Stone (Highway Jokers #1)

Chapter 13



Dressed in all black, I pulled on my hoodie before I grabbed the duffel bag of weapons that sat on the table in front of me. I looked towards my left and saw Vikki hugging 8Ball before she turned to give Mage a kiss. I wish I had that right now but I knew I needed to keep my mind clear. This was for Lolita but most importantly the Highway Jokers.

My MC.

My brothers.

My family.

I watched as everyone gathered around. Everyone had either family or someone they loved. I just had me. My only family was my younger sister but she lived in another state. I had no one here. I had hoped that Lolita would change that, and that’s who I was doing this for her the most. She had claimed my heart and if I didn’t get her back I would never be the same. After another fifteen minutes, it was time. We all said our goodbyes before we climbed onto our bikes and rolled out roaring our motors as we went.

It took us about 45 minutes to get there, parking our bikes a half-mile down so that we wouldn’t be heard upon arrival. We jogged slowly hiding behind the trees so we weren’t seen and our dark clothing helped. Once we made it to the gate we saw several men loading up guns and other weapons into a large moving truck. We could see men from both The Devil’s Riders and The Broken Hitchmen moving back and forth as two club members stood watch and gave orders.

Gravel, Skitzo and Blackout screwed their silencers onto their guns and got into positions. Thrasher nodded at all of us and reminded us of the plan. I took one last deep breath before erasing Lolita from my mind so that I had no distractions, then Gravel started by taking out two men standing guard and before we knew it guns were blazing. I followed Blackout, 8ball, Redback and Saw out to the warehouse doors while Mage stayed in the car with a prospect. Thrasher, Gravel, Skitzo and Mase took the perimeter.

Once the door was open we ran silently down the first hallway checking every corner and staying right behind each other to make sure each of us was covered.

Reaching the first room door, Redback nodded before he kicked the door in and started shooting anyone in sight. He took down four men while the rest of us killed the rest. Afterwards, we headed straight to the other rooms repeating the same method three more times before coming to the steps. We noticed a light was on downstairs letting us know we weren’t alone. We slowly made our way downstairs to a big room filled with explosives and other ammo.

“What the fuck? This is all of our shit. Where did they get this shit from?” I heard Redback yell.

I was checking one of the crates, I saw the code that I knew. I heard a voice come from around the corner. “It seems your guy isn’t just your guy.”

Footsteps got closer and closer until The VP of The Broken Hitchmen was in full view. He had a vest filled with wiring and explosives all over it. He was holding a small remote in his hand that had a red button on it. Before we could react or move, Mase’s voice sounded on our radio “Pres, and Gravel are hit I repeat prez and Gravel are hit.”

We all looked at each other and ran for the stairs knowing that we needed to make sure everyone got away from here before this place blew.

“Get everyone back there are loads of explosives down here and the fuckers have a bomb set for any minute, fall the fuck back!” I shouted through the radio.

We ran as fast as we could up the stairs and followed back through the route we took to make it to the basement. We were right on each other’s feet glad that we didn’t trip over each other. When we made it to the exit we struggled to open the now-closed door. Once we got it open and made it outside there were small fires everywhere with bodies all around of the men that were killed.

I caught a glimpse of Mage helping the prospect and Mase get Gravel and Thrasher into the van. The prospect was now in the driver’s seat and the rest of us ran over to help. We didn’t know how much time we had left. Once we got Thrasher and Gravel into the van I told everyone else to fall back and head back to the clubhouse but to watch our backs.

By the time we made it off of the property good enough, the explosion hit and we all went tumbling from the pressure of it. We stood up looked at each other and ran for our bikes. Thrasher and Gravel’s bikes were already taken back to the clubhouse so we didn’t have to worry about that. We rode off parting ways, the van headed towards the hospital and the rest of us toward the clubhouse. Halfway back, I pulled over so that we could go over a plan for what happened next.

“Listen up, Prez is down. Gravel is down too he went down protecting prez as he should have. Now is not the time to panic. Blackout and Redback I need you with me. Mase, Saw and 8ball go back to the clubhouse. Shut everything down and protect our family with your lives. I’m going to check the hospital and get an update. Don’t do anything without a word from me first. Got me?” Everyone nodded then we all climbed on our bikes and went our separate ways.

I stepped off of the elevator of the hospital. I looked around before spotting Mage down the hall pacing back and forth. “What’s the word?” I asked him as soon as I made it over to him.

“Thrasher was hit three times. They took him up to surgery, Gravel is inside getting checked out now. The doctor said that she would be right out” I nodded and pat Mage on the back.

“I sent everyone else to the clubhouse to protect and keep it locked down until I got word on anything we can’t take any chances.” Mage nodded his head.

I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes when I heard. Code Blue room 357” My eyes shot open and before my brain could function I was running toward the elevators. My heart at this point had fallen through my ass.

I can’t lose her.

I made it to the room within moments surprisingly. I pushed through so many nurses and doctors. Lolita was laid out on the bed and she looked lifeless. Her eyes were dark. What the fuck had happened while I was gone. “Sir, we need you to step out for a moment. Please sir” I shook my head as Blackout and Redback came running in and grabbed me pulling me out of the room.

I fought them with everything I had left in me before I gave in and hit the ground. I sobbed like I hadn’t since I was that young boy all of those years ago who had lost his grandfather to cancer. I sobbed because I watched the woman I love in the hospital going through the same thing.

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