Steel Princess: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite Book 2)

Steel Princess: Chapter 35

Later on, I wake up to a rustle of clothes.

Blinking the sleep away, I sit up in bed.

I plop my elbow on the pillow and lean on my palm to watch Aiden dress.

There’s such a masculine beauty about the way he yanks his jeans up his muscular football thighs and to the V of his hips.

No boxer briefs. Mmm.

My thighs clench at the thought.

Pity I can’t see the front properly since his back faces me.

My gaze strays to the hard contours of his naked shoulders as he fetches his T-shirt. His tattoos ripple with the veins as if taunting me to watch them up close and personal.

My lusty mode comes to a screeching halt at the full view of his naked back.

It disappears all too soon when the T-shirt covers him, but the view is engraved deep in my memories.

The slash marks on his skin.

The faded scars.

I swallow the sensation gripping me by the gut. Aiden doesn’t parade his scar around.

He called it a weakness.

I never asked him again about that, but I will. Just not now.

Maybe, just maybe, I’m starting to figure out Aiden. It’s not that he’s closed off, it’s that he dislikes being pushed. If I take my time with him and make sure he’s well satiated, he’ll be on my side.

He’ll tell me everything I need to know.

All I have to do is be patient and stop antagonising him when he’s volatile.

It’ll take work, but I’ll get there.


I also need to teach him not to antagonise me either.

“Like what you see, sweetheart?” he asks while turning around.

The playful gleam in his dark eyes hits my heart in all the right places.

“Maybe.” I smile. “Where are you going?”

The spark leaves his features just as fast to be replaced by his poker face.

“What is it?” Alarm grips me by the throat.

“I have to meet Jonathan.”

I straighten. “Don’t go.”

“Worried about me, sweetheart?” He grins.

Yes, and I don’t want Jonathan between us.

“Just don’t go.”

“I have to or he’ll come here.”


The resemblance of happiness from earlier withers away.

Obviously, Jonathan King holds a grudge against me — or my father. Aiden is his son. When it comes to choosing, he’ll be on his father’s side and I’ll only get hurt.

Aiden strides to my side with purposeful, confident steps.

He places two fingers under my jaw and forces me to face him.

“I told you I’ll protect you from everyone.” He leans over and drops a peck on my cheek. “That includes Jonathan.”

My breath hitches as he pulls away.

Did he just say what I think he said?

I think Aiden said he’ll go against Jonathan for me. But that can’t be true, right? Something must be wrong with my ears.

“Repeat that,” I breathe.

“I’m not your enemy, sweetheart.” He glides his thumb on my lower lip. “Don’t make me into one.”

“Don’t make you into one?”

“As long as you don’t put anyone before me, I won’t put anyone before you.”

Chaos invades my mind as I reel from the weight of his words.

He retrieves his phone. “Your uncle and aunt called me several times. I didn’t pick up.”

I wince, thinking about how I left the house. According to the clock, it’s close to the afternoon.

They must be running a search party now.

“Can I use your —” I cut off when he hands me his phone without second thoughts.

I smile. He can be so attuned to my needs that it becomes scary sometimes.

He even has it on the chat tab with Uncle. I type.

Aiden: This is Elsa, Uncle. I’m fine. Please stop looking for me. I’ll come back tomorrow.

With one last breath, I hit send.

Uncle and Aunt might have hidden the truth from me, but that doesn’t erase how they raised me for the past ten years. They’ve been my anchors and my rocks.

I might not be ready to forgive Aunt just yet, but I won’t completely cut them off from my life.

Uncle sends a text almost immediately.

Jaxon Quinn: We understand, pumpkin. Stay safe, okay?

My eyes fill with tears, but I exit the text, hitting the home screen. The wallpaper makes my mouth hang open.

Our first kiss in Ronan’s party.

I stare at Aiden with bafflement. “Why do you have this as the wallpaper?”


“I’ll change it for you.”

He snatches the phone from between my fingers and tucks it in his pocket with a scowl. It’s as if I just offended him. “Absolutely not.”

“Is it that important to you?”

“It was the day I decided you’ll be mine till the day I die.”

For a moment, just a second, I wonder what it would feel like to be with Aiden forever.


That’s a scary thought.

“When was the moment you decided I’m yours?” His question pulls me out of my stupor.

“There was no such moment.”

“Hmm. I think you’re lying, sweetheart. I think your moment was when you attacked Silver in front of the doctor’s office.”

My face heats. “No, it wasn’t.”

“Your exact words were: stay away from Aiden. You were ready to murder her.”

I purse my lips. Why does he have to remember everything?

He pulls my cheek. “You’re so fucking adorable when you pout.”

I push his hand away. “Aren’t you supposed to go somewhere?”

He chuckles, the sound easy. “I won’t be long. Knight, Astor, and Reed will come over shortly.”

How does he know I don’t want to be alone right now?

“How about Cole?”

“Not him.”

“Why not?”

“Because.” He runs his knuckles over my cheeks. “Be good.”

“I’m always good.”

He huffs. Aiden actually huffs before he turns towards the door.

“Aiden?” I call with a lump in my throat.

“Hmm, sweetheart?” He glances at me over his shoulder.

“Come back, okay?”

A genuine heart-stopping smile lifts his lips. “I’ll always come back for you, sweetheart. You’re a queen, not a pawn.”

Then he’s out of the door, leaving me to pick my heart up off the floor.

Did he just call me his queen?

I caress the place where my heart lies.

Easy there, heart. Don’t go crazy just yet.

Too late.

I’m about ready to jump the bed and punch the stars.

I head to the bathroom with a huge smile plastered on my face.

After taking a shower, I find a denim dress and a sweater beside the shelves. On the clothes, there’s a note in Aiden’s neat handwriting.

They’re Astrid’s. She and Lev always leave shit around. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.

I laugh to myself as I put on the clothes. According to Aiden, no one would mind if the result plays in his favour.

Once I’m done dressing, I take the stairs to the kitchen and I’m surprised to find soup and two types of salad.

Another note from Aiden sits in between.

Eat so I can eat you later.

God. The shit Aiden says will be the death of me.

My stomach growls at the appetising scent of food. I sit down and eat the soup in record time then I pick on the salad until I’m full.

It’s still raining outside. The water forms rivulets down the lounge area’s windows.

Rain is beautiful.

Dad used to take me running in the rain.

Wait. How do I know that?

A knock sounds at the door, and I startle from my daydream.

I push the hazy memory away and stagger to my feet. As soon as I open the door, I’m attacked by a hug from Kim.

“Where were you today? I missed the hell out of you. I’m officially not going to college without you.”

“Hey, Kim,” I smile in her neck before pulling away.

“Brought chips.” Ronan motions at his bag.

Xander shakes his head. “More like he stole them from Margo.”

La ferme, Knight. No chips for you.” Ronan pushes him and Kim aside to clasp me in a bear hug. “How’s my second favourite girl?”

“Second favourite?” I nudge him in the stomach.

“Sorry, Ellie. Kimmy came first in my heart.”

Both Kim and I laugh as I wrap my arms around him, feeling about ready to cry again.

I didn’t realise how much I needed their friendship until now.

I know the horsemen aren’t the type to offer their support, so the fact that they showed up for me makes me grateful.

Ronan is known as a player, not a friend. A hug from him isn’t to be taken for granted.

“King is here!” Xander shouts and Ronan jerks back from me.

Xander burst out laughing.

Ronan hits him upside the head and drags him to the lounge area with a laughing Kim following after them.

I laugh, too, closing the door. I stop when another one comes inside.

“Hey, Elsa,” Cole gives me his welcoming smile.

“Oh, Cole.” Didn’t Aiden say he won’t be coming?

“You seem surprised to see me.”

“No. I’m glad you’re here.”

I really am. I always felt more comfortable around Cole. Even though Ronan and Xander crack me up, there’s something about Cole’s calm that soothes everyone in his vicinity.

It’s not the threatening calm like Aiden’s. It’s a wise-pacifying type of calm.

We all walk to the lounge area. Ronan and Xander are fighting playfully — mostly — and Cole goes to break up the fight.

I search in the refrigerator for something to drink.

Kim joins me, propping her elbows on the counter opposite me. There’s a spark in her eyes as she watches her surroundings.

“So this is the Meet Up. It’s such a legend from how everyone at RES talks about it. I didn’t expect it to be so… cosy.”

“Yeah.” I bring out bottles of juice and place them on the counter.

“What’s going on, Ellie?” Kim rounds the counter and takes my hands in hers. “King said that you’re not feeling well and we should visit. He scared the shit out of me. I thought something like the other time happened.”

I bite my lower lip. “It’s about my past.”

She blinks twice. “Your past?”

“I’ll tell you all about it. Just not now.” I motion at the commotion in the lounge area. “Later, okay?”

She hugs me. “I love you and I’m always here for you whenever you’re ready.”

“Don’t make me cry, Kim.”

“We can cry together.”

I wrap my arms around her and we stay like that for long seconds.

“Ooh, is there room for one more?” Ronan’s voice cuts through the moment.

We pull apart to find Xander and Ronan watching us.

Xander is glaring — at Kim, not me.

Ronan is grinning like an idiot. “By all means, don’t stop on my account. Proceed, Mesdemoiselles.

That gets him a slap upside the head from Xander.

“Ow, what was that for, fucker?” He’s about to attack Xander.

The latter ducks and heads to the refrigerator. He ignores the juice and pulls a beer.

“I knew Captain Levi keeps this place loaded.”

“That would be King,” Cole corrects, grabbing his own beer.

“So, Ellie,” Ronan wraps an arm around my shoulder and leads me to the lounge area where everyone is headed. “Remember my suggestion about a threesome the other time?”

I laugh. “I do.”

“I changed my mind about the participants and I came up with a brilliant plan. We’ll put sleeping powder shit in King’s water and get rid of him. Then, the threesome will be you, me, and Kimmy.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Genius, right?”

“You know Aiden will wake up at some point, right?”

“It’ll be worth it even if he kills me.” He stops. “Alors?

“I don’t know.”

“Pff. I guess it’ll just be me and Kimmy then. Your loss, Ellie.”

“In your dreams, fucker.” Xander slams his shoulder into Ronan’s on his way inside.

“If you want to drug Aiden, it’d be more effective if you put the powder in an alcoholic drink.” When I raise my head, both Ronan and Xander watch me with curious expressions. “Just saying.”

“Have you ever seen King drink?” Xander flops on the sofa right beside Kim who visibly stiffens.

Right. Aiden doesn’t drink. “Why doesn’t he drink?”

“He thinks it’s beneath him,” Cole says from beside me.

“Which is cool since he’s an alien, anyway.” Ronan barges between Xander and Kim and wraps an arm around her shoulder. “Isn’t that right, Kimmy?”

She smiles, but it appears more from relief rather than agreement.

“How is he an alien?” I ask no one in particular, but I glance at Cole. For some reason, I want his read on Aiden.

“I thought you’d never ask!” Ronan jumps up on the coffee table. “For one, he was the last to lose his virginity amongst us. I was the first. Not to brag or anything. But he’s the second oldest, come on.”

“Who’s the oldest?” Kim scoots away from Xander and closer to the edge.

“That’d be me,” Cole says. “Then King, Knight, and Astor.”

“Buuut.” Ronan points a thumb at himself. “I lost my virginity first. Again, not bragging or anything, but they were all behind. I thought Aiden and Cole were gay until I saw their kinky shit.”

“Shut it, Astor.” Cole reprimands.

My interest peeks. “No, tell us. Why would you think they were gay?”

“First of all, they never had sex in front of us. Never tried to hook up with girls. They were sexually dead, I’m telling you. But their dicks looked good enough in the showers. Not as much as mine, but still.”

“You spied on them?” I ask, incredulous.

Mais bien sûr. I needed to look out for my mates. I even told King to fuck a guy or two and see how it goes. I was cool as long as he has sex.”

I smile to myself. That must be why he sent him gay porn.

“Then I walked in on him in a threesome and changed my mind.”

My eyes bulge. “A threesome.”

“And not any threesome. It was a kinky as fuck threesome. The girl was tied, blindfolded and gagged.”


Aiden never mentioned that. Not that I asked.

That green monster rears his head, but I try to ask in my most innocent tone. “And who was she?”

“Dunno. The room was blue and dark. She had this grey hair shit. I only saw the part where King was tying her. Ask Captain, he was the third party of the threesome.”

My attention snaps to Cole, not sure how to feel.

He stands beside me, his expression neutral.

Cole had a threesome with Aiden and another girl.

It eats at me not to know who she is.

“Shut up, Astor,” Cole says with more resignation than anger.

“What? I’m still hurt I didn’t participate.”

“You were high,” Xander points out.

“As if captain and King let anyone in their kinky shit.” He thrusts a finger in Xander’s direction. “You weren’t high, why didn’t you participate?”

“I wasn’t interested.”

“So you knew and didn’t tell me? Why am I always left out?”

Xander throws a pillow at him. “You’re left out because you’re horrible with secrets.”

“No, I’m not!” Ronan throws it back and they go on another round of bickering.

Kim sips her juice and watches them with a smile.

I’m about to join her when Cole leans in to whisper, “Can we talk?”

The request takes me by surprise, but I nod. “Sure.”

He motions to a door to the right. I follow him to the back entrance. Xander and Ronan’s chatter withers away as Cole slides the back door closed behind us.

The chilly air blows my hair back. I wrap my sweater around me as I step onto the wooden patio. Three chairs surround a built-in table. The rain beats in the distance, making the vision blurry.

Tall pine trees are the only things in sight. Hmm. So the back door leads to a forest.

Cole sits at one of the chairs. I drop opposite him, rubbing my arm.

“Sorry.” Cole removes his jacket and offers it to me. “It’s cold out here.”

I accept his jacket with a smile and wrap it around my shoulders. It smells of cinnamon and expensive body wash.

It’s warm.

Just like Cole.

Although, I must admit I never thought he’d be into the ‘kinky shit’ Ronan talked about.

The silent ones are indeed the wildest.

If it wouldn’t make me appear pathetic, I’d ask him who’s the mystery girl who attracted both his and Aiden’s attention.

Wait. Maybe they were multiple mystery girls?

Did they make it a habit to have threesomes?

“What did you want to talk about?” I ask instead.

“I’ll cut straight to the chase.”


“Aiden, Xander, and I were kidnapped when we were children.”

I gasp, my fingers strangle each other in my lap. “K-kidnapped?”

He retrieves a pack of cigarettes from his trousers and lights one. Nicotine fills the air as he blows a cloud of smoke.

I never saw Cole smoke.

This is a first.

“We were seven going on eight at the time.” He takes a drag of his smoke. “We don’t usually go home in the same car from our primary school, but that day, Xan and I caught a ride with Aiden. The driver was on their side. He took us to a deserted place where they ambushed us. There was a black van, three men wearing masks, and the rest is history.”

“W-what do you mean the rest is history?”

He grips the cigarette with his thumb and forefinger as he meets my gaze. “We were taken to a storage house blindfolded. Then we were separated for what seemed like hours or days, I’m not sure. The next thing I know, I was thrown in a deserted place. I assumed my parents paid the ransom or something. Xander was also thrown in a similar deserted place.”

“How about Aiden?”

He shakes his head slowly. “When we finally got home, we found out that Xander and I were taken for two days.”

“And Aiden?”

“He disappeared for ten days.”

“Why? Jonathan didn’t pay the ransom?”

He couldn’t have stood by when his only son was kidnapped. He couldn’t be that heartless.

“That’s the thing.” Cole’s eyes blacken to a frightening green. “The kidnappers didn’t ask for ransom for any of us.”

That’s weird.

No. That’s terrifying.

Why would they kidnap three rich kids if they didn’t plan to ask for a ransom?

“D-did Aiden lose his way? Is that why he was missing for longer?”

Please tell me that’s the case, please.

“I don’t know.” He takes another drag of his cigarette. “King doesn’t talk about that time, not even between the three of us.”

“How was he found?”

“Jonathan found him. I don’t know how, but he did.”

I watch Cole intently. “Why are you telling me this?”

“You deserve to know and King would’ve never told you.”

“Why now? Why haven’t you told me before?”

He smiles as he throws his cigarette to the ground and crushes it under his shoes. “Because King forced my hand and I dislike it when my hand is forced.”

What is that supposed to mean? Is this some sort of feud between him and Aiden?

“It has nothing to do with you, Elsa. You’re good.” He stands. “Maybe even too good for him.”

I watch him for a few seconds, not sure what to say. I’m still helplessly trying to process what I just heard.

It aligns with what Levi hinted at. He said it wasn’t just Alicia’s death that changed Aiden, there was something else.

Like the kidnapping.

All the slash marks and scars make complete sense now.

“There’s also something else you need to know about.”

My head jerks upright at Cole’s voice.

“Aiden has been hiding his —”

The door to the back entrance slides opens with a bang.

Xander stands there, watching us both with narrowed eyes. “What the fuck did you do, Nash?”

“Throwing his punch back.”

“You better be ready when he fucks up your face,” Xander snarls.

“King doesn’t scare me, Knight.” He pushes past him. “Nothing does anymore.”

And then he strides inside.

Xander gives an awkward smile, and even then, the dimples make an appearance. “Is there a chance you’ll forget what you just heard?”

I shake my head twice.

“Fucking Nash and his vindictive arse.” He mumbles as if to himself. “I told King not to provoke that little bitch and his —”

“Hey, Xander.”


“Can you give me a ride? I need to go somewhere.”

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