Strings of Fate

Chapter 37

37- Bears and birds
The first voice is male, but so high pitched that at first I'm not sure.
"You can hardly be surprised, Alpha Kane, that someone keeps arranging these attacks on you. As the youngest Alpha and an unmated
eat that, you're sure to be seen as the most vulnerable." The voice declares, the tone is snide and I instantly dislike whoever the man is that is speaking. The next voice is also male, but far more quiet. I struggle to catch the words.
"There is nothing that Alpha Kane can do to change his age other than wait. It is the second matter that is of more concern. He should find a mate. Perhaps then his position would not offend people as much. It would also secure his position. Perhaps then the attacks would cease, or at least become less frequent." The second man suggests. His manner doesn't seem outright rude like the last man. More bored, like he just doesn't really care all that much. A third man speaks. His voice is loud and boisterous, but seems friendly, at least in comparison
to the last two.
"Give t
the guy a break. We all know the difficulties in finding an appropriate mate. Not one of us had found our partners at his age." The friendly man seems to be siding with Bellamy in this argument, not that Bellamy has actually spoken yet. Still, I'm fairly sure he appreciates.
the friendly man's point.
"You act like my brother isn't even trying to find his mate." Megan declares, her
"He might have better chances if his dates weren't being crashed by mercenary Vampires!" She argues. Date? Is she calling me Bellamy's date? Is that what she thought was happening? I suppose it's better than her knowing that Bellamy and I were spying on HER date. But I don't think I like the suggestion. I've already decided that I'm not ready to date Bellamy and I am not ready for her to know that it's even a decision I've been making. I wait for Bellamy to object, but no such objection comes. Darn it.
"Which brings us back to the original issue. While I so appreciate everyone's commentary on my personal affairs, I would rather we stick to the original reason for calling this meeting. Someone, a Shifter, has been meddling. Arranging for people to attack and spy on myself and those I have taken under my protection. This is not acceptable." Bellamy sounds mad. The first man, the one with the whiny high-pitched voice answers him.
37- Bears and birds
"You can't be implying that any of us are involved." Bellamy's answer is firm but polite.
"All I am saying is that there are Shifters involved in this matter. I have concluded that they are not feline Shifters so I have brought the matter to you. You will of course want to investigate. If any of your Shifters are conspiring without your knowledge you will want to punish them accordingly." All three of the voices give their assurances that they will investigate the matter, although only the friendly one sounds truly genuine. It isn't until I hear footsteps that I realise the door is about to open and I am going to get caught eavesdropping. I want to leave but I know it's already too late as the door swings open. I am being stared at by a tall, lanky looking man.
"Who are you?" He demands. His high pitched tone shows him to be the first man with the bad attitude. I open my mouth, not sure how I'm going to explain myself but Darrien answers
before I can.
"May I introduce Miss Ryann Gale, Alpha Kane and Miss Kane are expecting her." A funny look flashes over the man's face at my name. Did Bellamy or Megan mention me by name?
"I am the Canine Alpha, August Wright." His voice is prideful, he clearly thinks me below him. He continues, not giving me a chance to answer.
"Alpha Kane mentioned a Miss Gale was present during the recent attempts on his life. I can only assume he was referring to you. I'm sorry for you. You must have been terrified." His voice is polite but definitely insincere.
"Thank you, but no, I had Be- Alpha Kane with me." I mimic his tone. So yeah, that's a lie. I was totally terrified. But I'm not admitting it to this asshole. Alpha Wright steps forward, he seems to expect me to move out of his way so he can pass, although there is plenty of space for him to step around me. He frowns when I don't immediately scamper away. I notice him. trying to catch my gaze. Well, if ever there was a time to test my dominance this would be it. I meet his eyes and hold steady. He looks shocked when I don't immediately submit. I feel pressure but I can stand it. He jumps as a hand touches his shoulder and we both break eye contact at the same time to see who it is. I guess I won't be finding out who Is more dominant today then. Still, I made my point. I am not some little girl that he can walk all
"You're blocking the doorway." The voice of the quiet man complains. Alpha Wright steps
37- Bears and birds
around me and with one last irritated glare, storms off down the hall. With him out the way I can see the man behind him, he is short and thin but somehow doesn't look frail. If anything I would say he looks agile. I step to the side a little to let him pass and he steps to the opposite side a little to go past me. He walks past me without a word, but I do catch him glancing at me out the side of his eye as he
"That was the Avian Alpha, Galvyn Breeze. He isn't very chatty." Darrien comments. Megan's head peeks around the door.
"Ryann? You're here! Come in. We're just finishing up here." I head in and Darrien follows. Bellamy is chatting with a man who towers over him. He is huge and generally imposing. This has to be the Alpha for the Bear Shifters. I can't think who else he could be. Both men stop talking as I enter. Bellamy smiles.
"Ryann, good morning," he looks exhausted. There are dark shadows under his eyes that are even worse than mine. It almost makes me feel a little better about how dreadful I probably look.
"Morning." I answer him answering with my own smile. The giant of a man speaks.
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"Aah, so this is the girl who has been
caught up in Shifter power struggle." Ο He turns to me and holds out a hand for me to shake. I take it, his huge hand completely covers mine. He shakes my hand enthusiastically. The content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
"I'm Alpha Kohan Aspen, of the Bear Shifters in case you didn't guess already.
You can call me
Kohan. Nice to meet you." His expression is open and friendly and I take an
instant liking to
him. I smile.
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"I'm Ryann Gale. Pleased to meet
you." I allow him to catch my gaze for a second but neither of us attempts to hold it. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
"I didn't mean to interrupt." I start, my tone apologetic. He waves me off.
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"Nah, I was just leaving. I promised
my mate Kelly that I would be home right away. She wanted to come to the meeting but she's @egnant and has some awful morning sickness." He gives Bellamy, Megan and Darrien
all nods in turn before heading for the door. He pauses as he passes me and gives a friendly wink. I can't be sure, but I think I hear him mutter under The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
37-Bears and birds
his breath.
"Good luck." What is he wishing me luck with? And why? Or maybe I imagined it?
seems more likely.

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