Stolen by The Pack: An Omegaverse Reverse Harem Romance (Howl’s Edge Island: Omega For The Pack Book 1)

Stolen by The Pack: Chapter 14

boat, taking in the bright sun and morning breeze.

I took it all in as I stood on the beach of Howl’s Edge. It was like I had never left the place.

The familiar statue of the giant wolf holding a black flag in his mouth greeted us. I smelled the amazing fresh air and took in the sight of the beautiful palm trees surrounding the island.

My heart was heavy as I looked back at the boat.

Tiana wouldn’t allow us to touch her anymore.

It was time to drop her off to her new pack right away before her body went into shock from her heat.

She stood on the beach in her bare feet and wrinkled dress. She had streaks of mascara down her face from crying all night on the boat. The only person she let near her was Tony and sometimes Wesley. She had a connection with Tony that I’d never understand. I was the one who saw her first. I shook my head, annoyed at myself. I was about to give her away, so I needed to stick to my word as leader alpha of this pack.

“What have you got there, sir?” said a voice. I turned, seeing a group of security betas who patrolled the shore approaching us.

“This is my pack and an omega,” I said. Sam and Wesley came up to stand on either side of me. Tony was carrying Tiana in his arms, standing off to the side, watching what was going on. The beta pulled out a clipboard and a pen. He looked at all of us, studying the way Tiana clung to Tony.

“Pack name?” he said, his eyes scrolling down a list of names on his paper. I hated security here, but I knew it was necessary.

“Frostcrown,” I answered.

“Your pack isn’t registered with an omega. Unfortunately, we’ll need to take this omega in for custody so she’s not taken advantage of,” he said, scratching his large orange mustache.

“She’s not ours. I’m taking her to a different pack who made an offer for her,” I said.

“And what pack is that?”

“The Lustfur Pack.”

The beta’s eyes instantly widened, and he set his clipboard down.

“Alright, looks like everything is in order then,” he said hastily. Then he turned to Tiana. “Good luck. If anything goes south with your new pack, don’t hesitate to reach out.” He handed her a card, and she took it without a word.

The beta security guards walked down the shore to harass another group of people.

“You sure this is the right choice, boss?” asked Sam, as he tightened his bandana in frustration. I knew all the men were upset with me. Especially Sam since he was the first to mate with her and take her virginity.

“I stick to my word with the other packs,” I said. “I’ll lose all respect and my side of the deal.”

We walked across the beach.

It seemed more barren, empty, and lifeless now. I barely spotted any females around here. There were lots more boats and construction now on the island. We passed by giant palm trees, and I plucked a date from one of them, chewing on one as I walked.

“Are we taking her right now?” asked Sam.

“Yes, she’s in pain. She needs to go to her pack right now,” I stressed. “The decision is final.” I have been the leader of the pack since I started it more than twenty years ago. I met Sam, an outcast on the streets like myself, and we decided to form a pack recruiting Tony and Wesley.

I looked back and saw Tony still carrying the little omega in his arms, cradling her like she was going to break. He looked up, glaring at me.

I sighed.

“The men aren’t happy with this decision,” pressed Sam.

“I know, goddamn it,” I growled. “We’re here now.”

We stopped in front of the giant mansion which held the most powerful pack on Howl’s Edge. The mansion was lined with gold, and the door knobs were also gold. Sometimes I wonder how they got so wealthy, but I wasn’t one to ask too many questions. This pack did a lot of fishy business. At the sight of the home, I felt a sinking dread in my stomach.

This was the last time I’d see Tiana.

I waved Tony over, and then Tony dumped her in my arms in vengeance.

“You can be the one to do the dirty job,” he spat out. Then he kissed Tiana on the lips one last time, and she clung to him, tears in her eyes. “Be a good girl. They’ll take care of you. You even have a mansion, nothing like we could ever give you.”

“I don’t care about material things,” she sobbed.

“Tony, you’re making this harder than it is,” I said, although my heart physically hurt.

He knew it would hurt me more if I got to touch her and then have her taken away. My annoyance soon disappeared, feeling her soft curvy bottom in my arms. Her sweet strawberry scent in my nose. I breathed it in one last time, despite her anger. She didn’t even look me in the eyes. Her face was turned the entire time, her eyes trained on the large mansion.

I wondered what was going through her mind.

I rang the doorbell. And waited.

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