Steel Princess: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite Book 2)

Steel Princess: Chapter 29

Despite the bubble bath, I’m still walking a little funny at school.

Aiden has me glued to his side with his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

It appears casual, but there’s nothing casual about Aiden. He just uses casualty to appear normal.

We both know he isn’t.

My gaze strays to his bandaged hand dangling off my shoulder. I asked him about it when he was bandaging it earlier, but he just deflected his way out of it.

Aiden isn’t an open book, but he’s not completely closed off either. He has multiple layers that he carefully chooses which to hide and which to show.

His methodical thinking is maddening sometimes.

Okay, most of the time.

That doesn’t mean I’ll stop probing him.

We’re walking through the long hallway when I ask. “Were you a quiet kid?”

He narrows his eyes. “Have you been talking to Lev?”

That means Levi knows more about him than he’s letting on.

I lift an eyebrow. “Maybe.”

He grips me by the shoulder and pushes me to the side of the ninth tower.

My back hits the stone and he sandwiches me between the wall and his hard body.

“Don’t talk to Lev.”

“Why? Are you afraid I’ll figure everything out and you won’t be able to blackmail me with sex anymore?”

He lifts my chin with his thumb and forefinger. “You can lie to yourself and think that I’m blackmailing you with sex any day, sweetheart.”

The amusement in his tone pisses me off.

“Isn’t that the truth? If it were up to me, I’d vote for the story without the sex part of the deal.”

“Hmm. Is that why your tight pussy begs for my cock the minute I’m out of you? Or is that why you demanded, and I quote, Don’t you dare fucking stop?”

I block his mouth with a hand and search my surroundings with my cheeks in flames.

Damn him and his dirty mouth.

I’m almost sure he’s doing it on purpose to make me squirm at school.

He removes my hand to reveal a sly smile. His fingers thread in my hair, tugging the band free. And just like that, his poker face returns. “Don’t talk to Lev. I mean it.”

“If you have nothing to hide, why shouldn’t I?”

“It’s not about that. He won’t tell you anything.”

“Then what is it about?”

He scoffs and resumes walking. Aiden just freaking scoffed at the mention of his cousin.

I keep up with him, tying my hair back, and watching his body language intently. There’s something about his reaction that I can’t put my finger on.

“By the way,” I probe. “Isn’t Levi your cousin? Why did he specifically choose Cole for the captain position and not you?”

“Because Nash appears normal and he’s all about compromises and team spirit.”

Appears normal? As in he isn’t?

“Wow. Levi must take football more seriously than you. I guess that’s why he went professional and you won’t.”

He stabs me with a glare. “Are you done?”

“Done with what?”

“Idolising Lev.”

It hits me then. I suppress a smile. “You’re jealous of him.”

He remains silent, but I know I’m on point.

“You are.” I laugh. “Why? Because he was so popular? He had all the girls and the attention? Even Jonathan came to RES so many times because of him, and not you.”

“I don’t give a fuck about any of that.” He wraps a hand around my arm. “I told you not to idolise other men in front of me.”

“Does that mean I can idolise them behind your back?” I taunt.

He gives me the stink eye.

I laugh. “Is that a yes?”

“That’s cheating.” His expression darkens. “And you know my rules and my reaction to that.”

Geez. Only the level of Aiden’s possessiveness would consider idolising other men cheating.

Now that I think about it, if Aiden idolises any other woman in front of me, I might flip.

Hell. I dislike the woman he lost his virginity to and he didn’t even speak that highly of her.

I poke him as we continue walking towards our class. “Don’t worry, King. You’re popular, too. Levi is just more approachable.”

He continues glaring at me as I laugh. It’s fun to get on his nerves. It’s almost as if our roles are switching.

Maybe I really need to have a talk with Levi and see if he would tell me anything. I’ll have Astrid there to loosen him up.

God. I’m starting to think with a manipulative mind like Aiden’s.

Down the hall, Silver and Adam walk to class together. She doesn’t have the scarf or the bruise today. She must’ve done a killer makeup job to make it disappear.

Wait. Silver and Adam?

Now that I look closer, they’re not walking together or even talking.

However, their steps are almost in sync.


It’s Adam.

He’s a few steps behind her, keeping his footsteps in sync with hers.

It stands out because he’s tall and buff and his steps are usually wide. He wouldn’t walk in moderate, elegant steps like Silver.

The latter is scrolling through her phone, appearing oblivious to her surroundings.

But is she oblivious to Adam’s existence, too?

Although they’re both bullies — Adam more so than Silver — they never struck me as being close. She wouldn’t have testified against him last year if they were.

But maybe I was wrong.

Silver slips inside the class. Adam pauses and meets my gaze.

It’s brief, barely a second, but it’s enough to send chills down my spine.

Stay the fuck away.

I can read it in his eyes even if he says nothing.

Stay away from what? From whom?

He couldn’t have known I noticed the creepy way he hangs around Silver.

The moment ends when he quickly breaks eye contact and strides into class.

“Hmm. Interesting.”

I jolt at Aiden’s contemplative voice. For a second, I forgot he’s there.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing you need to worry about, sweetheart.” He watches the place where Adam just stood. “It’ll be taken care of.”

I gulp. He couldn’t be meaning what I think he’s meaning, right?

Adam is a fucking bastard, but no one deserves Aiden’s wrath.

But then again, maybe the bastard shouldn’t have glared at me.

Or bullied me and Kim.

Or had creepy vibes around Silver.

He had it coming.

“Ellie!” Kim runs towards me and interlaces my free hand with hers. “Morning, King. Stop taking my best friend away from me.”

“Morning, Reed.” His poker face is on. “And no, I don’t share.”

I suppress a smile as Kim laughs.

It makes me fuzzy inside to see her happy. She deals with lots of demons and even though she doesn’t tell me, it breaks my heart to see her being an adult to her baby brother when she wants the whole teenage life.

In class, Aiden finally lets me go. That’s only because Ronan pulled him to the side to tell him about his last night bang — in all explicit details.

Aiden listens with a poker face.

I wonder if he ever tells his friends about our sex life or the way he fucks me. I mean, he always talks dirty and he’s not the type to be embarrassed.

For some reason, I don’t think he does. Even though he doesn’t seem like it, Aiden is a private person. I never heard him brag about anything — unless he uses it to put someone in their place.

Oh, and he’s possessive to a fault. He definitely would never let others think of me in a sexual way.

I smile at that.

“So?” Kim turns in her seat to face me. Her elbows are on the desk as she cradles her face with both hands. A stupid joyful gleam shines in her green eyes.

“So what?”

“I thought you were going out with Knox.”

“I did.”

“Then you texted me that King is giving you a ride this morning. Did he spend the night?”

I bite my lower lip.

She squeals, but she’s careful enough to keep her voice down. “It was a wild night yesterday. I can tell.”

Wild is the understatement of the century. First Aunt and Uncle and then Aiden.

Now that I think about it, the whole time I’ve been with him, I haven’t thought about the chaos with Aunt and Uncle.

That’s… strange.

“You have a hickey.” She points at my neck.

I slap a hand on the spot. “What? Where?”

He only left hickeys on my breasts, around my scar, and down my stomach. I made sure nothing was visible on my neck.

Kim laughs and lowers my ponytail so it covers the back of my neck. “There. It’s all hidden.”

I glare at Aiden. The arsehole must’ve left it when I was asleep and in a place I can’t see. That must be why he’s been releasing my hair.

He only grins at me before Ronan steals his attention again.


“I want details.” Kim hisses, still grinning like an idiot.

“It was… well,” I lean in to whisper. “I can’t walk properly.”

Her eyes bulge and she comes even closer. “I knew King was the rough type.”

“You can say that again. Wait.” I narrow my eyes jokingly. “How did you deduce that?”

“He has that vibe.” She steals a glance at Cole and Xander who are tossing a ball at one another. “Cole, too. Those silent types are usually the wildest. I heard he’s into kink.”

She’s talking about Cole, but the only one she has eyes for is the golden boy and his dimples.

“How about Xander?”

She clicks her tongue and faces me again. “That one doesn’t matter.”

“If you say so.”

“I mean so.” She narrows her eyes then clears her throat. “Can I ask you something?”


“How do you know if you like it rough?”

“You just do, I guess. It can be overwhelming, but you feel like every part of your body comes alive to the point that even pain is pleasurable.” I pause, realising what I just said. “Please don’t think I’m weird.”

Kim watches me for a few seconds, her lips parting before she grins. “I’ll never judge you, Ellie. Besides, remember what I said about the silent types being the wildest? You’re one of them.”

I swat her hand playfully. “Stop it.”

“How about Knox then?” Her nose scrunches. “King wasn’t mad about that?”

“He’s still mad.”

But I can take care of him.

He needs to learn that he won’t control my life.

It’s curious that he’s only this way about Knox. When his horsemen touch me or talk to me, he becomes a dick, but he doesn’t act as intensely as he does with Knox.

Maybe it’s because he trusts them? The level of trust Aiden could give, anyway.

I fail to think that Aiden would feel threatened by someone as easy going as Knox.

Hell. He should be thankful to him for saving my life in the pool.

“Oh, here he is,” Kim says then gasps.

I follow her field of vision and my mouth hangs open. Knox walks into class with a busted lip, bluish bruises around his left eye, and pinkish ones near his temple.

“Oh, my Gosh, Knox.” Kim jumps from her seat. “What happened?”

The entire class falls silent.

Except for Ronan.

He loses the sense of space and time when he’s engaged in his animated speeches. Cole continues half-listening to Ronan and half-reading from his book. At least he has the decency to stare over his book at the scene.

Xander cuts a glare at Knox and Aiden leans back in his seat… smirking.

He’s fucking smirking.

My eyes widen, bouncing between his bandaged knuckles and Knox’s face.


No, no, no…

“I was attacked out of nowhere yesterday,” Knox winces.

I stagger on unsteady feet and approach him. “W-Where?”

“Right after you got into the taxi. It looks worse than it actually is. I was able to get help and…”

I’m not listening to him anymore as thousands of scenarios flash into my head.

Aiden admitted to watching us in the coffee shop. Yes, he was at my house when I got in there, but he has a faster car.

I feel sick to my stomach.

Aiden fucked me after he brutalised Knox. I let him touch me with those hands that made Knox’s face almost unrecognisable.

“Are you okay?” I ask Knox in a small voice.

He nods. “It’s nothing compared to the shit I was into in my old school.”

“Did you…” I swallow. “Did you see who did this to you?”

“Yes, Van Doren. Have you?” Aiden stands, shoulders squaring as he strides towards us.

Xander follows, his tone mocking, “Tough shit.”

Knox stares between the two of them.

I watch intently for any secret message.

Aiden has a poker face and Xander becomes unreadable all of a sudden.

Kim jerks back. Like she literally glues herself to the table behind her, slowly shrinking away from the circle.

Knox lifts a shoulder. “It was some gangster who wanted money. I already reported him to the police.”

“Wait. What?” I gawk at him. “Did you see his face?”

It couldn’t have been a gangster. It was Aiden, right?

“I gave the description to the police.”

“I’m sure they’ll catch him,” Aiden says.

“I’m sure they will,” Xander adds with mock sarcasm.

Mrs Stone comes into class and stops at the scene.

“Is everything all right, Mr Van Doren?”

“I was assaulted and reported it to the police.” He shows his non-injured knuckles. “It was one way, I promise.”

“Please let the principal know. Now, Mr King, Mr Knight, and Ms Quinn. Please take a seat so we can start.”

We all do.

I inch closer to Knox. “I’m so sorry.”

“Why should you be? I’m glad it happened after you left.” He smiles then winces.

I wince, too.

No way in hell will anyone convince me that Aiden isn’t behind this.

But Knox saw his attacker.

Also, if it wasn’t from assaulting Knox, where did Aiden get those bloodied knuckles?

I spend the entire day with Kim whether in class or in hiding at her old secret spots in the back garden. I tell her it’s because I’m tired, but the truth of the matter is; I don’t want to see Aiden.

Every time I look at Knox’s brutalised state, I can’t help thinking that Aiden is the reason behind it.

It brings a taste of nausea to my mouth.

I’m happy when the whole day is over so I can finally go home and recuperate.

“Let’s go watch the football team’s practice,” Kim begs.


“Come on, Ellie. You’ll get to see Aiden being a football sex God.”

That’s the last thing I need right now.

“Let’s just go home, Kim. I’ll watch any soap opera you like.”

“Fine.” She puckers her lips jokingly. “Mood killer.”

Kim and I are walking to the car park when a large presence cuts in front of us.



“King,” Kim sounds as astounded as I feel. “I thought there was practice today?”

“My ankle hurts so I’m getting a pass.”

“Oh. I hope it’s nothing serious.”

“Not at all.” He’s speaking to her, but his metal eyes darken on me. It’s like he’s ripping my face open and dipping his fingers into my brain.



“How about you go watch practice?” He smiles at her. “The guys will be happy to have you cheer for them.”

She bites her lower lip. “You think?”

“I’m sure.”

“Deal! Take care of Ellie.”

She slips from under my arm, slaps a noisy kiss on my cheek and is off in the school’s direction before I can stop her.

I swallow as I meet Aiden’s metallic gaze. The smile he offered Kim vanishes in thin air and the loathsome poker face takes reign.

“Stop manipulating her like that.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“I only encouraged her to do what she already craved.”

Which is another form of manipulation that works in his favour.


“You’ve been avoiding me today,” he says.

“I just wanted to spend time with Kim.”

“You know I can tell when you lie and you still lie anyway. It’s curious.”

I fixate him with a glare. “I know you did that to Knox, okay? I can’t just act all normal.”

“I did that, hmm?”

“Then where did you get the bruises from? They sure as hell didn’t come from punching a wall.”

“Maybe they did.”

“Aiden! What the hell is wrong with you? How could you do that to him?”

“Do what?” He advances towards me and I have no choice but to step back so he doesn’t slam into me. “You heard him. He said he saw his attacker’s face and reported him to the police.”

My back hits the side of his car. I startle as an electric shock snaps through me.

I place both hands on his chest. “Please tell me the truth. Tell me you didn’t do it.”

He slaps my thighs apart. I cry out as he thrusts his knee between my legs. The material of his trousers rubs against my boy shorts.

My frantic gaze searches our surroundings. “Aiden, stop it.”

“You stop it, Elsa. Stop trying to paint me as this politically correct person you want me to be. I’m not and I’ll never fucking be.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. All I want to know is that you didn’t brutalise Knox just because you saw him with me in the coffee shop.”

“Then maybe he shouldn’t have been there, huh?”

My lips part. “You did it, didn’t you?”

“Who cares who did it? He had it coming.”

“Aiden!” Harsh breaths heave out of me. It takes all my cool head to speak in a level tone. “Please don’t make me hate you.”

“Don’t you hate me already?” He raises an eyebrow. “You said it the other day.”

I wish I meant it.

True, I hate his character sometimes.

I hate that I can never win with him.

I hate how he makes me gravitate towards him.

I hate that I can’t kill my interest in him.

But the truth is? That hate is growing and intensifying into something I can’t recognise anymore.

Something potent and scary.

“If you beat people up just because you’re a possessive freak, I’ll end up hating you.”

He’s silent for a while. “I’m not violent. You know that.”

“Your busted knuckles say otherwise.”

“I’m not violent,” he repeats slowly this time as if he’s making me understand the meaning behind his words. “Smarter, not stronger, remember?”

Does that mean he didn’t hit Knox? He didn’t completely deny it, but he’s not owning up to it either and Aiden always owns up to his actions.

“I might not look like it, but I’m still pissed off about yesterday.” His voice turns chilling. “And yet, you stand here talking non-stop about the reason why I’m pissed off. What are you trying to do, sweetheart, hmm? Provoke me? Push me? Congrats. It worked.”

That strange awareness from the first day I saw him slashes at the bottom of my stomach and straight to my chest.

Maybe it’s not awareness after all. Maybe like the hate, it’s morphing into something entirely different. Something like excitement and thrill and belonging.

He wraps a hand around my throat and glides the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. “This is mine.” He cups my core harshly through my skirt. “This is also mine. Everything about you is fucking mine so don’t push me into marking my territory in front of everyone.”

“Aiden!” I search the car park in a frenzy.

It’s empty — thankfully, but anyone could come through the door. Anyone could walk in and see Aiden gripping me by my throat and my pussy.

“We’re in public,” I murmur.

“Hmm. A good place to mark my territory.”

He starts to lift my skirt.

Oh, God.

I want to think he’s only threatening, but there’s no doubt he’d do it.

He’d take me right here right now, and it’d get us into huge trouble with the school.

And knowing Aiden, he couldn’t care less about anyone when he’s in this possessive zone.

Judging from the twitch in his eyes, he’s royally pissed off, too.

I have one chance to stop him and cool him down.

Only one.

And I need to act fast.

Searching around us, I inch to the side so I’m hidden by the car opposite us.

I wrap my hand around his.

“Don’t even think about it,” he grits out. “I warned you against provoking me.”

“Let me.”

He narrows his eyes. “Let you what?”

I coax him into releasing my throat.

Before he can make his next move, I drop to my knees in front of him.

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