
Chapter 30

The next morning, I roll out of bed ready for class. I didn’t sleep much. In fact, the prospect of sleep was so hopeless that I didn’t even bother tossing and turning. Instead, I spent all night perfectly still in my bed. It was odd. While lying in the dark, I could actually feel my body reverting to its original condition. Even the tweak in my back I got from training, was slowly fading away. Grosser still was how I could feel my nails growing back.

In the bathroom mirror, I confirm that I am presentable enough to face the day. The rooster hasn’t crowed yet, so after I grab my bag, I’m off to the dining hall.

Picking up the crate for Hercules was simple enough. The dining hall isn’t an ominous hellscape during the day, especially when Chef Floy’s sheet ghosts are moving ingredients in their adorable folds.

The trek up to the cottages is also easy. No one is out yet, and with the sun still behind the hills, I don’t have to squint against the harsh sunlight. If only I was able to get up every day around this time, this chore would be much easier.

I get to his doorstep the moment that the rooster, wherever the hell it is, screeches as dawn breaks. The door swings open and there he is.

I step back, sending the bottles into a clanking frenzy.

“Well look who it is!”

“Good morning, Hercules. I, uh, got your delivery for you.”

He crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe.

“I see that. And on time for once.”

I cringe. “Sorry.”

He grabs the crate from me and tucks it inside.

“For what? Ditching my class or leaving me high and dry every morning?”

He’s really putting me on the spot this morning. I try and put on my best smile.

“Everything. Really, I hope you know I’m trying my best. Here now and every time I’m in your class.”

Hercules’ grin wavers slightly, then comes back bigger than ever.

“Oh yeah? Well, prove it. I’m going on a run now.”

Damn. I pull at the hem of my dress. I’m not exactly dressed for running. But it’s not like I have a choice. I can just hear Matthew nagging me in the back of my head.

“I’m game.”

And that was how I ended up earning my breakfast of plain eggs and grapefruit.

“Damn Squirt, I didn’t expect you to hold up so well.”

He says that as if my lungs aren’t still on fire.

“You,” I pause to take a breath. “Didn’t think you’d kill me with a little run, did you?”

He lets out a laugh and spoons the strawberries from his fruit cup onto my plate.


I gulp down my water. The extra fruit is just one of the perks to hanging out with Hercules. The other is something deeper, closer to friendship. I don’t have to censor myself with him, I still do, but it doesn’t seem required. When I’m in public with Matthew, it feels like I have to constantly struggle to be a perfect princess, and even then it’s not enough. With Hercules, it feels like everything is on the table, so I don’t hesitate to toss back my dixie cup of sugar.

“Maybe I’ll give you a crack at it again tomorrow morning,” my mouth goes dry as I try to summon my nerve. “But you’d have to let me live through class.”

Hercules chuckles and sits back.

“I dunno, I don’t like to show favoritism.”

What the heck does he call giving me assignments specifically tailored to make me fail? Hypocrisy aside, I have to say something. Tiffany said I was charming, if it’s true, I need to summon every ounce of that right now.

It’s no good, I have no idea what to say. I look over at him absently.

“Alright, Squirt, no need to look down. I can’t handle the student I found looking so defeated. I guess I can cut you some slack in class in exchange for an opportunity to take my revenge during a run, but we’ll keep it between us. Can’t have anyone thinking I’ve gone soft.”

Holy crap he’s serious. And he won’t tell anyone? This is literally the best thing that could happen to me right now. Even if Hercules nailed me during a run, I can respawn while he’s teaching his class and no one would have to know. I thank him by giving him the other half of my boiled egg.

“What are your plans now? You can join my morning class if you’re free.”

I’ve never gotten up this early before, even while I was alive. Working out once this morning is more than enough for me.

“Actually, I was planning to get cleaned up and go by administration.”

“What the hell would you want over there?”

“Remember that tumble I took when you decided to jump some boulders during our run? Well, it must have busted the one good pencil I had in my bag because it’s missing.”

Hercules chuckles. “You really do suck at running.”

“I can run just fine, it’s parkour I’m no good at. “

Hercules shrugs, either because he thinks I’m full of it or because he doesn’t know the difference. He gets up and I gather our dishes.

“Give them hell in class.”

He flashes me a goofy grin and heads out as I go to the kitchen.

My morning is going swimmingly. Better than I could have imagined. After my dishes and a quick refresh in my room, I head up to the administrative building. Or at least, the nicer part of it.

April’s desk is bare when I show up. No paper towers, and no April anywhere. What do I do now? Snag a pencil off her desk? I can’t do that. And I’m not going to wander around testing doors in this place looking for her.

I’ll just sit here and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

A door to my right opens. It’s the conference room that I was interviewed in when I first came here. No one is in the doorway. How did that-

“Oh! Good morning Elizabeth!”

I spin around to find April at her desk. So she was a Sock. Makes sense.

“Good morning Miss April.” I’m about to ask my question when she disappears into the room again and zips back. She seems so disheveled today. Her kinky bun, which is usually perfectly imperfect, is much more on the imperfect side today.

“Is everything okay?” I manage to ask before she darts back.

“Yes, yes, we just are having a meeting with the councilman today and,” she pinches the bridge of her nose. “I had a little too much to drink last night. My body hasn’t shaken it off yet.” Her hand drifts to her cheek. “But it’s to be expected when drinking alongside Hercules.”

If she was trying to keep up with Hercules, I’m surprised she’s here and not at an arrival point.

“So, what can I do for you? Don’t tell me Matthew is canceling the meeting.”

“I actually just came to see if I could borrow a pencil.”

“Is that all? Give me a sec.” She disappears.

A second later, she reappears with a yellow box in her hand. A smile spreads across her face.

“I was wondering when you’d show up!”


Oh, she isn’t talking to me. I turn back.

“Good morning, April,” Matthew says, completely ignoring me. He brushes past me and hands April a bouquet of daisies. “This is for last night. I hope you’re feeling alright.”

There he goes with the prince act. He hasn’t even acknowledged my presence here. And I haven’t gotten my pencils!

“Elizabeth,” Matthew says, not even turning to look at me. “Don’t you have class soon?”

I wish I could roll my eyes.

“Be nice, Matthew. She just wanted some pencils.”

“Oh? Did she now?”

April giggles as Matthew brushes one of her curls behind her ear. Good grief. This PDA is too much for this early in the day.

“So it’s that time of decade again, is it?”

I turn around to find the councilman and the dean walking towards us. How am I not hearing these people walk in? I don’t know what to do, so I just bow as the two walk by me.

I just wanted a pencil.

“Elizabeth.” I look up. Crap, it’s the councilman.

“Yes, sir?”

He tries to hide a glance over to April and Matthew.

“Do you have any changes to report?”

“No, sir.”

Disinterested, he moves to join the others at April’s desk.

“Are we having a meeting or not?” he demands.

“Of course,” the Dean says, motioning to the conference room. “April, I’d appreciate it if you would take notes for us.”

“Yes, sir.”

The councilman sighs. “That’s fine as long as those two don’t sit next to each other.” I don’t blame him for being tired of this already. It’s nauseating. Everyone begins to head into the conference room. And I’m alone again.

I just came for a pencil.

The door flings open and April is behind her desk again. She holds out a few pencils.

“Sorry it slipped my mind!” She says and disappears again.

At least I got what I came for.

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