Starbeam: A Dragonian Series Novel

Starbeam: Chapter 22


I had no idea how to feel. My magic kernels were gone. I was Katie Squires again.

But what Albert did, I have never felt so ashamed.

I was thankful for that opening, and made it bigger with Andrew’s hands. When Katie appeared, I easily slipped through and had been on my own for a few days now.

I set traps and made small fires at night, and was always on the lookout for Albert’s men.

I had no idea what he was going to do with Maggy.

She wasn’t really in trouble as she didn’t fight the way I had been fighting.

Goran got that, he got why I was doing all of this, why couldn’t Albert?

Why did he have to lock me up?

But fight, I will fight.

I got the perfect branch for a bow, I just needed string to make the bow and arrows.

The forest was filled with trees and guinea fowl.

Their feathers were perfect for arrows.

I stayed close to the campsite, or as close as I could be, which made it dangerous for the men to find me.

It wouldn’t be Al. He never left the camp.

I hoped Maggy was okay.

I was busy shaving the branches for arrows and sharpen rocks I got from the lake.

My father taught me how to make them a long time ago. I still thought about our encounter when Tanya attacked me. If he was dead then what was that.

I couldn’t believe he was gone.

It still pained my heart every time I thought about it.

I wished I had more grain. More dragon magic.

Still, I couldn’t believe that Albert didn’t trust Andrew. What were the chances that he would trust Katherine?

It was time to finally let him go.

An owl scattered out of its tree and I flinched.

I got up, stumped the fire out and grabbed my bow and arrows and climbed the tree as fast as I could.

I became super still and thank heavens it was night time. The moon wasn’t a full moon either so the land was darker than usual.

Their fire came first as I sat high in my tree.

It was definitely the camp’s men.

One bend down to feel for the fire.

“She can’t be far.” Goran’s voice said.

He always understood. That was why it was so hard for me to know to which one I belong.

I had a funny feeling that I was never going to see that girl from the pond.

It was going to be the boy. Goran was here searching for me.

“Al, stop beating yourself up. She is closeby and if you want to find her, we need to move.”

I froze. It was Al. He had a hood over his face.

“You should go back if anyone finds you, this whole mission is jeopardized.”

“Why so you can find her?” Jealousy rose in his voice.

“Al?” Goran sighed. “I didn’t know that it was her. I can’t help how I feel about her.”

“Neither can I Goran.”

“Then let her choose. Constance is right she isn’t property.”

“I know she isn’t property but you could’ve told me the truth.”

“How? She begged me not to. Constance said she was dead. If Constance told us how she had died, or if you just gave me her name, then yes, this situation between us would be different.”

“Fine, go. Just bring her back to the camp. Please. I really need to talk to her.”

Goran nodded and left with the other two.

Al stayed and sat down by the fire.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t know.”

Did he know I was still here?

He sighed. “Please just come back. You can fight. You are an asset not some damsel in distress. You never were.” He kept on talking. “I would just like to get to know the real you, before it might all be over. That’s all I ever wanted.” He blew out a gush of air.

I swallowed hard as he got up, looked around and then he left.

I slept that night in the tree.

Thinking about what he said.

He would let me fight. But what strengths did I have as Katherine Squires. I had plenty of strengths as Andrew. I missed being Andrew and wished that the transformation was permanent.

I was much better as a man than a woman.

But what they had discussed, about how both men felt something for me, made it so much harder to choose.

I saw Goran as a great friend, almost like Maggy and mother married her best friend. But Al, there was something about the crown prince that spoke to my soul.

How could I choose? They were best friends for crying out loud. What sort of a friendship would they have if I chose either of them?

I hated this feeling. I wasn’t great with dealing with women’s feelings. Andrew didn’t have problems in this area. And the worst part was that now I had a dragon. One I really didn’t want.

When I opened my eyes the sun was peeking over the horizon.

The mornings in Paegeia were always the most beautiful.

But I thought about what Al had said. I was vulnerable out here alone, and these clothes, no matter how tight I made the belt, or the knots I made in the shirt, they were way too big for me.

I climbed down the tree and went to the lake to wash up.

The water was icy but I needed to clean myself.

It was so calm here, just a stream of water flowing.

A noise in the trees made me hide.

It wasn’t an animal, that was for sure.

No they were human.

Was Goran still searching?

I heard soft whispers. Please don’t come down here.

I grabbed my shirt and covered my body, becoming as still as I could.

A dragon’s screech up in the air distract the group of men and they were afraid when they saw the green dragon. Tanya.

I looked up and saw her outline in the skies.

They moved away from the lake and I waited till I was sure that I could no longer hear them.

I had a funny feeling that they were men from King Louis’ army.

They were close to the base camp and they would find it.

I put on my clothes, make the knots in the shirt, rolled up my pants sleeves and tightened the belt.

I grabbed my bow and quiver that I had hidden with the few arrows I had made and kept my distance from the group that I tried to track.

The trees.

I climbed into one of the trees as high as I could and jumped from one branch to another.

I heard voices again and became quiet.

Their conversation was hard to hear but they were quiet for a reason.

They were tracking someone too.

Someone that was going to lead them to the three princes.

I closed my eyes.

This was going to be bad and I did not have nearly enough arrows with me.

But I couldn’t just stay here. I had to help, this mission was important, not just to Al, and me and Goran, but all of Paegeia.

He was right someone had to put a stop to the Chromatics’ torture, peace would come.


It happened so fast.

I couldn’t do anything but help Issy and Connie hide the children. I thought I had enough time to get to my bow but I didn’t.

These were my father’s men, trained by Jako Lemier, his faithful dragon.

Half of the men were scouting. Goran and Emanual were still searching for Katherine.

There was only me, Helmut, and Caleb with a few soldiers that were here for healing.

I came out of the log house and saw Maggy captured by one of the men.

“Don’t hurt her.” I said and the men’s eyes rose.

“How is this possible?” One of them asked.

“If you put down your swords I will explain.”

“Our orders were to bring in the rebels.”

“I’m a rebel, Helmut and Caleb are rebels. We are all three the crown princes of this world. Lower your weapons.”

“Our orders come from the king, not his dead sons.”

“Al, just do as he says please. If you die…” Helmut said. He was on his knees with a knife to his neck.

“I will not yield.” I growled at him. “Lower your weapons.”

Something hard struck me from behind and I fell to the floor.

“He is the crown prince of Paegeia you idiot.”

“Never liked him anyway.” A guy with a strong British accent said.

He started to laugh as he grabbed me by the hair of my head and pulled me to his knees.

“Thinking you are strong and sturdy men. War isn’t for sissies, Albert.”

“Don’t be stupid.” I grunted.

“Your father has already mourned your death.”

“Trevor,” one of the men said.

“The orders are to kill the rebels, no matter who they are.”

“It’s the crown prince of Paegeia.”

“Not my problem.”

I heard the singing of an arrow and Trevor fell right next to me, one sticking right between his eyes.

Another fell and Helmut, Caleb and myself took our chances. I went for Maggy’s capturer as she stomped on his feet.

I pushed her out of the way and kneed the guy in the groin.

More arrows fell and finally the one that I knocked out was on the ground.

Maggy was in Helmut’s arms, crying.

Caleb helped me to tie up the survivors and we threw them in the cells.

How the hell did they find this place?

I froze as I realized who the arrows belonged to. It was her, she was close, she was coming home.

Was Goran closeby too?

I knew he would find her and it pissed me off.

I went to the one who they called Trevor and plucked out the arrow.

I looked at it.

It was a neat arrow and on the arrow small initials were carved. K.S.

“She is closeby.” I said to Caleb standing next to me.

“It is Katherine.”

“Goran was right, she is an asset.”

War is coming and this area wasn’t safe anymore. We need something that is going to protect us.

Where were the scouts?

“I don’t understand how they found us.” I rubbed my face.

“Easy, they followed Marcus, he’s dead.” A woman’s voice said and I looked and saw Maggy running to someone.

My heart leapt. It was her.

“I’m fine, Maggy.”

“Don’t you ever do that to me again.” Maggy shrieked, hitting her.

“Calm down. I can take care of myself and if you haven’t noticed, I saved your backside.”

“That is her,” Caleb asked and I barely nodded. “Not a dog then.”

“You came back.” Maggy said again.

“Be glad I did.”

“Goran found you?” I asked and she finally looked at me. Those sad grey eyes penetrated my soul.

“No, I heard them early this morning and knew they were close to the campsite. So I followed.”

“Thank you.” I said and smiled at her. “You could’ve told me you were Andrew.”

She closed her eyes. “And you could’ve trusted me. I’m not that different from Andrew.” She walked toward one of her arrows that was sticking from another guy and plucked it out.

Her hair was tied into a knot. She was just so damn beautiful.

The kids.

I went into the log house and opened the trap door.

Connie grabbed her heart. “Is it over?”

“Yes, I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but we were saved by a woman.”

She hit me full in the chest. “Ouch,” I touched my chest.

“We are powerful too, Al. Not always in need of saving.”

“I’m learning that Connie.”

I helped her out, and then the kids.

“I was ready Al.” Tim, a Moon-bolt said.

“Your time will come. But if we failed, I knew you would scorch their butts.” I ruffled Tim’s hair.

When all of them were out, we gave them each a glass of goat’s milk.

I saw Connie talking to Katherine and she led her to her room.

I knew how she felt in those big clothes.

“So that is Katie. He was a handsome boy but he is even a more beautiful girl.” Helmut said.

“That is my lady,” I said. “How is Maggy?”

“Just what I needed to get back into her good graces.”


“What? She is unforgiving, that is for sure.”

My lips curved. “Goran…”

“He told me. Just let her make her choice Al. Something tells me she isn’t the type of girl that scares easily.”

I laughed knowing what he meant. She wasn’t like Maggy where a life threatening situation was going to get her into my arms.

I didn’t know how I would be able to be close to Goran again if she chose him. I saw her first. I loved her first. It was so messed up.

She finally came out of the room wearing a pair of Connie’s pants and a woman’s shirt with a corset. Her hair was taken up in a knot.

She was simply breathtaking and it ached my soul knowing that she might never be mine. I needed to speak to her, we had something that night. I know we did.

She ruffled Poe’s hair and he blushed.

They were making jokes and I couldn’t stop watching her talking to Agatha.

They probably had no idea who she was.

“You are drooling. It’s not polite to stare.” Caleb sat in front of me.

“Shut up. They’re my eyes, I can stare if I want to.”

I grabbed a plate and dished up the breakfast we were about to eat.

She was helping Connie, Maggy and Issy with the kids and dished up for them all first before grabbing her own plate.

She sat down on the farthest end of the table next to Ronnie, another Moon-Bolt dragon and started having a discussion with him. They were gobbling down their food.

I really needed to talk to her, apologize for the idiot I had been and just wait. That was all I could do.

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