STRIPTEASED: A Standalone Reverse Harem Romance (Roommates Book 1)


It was quiet as Tonio drove me home from the photo shoot. It wasn’t supposed to be my night in his bed, but the twins and Knox said that he’d earned it. Austin grinned and said that I was likely eager to spend some time getting familiar with Tonio’s shaved chest. That made me blush, but it wasn’t like he was wrong.

The silence in the car wasn’t awkward. We were just tired. We’d had to lug all the equipment out to the cars. Fortunately, the twins had volunteered to take the portable spotlights back to the club, and Knox had headed home with all his camera equipment.

Which left me with Tonio, although I belatedly realized we weren’t heading back to the house. “Where are we going?”

He smiled, his eyes on the road. “I was wondering when you’d notice. We’re almost there.”

That didn’t answer the question of where there was, but it was good enough for me. We were in a part of town I didn’t recognize, and streetlights were few and far between. In the dark, I thought about what had happened at the photo shoot.

For days, I’d been looking for a chance to share some kind of intimacy with Tonio, and the more time that passed, the more awkward I felt about it. What if he thought I wasn’t into him? Or if he thought I just wanted it because it was his turn? But then dancing with him—even with the other guys watching—had felt like the most intimate thing ever. My body still tingled everywhere he’d touched.

When Denver taught me dance moves for his video series, it was a friendship thing. It was fun, sure, but it was more about education than romance. Which was okay because it was supposed to be. But when I danced with Tonio, it was so much more than that. It was passionate. Exhilarating. And sexy. Really, really sexy. I wanted to dance the salsa with him again, this time without the spotlights and an audience.

“We’re here.” Tonio pulled into an empty parking lot. Trees grew in little patches of dirt surrounded by pavement. A small scattering of lights illuminated sections of the lot. He eased the car into a spot in front of a nondescript two-story building.

The engine shut off, and the silence grew until I felt I had to break it. “If you brought me here to make out, it’s more customary to go up to some kind of lookout point.”

Tonio chuckled and reached over to squeeze my hand. “That’s not why I brought you here, but I like the way you think.” He let go and gestured ahead. “I wanted to show you my building.”

“What?” I leaned forward, examining the structure in front of me. It wasn’t very big, maybe the length of a drugstore. Both floors had ample windows, and I wondered what the inside was like. Were there offices? Or large, open spaces? “How can it be yours?”

“Well, it’s not. But… I told you how I want to open my own business. And if I could afford it, this would be the place I’d choose. Everyone calls it the Keller Center, but that corporation moved out years ago. Since then, it’s been rented out to various businesses. A company that moved in but then had to downsize. Then there was a café on the first floor for a while, but it eventually went out of business. I’ve been inside twice—the place has good bones. I know I could make a go of it.”

Tonio’s words were so sincere that they made my heart ache for him. This was his dream, just like my dream was to publish a book. My dream was coming true—I wished his could, too. “What kind of business would you have, a restaurant?” He was such a good cook, it seemed like a logical choice.

“Probably not. A lot of new restaurants don’t make it. That café didn’t. And I have a buddy who’s a restaurant manager, and he works 70-hour weeks and rarely sees his kids. I know that whatever business I open will require long hours, but eventually, I’ll want some balance. I want to be able to work and to spend time with the people I care about.”

He looked right at me while saying that last part. I laced my fingers through his. “A gym, perhaps? Those windows would be nice for that.”

“Maybe,” he said. “But one that specializes in something. Not just the same ol’, same ol’. I’m pretty sure I can persuade Austin and Denver to be personal trainers, but I’m not sure what Knox would do.”

Surprise filled me. “Couldn’t he keep working at the strip club?”

“Sure, but wouldn’t it be better if we could all work here together? We’re a team.”

Warmth filled me. I was so glad that Tonio was including Knox. And who knew, maybe he could include me as well. Maybe it would be possible to work here part-time and write the rest of the time—if my book did well enough to justify that. Nerves rose up at that thought. My manuscript was with a proofreader Ronnie had found, and she said that as soon as that was done and the cover was finalized, we could post the book online.

But tonight wasn’t the time to think about that. Tonight was all about the handsome man sitting beside me.

I looked up at the building again, trying to see the possibilities Tonio saw in it. “I think you’re right—this place is destined for more than just a run-of-the-mill gym.”

Tonio smiled. “I knew you’d understand.”

“Maybe someday you can save up enough to rent it.”

His face darkened. “No, I can’t.”

“Don’t say that. Maybe if—”

“I’m not being pessimistic, just factual. The owner’s looking to sell now, not rent. I guess he got tired of having to find new tenants all the time. Once he gets a buyer, I’ll have missed my chance.”

Oh. “Do you think he’s likely to find a buyer soon?”

“Yes. There’ve been two open houses. I went to both and there were a lot of people milling around.”

I squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry.”

“Thanks.” He lifted our joined hands to his lips and kissed my knuckles. “I liked that idea you mentioned before.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. “Opening a restaurant?”

“About making out in a dark parking lot.”

I giggled and shook my hand free. Grabbing his shirt, I pulled his head toward me. Tonio released his seatbelt so he could lean in. As our lips met, his hand groped around my hips for a moment before he unbuckled my seatbelt as well.

Finally, his mouth claimed mine. It felt as good as I’d always imagined. He was definitely a slow and thorough guy when it came to kissing.

As good as his mouth felt on mine, there was something else I wanted to feel. I grasped the hemline of his t-shirt and gave a little tug. “May I?”

He smiled and said yes before reclaiming my mouth. Emboldened, I slid my hand under his shirt and rubbed his smooth abs. He was in really good shape for someone who didn’t work out as much as the twins did, although when he had time, he used the exercise equipment in the basement.

Tonio put a hand in my hair and pulled me toward him as he deepened the kiss. My hand slid upward and traced the contours of his muscles. His pecs felt so hard and warm. “Your skin’s so hot.”

He nibbled on my bottom lip and then pulled back a few inches. “Is yours?” The look he gave me was very direct.

My thumb rubbed across his hard little nipples as I thought about it. “Why don’t you find out?”

His eyes lit up as his gaze fell to my chest, where cleavage showed under the ruffled blouse. He reached for the neckline and hesitated. “We don’t have to do this. Just because you wanted to touch me doesn’t mean that—’

I leaned forward and bit gently on his earlobe. “I want to. I’ve wanted to for a long time.”

Joy lit his face as his hands went to my shoulders. He rubbed them for a few moments, and I grinned. Shoulder rubs were definitely our thing, although usually, he was behind me. Then his hands grasped the neckline of my blouse and he tugged it down, the elastic easily stretching over my breasts and down to my stomach. That left me with my arms pinned to my sides, and it reminded me of that one Sunday night at the house when I’d sat on Tonio’s lap, and he’d captured my hands behind my back.

My pulse pounded between my legs as my excitement grew. Tonio couldn’t stop staring at my breasts, which were only covered with a lacy, strapless bra. I leaned forward to give him more of an eyeful. It was pretty damn intoxicating to have a man looking at me like that. I whispered in Tonio’s other ear this time. “Please touch them.”

He licked his lips and reached forward. He used the back of his fingers to brush across the top of my breasts, and it was tantalizing. I squeezed my thighs together, and he chuckled softly. “So impatient. I’ve waited a very long time for this. Do you really want me to rush?”

“Yes,” I said in a voice filled with longing, and he grinned at me. He pushed the bra down to my rib cage and cupped the underside of my breasts, baring my nipples to his hungry gaze.

“They’re so pale. So pink and perfect. They’re just how I imagined.”

“Goes along with being fair-skinned,” I said a little self-consciously. I wasn’t used to anyone staring at my body like this. It occurred to me that I’d make a terrible stripper, and I giggled.

Tonio gave me a questioning look, but then his eyes returned to my chest. He leaned forward, a bit awkwardly because of the steering wheel and gearshift. When his lips closed over one hardened nipple, I moaned and arched my back, pushing myself against his mouth. I hooked my arm around his smooth, dark hair and held him against me. His free hand slid between my legs, but I was wearing jeans, and it didn’t feel as good as his direct touch on my breasts.

I gave myself another minute to enjoy the way his lips felt as they caressed my sensitive buds, and then I said, “Maybe we should continue this at home.”

He nodded and straightened up a little reluctantly. “Sounds good—if you’re sure that’s what you want.”

“I am.”

A smile graced my lips for the entire ride home and didn’t stop there. I don’t think I stopped grinning until it was time to brush my teeth.

When I went into Tonio’s room, he’d lit a candle—one that I’d last seen on the mantel downstairs. He was wearing just his boxer shorts, and again, my eyes were drawn to the smooth skin of his chest. For Christmas, I was going to buy all the guys a huge box of razors.

Tonio frowned when I went to the other side of the bed still wearing my blouse and my jeans. “Aren’t you going to change into your sleep shirt?”


“Why would you wear that to—” He stopped abruptly as I lifted the hem of my blouse and pulled it over my head. Then I unbuttoned my jeans. “Oh,” he said, drawing the word out.

I grinned at him and pushed my jeans down, wiggling my hips a bit more than was strictly necessary. When I was standing there in just my bra and panties, I hesitated.

Tonio raised an eyebrow. “I can’t imagine a strapless bra would be comfortable to sleep in.”

A quick laugh escaped my lips. “Strapless bras aren’t comfortable anytime.”

He grinned. “Want me to help you with it?”

“No.” I suddenly felt shy. “I want you to go first.” I gestured vaguely at his blue boxers.

“Fair enough.” He hooked his fingers under his waistband and pulled his shorts down, kicking them off. When he straightened up, my jaw dropped.

His cock was big. Far bigger than Clint’s. Almost as big as the twins’. It was big, and growing bigger by the moment.

Tonio lifted the covers and climbed into bed. I couldn’t stop staring at the way his cock bounced as he moved—and the way it was still growing. “Are you going to stand there all night?” He patted the bed next to him.

Suddenly, I didn’t feel as brave as I had before. I wanted to undo my bra and take off my panties, but I felt too self-conscious with him looking at me like that. “Could you…?” I pointed toward the corner opposite me.

He chuckled and turned his head in the direction I’d indicated. As I hastily took off my underwear and scrambled into bed, I heard him say, “My bashful blushing blonde.”

Tonio blew out the candle, but there was enough light coming from the window to see a little. He turned to face me and eyed the covers pulled up to my chest. “It’s been a long day. Maybe we should just—”

“No,” I said firmly. “I want to pick up where we left off.”

He grinned. “This time without the gearshift between us.” Tonio scooted toward me, closing the gap between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in. Our bodies entwined as our lips met. My breasts pressed against his smooth chest, and he grabbed my thigh, pulling my leg over his. His hot, hard cock pressed against me and I gasped.

He broke the kiss. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It just… feels good. Lying next to you with nothing between us.”

“It feels good to me, too.”

His hand found my breast, and my nipple hardened as he squeezed it gently. It felt good—it felt amazing—but I was determined not to repeat what had happened the other times, where the guys had given me an incredible orgasm, but I hadn’t given them one in return. I snaked my hand between our bodies until I felt the hot flesh of his warm cock. I hesitated for just a moment and then circled it with my fingers.

Tonio looked amused. “It doesn’t bite.” Then he leaned forward and nibbled at my neck. “Though other parts of me do.”

Tentatively, I ran my fingers up and down his cock. The skin was soft, but underneath was hard steel.

Tonio wrapped his hand around mine, stilling my fingers. “Let me make you feel good first.”

I shook my head. “I want to make you come.”

He smiled. “I’m glad to hear that, but what’s the rush? Why don’t you let me pleasure you first. Remember what Denver said tonight? In a romance novel, the man always makes the woman come first. And if I’m going to be on your cover, that makes me a romance hero.”

“Yeah, but…” God, this was embarrassing to admit. “With the others… after they, you know, made me come… I fell asleep.”

Tonio burst into laughter. And here I’d thought he’d be mad that I’d mentioned the other guys in front of him! “It’s not funny,” I insisted. “I really wanted to make them feel good, too, but I just got so sleepy.”

“Selfless bastards,” Tonio said. “Trust me when I say that they’re not as generous out of the bedroom.”

I resumed stroking his hard cock. “That’s why I want to make you come first.”

“A very admirable goal.” Tonio still looked amused. “How about this? How about we come at the same time?”

It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about, and then I blushed. That was something I’d never tried before. It had always seemed rather complicated, to give and receive oral at the same time. “Couldn’t we just take turns?”

“Of course.” He kissed me so thoroughly that I forgot to rub his cock. Then he pushed me onto my back, balancing on his side next to me as he deepened the kiss. His hand squeezed and kneaded my breast as his tongue explored my mouth. Then his hand did some exploring of its own, moving down my stomach.

My legs parted of their own accord when his hand neared. He caressed my inner thighs before moving his hand up to my bare slit. He cupped me there, the heat from his hand joining the warmth of my core to create an inferno.

I moaned and arched my back. That spurred him to nuzzle my throat with his warm lips as he slid a finger along my slit.

God, I didn’t know which felt better—his mouth on the sensitive skin of my neck or the way his finger was gliding slowly up and down my folds.

His teeth grazed my throat at the same time one long finger pushed inside me. My moans became higher pitched when he pushed a second finger in as well. Then his lips moved to my breasts as his thumb found my clit.

In no time he had me worked into a frenzy. His mouth ravished my breast, his thumb circled my clit, and his fingers pushed inside me.

I hadn’t expected his urgency, but I felt it, too. We’d waited too long. Tonio was the first one of the guys that I’d spoken to that night at the club. He was the first man in this town to show me any kindness. I’d wanted him for so long and now that it was finally happening, I didn’t want to go slow.

He worked me harder, pumping his fingers in and out. My moans and frantic gasps were probably waking the whole neighborhood, but I didn’t care.

“Oh please,” I begged, not even sure what I was asking for.

Tonio gave it to me, anyway. He bit down on my nipple at the same time he rubbed my clit with his thumb. Then the two fingers he had inside me spread slightly apart, opening me further. My eyes rolled back in my head as the pleasure built and built… and then boiled over.

It caught me unaware—I didn’t have time to brace myself against the power of it. I cried out, not caring if anyone else heard. It would’ve been impossible not to shout. The waves of pleasure were so strong it was almost like being electrocuted.

“But in a good way,” I gasped, not even realizing I’d spoken out loud.

Tonio pressed on my clit as he sucked my nipple into his mouth. His fingers teased my inner walls, making the orgasm last longer than I would’ve thought possible.

Finally, it became too much. I pushed feebly at his head with a weak hand, and he got the message. His thumb stilled and his fingers eased out of me.

My breathing sounded like I’d just run a four-minute mile. Tonio grinned down at me as he trailed his hand up my body. Then he looked me in the eye while he licked each of his long fingers. “You taste delicious.”

I smiled at that, my chest still heaving. Tonio didn’t seem to mind watching it rise and fall. He rested his hand on my stomach and leaned down to kiss my nipple one last time.

My eyes closed as I enjoyed the aftershocks that periodically jolted through me. I stretched my legs and wiggled my toes. My body felt so loose, as if I didn’t have an ounce of tension in me anywhere.

Tonio gently stroked my stomach, and it felt like he was hypnotizing me, telling me I was getting very sleepy…

My eyes shot open, and I sat straight up in bed.

“What is it?” Tonio seemed shocked by my sudden movement.

“I almost fell asleep!”

He laughed. “You’re a determined young woman.”

I nodded. “Determined to make you feel as good as you made me feel.” I pushed aside the covers that were over his legs. Tonio rolled onto his back, his hands behind his head as he grinned up at me. “Do your worst.”

Smiling, I ran my fingers lightly along his inner thigh, teasing with soft strokes. I moved my fingers upward, almost reaching his cock and balls before I switched to his other leg, starting at the knee and moving slowly upward again.

“Such a tease,” he observed.

“That’s the plan.”

When I got closer to where he wanted me to be, I ignored the large cock bobbing in the air and cupped his balls. He groaned and spread his legs wider, giving me more access.

I teased my fingers along his heavy sac and then had an idea. I leaned forward and caught his hard nipple between my teeth. Tonio groaned again, and I could feel his chest rumble. I flicked my tongue across his nipple as he’d done to mine and slid my fingers to the base of his cock. I pressed it against his stomach and stroked the underside.

“God, Emma, that feels so good.”

I grinned at him. “I bet I can make you feel even better.” It amazed me how much I truly wanted to. With Clint, sex had felt like an obligation. With Tonio, I wanted to please him as much as I could. I didn’t do it because I had to or because I thought I should. I was doing this because I wanted to.

I let go of his cock and it sprang free before I wrapped my fingers around the base. I held it steady as I lowered my head. I opened my mouth and Tonio moaned in anticipation. At the last second, I turned my head and looked up at him instead of taking his cock in my mouth. I laughed at the expression on his face. It was fun to be the one doing the teasing sometimes.

“I haven’t done this in a really long time,” I warned him. “Hopefully, it’s like riding a bicycle.”

He raised his head, staring at me in feigned alarm. “It’s nothing like riding a bicycle.”

I giggled. “I mean, I hope it’s the kind of thing you don’t forget how to do.”

“I hope so too,” he said fervently, and I grinned.

Gripping his hard cock with one hand, I dipped my head down, licking across the slit at the top. When I swirled my tongue around the head, he groaned deep in his throat. I licked at sensitive spots along the shaft until his hips were writhing in desperation. Only then did I allow his cock inside my mouth. I sucked on the head for a few moments before taking him as deeply as I could.

Oh yeah—I sure as hell still knew how to do this. And a few minutes later, he was convinced of that fact as well.

When sleep beckoned, I was the happiest little spoon in the world with Tonio’s warm body cradling me from behind, his arm across my waist. There was no guilt this time, only contentment as I drifted to sleep in his arms.

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