Stephanie Steele

Chapter Introduction

Paradise City, huh! Some hope. The year is 2166.

Humans had ignored the fact that they were polluting the planet. Greedy corporations continued spewing out their toxins into the atmos. Now it was too late to do anything. The sky was choked with poison, blocking out sunlight. They were living in a perpetual state of night. Crops didn’t grow without sunlight so millions starved to death. Now, crops are grown in factories with artificial sunlight. The global economic crash of ’95 brought worldwide revolution, toppling governments over night. The people took control. Thought they could do a better job. It didn’t work and now there are rotting cities like this all over the globe.

Crime rose, particularly sex crimes. Sex became currency. People sank to the depths of depravity. Something had to be done. That’s when droids were created to counter it. Androids that were so life like that you just couldn’t tell them apart from human. They were originally created as substitutes for women, men or children, whatever your sexual preference. If it was illegal with a human, it was legal with a droid. For a while sex crimes fell.

But the early droids were unresponsive, little use to the paedos and perverts who liked to make their victims scream. Perverts being perverts always wanted the real deal. Upgrades became available so that droids could feel emotion and pain. Again this only lowered the crime rate temporarily. As a result there became a surplus of droids.

In the end they were integrated into society to do the dirty jobs humans didn’t want. They were more intelligent, stronger, didn’t need feeding or sleep and could work longer hours. Some were offered better jobs and eventually a new police force was created to deal with the low life scum. A police force of androids who couldn’t be bought or bribed. But they were still run by human bosses and corruption seeped into the system. Fucking humans!

But then there was Detective Stephanie Steele. Some call her a rule breaker, a maverick, a liability. Human words. One thing’s for sure, she don’t take no shit from any fucker. Don’t take no bribes, don’t take no prisoners and if you want her to go by the book you can sure as hell kiss her metal ass!

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