Starbeam: A Dragonian Series Novel

Starbeam: Chapter 5


The maze stopped with its rumbling a long time ago.

Our lips finally parted.

I couldn’t speak. But she gave me a dashing smile, grabbed my hand again and ran into the path that opened on our right.

I had never trusted anyone as much as I trusted this girl now, and the worst part was, I didn’t even know her name.

Our laughter ran through the maze and echoed into the night.

The maze changed again and this time my lips moved faster to hers.

I couldn’t help it, I was addicted to her.

I knew that we had to be close to the exit again, when the clock started to chime.

It was midnight and the fireworks were starting to go off.

I looked up as she gasped.

She let go of my hand just as the rumble came and disappeared. The wall of the maze shifted into its new place.

No, you didn’t.

I laughed and her laughter came too, but it stopped too fast.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.”

“No, no, no, please don’t.”

“You’ll find your way out, just follow the purple flowers. I have got to go, sorry,” she yelled already leaving and fear emerged in my gut.

I wasn’t scared of the enchanted bushes anymore. If I had my sword the maze would never be the same again.

“What is your name, how will I find you?”

She didn’t reply and the fear in me made me more agitated at the stupid maze.

It rumbled again.


But when it stopped the entrance wasn’t there anymore.

I had no choice but to follow the purple flowers.

I ran down the path and laughed.

This wasn’t happening.

No, not this.

The entire night had started like a fairytale. Who she is, who I am. It was a fairytale like Delilah had told me once. A girl, a peasant girl, with glass slippers.

It wasn’t my favorite of course, but I remembered it now.

She danced with the prince, he fell madly in love with her and at the stroke of midnight, she left in a hurry, leaving a glass slipper behind.

He too had no idea what her name was, just like me now.

I just hoped that this girl’s slipper was going to be waiting for me.

Otherwise how on earth was I going to find my Cinderella.


The clock had already chimed nine times by the time I had made it back to the ballroom. I almost smacked into Maggy’s back as she was standing right in front of me.

“Where the hell have you been?”

I just smiled. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

Maggy grabbed my arm. The carriage was leaving at twelve and it was our only ride back to the village. If we had to walk all the way back would take all night and none of us would be safe. Acid spitters stalked the skies in the middle of the night, not to mention the red dragons that breathed fire and had a lust for maidens.

“You haven’t answered my question yet, where were you all entire evening?,” Maggy asked again as we reached the room where all the coats were hanging. Maggy handed the guy our tickets and he left to find our coats.

“I kissed someone.” I couldn’t stop smiling.

“You what! Who the hell are you and what have you done with my friend? “ Maggy asked.

“He’s some governor’s son, I think. It was the guy that pulled me away from lashing out at the prince. It was so amazing.”

“Katherine Squire, I hope you got his name.”

“There wasn’t time,” I looked at the entrance and saw him running in, searching everywhere.

“Oh crap.” I hid behind Maggy as the man came back with our coats.

“Which one is he?” Maggy asked, craning her neck in the direction I was looking.

“The one that just came in.”

Maggy started to sing. “Ohhhh, he’s searching for you like crazy.”

“Can we just wait for a second? I just want to see what he looks like.”

“Ramon is waiting. He needs to be back at Eikenborough, in less than an hour.” She said as I put on my coat and the hood to hide my face.

“Please,” I begged again.

“Kate, I love you, but we can’t wait. I’m sorry.”

I nodded and took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s go.” I said and glanced one last time at the mask that covered his face.

I couldn’t stop staring at those lips and longed to be held just one more time in his arms. Maggy was right. What had happened to me? This wasn’t like me at all. The crowd started to count down from ten for the unveiling of the masks.

I kept glancing in his direction as we made our way to the stairs.

He was still searching for me and I ached just go to him, show him who I was, and ask him for a ride back home. But Maggy pulled me fast behind her.

Five, four, three…

“Just one second, please.” I begged one last time.

“We are already late, come on, Kate.”

One. I looked back and watched as he took off his mask.

I gasped as goosebumps flushed all over my body.

“Who are you?” A shrill voice which could only be his betrothed yelled.

My legs felt as if they were going to turn into mush as Maggy continued to pull me toward the exit of the castle.

Prince Albert finally looked in my direction and smiled.

I still had my mask on.

He tried to follow but was surrounded by girls and I could only imagine that he wasn’t going to get away from them anytime soon.

I had kissed Prince Albert.

What the hell.

Why had he pretended to be a governor’s son?

“We have to go, Kate. Run.” Maggy said and lifted up her dress.

I did the same as new fears filled my gut.

Ramon yelled when we finally emerged from the castle’s main entrance and we bolted toward the carriage.

Once safely inside the carriage, I could finally catch my breath as the pounding of the horses’ hooves filled the night.

My heart was beating in time with the stomping of their hooves.

“I’m so sorry Kate, but he would’ve left us if we were a minute late.” Maggy apologized and looked at me. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head. I wasn’t okay. I had said all those things, and the worst part was that I had said them to him. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. “I know who he was.”

“You saw his face,” Maggy asked and a soft smile spread over hers. “I get the feeling he wasn’t who you thought he would be.”

“Yes, you are right. It wasn’t. I kissed Prince Albert.”

Maggy’s eyes grew. “Are you serious?”

“I saw him taking off his mask, it was him.” I fell with my head back against the carriage sofa. “I’m so dead.”

“Does he know who you are?”

I shook my head trying to remember if I’d mentioned anyone by name. No, I didn’t because he would’ve told me who he was. “I don’t think so, but he can easily find out. We talked about so many things. My family and I told him about my father being sick.” I grabbed my head. “Oh Maggy, what have I done?”

Maggy just stared. Probably realizing the danger we were in.

She started to laugh hysterically.

“What am I missing?”

“You kissed Prince Albert,” Maggy said. “You hate Prince Albert.”

“And I told him exactly that to his face, yet he still kissed me.”


“He wanted to know why I hated the royals so much and it just poured out. I couldn’t help it. I was angry and…I fell for the prince.” I cried animatedly which made Maggy laugh again.

“There is nothing wrong in falling for the prince, my sweet, sweet Katie.” She stroked my head softly as I finally took off my mask. “Every girl in this kingdom falls for a prince at some point.”

I giggled as I sucked on my lower lip and the thought of having royal lips on mine made my stomach flutter even more.

“What’s strange is that he knows exactly what you are, and it didn’t change a thing. I saw the way he searched for you Katie, you did what no other commoner has ever done, our prince is totally smitten with you too.

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