Strings of Fate

Chapter 172

Strings of Fate
172- Confessing and committing
1 alternate between feeling miserable and furious on his behalf as I listen to the Canine and Avian Alphas going on and on about how he is trying to fulfil a role that he, as a man, is just not suited for which is just completely S*xist. Alpha Kohen chimes in with a slightly more reasonable argument.
"While I don't think this is the right time to be discussing this, the workload an Alpha has is intended for two people. I don't know how I would manage without my wife." He admits dryly. Okay, so maybe that's a slightly better point.
"I have help." Bellamy mildly answers.
"Your sister hardly counts. She's not the Alpha, she can't make any REAL decisions." The Canine Alpha grumbles.
"I don't see your mate being permitted to make any decisions further than social events and taking care of your children." Bellamy grumbles.
"EXCUSE YOU?" The Canine Alpha growls. I can practically feel Bellamy repressing an eye roll.
"Now, now everyone. We're all here for a reason. We were discussing the recent string of murders. Is everyone clear on
the safety precautions that have been discussed?" Alpha Kohen takes control. His usually soft voice is loud to speak over the growling and bickering. The Avian Alpha answers with a bored sounding confirmation. I assume that Bellamy and The Canine Alpha must nod or give some other sign of agreement because I don't hear anything other than the steady growling from the Canine Alpha. It's quiet, but still there. I guess Bellamy commenting on his relationship got on his nerves. How hypocritical. When I can tell that the meeting is wrapping up, I dash back to the kitchen. I'm not scared of the other Alphas, I just don't want to answer any awkward questions right now. I hear the Avian and Canine Alphas leaving, Bellamy and Alpha Kohen are talking as they leave his office.
"Mind if I grab something to drink before I head off?" Kohen asks cheerfully.
"No problem, I'd have offered drinks or snacks earlier but..." he trails off.
"I get it, you don't want to encourage us to stay any longer than we have to." He responds.
you actually. But the other two. Yes. I definitely would rather not have them in my home any longer than I absolutely have to." Bellamy agrees. I can hear them approaching the kitchen. There really isn't anywhere I can go from here to avoid them, but it's just Alpha Kohen, I don't mind talking to him. He's definitely my favourite out of the Alphas. Well, excluding Bellamy obviously.
Just as they're entering the kitchen Alpha Kohen speaks again.
"Sorry about how we're all harping on. I know you're doing your best with the whole mate situation. They might be assholes, but I swear I just want what's, best for you. I did wonder about that girl from last time I was he-" He stops in his tracks as he seeks me awkwardly frozen sitting on one of the kitchen barstools trying to look casual.
"Uhm, hi there. Nice seeing you again." I greet him, my voice is probably a little higher pitched than usual. How do I normally sit? Am I blinking too much? Okay, I think I am not breathing manually. This is very frustrating. If Alpha Kohen notices how weird I'm being he doesn't react. Bellamy however looks at me with clear amusement. He definitely knows that I was listening in on their conversation.
172- Confessing and committing
"It's nice seeing you again too Miss Gale." he greets me pleasantly. Bellamy sees about getting us all drinks.
"You can call me Ryann." I tell him. I genuinely like him, I kind of hope his wife- I mean mate, is as nice as he is. It would be cool if we could all get along, maybe hang out sometime.
"Sure." He looks at me contemplatively. I think he is assessing my casual, leggings, baggy t-shirt, no shoes and barely brushed hair type outfit.
"I heard that Alpha Kane had a house guest, but I can't say that I made the connection to it being you, although now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense." He winks at me. I'm like ninety nine percent sure that Alpha Kohen is another one of those people who is completely aware of Bellamy and I's not-so- secret secret but is polite enough to just subtly allude to it rather than pointing it out. I make eye contact with Bellamy as he hands me my drink and I can tell he knows it too. This is just stupid. The Alphas are harassing Bellamy constantly and I can end it at any time. It's barely even a secret anymore. I take a deep breath. Okay, telling everyone might be a bit much. But I could start slow. I've been making progress all week, what's a little more? I can freak out about it later."
"Well, I'm not exactly a house guest..." I pause, Alpha Kohen frowns.
"Huh? Did I get it wrong? I can't scent anyone else around here. Unless they're not around anymore. Is my information out of date." He looks confused. Bellamy is looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
"No, you had it right. I WAS a house guest here. But now I'm more... living here. I guess? Okay, I should think about my words before I say them. That was the most roundabout way I could possibly have come up with to say I moved in. Alpha Kohen beams at me.
"Oh, that makes sense. I heard you were having some troubles at your old place. It's nice of Alpha Kane to let you live here. I mean, you're close with his sister too right?" He says cheerfully. Okay, he is showing a huge amount of false obliviousness. He knows what's going on, he's giving me an out by pretending not to notice. But it's actually not helpful. He's going to make me say it, isn't he. Ugh, fine.
"Uh, that's not quite... I mean that's why I came to stay originally but. I mean, I want to stay and... Bellamy asked me to stay, because... well." I take a deep
breath before blurting out.
"I'm-his-mate." My pulse is skyrocketing and Bellamy's jaw drops open. Alpha Kohen is silent for a second, his grin. frozen in place as he looks me over. I'm flushed red and I probably look like a deer in headlights. He casually takes sip of his drink and nods like he is trying not to make a big deal out of it and I
appreciate it.
"That's great news. Congratulations to you both. I can't say I'm surprised, I did have my suspicions of course." He looks like he is repressing a ridiculous amount
of excitement.
"It's alright, you can react, I won't freak out. Probably." I grumble. He beams at me, then without a moment's pause, Alpha Kohen jumps to his feet, he smacks Bellamy on the back then grabs me out of my seat and spins me around.
"This is GREAT news. I'm so thrilled for you! Why didn't you say something sooner? Kane you could have shoved it in their stupid faces." Kohen drops me back onto my seat and Bellamy instantly steps in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist posessively. I roll my eyes at his jealousy but I still lean my head back and cuddle into him a little.
"Ryann isn't comfortable telling everyone about this just yet." Bellamy admits. I can hear forced cheer in his tone. Alpha Kohen looks confused for a moment, but then understanding crosses his face.
172- Confessing and committing.
"Ah. I get it I guess. It can be a lot." He agreed.
"Yeah. That's basically it. I am working on it though." I promise. Kohen nods.
"Is that why you're telling me? I have to admit I feel kind of special." He winks at
me and I giggle.
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"Yeah, pretty much. I mean, you
basically already knew anyway. knew anyway.m look at him pointedly and he just shrugs at me. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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"Plus, I didn't want Bellamy to think I
wasn't... I don't know... proud of him I
guess? I might not be able to tell everyone yet. But... AM committed to this axid DO Tove him." I don't think as the words leave my mouth but Bellamy is definitely paying attention based on how he freezes up behind me. Alpha Kohen obviously
notices the change in atmosphere because he suddenly makes his excuses to leave. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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"Don't mind me, I'll let myself out. Congratulations again to you both. Ryann, if you ever feel up to doing a little matchmaking let me know, we O could have a mixer or something. I
have a few Shifters that would be eager for your help. My brother included." He waves and ducks out the door. I hear his footsteps stomping away. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
Chapter Comments
I love alpha Kohen so much!!!!!

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