Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

“You’ll do fine, you just can’t fight her talk to her communicate let her take the lead she can show you the way.” 

I had been trying to get this young wolf to try and turn for the past hour. She was young to have been able to call on her wolf. The fear runs deep when it happens before you’re ready. 

“It won’t hurt,” I reminded her. 

“I just–do–ah! I d–dont want to lose control,” she was starting to shiver and jerk. She was sweating and the longer she tried to keep her wolf at bay the worse it would get. 

“Let her in. Come on it’s another side of you like your arm or your mind let her come out,” I rubbed her back and smoothed her hair. 

“I’m scared,” 

“Honey you have to listen to the Luna she’s telling you what to do,” her mother in the corner called to her. 

“Shhh. Okay just relax and think of something you like. Don’t think about your wolf or a change think about a happy memory ” I kept her in my arms knowing if she relaxed she was going to shift. 

“We won’t keep going?” her legs were trembling nonstop. Her wolf needed release. 

“No…no we’re done,” I nodded. 

“This is the only way she can relax the second she does her wolf will come forward and take over. 

She breathed in relief and then shrieked as she began to shift. Her wolf took her chance and moved ahead. 

A growl emitted from her and Seraphine took over to help calm her down. 

Whimpering and whining escaped her wolf’s mouth before she began panting and her tail curled in. She backed into a corner and bred her teeth. 

Seraphine’s green eyes spoke to her and she calmed when she realized she wasn’t alone. 

“It’s okay, you have to work together talk to each other,” 

I backed away as her wolf stood up and turned her head from side to side. 

Chapter 23 

*Find the common ground. 

Slowly the small girl came out of her wolf and she curled up. 

“I did it!” she whispered, still shaking. 

I grabbed a blanket and wrapped her up in it her mother came running forward to hold her girl. 

“I’m sorry I had to lie but your wolf would have hurt you forcefully coming forward,” I backed away to give her space. 

“Her name mama…its emerald,” 

*I think I’m no longer needed. * 

I excused myself from their moment and walked out of her room and the house telling her father it was finished as I left. 

She was so scared but she was only 11. There was no way she knew how to accept this other being in her mind. I can only imagine how horrified she was turning so aggressively last night. 

Amaria had told me what had happened and asked me if I wanted to take over. It was my duty as Luna to help young female wolves transition, Grayson would help the males. We only step in if the family asks and these parents were not prepared thinking they still had time. 

Amaria who is two houses down from them had been there all last night. I had no issue taking over and helping her to come together with her wolf. All morning she had tried shifting and her wolf was nowhere to be found then the second that her wolf appeared she became scared and started fighting the turn. 

I walked myself towards my house to eat a long–awaited meal. It was almost noon and my stomach was empty. 

I decided that a soup would be best so I could have plenty. I grabbed tomato sauce, leftover chicken, and a bunch of vegetables. 

I put them all in seasons with herbs and spices as I munched on some cheese in waiting. Then the door opened. 

“The warriors have tied up all defenses on the southern front so if anything should happen it’ll be okay,” Matt’s voice came around the corner. 

“Something smells good,” Leon changed the subject. 

“Grayson is your mom here?” Aarron ran into the kitchen. 

“Hello,” I looked over from my place leaning on the island. 

“Laina! My apologies I thought Elder Amaria was cooking for us,” Aarron bowed his head but still gave me a kind smile. 

“No, she’s asleep.” I walked over to stir the soup and taste it. “A young wolf had an early transition and she had stayed with the girl all night I took over this morning.” 

“Yes, how is she? Did she hurt herself at all?” Aarron crossed his arms. 

“She has a couple of scratches but she won’t need anything but some bandaids, but she came together finally,” I smiled, grabbing some more salt. 

“Is um there enough for all of us,” Leon poked his head over my shoulder. 

“Yes,” I shooed him away with my hands. “But let it simmer for a minute or two if you want some,” 

“We can eat elsewhere,” Grayson spoke up. 

“She said it’s fine,” Matt patted his shoulder. 

“I don’t want to impose,” 

“I made food Grayson. Is it not my job as Luna to feed those who come into our house?” I dug into him with my eyes daring him to say no. 

“I suppose,” he walked over to the dining table and sat down. 

“Hmm,” I rolled my eyes and whipped my ponytail around. 

“… I missing something?” Leon looked between everyone. 

“I don’t know what you mean,” I looked over my shoulder. “Go sit down I’ll serve you,” 

The three men went over to where Grayson sat and joined him. Grayson hushed his voice and continued with their conversation. 

“I want us to handle the east and western fronts in the coming months. The Crescent Mountain packs, the River Phase pack, and the Waxing Pride pack all have agreed to another season of trade,” he led the conversation. 

“We should try and get enough metal for the next few month’s hunts. We’re low on arrows there are some but we should have much more,” Leon leaned back in his chair. 

I grabbed some bowls and continued to eavesdrop. 

“Crescent Mountain Pack should have more than enough, I say we give them some of our best pelts and fabric so they might be inclined to give us some more material than last time,” Aarron gave his input. 

I grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. 

“I believe that if push comes to shove we shall be able to rely on them,” Grayson nodded. 

*Rely on them how? For what?” 

“I believe that Alpha Darren and his wife Taylor are expecting their first pup right?” Leon turned to Grayson. 

Grayson stopped. “Darren has a luna?” 

“You were at their binding Gray,” Mett laughed and the others Joined in. 

He seemed to be clueless about everyone 

The toast popped and I grabbed it putting butter and a little garlic powder on it. Then I filled the bowls with soup all the way to the top and brought them over. 

“Luna thank you,” Aarron bowed his head. 

“I’ve gained weight since you’ve come to us you know,” Leon smirked at me. “I do think I’ll forgive you,” 

“Thank you, I’m glad my cooking is appreciated, “I nodded and went to take my bowl upstairs. 

As I grabbed my food and started heading away Matt called to me. 

“Luna there is a spot here, please join us,” Matt spoke up. 

“Oh!” I spun around and looked over at Grayson to gauge my response. 

“Please you’ve been kind enough to make our food,” Leon got up pulled put the chair next to my mate. 

“If you insist,” I slowly stepped forward waiting for him to object. 

“You’re our Luna, why wouldn’t we want you around,” Matt helped me push my chair in. 

We all settled in and began to eat. It was eerily quiet for a second or two and then they continued. 

“They are having their first pup and it is custom to send a gift,” Matt looked over at Grayson. 

“I suppose a nice pelt and some weapons will do,” He nodded to himself. 

“How close is our relationship with them?” I turned to Matt. 

“The Waxing Pride pack is in the northern part of the province and one of the closest packs to us,” he explained, 

“If you can source me some fabric I’ll make a baby blanket for them, and we will send it over with pre–made meals for the new parents,” I corrected Grayson’s mistake of an impersonal gift. 

“Fantastic,” Aarron exclaimed. 

“Is a pelt not good enough?” Grayson looked at me with scrunched brows. 

“It is their first pup and showing respect and kindness during moments like these grows strong bonds,” I looked down at my food feeling like an idiot I had spoken at all. 

“I never thought of it like that,” he nodded and i felt a wave of reassurance calm my rapid heart. 

When we were finished I grabbed the bowls so I could wash them. Matt stared at Grayson for a second or two. 

“Let me help you, Anna,” He grabbed three of the bowls from me. 

“Thank you,” I was surprised that one of them had offered. 

He opened the dishwasher and set the bowls in and then took the ones from me. 

“Wow, a real gentleman,” I teased. 

“Well I wasn’t raised by wolves,” He joked. 

“Ewww! That’s like the worst one!” I gagged. 

In the world of wolf–related humor, there isn’t a single pup on the planet that hasn’t heard that one. 

“Oh come on! It’s a classic,” he scoffed. 

“ no I don’t care it’s just awful,” I shuddered. 

His laughter barked out as I put the leftover soup away. I had planned on eating it the rest of the week but I guess I’ll only have something to eat tomorrow. 

I walked down after the men left, figuring I’d find Elizabeth and train for an hour or two before dinner. 

Elizabeth helped me while we trained to know who our allied packs are and their leaders. The Waxing Pride pack to the north had Darren and Taylor. The Crescent Mountain pack was the closest to us on the other side of the range, their Alpha was Nial, their Luna Cassidy. The River Phase pack beyond them had only an Alpha Saxxon. 

We barbecued for dinner grilling pork, steak, and sausage. Elizabeth also decided it was time I tried poutine so we also made that and gravy. 

I have to admit that the cheese, fries, and gravy were a weakness of mine now. I had more of that than anything else. 

“And?” Elizabeth asked. 

“It’s my second helping, do you really have to ask,” I chuckled in response. 

“I can’t believe you’ve waited this long,” she smiled. 

It was getting easier to talk to Elizabeth and trust her. I know she agrees with Grayson on waiting to give himself to me. I found that she wanted to be friends but was very analytic and logical. 

“Matt, I was thinking that I should put raised by wolves on the baby blanket for the Waxing Pride Luna,” I turned to him. 

“Sounds like a good idea,” he nodded and turned away. 

“Or do you think there’s worse one?” I asked confused as to his cold demeanor 

“No clue,” he shrugged. 

“Anna, do you need any help with the blanket?” Elizabeth tapped my arm. 

“Um yeah. I was uh gonna ask you for your oversight you know when I made it,” I started up the conversation with Elizabeth again wondering what I could have done to upset the friendly beta. 

After I finished my meat and maybe another plate of poutine I went to clean mine and Elizabeth’s plates as a thank you for her kindness. 

“Luna,” I turned my head to the side as I washed my dish. Matt was standing behind me. 


“In sorry if I appeared rude, Alpha asked me to not be so informal with you and keep a distance,” 

I dropped my wet plate to the side, 

“What?!” I snapped. 

“Annette,” Grayson came over and grabbed my arm. “Let’s go home,” 

“Grayson!” I tried yanking my arms from his grip but he tightened. 

He looked over at me with a stern glare. I closed my mouth but returned the glare. 

I will wait until we get home but you control nothing of my life. 

We got home and he slammed the door shut behind us. 

“Oh yes please be upset with me for trying to have someone here to talk to!” I turned on him disgusted at his aggression in the situation. 

“You cannot be so open with other males and think I’d be happy to see it. Especially my beta!” he stepped forward to 

  1. me. 

“Goddess be Grayson!” I stormed away grabbing my head. “I was talking to him! I am not stripping for him!” 

“Don’t provoke me!” 

“You cannot cut me off from everyone! I cannot live that way! I would throw myself off a cliff!” I screamed. 

“Because you can’t flirt with my beta you’re going to kill yourself?” his eyes squinted. 

“No! If you constrict my life I would!” I threw my hands up in disbelief. 

“Annette, you’re going to be Luna you have to behave,” 

“Wow you’re right I have been such a brat you should call my parents!” snipped at him. “How dare you speak to me like a child! I’m the one here who has tried to make whatever we are work!” 

“You’re calling me childish now?” he prodded me. 

“I have tried to talk to you, I’ve tried to be open with you! What am I supposed to do, sit in the corner and wait until you feel like talking to me?!” 

“This is not easy for me! You are coming to my lands to meet my people, I will not give them a bad Luna!” 


We both jumped and spun around. Amaria stood in our doorway. Grayson blanched at his mother’s presence. 

“To think I raised you to treat her this way!” she admonished him briskly walking over to me and wrapping me in her 


“She is your mate by the goddess a gift to you and you treat her as a child to be examined for a grade!” 


“No! You will not say another word. Annette can do whatever she wants! You do another thing like this again and I will not accept you calling me mother,” She scolded him. 

She walked me past Grayson with his mouth agape. 

“Shhh. I know my darling I know,” she rubbed my arm. 

I saw my tear drop onto her sleeve before I realized I was crying. 

“He has no right and as his mother, I am questioning where I went wrong,” she squeezed me tighter. 

“I swear I didn’t do anything disrespectful,” I felt as though I should explain to my mother–in–law that I had done nothing to entice Matthew. 

“I know, your colors shine through every day and he is blind,” she walked me to my bed and rubbed my back. 

“I know I’m not your mother, but I considered you mine the second you arrived. I will not let you be treated this way,” she brushed my hair out of my face. 

“I will see to it that you are treated as you deserve,” She nodded at me. 

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