Strings of Fate

Chapter 35

35- Tossing and turning
I suddenly realise that Bellamy is still talking.
"So we're okay then?" he questions.
"Yeah Bellamy, we're okay." Now that we've made up, I'm sort of reluctant to hang up the phone. I'm still not ready to sleep yet.
"Shaun mentioned you tested your dominance. I meant to help you with it earlier but we
really had the chance." His tone is apologetic, but, as usual, he doesn't actually apologise.
"Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal."
"But I was right, you are more dominant. We'll have to test you against Megan sometime, and me." He comments. Okay, not good. I don't want to give him too much evidence about our fates just yet.
"Um, yeah, maybe." I say casually. A beeping sound comes from the phone.
"I have another call coming through. I've been waiting for this call so I really need to get it..." Bellamy trails off. He doesn't sound like he really wants to hang up.
"It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Bellamy."
"Goodnight Ryann." The phone clicks as he hangs up. After talking to Bellamy and hashing everything out I have to admit that I feel much more relaxed. Resolving our argument did more for my mood than all the Netflix and cookies I can manage. I guess the first option is actually useful where the last two just leave me feeling a little guilty. I suppose I'll have to give points to Bellamy for this one. Chalk one up to actually talking things out. Sigh. Now that there is apparently no immediate danger of being attacked in my
deep and my irritation has been pretty much melted away, I should probably try and get some sleep. Tomorrow is Megan's engagement party and I don't want to oversleep and miss whatever she has planned for us during the day. It's hard to believe I've only known her for about a week, not counting the first time I saw her as an actual meeting that is. I already feel like I've known her for ages,
35- Tossing and turning
Bellamy too. I honestly can't imagine going back to life without either of them. I plug my phone in to charge and set an 8:30am alarm. I snuggle down into my blankets and reach to turn off my light. Lying in the dark, feeling relaxed, I expected to fall asleep quickly, but I just can't seem to get my mind to shut off. I roll around in my bed. Kicking the blankets off, pulling them back over me, rearranging the pillows like fifty times. After a while I cave and check the time on my phone. It's just after two in the morning. This knowledge just agitates. me more, now I'm going to be tired tomorrow. I try lying different ways in bed, I even try swapping so my head is at the opposite end of the bed. I get up and make myself a hot chocolate which I only drink half of before tipping it down the sink, irritated. Eventually I go lie back down and after another hour of staring at the ceiling, attempting to count sheep or whatever it is that people do, I give up. I pull out my laptop, open Netflix and hit play on a
random rom-com.
I jolt awake at my alarm clock, exhausted, disoriented and grumpy. My laptop is still on my lap and open, although the screen is blanked out. I don't remember what happened in the
movie I was watching or even if I finished it. My neck and shoulders are aching from the
awkward way I was sitting to see the screen when I fell asleep and I have a killer headache. I drag myself out of bed and into my bathroom. I groan as I look in the mirror. My eyes are puffy and the bags under my eyes are big enough to pack for a two week vacation. The shadows under my eyes only emphasise their weird, pale colour. Hopefully this won't ruin Megan's plans for whatever makeover she intends to give me. I hop into the shower and try not to fall asleep under the warm, soothing water. I hop out and throw on a pair of leggings and a tank top. Presentable enough to go wherever Megan plans to drag me but not dressy
since she said we were having a relaxing day. I don't bother with makeup or blow drying my hair or anything. No point
if I'm going to get all dolled up later. I do run a brush through my hair, but it's pretty easy to manage since my hair is so straight. I slip on a pair of flip flops and leave my room. I head straight to the front door. Shaun is still standing there, in fact he looks rather bored, although not all that tired. I suspect he got to sleep during the day before coming to keep an eye on me all night.
"Hey, breakfast time. Come on in." I don't wait for him to respond as I turn to the kitchen. Shaun is standing in the doorway, looking unsure.
"Oh chill out, it is too early for this drama. I cleared things up with Bellamy last night. You can come inside, you won't get in trouble or anything. Promise." I tell him, trying not to roll my eyes. I can see doubt in his expression.
"You think I would lie to you?"I challenge, placing my hands on my hips and staring him
35- Tossing and turning
down. He caves immediately, concern on his face.
"No of course not Miss Gale!" he insists as he pointedly steps inside, awkwardly staring at the
floor as if he isn't sure where to look. I smile.
"Much better. Take a seat. I'm thinking eggs this morning, and orange juice. Always orange juice. Ooh and cookies after." I set about starting breakfast. Shaun insists on helping and in the end I leave him to manage the eggs while I fetch glasses, plates and cutlery since he doesn't actually know where anything is. I finish my task first and end up sitting at the table and letting him serve my
"This feels a little backwards, I'm the host here." I remind him. He shrugs.
"I'm not here as your guest. I don't expect you to serve me."
"But there's no reason you should be serving me either." I add. Shaun shrugs.
"I like to cook." I grin.
"Oh you will make some girl very happy one day I am sure." Shaun laughs.
"I hope so." He sits down with his own food and we eat in silence. After we finish eating, I offer him cookies as I run back to my room to grab my phone and my
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"So, I don't know what exactly your
plans are, but Bellamy said you would be able to drive me down to them compound this morning?" I clarify. Shaun nods, a cookie in his mouth. He quickly swallows before responding. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
"Yup, I was told to stay with you until you're with Alpha Kane or Miss Kane and
Darrien. Or to call for Aaron to take over if I should need to leave or sleep." he
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"Sure, alright. I'm ready to leave
whenever." At this point it's about
nine thirty in the morning. If we leave now I'll be at the compound by about quarter to ten. That shouldbe plenty early enough for whatever Megan
wants to get done today. Shaun nods, I grab Darrien's cookies and we head out. He offers me his arm the
moment I have locked the front door and he leads me to a silver car. It's a pretty decent car, although not as fancy as the black ones that Bellamy and Megan seem to ride around in. I hop into the passenger seat and The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
35- Tossing and turning
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make myself comfortable. The drive is short but the vibrations of the car
make it really hard to stay awake. My eyelids are drooping as Shaun parks the car and I have to give myself a
mental shove to find the energy ta get out the car. Estumble slightly as I
make my way to the front door but, of course, Shaun catches me and steadies me. We manage to reach the front. door without any kind of injury and I knock. I then get to enjoy that super awkward time while you wait for someone to answer a door
and you just kind of stare at it and listen for footsteps. It feels like forever but is probably only a few seconds before I hear shuffling and footsteps behind the door. It swings open and Darrien greets me with a nod and smile. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
"Well, that's my cue to go take a nap." Shaun waves, turns and walks off. I watch
him walk away before returning my attention to Darrien. I hand him the plastic
container of cookies.
"Your thank you gift from Maggie."
"They look good. Come in. Alpha Kane and Miss Kane are in a meeting with the
other Alphas. I doubt they will be too much longer." He leads the way and we head straight to the kitchen.

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