Steeling Her: A Romance Novel

Steeling Her: Chapter 21


Today is a good day. I can’t wipe the stupid smile off my goddamn face, but it’s a good day. The sun is shining, the house is silent, and I have the soft breaths of a beautiful girl laying next to me fanning my face.

She fell asleep beside me last night; cuddled up to me because she was petrified of the movie we watched. It’s a tactic of mine. I get the scariest movie to watch and allow them feel the fear so that they depend on me to hold them, and that is exactly what I did with Carter last night. I held on to her the entire time and I still am. It feels so good to have her in my hold.

My large arms cradle her body, protecting her from any potential monsters. Ryan being one of them.

She took away all the bad blood I had from last night. I still want to kill TJ, but it has been reduced by a significant amount thanks to this girl. TJ should thank her tenfold, because if she wasn’t there, I wouldn’t have stopped myself from beating him unconscious.

I look down at my shoulder and remember her touch. It burned through the material and through my skin. The sensation had me weak at my knees. It took her touch to stop my rage. That has never happened before. I remember looking into her beady blue eyes, pleading to stop the violence. Then I pulled myself away from TJ and felt her hands separate us as she aided my best friend. Ex-best friend.

The fucking nerve of him banging my sister behind my back. I know what he’s like. He’s exactly like me when it comes to girls. The old me. The new me is all for focusing on Carter, and only her.

But to feel that betrayal was enough to set me off. The two of them sneaking around my back, hooking up, and doing God knows what really lit a fire under my ass. Hence, the fight erupting between me, him, and Haley.

Haley . . . she needs to be spoken to. Pronto. She doesn’t get to speak about Carter like that. I heard her snap at her for helping TJ last night. She threw some not so subtle digs at her, and I didn’t like it one bit. But much to my surprise, when I thought that she would stand up for herself, TJ took the initiative. He opened his mouth up and put a stop to his new fling’s words. I can’t wait until my point is proven and he walks into another girl’s bed. It’s always the same with the guys in this house.

We set our eyes on something we like.

We get to know her, pretending we’re interested in more than sex.

We flirt and compliment her, softening her up.

We make the move and make out a little to get a feel of how far this girl will go.

Once we know, we subtly tell them we should go somewhere quiet.

We get back to their place or ours, though I have never taken a girl back to my room.

We bang them and leave early before they wake up.

But not anymore. Not for me. I’m done with that. I just want Carter. I’m not too sure what I want from her, but I know I want her.

Whether it’s beside her, around her, wrapped around her, kissing her or . . . in her, I want her. I really fucking want her. All of her.

I want to be that guy she trusts to lose herself to. I want to be that guy she smiles about when she thinks about me. I want that look she gave to her father and brothers in the hospital directed at me and only me. I want those beautiful blue eyes shining with happiness because it’s me.

I look down at the sleeping beauty tangled in the sheets with me, fully dressed and on my chest. Her soft brown hair flares across the bed and drapes over my arm. I instinctively pull her closer, as if she’s not close enough. Her body feels so fucking amazing against mine. It’s like a jigsaw piece finding it’s place and matching perfectly.

It’s Tuesday. I have classes in an hour, but I haven’t gotten up because she’s laying here with me. I woke up, completely forgetting as to why I felt so comfortable. It’s because she’s here with me. When she drifted off beside me, I didn’t want to wake her. I didn’t have the heart to when she said that she wasn’t going to stay. I would’ve carried her home and laid her in her own bed, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of something telling me that I needed to let her sleep. So, I pushed the thought out of my mind and assured myself I needed her with me. After making up with her yesterday, I didn’t want to leave her. I couldn’t bring myself to. Feeling her lips once again took a part of me.

It was amazing. It felt like that first lick of your ice cream on a hot day. The first sip of your drink when you’re parched. The first A you get in class. The first kiss you have with someone you like.

It felt amazing to feel her lips on mine once again. I have no other words to describe how it felt. It just felt so right. I just couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I still can’t, because this girl is doing something to me. I’m not sure what but she is. Knowingly or not, I can’t help but want to be around her and protect her. The sudden urge to keep her here with me becomes larger than life, and I don’t want to move away from her.

This beautiful girl laying next to me is doing something to my insides like no girl has done before. The scary thing is, I don’t mind it one bit. I can’t put it into words because there are no words that will describe what I’m feeling for her. It’s something I have no control over. I’m so lost in her.

As if she can feel my eyes on her, she begins to stir around on my chest. She yawns widely, and I smile at the sight of her. She’s so cute. And pretty even in the morning. It’s a sight that I could become accustomed to, easily.

“Morning,” I greet her and place her head to to mine slowly while she tries to open her glued eyes. I chuckle at her struggling to open them up. She’s too damn cute.

“Morning,” she replies tirelessly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I had fallen asleep.” She sits herself up, but I don’t like the cold feeling, so I pull her back down so she’s flush against me once again. She giggles beside me, and I feel so happy that I can hear that laugh once again.

“Don’t be sorry. I wanted you to stay the night, Carter. I decided to let you sleep when you drifted off during the movie.” I laugh at the memory of her hiding behind the covers to stop herself from watching it, then she would curse me to hell because I was laughing at her.

“Good thing I stayed then. I never would’ve slept by myself. That was too scary, Nick. I’m not watching another horror movie again. And as payback, you’re going to watch a chick flick with me next time!” She pokes my chest.

“Next time?” I ask curiously. She freezes in my hold. I lean down to peck her sweet lips. “I like the sound of that.” I wink at her, causing a slight pink tone to appear on her cheeks. I laugh at her feeling embarrassed by my words. Her cute button nose is red too. Why is she so fucking adorable?

“I’m not!” She pouts, and I realize that I said it out loud.

Fuck, I need to stop doing that. Seriously, why does it only happen with her? I lean forward again to cover up my own embarrassment and to kiss her hard, but she pulls back, breaking the kiss. Confusion takes over my face and I stare at her once more. When I lean back in, she backs away. When I do it again, she repeats it.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, getting impatient. I need her lips again. She’s like a drug. I’m so fucking addicted to her and the way she tastes. I can’t wait until my lips can go lower and on the curves of her body completely naked, tasting every inch of her.

“I have morning breath, Nick!” She covers her mouth with her small tanned hand and I roll my eyes. She’s being such a girl. I drag her hand away from her face and flip us over so she’s on top of me. I take the nape of her neck and trail my fingers up to her hair.

“I don’t care, Carter.” I push her lips against mine once more and this time, she’s not moving away from me. I won’t let her. I line my tongue on her lips, hoping she opens up for me. She does, letting me slip inside and chase her tongue around. One of my hands grasps on to the nape of her neck, holding her in place, while the other is cupped against the curve of her ass. Damn, is that a good ass. I close my hand around it, squeezing it, and feel a moan from her rumble through me.

I flip her onto her back, not breaking the kiss, and press my body lightly with hers. She’s driving me crazy, and I don’t mind it. I feel her smile against my lips as I climb higher up her beautiful body.

The tips of her finger trail up my chest, and I feel an involuntary shudder crawl up my back by the appeasing touch. She then proceeds to lock her arms around my neck, pulling me closer towards her, and we pick up the pace. Taking her waist, I break the lip lock and start to move down the side of her elegant neck, kissing every single inch of it. The taste of her skin tingles my lips.

Reaching under her ear, I feel her fist my shirt, and a low breath echoes around my ear. I know now that I’ve reached her sweet spot. With a wicked grin, I start to suck on and lightly bite down on the skin. When I hear that moan leave her mouth, blood shoots down south. I can’t ’control it, and I didn’t want to.

I did’ it again and got the exact same reaction. I repeat it over and over until she replaces her breathing with my name, and I groan when I hear it. It’s never appealed to me before, but fuck, the way she said it when she couldn’t control it had me begging for it. So I pull away, knowing I might be ready but she’s not.

“Why’d you stop?” she asks me breathless. I lean back to see her with her eyes closed relishing in the feeling. I chuckle lightly down at her and her eyes snap open. Hazy and beautiful, like always.

“I wouldn’t be able to stop myself, Carter. And I know you’re not ready for that yet,” I tell her. I’ll give her some more time. Although it’ll fucking kill me, I want it to be right for her. I know girls think their first time is special, it’s not really the same for guys. We just want to throw it in and fuck you good. I remember when I lost mine. I was a sophomore and snuck into a senior’s party down the street from me. TJ and I went to a different school from them because these were all rich kids that went to private schools.

To make a long story short, I found the hottest girl in the shortest dress and started making out with her. I can’t remember her name, even to this day. Anyway, I led her away from the crowd and up the stairs to the unknown. We started to make out against anything that could support our weight and it started to get a little handsy. I’ve had an orgasm before, so it wasn’t anything knew to me. She went down on me and later brought me into a bedroom that was unoccupied.

We fucked. She was on top most of the night and was riding me for hours. It was pretty wild for my first time, but I’ve had wilder since then. The next morning, TJ messaged me, telling me he was leaving, and I happily ran out the door with him and I both swapping stories about the night. I was an ass, but she didn’t know me, and I never saw her again.

“Okay.” She smiles up at me. I lean back into her and let my lips linger on hers, kissing her softly. I don’t usually do soft—it’s too intimate—but with her, it feels right. When I pull away, I see the slight red mark on her neck and brush my thumb over, it knowing I’ve marked her.

I claimed her. Because she belongs with me.

I smirk at it, then she catches me off guard by leaning up and kissing me again. I place more pressure between our lips, enjoying the feeling. But I’ve got to pull away before I seriously can’t control myself.

“Are you hungry?” I ask her and she nods in response.

“Yeah, but I’ve got to shower and get ready for class. I finish at three today though,” she tells me her timetable like she’s longing for me to come and hang out with her. There’s no doubt that I will.

“I finish at one. I’ll come meet you outside? Where’s your room?” I stand up so I can walk her back to her dorm. Following suit, she pulls down her top and hikes up her jeans in the cutest way.

“Um . . .” She bends over to check her phone to see where she is. Our class schedules are linked to our calendars, which is very handy to have. “316.”

“Cool, I’ll come meet you outside and we can chill here again if you want? Or if you want to do something else?” I rub my hands together, waiting for her to say yes. I’ve never been this nervous to ask a girl to hang out with me before.

“Uh, sure? I was going to ask you to help me with one of my assignments, actually, if you don’t mind?” She rubs the back of her neck, feeling just as nervous as I am. This girl has my stomach doing backflips.

“Sure, no problem, I also have an assignment to do, so we can do them together. You can ask me whatever you want. I have all my old notes on my laptop anyway.” I shrug like its no big deal, but I want to impress her. I want her to see that I’m not as dumb as football players can be made out to be. Some of the guys on the team are pretty smart, like Reggie. Others can have me wondering if they even have a brain. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to your dorm. Meet you later?” I spray some deodorant and she asks for some too. She’ll smell like me, and I can’t help the stupid grin crawling onto my face.

She’ll smell like me.

I open the door up and hear that the kitchen is full of people, cutlery clashing and pans being rinsed. I know Carter’s a little nervous to see them, but I take her under my arm and walk beside her, bringing her close to my chest.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” I whisper to her and kiss the top of her head. She leans more on me as we make our way into their sight. The guys are surrounding the kitchen, trying to feed themselves. It’s a mess, with plates and bowls scattered around the countertop.

I see Caleb beating some eggs in a bowl first. His eyes drift up to me and then back down to the task. Then he double takes, focusing his eyes on me and Carter. A wolffish grin takes over his face. I hate that look already.

“Well, good morning to you both.” He opens up the floor, and people turn around to look and see what he’s talking about. The guys look between us. I see Ryan there, too, eyes wide open as he stares at the both of us.

“You’re fucking kidding me!” he roars at the realization that Carter stayed the night with me. I’m not going to play his game and try to beat him, it’ll only backfire on me later. So, instead, I take Carter and lead her out the door.

“I’m going to walk her back. I’ll see you guys later!” I wave my hand over my shoulder, pushing us out the door.

“Carter, he slept with Maya! Did you not see the picture I sent you?” Ryan closes the distance between us. I immediately step up front to protect her from him, my eyes clouded with anger. I’m not going to fight him in front of her, though, he wants that.

“She heard Maya talking about how you two set me up to make me look bad. Nice try, Ryan, but you were caught. You’re an idiot, you and Maya deserve each other—”

“I’m not interested in Maya, Jackson!” he yells. I step closer to him, warning him to not start something he can’t finish. I haven’t held back in the past, but I will for her. As much as I don’t want to swing at him right now, I will if he pushes me far enough.

“Watch it,” I warn him. His furious eyes meet mine but I don’t have the time for this shit. I will not fight with him again in front of Carter. I don’t want her to see that. We have another stare off; he’s the first to break it by trying to intimidate me, trailing his eyes up and down my frame in disgust.

“If you change your mind, Carter, you know where I am.” He smirks, walking back into the kitchen with a glass of OJ in his grip.

“Trust me, she wouldn’t touch your ugly ass,” I say with a wholehearted laugh. Placing an arm around her shoulders, I walk her out and down towards the campus. Once we reach the college, we get a few eyes following us along with a few whispers. I know girls are wondering if we’re a thing, and I honestly don’t care. It’s nobody’s business but ours.

With that, I pull her a bit closer to me because she’s noticing the attention she’s getting. I know she doesn’t like said attention, and I know she’s freaking out a little, because I feel her grip tightening on my shirt.

The eyes continue to follow us as we make our way towards the dorm. Seeing the building in my sight, I’m greeted by a flock of people around the doors. I guide Carter through, all while being stared at like I’m famous. I know people know me, but this is a little much. I don’t even bother to look up as we make our way to the elevator. Waiting with a bunch of girls, the doors separate, letting a few others come out. They momentarily stop again to check if it is really me in their dorm building. I walk beside Carter into the steel cage and head towards the back, resting against the cold metal wall.

I reach across to Carter and pull her against my body, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. “You okay?” I ask near her ear, making her shiver slightly. I smile near the spot on her neck at the effect I have on her. Her head nods, allowing her hair brush lightly off my face, tickling it. I kiss her cheek, making her blush and look down at her feet. Still in my hold, I brush her skin every so often to take her mind off all the stares we’re getting.

But I still feel nothing but eyes on me. It’s like they’ve never seen a guy in their lives.

“What floor?” one of the girls asks, hovering her hand over a knowing button. The fourth floor.

“I think you already know.” I stop an eye roll from happening, but she giggles like it was the funniest thing in the world. Her eyes are hooded and seductive, but I couldn’t be less interested in her. Lighting up the fourth button, the doors close; it looks like we’re the first stop. When it starts to move, so does everybody in the lift, fixing themselves in the makeshift mirror. I don’t look anywhere else other than Carter.

I lean in closer to her once again and whisper to her, “You’re so easy to hug.” She releases a quick laugh and I smile on her head, silently chuckling myself.

Turning her head over her shoulder to face up to me, she says, “So are you.” I couldn’t help the urge to lean down and capture her lips, hearing small gasps and the ding of the elevator. I break the kiss begrudgingly and push her out with me, parting the crowd in the process. I take her hand again and intertwine my fingers with hers, lacing them together. We walk down to that gray door I hate so much, because I won’t see her for the next few hours.

This is all so weird for me. I’ve never been so attached to a girl before. But with her, I feel my best. I feel happy all the damn time when I’m with her.

She reaches in her bag on her shoulder and finds her keys. Putting them into the lock, she turns them to open up the door.

“Ugh! I’m so fucking LATE!” Danielle is running back and forth between the kitchen and living, panting in exhaustion. Grabbing a notebook and some pens, she throws them into her bag as she runs by us. “Hi, guys! Bye, guys!” She bolts down the steps, her hands still in her hair as she fixes herself. We both laugh at her nearly running into some girls coming up the steps. Many of the girls coming up the steps laughing at her too. Not that she cares, she keeps running.

I turn back around to see Carter laughing into her hand at her roommate, throwing her head back a little. When she calms down, her shoulders are still shaking up and down with a muffled giggle in her hand.

I lean my hands on either side of the door frame as I’m watching her. The crinkles in her eyes, the way her nose scrunches up, and the light flush of her cheeks with freckles dotted across them under her eyes. She’s the vision of true beauty, and I can’t get enough of her.

She finally stops herself after I’ve admired her. She clears her throat, feeling slightly awkward, and bites down on her plump red lip. I groan out loud and lick my own lips, wanting another taste. Why does she do this to me?

“Don’t do that,” I say with a laugh, biting my bicep. Her brows furrow with confusion.

“Laugh?” She tilts her head to the side, wondering why can’t she laugh.

“No, you can laugh. I like hearing you laugh. Just don’t bite your lip like that.” I rub my finger tips along my jaw, pointing out that her biting her lip alone is a weakness of mine.


She’s so innocent, I think to myself.

I step closer into her space and tower over her small and sexy frame. “Because it makes me want to do it too. That’s why.” She blushes again and raises her hand to the nape of her neck to stroke it, feeling so embarrassed. I rest my large hands on her hips and pull her slowly to me, missing the feeling of her body against mine. Even though I held her for the entire night, I miss it already.

I would do anything to crawl back into bed with her and just lay there—lay there and stare at her, watching her sleep, as creepy as that sounds. It was soothing to listen to her sleep peacefully. Knowing that she’s resting and recovering nicely. She needs all the rest she can get. “So I guess this is where I leave you?” I sigh a little, knowing she needs to get ready for classes today. So do I, but I would miss them for her.

“You’ll see me later though, right?” I nod back, grinning like an idiot. I couldn’t give a fuck, though, I’m an idiot for her. “Okay, I need to go and get ready.” She smiles and bites that lip again. Huffing, I give in and lock lips with her. She knows what she was doing. She’s knows.

Her arms grasp on to my muscles to tug me closer to her body that I can’t get enough of. Slipping my tongue in, we sigh at the feeling of them tangling with one other again. The heat between our mouths is a craving I now have. Her succulent kisses drive me crazy. The way her lips mould perfectly against mine makes me shiver. The trail of fire she leaves behind after every stroke of her hand on my skin. I like making out with her; it’s something that I just can’t get enough of.

I cup my hands around her small oval face, continuing to ravish her mouth. I stop immediately when I feel myself grow down south. The need for me to roll my hips against her was at its peak. I need to step away and control my urges. She’s not ready for the full version of me, the one where I will have her screaming my name while I’m buried deep inside her. Balls deep, preferably.

God, I can’t wait for that moment.

“I should go . . .” I regretfully say. “I don’t want to, but I should,” I tell her. In a daze like I am, she opens her eyes and her blue ones clash with my green ones. They are so clear and beautiful; ocean clear. Stealing the breath in my lungs, I step back and kiss her forehead. “I’ll see you at three.” I need to leave before something more intense happens.

“See you then.” She smiles and waves her small hand seeing me out.

“Bye,” I say, not being able to wipe the stupid smile of my face.

“Bye.” She bites her lip again and I take a deep breath.

“Bye,” I repeat myself, but this time actually leaving with the door closed behind me. I need to leave; like, now. I saunter back down the hallway, deciding to skip the elevator and take the stairs. One step at a time, I descend to the main area where girls are flooding the area. I’m walking confidently through with a huge smile on my face as I leave the building.

“Excuse me.” I move around girls purposely trying to stop me. I know they are, it’s so obvious. It’s been like this ever since I made first string quarterback in this college.

“It’s okay, Nick.” The low tone in the girl’s voice makes me shake. Not for a good reason. I don’t even bother to look up at her. I’m not interested.

“Trying to get her to make up with you, Nick?” Hearing Maya’s screeching voice makes my jaw clench and fists ball up at my sides.

Jokes on her though, she was caught red handed. Carter heard her and told me everything. So, I turn around with the biggest smirk on my face only to be greeted by her and her posse. Kelly, as always, right beside her and Sarah, whose been fucking Rob for the past while. He’s only using her to get the girl he’s been in love with to react. I told him it’s not the right way, but he didn’t listen. He keeps saying it’s his last resort.

“You’ll be glad to know, Maya, we’re actually good now.” Her face drops from her usually fake smirk into a deep frown. This makes me smile even more.

“What?” she questions out loud. God, I’m going to relish in telling her she was caught.

“Yeah, we made up. I just walked her home from staying the night with me.” Her eyes light up with a deep red. Warning signs flash, telling me she is going to blow any minute now.

“So you slept with her? How desperate. I suppose you’ll want me tonight then? Seeing as you’ve done the deed and are probably bored?” She laughs wickedly, but I just shake my head to shut her down. Her eyes narrow into fine slits, not removing her focus from me.

“No, actually, I held her the entire night. She fell asleep on me and I let her stay the night. But me, being the gentleman I am, walked her back so she could get ready for classes. And she’ll probably stay the night again if I get my way. Or I might stay in hers, who knows?” I gloat and move away, leaving to go back towards the house. I’m not even interested in this conversation. It’s already boring me to tears.

“You can’t be serious! She knows about the picture!” She opens her arms wide and throws an tantrum, like always. Dramatic Maya is out now, it’s such a typical Maya situation too. Because it didn’t work out the way she wanted it to she’s throwing a real bitch fit.

Surprise, surprise.

“Oh yeah, about that.” I walk back over to her and the two dipshits standing behind her. “She heard you in the bathroom yesterday . . . all of you. So, she knows that I was set up by you and Ryan. If you weren’t so proud of it, Maya, it would’ve actually worked. But you just couldn’t keep your gloating to yourself now, could you? Such a Maya move . . . Oh, and another thing, she is much better than you—way better—in every fucking way, Maya. Don’t you forget about it. Because the way I see it, I’m never going back to you, no matter how desperate I am. I’m over it. ” I shrug and walk backwards.

The steam leaving her ears is a silent pat on the back for me; the cherry on top and icing on the cake. With one final blow that she deserves, I smile at her while I’m still walking away. “You’re too loose for me, Maya. I don’t like them desperate and willing to spread their legs for anything with a title.” I give her the peace sign to say I’m out of here and turn back around to jog home so I can shower and get ready too. Getting those last words in felt so fucking good, and to see her face light up with so much anger felt even better.

I’m so over Maya. All I want is Carter.

Carter Steel.

I finally reach the house again, using my shoulder to push the door open. I bump into somebody and immediately realize it’s TJ. He spins around to face me. I can hear myself make an apology automatically but I stop myself. My ex-best friend, with Haley behind him in his jersey tucked into her shorts.

“I hope the sex was worth it.” I use my sisters words back at her smugly and laugh at the sight of them. They’ll be over before they start. I have my “I told you so” speech ready for Haley. Once this is over, this fractured relationship between us is beyond fixable.

“We didn’t . . . we didn’t have sex, Nick. It’s not like that between us,” TJ mutters back. Uneasy is the only word to describe his demeanor.

“Whatever, I couldn’t give a fuck, TJ. Do what you want, I’m done with you.” I bump my shoulder against his but he grabs hold of me. I focus my eyes on where his hand is, staring down at it like it’s diseased.

“Can I just talk to you? Let me explain all of this.” He removes it quickly because he knows what I’m thinking.

“Your actions speaks volumes, TJ. Like I said, I couldn’t give a fuck what you do, or who you do. We’re no longer friends. You made your bed, now fucking lie in it.” I growl back, but he puffs out his chest to say he’s not taking my shit.

“Your choice, Nick. I offered to explain this misunderstanding—”

“Misunderstanding? Are you kidding me?” I look down at my doe eyed sister. Scared by what could happen.

“Haley, wait outside,” we simultaneously order her. I meet his eyes once again. She stays where she is for a few more moments then picks up her feet to leave out the door. Both of us hold our stares. The door shuts and TJ launches verbally at me.

“Look, I get you’re pissed, but I have strong feelings for her, Nick. I always have. Ask your mom, she could read me like one of Ellie’s books.” He chuckles a little, but I remain stone cold.

“How long?” I swallow, knowing the answer based on an educated guess.

“Since we first met.” I blink in surprise. I thought it was just at the beginning of the college year. I step back out of his space. Putting distance between us. I scrub my face with my sweating hands.

Since they first met?

“You liked her since she was five?” I whisper to myself, trying to piece it all together.

“No,” he states firmly and I ball my fists. I may be fighting with my sister, but I will beat the shit out of him if he hurts her. That includes now. “Well, yes, but I’ve been in love with her since she was eight.” I almost feel like I’m having an outer body experience hearing all of this. TJ has never in his life said the word love, not even to his own parents. He doesn’t bother with them. So, hearing that right this second makes it all so surreal. He’s been in love with my sister for all of these years, and he’s never once said anything? Even when he went out with Kelly? Or those other girls?

“You’ve been in love with my sister all these fucking years, TJ, and yet you dated all those girls? You fucked around, and you’re telling me this now? Fuck this!” I spin around, really not caring what he does anymore. He’s lied to me all these years, and he expects me to be alright with it? Hell no!

“Fuck you, TJ! When you dump her, I’ll have to pick up the pieces while you throw your dick around again—”

“It’s not like that, Nick! Fuck! Will you just listen! I know we’re all fighting, but can you put that aside for five fucking minutes?” His finger points directly at me as he follows, but I couldn’t be bothered talking to him anymore. His hand grips my shoulder and pulls me back around to face him. “You’re not listening to me—”

“Get your hand off me TJ, or so help me God, I will do way worse to you than what I did to Ryan, I promise you.” I’m eyeing this guy, who practically was a brother to me, but now I don’t recognize him anymore. He’s lying straight to my face.

“Do your worst!” He snarls, and I get into his face, breathing like a dragon. I will ruin this bastard.

“No amount of broken bones or blood will show how betrayed I feel by you, TJ. You had many chances to tell me, but like I said, do what you fucking please. I’m not wasting my energy on you anymore. Because this”—I point back and forth between us—“is no longer the friendship we once had. I’m finished with you. You can go and fuck off and betray someone else with a sister you have an eye for.” I push him away from me to get some breathing room. I’m done with him and my sister, for the one millionth time today. They can both fuck off, especially Haley after the way she spoke to Carter. I’m not happy with her either.

I slam my door shut and decide it’s time to take a shower.

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