Stakes Claim On Her

Chapter 3: Opinions Issac

"I still can't believe your making us take time out of our schedules to travel halfway across the country for a meeting we easily
could of had over a video chat.’ Luca grumbles for the thousandth time as he again jerks the steering wheel to correct his
horrible driving.
"We shouldn't be leaving pack territory right now.Obsidian Moon has been sending more and more scouters recently, and they
are getting closer to our boundaries.The pack is weaker when we aren't around, it would be the perfect time to attack"
Luca was right about that.
Obsidian Moon has been making more aggressive advances and scouting trips recently, and packs were always weaker when
their Alpha was away, but I was completely certain they wouldn't attack us while we were away for the weekend.
"They won't attack.”I say simply.
I'm hoping that we wont continue arguing the point, but even I know that's too much to ask for.
"But you don't know that.”He tries to remain as calm as possible, but I can still hear the slight growl in his voice.
Me and Luca have been fighting over this since last week when I informed him we would be attending Mountain Eagle's
business conference.
"Yes, I do." I shoot back.
I have explained this countless times to him, but he just doesn't seem to get my reasoning.
"Obsidian Moon wont attack while we are away because we are attending a national conference in one of the largest packs in
the county.If they decided to attack while we are all together on mutual ground it would be a threat to all the packs that are in
attendance.Obsidian Moon would be shooting their own foot if they attacked us.It would be an absurdly stupid move."
"I still think you give Alpha Nixon to much credit.I wouldn't put it past him to do something stupid like that"
Despite my frustration at Luca, I understand his unrelenting concern.
Luca wasn't born into Dark Forest, even though he is the Beta.
Luca came here when he was five to live with his uncle, who moved here after meeting his mate.

Luca's pack was attacked, they survived but Luca's parents didn't.
Luca and I became fast friends, and he eventually earned a spot as my Beta.
"Just trust me on this.Have I ever been wrong?"
I can't keep the grin of my face my the end of my sentence.
I have along history of always being right.
Luca rolls his eyes and grumbles, "No,’’ slowly returning to his usual self.
We end up driving for a few more hours before the trees begin to clear as a tall, sleek building becomes visible from the winding
The building is easily ten floors, maybe more.
This pack and its surrounding territory are very clearly beautiful.
They seem to have taken quite a lot of pride in their appearance.
A few human gardeners are littered around the campus, planting or watering the flowers.
My beta parks the car in an open space in the row closest to the building.
The line or parking spots are all situated with makeshift signs with our pack names printed on them.
I open the car door and stand, leaning forwards to stretch out my back.
Ten hours in a bumpy car with a shitty driver will do that to a man.
‘My driving is not shitty, you just can't appreciate its efficiency’ My Beta’s voice cuts into my mind.
The son of a bitch always knew how sneak into someone's mind without them knowing until he wanted them too.
It's one of his most useful, and often times, most annoying skill.
It also means that I have no idea how long he's been snooping through my thoughts.

I let out a small chuckle.
‘‘Get out of my mind and do something useful, Luca’’
‘’Aye aye captain”
For such a intense looking man, he really was quite the dumb ass on the inside.
As we make our way to the building, I begin to take in just how many humans actually work here.
And what surprises me the most, is how many of the human workers are actually female.Many packs and wolves don't believe
females should be allowed these freedoms.
I'm surprised that the Alpha has taken on a more modern approach to his pack.
But I shouldn't be, his pack had always allowed humans more rights then most, why wouldn't the females be awarded those
same privileges.
I believe that any unmated females and human females should have some freedoms, like working.
Mated women are a different story.
Some wolves just let their mates walk all over them, it's pathetic.
Luca has a firmer stance on this.
He firmly believes that females won't be able to live their best lives if they get to make decisions for themselves, that they need a
strong mate to care for them and discipline them when necessary.
Our mates and their bodies were made for us, and us only.
They are ours.
Ours to hold.
Ours to fuck.
Ours to dominate like the moon Goddess intended.

Why else would she give males an intense need to control their females and females an intense and almost unstoppable need to
follow and submit to her mate? My Gamma, however, strongly disagrees.
He believes that females are fine on their own, and should be free to make decisions on their own, clearly not seeing how often
women make poor and emotional decisions their mates end up having to fix.
Because of this disagreement, we have compromised and allow the male mates to decide how to handle their females.
Quite honestly, the personal lives of mated pairs is none of my concern.
The reality is, if a male wants his mate to have complete freedom to fuck up, he will get it one way or another, and I'd rater not
waste my time fighting for a lost cause.
As me and Luca make our way into the lobby of the building, a fresh scent hits me.
It is strong and stands out among the variety of creatures moving through the main area.
It's slightly sweet, like candy.
But soft, and warm.
"That's one hell of an air freshener’ I comment, mostly to myself as I take in another lungful.
"What? I don't smell anything-"
"Can I help you two gentlemen with anything."
The greeter, a short, stout man, asks us.
He has one of those stupid fake smiles plastered across his face.
"Yes, I am Alpha Issac Stone, of the Dark Forest pack.I am here to meet with Alpha Bernard."
I tell him.
But as I speak my eyes wander away from him and across the lobby.
They eventually land on a door labeled ‘employee stairway: I can feel my wolf getting restless, he wants to go though that door.

I hear the greeters voice and it pulls my from my trance.
"Please take the elevators to the left of the lobby to the fourth floor Rachael will direct you to the Alpha's office from there"
The man speaks his line in a way that clearly gives away the fact that it was pre-rehearsed.
I make no mind of it as I make my way with Luca to the elevators.
As we pass the door to the stairs I can feel my wolf pushing me to go through the door.
He hasn't said anything yet, but he clearly wants whatever is behind that door.
"You coming?" I hear Luca's voice behind be.
I hadn't realized that I had stopped walking.
I give him a short nod and step into the elevator.
Get a grip, I growl at my wolf as the elevator door closes.

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