four months,” He explained.

“How on earth do you sleep!” I laughed before I took a sip of tea.

The honey in the liquid was to help get my voice through all the conversations. This one was easier than the others.

I was talking to Peter about the frozen moon pack. He was telling me all about the people and the seasons as they were quite extreme.

“It is quite easy if you cover your windows. I’m sure you could manage if you ever came,” He quipped.

It was nice that he wasn’t as presumptive as the other males who all claimed I would be theirs. “You do not think I’ll see it?” I squinted at him.

I wanted to see if he was being genuine. Perhaps this was just another tactic to get under my skin. It was hard to get a read on him.

He stilled for a second before he turned and faced me fully. “Can I tell you something?” He pleadingly asked.

I set my mug down and blinked for a second at his change of emotion. “I suppose,”

“There is a girl in my pack that I’ve been secretly seeing for months. My parents have no clue and it was an honor to be requested here. I do want her though. I need her as my Luna,” quickly realizing he may have offended me he added “you are great! Don’t get me wrong I mean I would be unbelievably fortunate to win your favor and have you by my side. Still, I-I love her,”

I nodded and picked up my mug, drinking again before talking, letting him stew in his anxiety. “She sounds like quite the gem. I should hope she knows you didn’t intend to actually win me?”

He huffed a sigh of relief. “She was not happy I left at all but I made sure she knew I did it as to not offend your pack as I hope to have good relations with you,”

I played with the mug in my hands laughing internally. “Well, then I believe we’re in a good position,”

“Umm. How so?” His nerves returned to him in an instant.

“You can tell me what you know of the other men trying to claim me,” I revealed my plans.

He sat back in his chair. “You are very clever,”

I shrugged and continued to drink. “Seriously though tell me what you know,”

“Well, Gregory shills has stated he is still in good standing even though you haven’t spoken to him. Arthur Marcken only talks about the ranch in his pack. One man can’t help but stare at your umm…assets. Another I’m fairly sure is into your eldest brother. Maxwell Voxel I do believe truly is into you though he keeps to himself. The only other male that seems serious about you has yet to arrive,” He ran through the main group of men.

The book and pressed flowers entered my mind. I could smell it again and my heart raced slightly.

“Yes, what do you know of the missing man?” I tried to ask as nonchalantly as I could manage.

“He is the alpha of a Canadian pack. The Northern Ecl*pse pack I think, and he has sent his beta ahead with gifts for you to apologize for his delay. I am terrified to see what he looks like because his beta is bigger than me,”

“I know! I almost fell over myself when I realized he wasn’t alpha!” I giggled.

“It’s a bold move not coming until the tournament,”

“Hmm. Still, he’s taken the time to get gifts I actually enjoy. I’m worried I’m creating a fictional prince,”

“Who knows maybe the goddess has smiled upon you again?”

“What I want to know is how did he know to get me a romance?” I turned my head to look at my mother.

The guilty party nervously sipped her wine.

After a long few days of having conversations with nervous boys I got a moment of peace to eat dinner with my family.

It was leaps beyond the dinner I had last night with an alpha who refused to leave his son alone with me and answered all of my questions.

“Eva you didn’t,” My father sighed, annoyed at my mother’s meddling.

I picked at the steak on my plate. I had snacks and treats all day to help further my conversations with the men. I was not at all hungry.

“I don’t see the harm in a man who wanted to know what she liked,” My mother smiled while playing with her earrings.

“You’re showing partiality,” My father grunted.

“I am not,” she defended. “I simply did what he asked Jonathan,” my mother gaped and his indignation. “If any man asked to give my daughter a gift she truly liked I would have told him as that shows signs of a good partner!”

“It’s also a tactic used by abusers to get you to fall in love quickly,” James mumbled under his breath.

I couldn’t help widening my eyes. I had been hoping this meant the mystery man was earnest but his mystery could be cause for concern.

“James!” Charlie quickly chastised him.

“The northern ecl*pse pack is a strong and noble pack. I know the mother of this alpha and I do not think for a second that she would endanger a female. She herself was in Annette’s position,” he sipped his whiskey.

Ah.* There was something hidden then. Perhaps this is why he’s stayed away, his mother could be influencing his decisions.

“Charlie is quite large but I never did care. You know he pulls back a lot, knows his power,” he stuffed his mouth as he talked. “Good thing. Still I’d be more afraid of him if he didn’t. Wouldn’t have dreamt of coming here if he did,”

Gregory Shills was attractive in the basic sense. His ginger hair and Cheshire Cat smile. Still, I felt as though I wanted to vomit every time he came around.

He wore too much cologne and I wished to get some last tastes of the sea air. His clothes were nice but his manners were sorely lacking. He did not act as though he respected me or my family. His whole persona reeked of unearned confidence.

“You’d be surprised with your families pedigree the number of people scared to look him in the eye but I think he’s normal,”

*Ugh! He was like an unsavory dish sl*pping down your throat. *

“Gregory, I respect your pack too much to let this continue. I’m afraid I have my list picked out for the tournament and it’s only fair to you that I do not wish to waste your time, goodbye,”

I stood and started walking away as quickly as possible. I wish I could have framed his face: like a fish gasping in the air.

“Beta O’Connell,” I raise my eyebrows and the man bows his head to me.

“Miss Maloria,” he returned.

I’ve been waiting for this all week. I pushed his talk until the end to see if the alpha turned up and if not to make O’Connell sweat.

I turned up a nice smile at him covering my eyes from the sun.

I was sitting in one of the many hidden spots on our pack grounds. This one more so in the woods with only an old tree cut into a bench. It overlooked another cliff but a much smaller one.

Pups often jumped from here when earning the respect of the pack, gaining their wolves, and starting to run rampant.

“I assume your alpha is not here yet?” I appraise the man as we speak.

I see the worry touch his eyes.

“He is still delayed but I assure you he will arrive for the tournament,” he nodded.

“If he is chosen,” I turn away and start reading through the book on my lap.

I heard the beta shuffle a little from side to side on the dirt and rocks.

“Did you not like the gift?” He started reaching into his pocket. “He has sent others,”

“Gifts are nice but I wish to know the man and his absence makes me feel he is untrustworthy,” I fl*pped a page with a shrug.

The beta looked around at the two warriors by us.

“I promise he would treat you right,” He came a little closer to me. “I do not wish to upset you I have another gift for you one that shows he will take care of your every need,”

He set a small wooden box beside me.

Still, I did not move from my spot and kept reading silently looking over at him only shaking my head.

The beta looked at the square box pointedly as if that should be enough.

*He is way too nervous. *

I had to restrain myself from laughing at this poor second. He obviously was told to placate me in hopes his alpha could compete.

Charlie said this alpha came from a noble pack and papa said his mother was an alpha female as well. This made me want to know more and give him a chance but at the same time, I wasn’t going to go off on blind faith.

I sighed and closed my book.

“Tell me about your alpha,” I swing my arm over the bench and squint at him.

His demeanor shifted instantly. “He is a good and strong man,” this beta puffed his chest out a little. “He makes sure our people and our lands are defended. He has helped us prosper and listened to us for counsel. His strength gives us strength and he works and fights alongside us,”

“Hmmm, an alpha taking counsel that is interesting. What do the women do on your lands?”

“They make clothes, farm, heal, defend, raise the young, and cook. Much like here. We are a bit more rural and like to provide for ourselves, still, I believe you would thrive there. A woman of your caliber is perfect for us,”

“Perfect! That is a lot to live up to…especially for a man who hasn’t shown his face…..why?”

“As I said he keeps our lands defended. There was some trouble with a pack not far from ours and he did not want to bring you there without the situation under control,”

“And he was so certain he would win me?” I feigned offense. Every male here has claimed they would win me effortlessly. Except for Max.

This time the beta smiled. “He is of two alphas ms. Maloria you know the effect that has on the offspring. I see it in you. I have no doubt my alpha would be the last man standing,”

I pursed my l*ps and knitted my brows. Loyalty this fierce is awarded to those who earn it. Perhaps this alpha is what he’s been portrayed to be.

“Last question,” I turn away from him again grabbing the box.


“What’s his name?” I rolled the box around in my hands grappling with it so tempted to what was inside.


I opened the box.

*He does know how to keep a girl interested. *

“He can compete,”

Authors note:

Hi thanks to everyone who has been reading. It’s so nice that you guys save and comment you have no clue how much that means to me. I am so glad you all have been enjoying the little I have put out so far I promise the story will pick up pace soon.

I’m going to try and update every monday from now on so you all get updated frdequently. If there is a chapter im really excited about it could come out sooner or if a chapter is giving me trouble it might come out late but i do my best to remain on time.


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