Stakes Claim On Her

Chapter 9:  Unexpected Journey ‘'Home'’

As soon as I pop the last of my delicious breakfast into my mouth Margret appears next to the table.
She gives my a knowing smile before clearing mine and Issacs plates.
My cheeks flush knowing that she probably heard everything that just happened.
"How was breakfast?"
Isaac asks after Margret leaves.
I'm sure he already knows the answer to that.
"It was delicious, I've never tried those things before-"
"From now on if you want something all you have to do is ask for it.Okay?"
He places his hand over mine as he says this.
His words mean alot to me.
I've never had anything like this, anyone like this.
I have been poor my whole life, scavenging for food and supplies to survive.
The last three years working in the pack building have been a blessing, but it was still harsh and lonely.
It'll be nice to not feel alone all the time.
I squeeze his hand and smile at him, showing I understand.
Issac's phone goes off suddenly, startling me for a moment.
He annoyingly pulls it out and checks the caller ID.
Sighing, he stands up.

"I have to take this, stay here.I'll just be outside."
He kisses me on the forehead before walking outside.
I sit by myself for a moment, until I hear footsteps walk up behind me.
When I turn around Margret is standing behind me, holding two mugs filled with tea.
"How has Issac been?"
She asks, handing me a mug before taking Issac's seat across from me.
"He seems good.To be honest, I just met him.I don't really know much about him.We haven't been doing much talking."
I am hoping that Margret will be able to tell me a little about Issac.
Margret wiggles her eyebrows at me.
"Me and my mate didn't do much talking the first week we met either.” Oh gosh, this is embarrassing.
Fortunately, she moves on quickly.
"Don't worry to much about it, honey.You will get to know him very well in time.’ She smiles as she sips her tea.
"You don't get to know someone overnight.’’
"I know, it's just that we are mates.I just have this feeling that I have to know’’
"Well, since Issac isn't here and this might be one of the only times I get to talk to you, would you like to know about Issac's
I nod my head.
I would love to hear about what Issac was like growing up.
"He was an energetic little boy.He was always bouncing off the walls and running around.He was a good kid too, smart and
funny.’’ She's smiling widely as she tells me this.
She looks happy.

"His mother used to make him do volunteer work.He used to always throw a fit, but eventually he started asking to do them.He
would always do stuff like that, help people.
I knew the moment that he asked if he could do extra work that this boy was going to make a wonderful alpha’ I can help but
The thought of a young Issac helping people just made me giddy inside.
"He is a good alpha from what I hear.My friends back home tell me of how he's handling the threats recently.He's under a lot of
stress.I could tell the moment he walked in here."
She takes another sip of her tea.
"He wasn't perfect though."
She let's out a little sigh, her expression changing.
"He always had this idea in his head that women were somehow weaker then he was, then men were.
I tried my hardest to teach him otherwise, but his father just ingrained it into him: My heart sank at her words.
It had never crossed my mind what Issac views on humans or women were.
I didn't think that he would be like that.
"Why tell me this?"
I wanted to know the point of telling me this.
I mean, what could this possibly do to help me? I would just figure it out myself.
"Why tell me something bad about him?"
"I am telling you this in hopes that you can teach him something that I could never.That women, that humans don't deserve the
treatment they receive.We are more that that.You are more than that"
I felt conflicted inside.
I was hoping to come out of this conversation with a better view of Issac, but now I'm not so sure.

I mean, sure he volunteered as a child, but he thinks women less than.
"I don't understand.What could I do? He wouldn't listen to you and you practically raised him! He barely knows me, he has no
reason to listen to me.
I have lived my whole life being ignored by creatures.
It was sad to say, but deep down I knew that it wasn't going to change, at least not in the way I want it to.
"Your his mate.That's reason enough.” Before she can elaborate, the front door slams open and Isaac bursts in.
Margret immediately sets her mug down and stands up.
"Something happened back at the pack.We have to leave know.I have a plane waiting for us, my Beta will meet us there"
Isaac rushes over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my seat.
My heart rate picks up at the news.
Isaac seems distressed and it scares me.
Whatever happened must of been really bad.
"Issac, what happened?"
I try to keep my voice level but fail.
It's clear that I'm afraid and Issac picks up on that.
He cups my cheeks in his hands and looks deep into my eyes.
"Don't be afraid, little mouse.Your safe with me.But we have to leave now, okay?"
His voice is gentle but firm, leaving no room for me to argue.
"We are leaving to your pack?"
"Our pack, but yes.We have to go home now”
He let's go of me cheeks and wraps his arms around me.

He picks me up effortlessly and carries me out of the diner, muttering a quick goodbye to Margret.
"Wait.I have to say goodbye to Adam"
I can't just leave and not come back.
Adam would probably freak out if I just vanished.
And I top of that I have no idea how to contact him, so this could be our very last like speaking to each other.
"No, this is not up for debate.
We are leaving now.’ Isaac says and he places me in the car.
"But...A loud growl rips out of Issac's chest.He grabs my chin and looks into my eyes.
"You will not question me on this.’ Something in his voice is different, and I loose the need to protest leaving Adam without
What did Issac do to me? It's like my mind just obeyed his order without me even trying to.
Is this a mate thing as well? I want to ask him but my body won't let me.
I'm thoroughly freaked out.
Rather then dwelling on it, I lean back in my seat and relax as Issac starts up the car and pulls out.
I have never been in a plane before.
Part of me is super excited while the other part of me is petrified to be stuck in a hunk thousands of feet in the air.
Fortunately, Issac's soothing rubbing on my waist is calming my nerves.
It doesn't, however, help with the ache in my heart at seeing my home disappear behind us.
I miss Adam already.
We weren't best of friends, but he was my only one.

He was the only person who was ever nice to me on a consistent basis.
And that matters to me.
I shake my head lightly, trying to clear out these unwanted thoughts in my head.
Thinking about him doesn't change anything, it only serves to make me sad.
I sink further into the comfy couch that's at the back of the little plane.
It's a small cabin, it has a few chairs, a couch, and two doors at the back, one leading to a bedroom and the other to a bathroom.
I hadn't even known that planes could be like this.
I've only ever seen photos of those giant ones with hundreds of cramped seats.
But this one was spacious and only held enough seats for less than a dozen.
I'm only beginning to understand Issac's wealth.
I'm slowly beginning to realize that there is so much about Issac I don't know and it's terrifying me.
What if Issac is a monster and I just haven't realized it yet? Issac nuzzles his nose into my cheek before standing up, his phone
ringing in his back pocket.
"I have to take this, I'll be back in a moment.He walks off into the bedroom, leaving me alone.Lay down on the couch and close
my eyes to take a nap.
I try to push my thoughts about Issac away.
Like I said earlier, they won't change anything

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