Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5)

Starlight: Part 3 – Chapter 28

I forced myself not to read his journal for two days, and it was working. I was weaning myself from his words.

It was the day of Queen Margerite’s function for my birthday.

A part of me was actually looking forward to it, as Becky said we should just get snotters, that was, horribly drunk. Sammy, of course, didn’t like this one bit, as there would be many cameras.

I didn’t care anymore. The campaign was a huge failure. The numbers were not near where they should be, and I didn’t have what it would take to get people to fight for this cause.

We were going to party straight through, celebrate, get drunk and blow out candles at the stroke of midnight, and then party more until we passed out.

Becky really missed George; she was depressed, but today she was excited. I even wondered a little if she hadn’t gotten a hold of George. She was really looking forward to tonight.

We took ages to get ready, but we all looked the part in our designer jeans and leather jackets.

I wore boots without heels. My feet needed a break from all Jenna’s wardrobe choices.

The function started at seven; I didn’t do many interviews. I was just happy it was my function and thanked everyone who had thrown this party for me.

We posed for many pictures, ones that were worthy of the front page.

I’m sure after tonight they would get just what they were looking for.

Everyone was there, even Arianna and Heico. They looked over the moon in love and I wished I were a fly on King Caleb’s wall at night just to hear him bitch and moan about how Heico wasn’t good enough for his princess. I had to admit, I was starting to like her more and more, giving her old man all the hell he deserved.

Emanuel and Raymond came as well.

I didn’t want to speak to him tonight. He was on Team Blake through and through. I hated that so much.

Queen Margerite gave the nicest speech, and I received so many birthday presents I thought it must be Christmas.

It wasn’t so bad.

Becky kept bringing the shooters.

I kept drinking them.

Then Cheng showed up. I’d really missed him so much.

We all partied the night through.

At twelve it was a miracle I was still aware of what was going on around me.

I blew out the candles and danced.

Everyone danced with me.

Emanuel, Raymond, Cheng, Dean, Raymond, Cheng, Cheng and Emanuel.

When the song was over I went to the bar.

Emanuel followed me like a puppy. “You enjoying your birthday?”

“Yes, I am. Thank you.”

“I’m glad that you are letting yourself have fun.”

I shrugged.

“Sir Robert is getting antsy.”

“About what?”

“Blake is about to break his record. He’s trying all sorts of tactics. He was begging me to speak to you tonight.”

“To do what?”

“To help him so Blake doesn’t break his record.”

“Wrong girl, Emanuel.” I hated where this conversation was heading.

“You need to forgive him. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Oh and how do you know? Were you there?”

“No, I believe Blake. He said you did walk in on something awkward that he was trying to deal with, get out of his room actually ’cause she was extremely drunk, but you didn’t give him the time to explain.”

“No, because he ran away, like always.”

“He didn’t run away.”

“Then why didn’t he fight with me?”

He smiled. “I told him that he should’ve stayed and fought, but how could he when you ordered him to leave you alone?”

“I never ordered him…wait, what?”

Emanuel laughed. “Maybe not what you meant at that precise moment, but your words bound him to stay away from you. It hurt every time he tried to get close to you. He didn’t run. He couldn’t come near you.”

“I hate you! Why did you tell me this?” I yelled at him. “You are ruining everything!”

“Elena!” Emanuel yelled after me as I ran out of the function without Becky and Sammy. She could get drunk without me.

I had said those words. I’d ordered him to stay away from me. I remembered that now so clearly.

It’s why he had left, because of what I said. Something I said I would never do.

I took a cab back to Lucille’s and thanked the heavens I had a key. I opened the door without waking Rosa and stumbled to my room.

I wanted to cry.

I was so stupid. Not because I wanted to believe him, but because of Emanuel. He always found ways to make me feel so small, so stupid.

I picked up Blake’s journal and paged to the last poem I read.

The next poem was dedicated to Lucian.

Tears already welled up. I knew he’d struggled with his death; he still did.

Lucian my dear friend

This is by no means the end

I will see you again one day

I still feel you here in a way

You never gave up on me

Even when I told you to let me be

A lot has happened since you’ve been gone

I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, I was wrong.

Selfish, ignorant, aggressive sure

But you were not like that, you’re so pure

So today I promise you, making a vow

I’ll do what’s right, some way, somehow

I’ll try to make everything again all right

I won’t give into darkness, I’m keeping the fight

I’m making you proud until I see you again

With your guiding spirit that will always remain.

I cried like an idiot as his words were just so sad. Even though this poem felt totally in the wrong place, I had an idea where he was in space. Stop rhyming, Elena.

I blew out some air. It explained why he was so deranged that day when he told me that he was going to fight, but he hadn’t written this with the other poems he’d penned during that time. Why was it here, in this stage? It didn’t make any sense, and I turned the page around. I read a few other poems.

Searching, seeking, sacred soul,

She has gone, leaving a hole

Fire burns within my heart.

I need you now, I’ve come apart.

You are now the best of me.

Please come back and you will see.

Lovers’ quarrel never last.

I’ll bring you back

It’s my forecast.

Searching, seeking, until I’m done.

Never resting until I’ve won.

I read some more. It was all melting my heart. He was so different here, and it must’ve been after he woke and I was gone. I should’ve stopped reading these poems, as I knew what they were going to do, but I couldn’t. I kept reading.

All of them were about how my leaving made him feel. How he never gave up that there was another dark one. How he would tear souls apart for ever doing that to me.

It scared me again, but this time it wasn’t directed at me, it was at Billy and Seymour. I really felt so sorry for them when he finally found those assholes.

The poems that followed were all sad, about how I ignored him, and they made me cry again.

He wasn’t showing this to me; he was always somewhere in the background though, spying on me, making sure I was okay, that I was safe and secure. No wonder he called his creation that.

Even though I didn’t want him near me, he didn’t care, in a small creepy kind of way. It was all here, his words, coming from his heart.

Then I found the two last poems. One of them was dedicated to me, directly.

Love, come be still

Within my arms of lovers will

I need you more than you’ll ever know

The light in me is sure to grow

I need you now,

I’ll make things right

For your presence I’m sure to fight

You keep my dark demons at bay

Your purity, your innocence makes me stay

Oh my love, come be still

I’ll keep you safe, always have, always will.

I couldn’t read anymore. I shouldn’t. I drew a deep breath. It was already way too late. I knew nothing happened that night Tabitha was there, and I was doing this to him all over again. He was going to grow tired of this shit soon and then what? I would lose my poet with words that made not just old ladies cry, but young ones too. I should apologize to him, but how? I hadn’t spoken to him in almost eight weeks.

Not once.

I sniffed and read the last poem. I kept reading the words over and over. My entire body just succumbed with this poem.

Was this about what I thought it was? The denting process…

What did his words mean? I knew what he was saying, but it must be symbolic, as none of this was making any sense whatsoever, and he confirmed it still in the next line.

I closed his book, as it was the last poem, and just thought about those two lines for a long time.

It took me back to that day he couldn’t get a hold of me. It was after we freed the first ten from Etan.

He said that if he told me what the dent means, I would have the same life I had with Jako. I hadn’t known what he meant then, but now thinking about it, it made sense.

He knew. But how?

And then something inside of me just happened. It was hard to explain. There was no more doubt. Nothing.

It’s not a spell, he’d told me this over and over again.

I took a huge breath and let it out fast…tears still welled up in my eyes.

It didn’t matter anymore. I knew what I was going to do. I’d always known it the minute I carried on reading all his poems.

I missed him so much now.

I didn’t care anymore, and I fell asleep with the book cradled in my arms.

Emanuel and Tabitha were right. I was a stupid, stupid idiot. No more.

When I work I couldn’t stop thinking about his poems, and I didn’t want to part with them, but I knew I had to. I had no choice.

I could always ask him to write more poems, just for me.

It sounded like a Shakespearean story in the making, although Shakespeare did love his tragedies. Ours could still end in a tragedy.

I sighed. Who could’ve known that a poetry book could do that to someone?

I had breakfast then I tried to call Blake. My heart cringed, as there wasn’t even a ring tone.

So I phoned Sir Robert.

“Happy Birthday, princess,” he said as his hologram appeared. He was sitting in some sort of an office.

“Thank you, Sir Robert. Is Blake there?”

He smiled. “No, but he is going to break my record in the next twenty-four hours.”

I laughed. “I heard. I still don’t know what record you are talking about.”

“The one I’ve held for more than a hundred years.”

“Let me guess. That is not good?”

“Not at all. I’m the leader of the Dragon League. What would it look like if my own son broke my record on his first try?”

“He is the Rubicon.”

“Still, not a good thing for me.”

“I’m sure you will find a way.”

“I won’t. Emanuel knows exactly where he is, but wouldn’t tell me. He says it’s payback time.”

I laughed. “What do you mean, knows where he is?” He wasn’t with his father at all.

“It’s called the hunt. You should come and have a look. Maybe today, then he will not break my record.”

“You sure about that?”

“Oh, Blake only has one weakness, and if that weakness was near, he would give everything up.”

My face glowed as he said that. “That is bad form.”

“I’m a desperate man, princess.” He grinned. “So what do you say? Are you up for some fun?”

Seeing Blake tonight, telling him sorry face to face and…I smiled as I realized Sir Robert was still waiting for my answer.

“Okay. What do you want me to do?”

I phone Emanual.

“Elena.” He sighed. “I’m sorry about –”

“Can you take us to the Dragon League please?”

He squinted then grinned like an idiot. “Let me guess, Sir Robert phoned to wish you a happy birthday, and now it’s payback time.”

I laughed. “No, I called him ’cause I couldn’t get a hold of Blake.”

He frowned. “Don’t tell me I got through to you last night?”

“Something like that,” I lied. “Besides he is still my dragon.”


“So, are you going to take me or not?”

“Why do you want to go?” Emanuel asked.

“It has nothing to do with you whatsoever,” I said and smiled at him.

“Oh, it does if it means you are going to fight with him more.”

“I’m done fighting, okay? I know he didn’t do it. I was an idiot. So please, I’m begging you. I really want to see him, preferably today.”

He twisted his mouth and stared at me.

I tried to ignore it. “Are you going to take us or do I need to get directions from Sir Robert?”

“Nope, I’ll meet you at the palace in half an hour. I was just about to go there myself. I’m errand boy.”

I laughed and the connection was broken.

I went downstairs. I knew Becky was dying to see George, and she would definitely come with.

“Hey.” I popped my head around the corner of the living room and found her on the couch reading a magazine.

She looked up. “So what are we going to do today on your birthday?”

“How about we go to the Dragon League?”

Her eyes rose and she jumped up. “Are you serious?”

I nodded. “But it means that tonight is not going to happen at Longbottoms.”

“I don’t give a shit. I’ve waited for this for like forever.” She ran up the stairs while yelling at her mom that we were not going to be here tonight, but would be back in time for that stupid interview with Just Kev tomorrow.

I went to my room and called Sammy. She was just as excited, because she’d wanted to check out what the Dragon League was all about. She said that she and Dean would meet us at the palace in twenty minutes.

Becky was giddy; she’d gotten her spark back and wanted to call George but he was also completely out of contact.

“Why can’t I get through to him?” She sulked.

“It’s called the hunt. I have no idea what it’s all about,” I explained as we said goodbye to Lucille and climbed into my car.

The drive to the palace didn’t take long.

“The hunt. What are they actually hunting something?”

“I don’t know. I’m sure Emanuel will be able to tell us more.”

“I missed his ass so much. You think he is still upset with me? Wait, I know I shouldn’t be asking this, but yesterday you were still so upset with Blake.”

I smiled. “I’m not anymore, okay.”

“He cheated on you.”

“He didn’t, Becky,” I said softly.

“How do you know?”

“Because…” I took a deep sigh and grunted. “You are going to think badly of me.”

She just gave me her raised eyebrow.

“Don’t tell Sammy, please.”

“Spit it out.”

“Mr. Dalton didn’t just give me my suit that day, he also gave me Blake’s journal that he’d left there.”

“What?” Becky sat up straight and stared at me. “His journal, the one he’s always writing in?”

I nodded.

“Do you know how he searched for that? He panicked like crazy.”

“Why? Nobody can open it.”

“They can’t?”

I pulled a face. “Well, almost nobody.”

“You opened it?”

“I know, I shouldn’t have, but yes, I found a way, and no I’m not telling you what is inside. Well, I’ll tell you about one thing.”

She stared at me.

“He wrote something that I think is about the dent. It still doesn’t make sense, but it’s not a spell, I think.”

“What is it, did he say what happens?”

“Shield can be penetrated, Becks.”

“Okay, fine. Told you it wasn’t a stupid spell.”

She lay back in her chair, contentment on her face. “It’s real.”

We found Emanuel with Sammy and Dean already waiting for us.

We climbed into the familiar Range Rover and Emanuel took us to the Dragon League. It was about a three-hour drive from the palace, and stationed in front of a huge forest. What was new?

The Creepers had destroyed half of the forest, so these dragons were really playing on death’s doorstep.

“So what is this hunt about?” Becky asked and Emanuel laughed from behind the steering wheel.

“Elena, if you want to see Blake tonight, there is only one way to do it.”


“By going after his team’s flag.”

“His flag, what flag?”

“Oh, the Dragon League training is all about strategy and teamwork. One team gets a flag. They have to guard that flag with everything they’ve got. If one of the other teams claims your team’s flag, you have to retreat to home base, wait two days and try again.”

“So what, they like camp out while protecting a flag?” It sounded so stupid.

“Yes, they are supposed to hunt and find fresh water, all of those things.”

I laughed as I realized what he meant by errand boy. “You take them supplies, don’t you?”

“Only Blake’s team. It’s about time someone broke his father’s record, but now that you are here, I doubt that is going to happen.”

I smiled as I looked out the window.

“Sounds like fun,” Becky said.

“Blake’s team has been in the woods for the past six weeks.”

“What?” both Becky and I said.

“Oh, they are on a mean streak.”

I laughed. “How is he doing?”

“Really good. Loves every minute of the Dragon League, George and him, they are naturals. Found the other teams flags in record time too. It helps if you have a Moon-Bolt on your team.”

Becky glowed with pride as he said that. “But they are like two sulking pups when they don’t do anything,” Emanuel said and we both smiled at each other.

“Well, he’s my sulking pup,” Becky said, and I laughed softly.

“So, is he forgiven?”

“Yes, he is forgiven. Are you going to help me find his flag?”

He gasped. “What kind of a dragon you think I am?”

“The kind that is true to his word. What were they again? Oh you will always be my princess, Elena.”

Everyone in the SUV laughed, even Dean. Emanuel grinned at me in the rearview mirror.

“You really said that?” Dean asked, from the passenger seat.

Emanuel’s smile disappeared. “Shut up.”

All of us couldn’t help but crack up. This was a really good trip. “Fine, I’ll tell you were it is, but you are going to have to work for it.” He looked at me though his rearview mirror again. “You are just like your father. He got Sir Robert’s flag the day he set the record.”

“That is why he knows this will work?”


We eventually reached the base. It was a farmhouse and had an entire boot camp obstacle course not far from it. Teams were busy training.

“See, I told you it was sort of a boot camp,” Becky said.

“This is how everyone starts out. Two weeks of drilling and then you get your team, and off you go.”

“I’m not doing that.” I said flatly, and the entire SUV was engulfed in laughter again.

“Princesses have their perks.”

“And friends of princesses have their perks too,” Becky added.

Emanuel parked the SUV.

Sir Robert smiled as we all climbed out, and gave me a tight hug. “I’m so glad that you are here.” He sounded happy.

“That is not fair, Sir Robert.”

“Sir Bower, I am a strategist; one that will not surrender easy.”

He laughed.

“Sir Bower?” I teased Emanuel.

“You didn’t know my surname?” he teased and I laughed.

“You are Emanuel to me. Why doesn’t anybody address you as Sir Bower?”

“Because I asked them not to.”

Another guy in an army uniform rushed to Sir Robert while troops were being drilled through each obstacle of the boot camp. It was crazy to think that George and Blake had to do this too.

I put my baseball cap on, feeling the vibe coming through. The guy shook Emanuel’s hand and smiled.

“Recruiting more deputies, I see.”

“Not at all,” Emanuel answered.

“This is the team that is going to bring back the Rubicon.” Sir Robert had a lot of confidence in me, which was scary.

The guy frowned as he looked at us then found me. He laughed as I looked back.

“Sir Robert, bad form.”

“I don’t care. That boy is not going to break my record.”

They all laughed.

“Welcome to the Dragon League, princess.”

I bowed my head and followed Sir Robert into the house and to the first door on the left, which he had turned into a huge office, with a 3D map of the forest in a glass case.

Sir Robert spoke first, explaining that this entire case was the key to where everything was. Blake and his team were stationed somewhere. He sent Emanuel an evil glare, and looked back at the map. Our duty was to find them and retrieve the flag before oh-six-hundred hour tomorrow morning. That was our mission.

As for where the flag was, well, Blake kept it with him at all times, but Emanuel grinned which told me it wasn’t the truth.

“Why a flag?” I asked. “I mean, it’s just a flag.”

Sir Robert and Emanuel looked at me the same time.

“It’s not just a flag, and the only two dragons that will guard it with their lives are the two that are part of a dent.”

Emanuel laughed.

“Why?” Becky asked too.

“Because that flag represents something really important to them.”

“Like what?” Becky asked.

“Well, in George’s case it’s a little lightning wielder that scares me to death sometimes,” He looked at Becky and we started to laugh. “And in Blake’s case, a certain stubborn royal.”

“So the flag represents us?” she asked, and he nodded.

“And now you are sending us after it?” I asked, and Sir Robert smiled. “You are brilliant,” I said as I kept staring at the fine detail of the forest that was inside the case.

“So now the number one question is,” I said, “how the hell do we get Elena out of his hands?”

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