Stone Cold Notes: A Rock Star Romance (The Seasons Change)

Stone Cold Notes: Chapter 16

WREN’S CHEEKS WERE COLD IN MY HANDS, her lips trembling. She was afraid, worked up, in shock. I should have let her breathe. Talked to her. Taken care of her feelings. But I was hanging by a thread over shark-infested waters, and she was dry, safe land.

My words became lost in the seconds before I saw my little bird being touched without her consent. I was adrenaline and action now.

My tongue lashed hers, punishing her for going out without me to protect her. For making me crazy. For being so fucking adorable and beautiful and everything I wanted.

My mouth drove into hers, too hard, but I couldn’t pull back. Her teeth pressed into my lip, and I felt, more than heard, her whimper. My ears were muffled with the sound of my thrashing heart.

Her small hands dove under my shirt. The shock of cold skin on mine sent a jolt to my abs. Her palms flattened, moving upward, leaving paths of ice.


“Callum.” She pushed up on her toes and chased my mouth, sipping from my bottom lip like a little hummingbird. “Callum.”

God, I had to have her. It was an outright desperation I’d never experienced. A visceral need to consume her body, claim it, plant myself deep inside until we were all mixed up in each other. Until there was no Wren, no Callum, only us.

“I need you to be mine.” I slid my hands from her cheeks to her hair, twisting it around my fist. “Show me you’re mine.”

This woman consumed my thoughts. Every ounce of pleasure I jerked from my body was because of her. It had been that way for years. Longer than I’d ever tell her.

We made it to my bedroom, barely breaking apart to find our way there. I flipped the lights mounted on either side of my bed on, casting a flickering, yellow glow throughout the room.

Wren fell back on the bed, her dress riding up her thighs. I dropped to my knees and ran my nose along her leg, from her knee to the crease of her thigh. I kissed the crease and tongued the edge of her black underwear. Her fingers grazed my hair and forehead, tentative and shaking. I grabbed both her hands and pressed them to my head, giving her permission to take and take, because I fully fucking intended to.

I nuzzled the wet spot on her underwear, inhaling her scent until it was a core memory that would be locked with me until my deathbed. I wanted to rip her panties off, tongue fuck her, consume her juices like dessert, then go back for more and more and more. But some restraint still lingered in the back of my mind, holding me back from devouring this girl so I didn’t scare the ever-loving shit out of her with my intensity. God, I probably was already, but it was too late. I was too far gone over the edge for her.

Looping my finger in the soaked crotch of her panties, I yanked hard. She yelped in surprise and lifted her hips to allow me to slide them the rest of the way down her legs. Her dripping, pink pussy was topped by pale red curls. Glorious, puffy thing, slick with her need for me. My sweet, beautiful girl couldn’t hide that desire from my prying, greedy eyes.

Her hips lifted again, searching for me, and I dove forward, letting her find me. I licked and sucked, tasting her everywhere. My palms pressed her inner thighs open wider to give me more space to work—to bury my entire face in her pussy until I was coated with her.

My sweet little bird was rocking into my mouth, writhing on my tongue. Her moans were unrestrained, as wild and high as I felt. This was the first time I wanted to do this more than I wanted to breathe. Eating Wren was necessary for life. She was in trouble, because now that I knew, now that I under-fucking-stood how good this could be, she was now one of the fundamentals I needed to get through my day. I was gonna need this pussy on my tongue seven days a week, and she was going to have to allow that to happen.

Her cries got sharper, hips thrusting toward me. She had to be close, so close. I didn’t have it in me to tease her. Her climax was as vital to me as it had to be to her. My lips wrapped around her swollen clit, sucking gently, then a little harder. She squealed and bucked, pushing my face even deeper.

Wren moaned my name as she shattered. I lifted my eyes to watch her fall apart. Her kiss-swollen lips parted, hair splayed around her head like sunrays, cheeks flushed deep pink, she staggered me.

“Oh,” she sighed. “That was, that was…”

I tossed my shirt aside and climbed over her, using my grip on her hips to rotate her so I could fit between her legs. She reached for my face, tracing my coated lips with her fingertips. I dipped down, kissing her mouth, then her neck, her cleavage, sucking the curve of her breast. I tugged on her dress, grateful the material had stretch to it. Otherwise, I would’ve ripped it to get to more of her. The cup of her bra went with the dress, exposing her tit. Tight, pale brown nipples drew me in to suck, lick, lave. There was no universe where I would ever get tired of having any part of this woman in my mouth.

My cocked prodded her soft little belly, desperate to sink into her. I’d been patient for a long, long time, but that was through. This little bird was mine in every way—and every part of her needed to understand that.

Pushing back on my knees, I shoved my jeans down, freeing my cock. Wren gave me her owl eyes, darting from my face to where I stroked my throbbing length in my fist. Her tongue slid along her lip, leaving a shining trail.

Falling over her, the head of my cock slid between her folds. She sucked in a breath, squirming and clenching her thighs around my hips.

“It’s been a long, long time,” she whispered. “Go slow.”

My tip prodded her entrance and a shot of heat blasted through the base of my spine. I was in trouble. “I don’t know if I can tonight, Little Bird. It’s been forever for me.”

She nodded with parted lips and wide eyes, tilting her hips to me, accepting what I had to give. I pushed forward once, then another time, sliding all the way home. And just like that, my brain went haywire. She was so hot. So tight. Clenching around me. Fitting me perfectly. The fantasy of what this would be like paled the face of reality. This was Wren, not some faceless woman who made my skin crawl. Wren’s touch brought me light.

I backed up and drove in again, watching her expression, the bounce of her tits, bending my head so I could see our physical connection. My cock was shiny with her cream. Sinking inside her again and again was like walking through a fire after being frozen and only experiencing the heat. No pain, only relief after a thousand icy winters.

“Look at that, Wren. Watch me fuck you.” I slid my hand behind her head and lifted so she could see between our bodies and watch me drive into her. “Does that feel good? Do you like it?”

She mewled, clutching at my arms and shoulders. “You’re so big. I just…oooh.” Her neck arched. Her eyes rolled back. I must have hit something good. The right spot. I kept at it, plunging in and out, keeping Wren trapped in bliss.

If I could have watched her and kissed her at the same time, I would have, but the call of her mouth was impossible to resist. I groaned when our lips collided, wet and desperate. Her fingers raked through my hair, dragging me closer. She was in this, just as much as I was. Answering each of my thrusts with the rise of her hips. Sliding her tongue along mine. Gripping me everywhere.

I couldn’t stop. Not even for a second. I knew I was going to come soon. Too fast. Too hard. But I couldn’t help myself. Not this first time. I’d be good to her next time, when I got myself under control. When I wasn’t experiencing this…this perfect storm of newness, rapture, anger, and unconquerable desire.

“Can I come in you?” I panted.

Sweat beaded on her forehead. Her cheeks were perfectly rosy. It took everything in me not to spill right then and there. With wide eyes, she nodded.

“I have an IUD.”

Her legs hitched higher, and I sunk into her so deep, my muscles seized and pleasure rolled from my spine to every corner of my being. Wave after wave of it, pumping through me into her in hot spurts.

Maybe I should’ve been embarrassed with the speed in which I lost my shit, but I wasn’t. I wouldn’t allow any negative feelings to intrude on my first time with Wren.

I fell to my side and dragged her with me, pulling her leg over my hip. I was still fully hard and nowhere near done with her. I tugged the other side of her dress down and buried my face between her heavy tits. She stroked my hair, arching her spine to give me more access.

“I want this to be the place I go after a long day.” I kissed along the curve of both breasts, up to her neck, and nuzzled there too. My cock slid between her soaked folds, needing back inside again. I kicked my jeans off so I could feel her everywhere.

“You’re still so hard.”

“Need you again, Little Bird.”

Her fingertips grazed my scruff. “I’m gonna be so sore tomorrow, but I think I need you too.”

Reaching between us, I circled her clit. “I’ll go slow this time. I’ll make it better for you, beautiful girl. I just…I lost my fuckin’ mind feeling you from the inside, Wren.”

“You think that wasn’t good for me?” Her eyes were so round and a little glazed. “I don’t have much experience, but that was incredible for me. That’s why I want it again…and again. And maybe again after that.”

I hooked her thigh on my elbow, raising it high. “Think we can do it this way, Little Bird? Think it’ll feel just as good?”

“We can try.”

Her hips tipped forward, and I lined up at her entrance, sinking into her as slow as I could. Her lips found mine, and we were kissing and fucking, not quite as frenzied, but there was still an underlying feeling of desperation between us.

She’d wanted us to go slow but fuck that. We were five years in the making. I’d been waiting for her all my life.

I broke away, holding the sides of her head, keeping her eyes on mine. “Tell me you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.” No hesitation. Maybe she’d been waiting too. Not in the same way, but waiting regardless.

Her palm smoothed down my spine to my lower back then tentatively moved to cup my ass. I did the same, taking her round cheek in my hand, squeezing and trailing my fingers down the valley.

“Fuckin’ touch me. I’m gonna touch you wherever I want. Need you to know that.” I dipped my head to suck on her nipple, showing her exactly what I meant. If she was mine, so was her body. Every damn part of it.

She squeezed my ass and tried to press me in even closer to her. “This is new. But I want you to touch me.”

I brought my head up, running my nose along hers. “New for me too.” I found her clit again, circling it with the pad of my finger. “Gonna need to make you come this time. Tell me what feels good.”

“This feels good.” Her hand covered mine, and she shifted it a tiny bit. “There. Please, keep doing that. Please.”

I fucked her slowly and circled her clit the way she wanted. Pressure was building in my groin, an undeniable need to drive into her wet heat and come deep inside her walls, but I wasn’t a kid. What we were doing together was unprecedented for me, but I sure as hell knew how to walk to the edge and pull back at the last second. Wren’s snug little pussy made it infinitely harder to grasp that control, but I kept the reins. Barely.

It became nearly impossible when she started to clench around me. Her pussy was so swollen and tight, I could barely move, but I was distracted by the sight of her. Her tits jiggled as she shook. Her mouth fell open to release a melody that would live in my head for the rest of my life. She cried out for me and used me as an anchor, her fingers holding firmly to my shoulders.

I followed close behind. A few shallow thrusts, and I was groaning, clutching my sweet girl in my arms, filling her with my cum until it was running down both our thighs. We were a mess, sweaty and wrapped in each other, breathing hard to catch our breath.

I let her leg fall and pulled out of her perfect heat, finally softening a fraction. I knew I could have gone again. Half of me really fucking wanted to. But I heard her when she said she’d be sore tomorrow. My greed for Wren did not override my desire to keep her safe and protected.

“Hey.” Her nails scratched my jaw gently, the way she liked to do. “I want you to know I haven’t been with anyone in a long, long time. I’m clean…I mean, I was tested after that time. Are you—I mean, are you up to date on all that? I realize it’s a little late to ask, but—”

I cut her off with a hard kiss. “There’s nothin’ to worry about on my part.”

She drew back. “That means you’ve been tested or…?” Her eyebrows rose expectantly.

“There’s no one else, Wren. There’s never been anyone else. Never really wanted to before you.” I took her breast in my hand, rubbing my palm over her tight nipple. “I’m gonna need to have you as often as I can. You’ve bewitched me like I’m Mister fuckin’ Darcy.”

“Body and soul?” she whispered.

“Yeah, Wren. Body and soul,” I whispered back.

“But…” Her pale brows furrowed. “How can that be…? You never had…?”

I got that she was surprised, but I didn’t think she should have been. I didn’t like people. Wren Anderson was one of the few exceptions. And I more than liked her. I was obsessed with her, now more than ever.

“No, I’ve never.” I flicked my tongue along the seam of her lips. “Now I have, and we’re going to be doing a lot more of it. A lot, Wren.”

Her brow furrowed even more. “But you go to sex clubs. And sex parties.”

“To watch. I don’t touch. I never have.”

“Because you didn’t want to?”

“No. Watchin’ on my own terms satisfied me.”

She went quiet, but I could almost hear her mind whirring. Maybe I should have told her, but I hadn’t exactly been thinking straight when we got here. The thing was, if I’d had sex with a thousand different women, being with Wren would have still been something entirely different. It didn’t matter that no one had come before her. Being inside Wren was a singular experience.

Her big eyes lifted to mine, swirling with liquid amber. “Are you sure it’s not a big deal? I mean, I wish I had known, so I could have, I don’t know…”

“You think anything could have been better than that?”

“No.” Again, no hesitation. The corners of her mouth curved up. “Well, I think we might be able to best ourselves after extensive practice. But I wouldn’t change anything about what we just did.”

I ran my finger down the pinch between her eyebrows. “Me either. Stop freakin’ out, Little Bird. Nothin’ to freak out over.”

She settled in my arms, and I pressed my nose to the top of her head. She smelled like her usual sunshine, but now, her scent was mixed with sweat and sex and a little of me.

“You think you’re going to have trouble…with what happened tonight?” she asked timidly. “A lot of people were recording.”

“Maybe. I don’t regret how I reacted.” I lifted her chin. “Does it bother you?”

“No. You protected me when I needed you.” Her teeth dug into her bottom lip. “But I don’t want you to have to deal with repercussions. Not for me.”

“Nope.” I covered her mouth with mine, kissing her hard and rough. “Don’t ever say that to me. I will end the world for you.”

She grinned, letting out a delicate little chuckle. “Please don’t. I kind of like it here.”

She always thought I was kidding about the lengths I would go to for her. Better that than her knowing I wasn’t joking at all. She’d be gone faster than I could blink, then I’d be forced to chase her and follow through with my original kidnapping plan.

“What were you doing there? At the bar?” she asked.

“I think it’s obvious. I came to see you.”

She blinked, a small smile still curling her lips. “You couldn’t go the whole night without seeing me?”

“No. I heard you were wearin’ my favorite dress. It wasn’t fair other men were layin’ their eyes on you.”

“Thank you for saying that, but nobody was looking at me.”

“Baby, I had to drag a man off you. Trust me, they were lookin’.” She didn’t understand how pretty she was. How her sweetness and timidity drew wicked men in like moths to a flame.

“Edwin is an exception. He’s been asking me out for two years. He’s only interested because I keep saying no.”

“Fuck. I did not hit that guy hard enough.” I should have known Wren had a guy hounding her. It was my job to keep her safe. How had I missed that?

She giggled, and the dulcet sound was enough to calm me down. “Well, I know I’ll never look at this dress the same again.”

Wren rolled onto her back, pulling her dress over her breasts along the way. She sighed at the ceiling, her eyelids drooping slightly.

“I’m tired.”

I laid my hand on my stomach. “Sleep here.”

Her head turned, and something behind her eyes shuttered. “I can’t.”

“You can.”

Chewing on her lip, she let her eyes sweep over me. “There’s something I need to tell you. I planned to tell you before we did…this, but…um—”

I knew what she wanted to tell me. The topic I’d avoided thinking about. Of course I knew Wren had a child. A son. I’d seen them together a thousand times. But my brain compartmentalized that facet of her life and tucked it away, so when we were together, she was just my Wren. I didn’t share her with anyone else.

“Tell me.”

She sucked in a deep breath, averting her eyes. “I have a son. He’s three. I know I should have told you, and I’m so sorry. It’s just that—”

“Okay.” I turned her head toward me and touched my lips to hers. “It’s okay.”

“Um…” she blinked a few times, “okay?”

“Yeah. It’s okay. That doesn’t change anything.” I propped myself up on my elbows, dragging my finger along her cheek. She really did look tired. If she wasn’t staying with me, then I needed her tucked snug in her bed. “I should take you home now.”

“Oh.” Her face fell, crashing straight to the ground. “Of course. I need to go to sleep. You don’t have to take me. I’ll get an Uber.”

“Wren.” I rolled on top of her and covered her mouth with my hand. “Quiet. Nothing has changed. You’re tired. We’ll talk more tomorrow once you sleep. Nothing has changed. Tell me you hear me.”

She nodded, and I moved my hand to give her another kiss.

“Say it.”

“I hear you. Nothing has changed,” she repeated.

We both got dressed, and I gave Wren a hoodie so she wouldn’t freeze without her coat. I held her close on the ride back to her house, feeling pretty fucking forlorn I had to allow her to walk away. Too bad kidnapping was off the table.

For the moment at least.

She didn’t get out right away when the car pulled up to the curb. Her arms were crossed at her middle. “Will I see you tomorrow?” Her voice had gone tiny.

“Yeah.” I scrubbed my face with my hand. “You will. I have a feelin’ I’ll have to deal with my manager, but you’ll see me. We’ll talk.”

Her nod was sharp. “Okay. Well, thank you for rescuing me. And everything else.” Even in the dark, I could see her chin tremble. “It meant a lot to me.”

“Wren.” Palming her crown, I drew her into my chest. “Nothing has changed.”

“Okay.” Her arms came around me, hugging me tight for a breath before she let go. “Good night.”

I took her chin in my hand, holding her still so I could press a hard kiss to her lips. “Good night.”

I watched her until she was inside, then asked the driver to stay another few minutes. I’d had my little bird completely tonight, but I still needed to sit here and peer up at her window to calm my beating heart. Old habits never died, especially when I had no intention of ever giving them up.

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