Steel Princess: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite Book 2)

Steel Princess: Chapter 5

Kim interlaces her arm with mine as we walk through the school’s hallways.

It’s bleak today.

Dim energy comes off the old walls as if they’re filled with ghosts.

Even though none of the students throw any bullying remarks our way, it feels like those days where I had to walk through this hall as if I were walking through a war zone.


This time is much worse.

It’s stupid, but I would rather take the bullying from before than walk with the dead weight perching on my chest.

Back then, none of them could barge through my icy exterior.

None of them could reach me.

In a way, I was untouchable.

Now, I’m drowning and I can’t come up for air.

“Are you sure you don’t need to rest?” Kim watches me intently as if I’m thin ice about to break. “School isn’t going anywhere.”

She, Aunt, and Uncle have been watching me a lot since I was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

Since there was no injury, I was only admitted for twenty-four hours observation.

Aunt, Uncle, and Kim never left my side. Even when I went to the bathroom, either Aunt or Kim accompanied me.

It’s normal that they’re worried.

But there’s more to it. The three of them aren’t voicing the suspicions running rampant in their heads.

Since I never go near a pool out of my own accord, they don’t buy the whole ‘I tripped and fell’.

They probably think that I… what? That I tried to kill myself? That I’m suicidal?

I release a long sigh. Seeing that I’m not even sure about what happened that day, I can’t appease their worries without appearing like the lunatic during the hospital episode.

“I’m totally cool.” I smile at Kim. “Besides, there’s no way I’m leaving you alone.”

She side-hugs me. “Do you want to hang out with me and Kir later?”


It’s her way to keep me in her sights and not leave me alone with my thoughts.

She’s right.

I’m better off when I’m not stuck inside my head.

It’s becoming a dark place way too fast.

“Morning, ladies.”

Both of us come to a halt at Knox’s voice. He stands with a hand in his trouser’s pocket and an easy-going smile on his face.

“Oh, hey, Knox.”

His eyes skim over me. “Do you feel better?”

I nod. “Again, I have no words to thank you.”

“Me, too. Thanks so much.” Kim shakes his hand, her eyes shining with tears. “If something happened to her, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”


God. What a mess.

Aunt and Uncle must feel the same as her — if not worse — but they’ve done their best not to show it.

“I’m happy I was there.” He smiles at me again. “You owe me one.”

“Anything,” I say.

“How about taking me on a tour?” He leans in to whisper. “Not going to lie. I feel a bit lost around here.”

“I know the feeling.” I laugh, shaking my head. “How about after school? I don’t have practice today.”

Or more like, Aunt called Coach Nessrine and ordered ever so politely that I take a break.

“See you then.” He gives one more smile before he disappears around the corner.

Kim’s gaze bounces between me and where Knox disappeared to. “I can take him on the tour.”

“Why?” I nudge her with a mischievous grin. “Do you like him?”

“He’s hot and all, but not my type of hot.”

“Then why do you want to take him on the tour?”

“Uh… Ellie. It’s true that Knox saved your life and you should be thankful, but you know that King will flip if he sees you with him, right?”

“Fuck, King.”

“Wait. What?” Her eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. “I mean, WHAT?”

“He and I are over. Don’t speak his name in front of me again.”

“But… but… why?”

“Because I finally woke up and saw him for what he truly is.”

A monster.

My blood still boils from the nonchalant way he spoke at the hospital.

He didn’t apologise or try to explain.

He didn’t tell me that all I heard were lies. He didn’t even try to defend himself.

He was just his usual jerk self.

Even if he didn’t change, I did.

This time, there’s no way in hell I’m letting him step on me.

As soon as Kim and I go into class, I’m assaulted by Ronan and Xander. Cole follows close behind them.

“Ellie,” Ronan takes my hand in his. “I couldn’t sleep last night thinking about you.”

“He was smoking weed,” Xander says.

Fait chier, connard! That’s because I couldn’t sleep.” Ronan pushes Xander away before he meets my gaze with a pitiful one. “I didn’t even throw a party, chérie.”

“Thanks, I guess?” I say.

“Are you okay?” Cole asks.

I smile and say in a loud voice for the entire class to hear. “Things like that can’t kill me.”

“Party at my place to celebrate Ellie coming back to life!” Ronan announces and many in the class cheer.

“That’s not a good idea.” Kim smiles awkwardly. “Ellie doesn’t like parties.”

“I’m in,” I tell them.

Everyone, Ronan included, stare at me open-mouthed.

“You’ll really show up without extortion?” Ronan eyes me suspiciously. “I was about to rob Knight and Nash’s money and give it to you as a bribe.”

I smile despite myself. Ronan always has that effect on people. “I’ll really show up without extortion.”

“I’m robbing Knight and Nash’s money and keeping it to myself.” He points a finger at me jokingly. “You can’t change your mind.”

“Be my guest.”

“As if I’d let you.” Xander glances at him with a challenging gleam.

“Oh, you’re on, Knight!”

Arguments break between the two, and Cole tries to meditate as usual. Half the class — Kim, included — watch in fascination. The other half is already making plans for tonight’s party.

I could’ve declined, but I purposefully didn’t.

I’m done running away and hiding.

It’s all part of the plan, because the more I see Aiden, the more I’m reminded of his monster nature and the harder I’ll hate him.

He shouldn’t have let me that close to him because now? Now, I’ll take everything I learnt and slam it back in his face.

Aiden doesn’t show weakness, but I already caught one.

I had to have my heartbroken to have this bit of information, but I’ll make great use of it.

My gaze strays around the classroom. It’s useless to search for him. If he were here, that damn awareness would’ve gripped me by the gut and my eyes would’ve automatically found his stormy ones.

I flop to a seat and take out my notebook. Knox walks into the classroom with a nonchalant swagger, headphones on.

It’s like he couldn’t care less whether he’s at school or not.

He smiles at me and winks at Kim. She waves back with a huge grin, momentarily distracted from eavesdropping on Ronan and Xander’s conversation.

Knox lets the headphones fall around his neck and speaks in a voice that calls for the entire class’s attention. “Hey everyone. I’m Knox Van Doren and I’m new here. Looking forward to seeing what Royal Elite is all about.”

Everyone gapes at him. He has an easy confidence for a transfer student, and I guess that makes my classmates mesmerised by him.

Everyone except for the three horsemen.

Cole doesn’t break eye contact from his history book.

Ronan continues arguing, but it’s one-sided. Xander isn’t listening to him or even pretending to.

He stares at Knox with contemplation that’s rare for him to show.

“I’ll show you around,” a girl shouts from the back of the class at Knox.

“Sorry, love. I already have my guide.” He grins at me again.

Another girl offers to give him her notes.

In no time, he’s lost between a few girls.

“I knew he’d be the popular type.” Kim sighs while taking her seat. “You think he’ll remember that we’re the first who talked to him. He doesn’t look like the conceited type.”

“I’m sure he’s not. After all —”

Words die in my throat.

I can’t continue talking even if I want to.

My skin prickles with that usual awareness, and I can feel him approaching even before he appears at the class’s threshold.

This level of awareness isn’t funny anymore.

It’s downright irritating.

Aiden strides through the door. As usual, his uniform misses the tie, but he still appears like a magazine model with the tall frame and the tousled hair.

I wish I poured acid on his features when I had the chance.

His expression is casual. Bored even.

As if nothing happened.

As if my world wasn’t flipped upside down two days ago.

Aiden doesn’t even pretend to focus on anyone else and makes a beeline in my direction.

I ignore him and pull out my notebook.

He stops by my desk, looming in front of me like suffocating smoke. “My place or your place later?”

“Ronan’s place,” I continue retrieving my history book. “He’s throwing a party for me.”

He narrows his eyes on Ronan who pretends to whistle before grabbing Xander by the shoulder.

Aiden’s gaze slides back to me with a predatory streak. “Careful there, sweetheart. You’re starting to push me. I don’t have to remind you that I’m not so nice when I push back, do I?”

I lean my elbows on the desk and meet his metal gaze with my hard one. “I don’t have to remind you that we’re over, do I?”

His left eye twitches, but he remains as immovable as a rock. “Hmmm. Is that so?”

“Yes, King. It’s time you accept it.”

“Or what?”

“We have to wait and see.” I smile. “But I promise that you won’t like it.”

He reaches a hand for me and it takes everything in me not to flinch back.

Aiden is Aiden no matter how courageous I am or what I think I know about him.

His calm mode is scary.

No. It’s terrifying.

I just have to learn how to ignore that fear.

He grips a stray blonde strand between his fingers and takes his sweet time to tuck it behind my ear.

It’s never good when he offers this deceptive type of softness.

Bending over, he whispers in dark words to my ear, “By all means, show me what you got sweetheart.”

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