Stone (Highway Jokers #1)

Chapter 4



I sighed as I rolled my neck. Today has been a long day. It had been over a week since I became a resident at the Highway Jokers clubhouse. For the past week, I had been on edge. From what John and Thrasher had told me the people who were trying to hurt me were even worse than them. I have gotten to know pretty much all the members of Highway Jokers by now. There was Mase, the Treasurer. Blackout, the Secretary and the club’s tattoo artist and Mage one of the last founders of the club.

8ball was the sweetheart of the group, he was also the club’s hacker. There was Gravel, the SAA, Redback the Road Captain and of course Skitzo… he was a quiet one but also the club’s psycho.

Some of the guys had gone on a run a few days ago, Gravel, Redback, Skitzo, Blackout and Daniel aka Stone were the ones on that run. When Daniel stormed out of my dorm a week ago, I had barely seen him. I wanted to be the one to break the ice between us, I wanted to apologise to him but I was either at work or he just didn’t want to be found.

Finally, standing from the office chair, I shut down the computer and pulled on my jacket. I turned off the lights in the office and made my way out to the main area of the coffee shop. Many of the furniture that was by the windows were damaged, so I had them all replaced as quickly as possible before I reopened the store. It had been great the last few days getting back into things. I always loved my grandmother’s coffee shop.

She would make the best lamingtons cakes with jam inside. When she died she left the place to me, so instead of completing university with a doctor’s degree, I became the owner of. Little Aussie Cafe.

Mase and 8ball were sitting at one of the booths eating all the leftovers I told them they could eat. I made my way over to the doors but before I could lock the place up someone came in. “I’m sorry sir, but we were just closing up,” I said to the man but it was like he didn’t hear me at all and kept walking towards me with a crazy look in his eyes.

Everything happened so quickly, I saw the man pull out a gun. Mase had jumped in front of me while 8Ball quickly grabbed me and pulled me behind cover just as two shots ran out. I started to shake in shock but I couldn’t just sit there, I climbed out of 8Ball's arms and rushed towards Mase. The man who had the gun was nowhere to be seen.

Mase was holding his stomach and groaning, I knew we had to act quickly. When 8Ball came over I told him to help Mase apply pressure to the wounds before I quickly went back to the office and grabbed the medic kit.

“We have to call an ambulance,” I told 8ball but Mase shook his head no.

“No… too many questions.” He groaned out.

“He’s right. We need to get him to Saw,” 8ball said, I looked up and nodded my head. I helped 8ball load Mase into the van, I quickly rushed back grabbing my bag and locking up before 8ball drove away towards the clubhouse.

8ball skidded the van to a stop before he climbed out of the driver’s seat. Throughout the drive, I kept my pressure on Mase’s wounds trying to keep him talking. When I saw John standing there with Thrasher, I sighed in relief. “What happened?” Thrasher asked 8ball as John helped me, calling over the prospects to help as well.

Once we were in the infirmary, I stood by Mase’s side as John rushed around gathering the things he needed. John had gone through and completed medical school. He could have been a doctor if he didn’t join the Highway Jokers but in a way, he is still a doctor.

“What happened?” John asked us.

“I was about to lock the door when some creepy guy came in. It all happened so quickly, he pulled out a gun but Mase jumped in front of me.” I said as tears gathered in my eyes. John looked at me before turning back to deal with Mase. Once one bullet was out he moved on to the next.

“Go get yourself cleaned up,” John told me but I shook my head no.

“Lita... Mase is fine now. You guys brought him just in time. He’s going to be okay.” He said as he worked. Mase had passed out by the time I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were covered in blood.

“Okay…” I mumbled before I slowly made my way out of the infirmary.


Leaning over the pool table I was lining up my shot when Gravel answered his phone. After I took the shot, Redback was lining up for his shot while I took a sip of my beer. “There’s been trouble back home.” Gravel said, making me look at him. “Someone took a shot at Lolita’s shop again.”

“What?” I stood up straight. “What happened?” I asked him.

“Thrasher said to get home as soon as possible,” Gravel said, pulling out his wallet and leaving a couple of 50-dollar notes on the table that we were using for our drinks.

I threw my pool stick down on the pool table and asked again with a growl. “Gravel, what happened?”

“I don’t know man. All he said was to get home and to watch our backs.” He said, Gravel patted me on the shoulder. “I’m sure everyone is fine.” But I saw something flash through his eyes. I stormed out of the bar with Gravel, Redback, Blackout and Skitzo all walking out behind me. I pulled on my helmet and climbed on my bike along with Skitzo and Redback while Gravel and Blackout climbed into the van.

We had been on a run down south in Windy Harbour. It would take us at least three hours to get back to Bunbury with people coming back from their holidays. I was the first one out of that parking lot before anyone could start their engines but after a few moments, the guys had caught up with me.

As we rode home, my heart was beating super fast. With little information on what happened and if anyone got hurt, my mind was racing. All I could think about was if Lolita was hurt… how bad was it? I don’t know how but somehow we managed to get back to Bunbury without any of us getting into an accident.

Again I was the first one to climb off my motorcycle and throw my helmet off before I rushed through the doors of the clubhouse. Looking around I saw Thrasher sitting with 8ball and Mage. Saw was walking out of the hall probably coming from the infirmary but I couldn’t see Mase and Lolita.

Thrasher stood up as I came over to the table. “Where is she?” My hands were in fists and I was ready to throw punches at anyone who would try and stop me from seeing her.

“She is in her dorm, resting.” He said, I immediately took a step towards the hall but Mage stood up and stopped me.

“Move, old man,” I growled to Mage but he shook his head.

“First off, you need to calm down. Second, listen to what pres has to say first before you go in all guns blazing.” Mage said as I stared at him but I knew he was right. I sighed and looked towards Thrasher.

“She’s okay, just shaken up. Mase jumped in front of the gunman so he was the only one to get hit.”

“How’s Mase doing?” I asked him.

“Mase is okay, he’s going to pull through,” Thrasher said as he took a seat. “We have clear footage of who the man is, his part of the Devil Riders. Go see your girl, we have church in the morning.” I nodded my head and made my way upstairs towards the dorm that Lolita was staying in.

I softly knocked on the door and entered slowly, the light of the lamp was the only light in the room. She was lying on the bed, cuddling up to one of the blankets. Closing the door behind me before I made my way over to her, crouching down I saw that she jumped awake. “It’s me… it’s Daniel…” I whispered to her.

She stared into my eyes before moving over to the bed. Lolita patted the space she was just lying in. I pulled off my leather kutte and hung it on the back of the door before I pulled off my boots. Lolita had already climbed under the covers before I climbed in. I wrapped my arms around her and noticed that she was shaking. “You’re okay. I will protect you” I whispered, I kissed her head as she wrapped her arms tighter around me.

For a few moments, I heard her sniffle until her breathing became deep and before I knew it, I was asleep myself.

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