Chapter 17: Sweeping Bandits(3)

Chapter 17: Sweeping Bandits(3)

The tiger claw and blade energy clashed, then burst.

Dan dashes to Rufus. He stretched his left hand and aims at Rufus. A yellow magic circle appears on Dan's hand.


Small earth spikes are continuously cast by Dan while charging at Rufus. Rufus keeps dodging earth spikes and golem punches.

He added more aura and strength to his feet. He dodged the punch of a golem, then instantly moved to its wide, open side. He put more aura to his axe. A giant axe aura forms. Rufus slashed the axe at the golem.


BOOM! The axe sent the golem flying. The upper body of the golem is destroyed. The golem crashed to the bandits house.

Dan controls the two golems to retreat. He put more aura to his right arm.

He arrived at the blind spot of Rufus and jumped. He raised his giant aura arm, then swings it down.


Rufus can't dodge and make a proper swing with his axe. He knows the power of his swing is small. He grits his teeth to bear the incoming attack.

BOOM! Rufus felt the impact of the attack. It's hard for him to breathe. His arms hurt, and the ground below his feet is crushed. Blood leaks from his mouth.

Dan moves to his back. He decreased the aura on his right arm and put more aura on his left arm. Both aura in his arms are in beast form. He slashes his tiger aura arms at Rufus.


CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Sounds of clashing metal appear. Dan keeps swinging his arms at Rufus. Rufus also keeps swinging his axe to block Dan's claw attacks.

WENNNG! CLANG! CLANG! Claw marks and blade marks keep appearing on the ground. Dust and soil keep flying around Dan and Rufus. They are dodging and blocking each other's attacks, but it is getting harder for Rufus to breathe. A green magic circle suddenly appeared on his feet.


WOOOSH! Dan is blown away for a few meters by a sudden, strong wind.

Rufus is panting and catching his breath. The wind curtain on golems is useless because the golems are too heavy. Rufus aims his hand at Dan, and a green magic circle forms.


Boom! Boom! Rufus keeps casting wind bombs at Dan. Rufus was not able to cast wind magic earlier because he was busy dodging golems and earth spikes. Now he has the chance to cast magic and catch his breath. Dan easily dodges the magic of Rufus. Dan knows the plan for Rufus. He cannot let his prey catch its breath. A yellow magic circle appeared on his feet. A wind bomb attacked him, but he blocked it with his aura-beast arm.


A spike from the ground suddenly attacked Rufus. He was able to escape by jumping away. contemporary romance


BOOM! "Ahhh!" screamed Rufus.

A big fist made of earth hit Rufus, and sent him into the air.

Dan lowers his body as he releases a large amount of aura. The aura turns into the whole figure of a tiger.

Rufus sneers as he sees that Dan is getting ready for a powerful attack. He is not helpless, even if he is in the air.

"You made a mistake if you think I cannot attack in the air!" Rufus cannot cast a tornado because he is a low-circle magician, but he can create one with his axe. He started rotating his body and axe in the air. The wind generated by the rotation is controlled by Rufus. The tornado formed and got bigger. Rufus directed it to Dan. The tornado is mixed with aura blades. Magic circle appears in Dan's feet.


CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! Big earth spikes keep hitting the tornado, and they are crushed during impact. The rotation of the tornado became weak. Dan, in a tiger-clad aura, suddenly moves.


A red blur instantly moves from the ground to the air. A red line briefly appeared and hit the tornado.

BANG! The tornado burst causing strong blows of wind. Aura blades from the tornado fly to the ground. The headless body of Rufus falls to the ground.

Flop! Dan landed on the ground with Rufus' head in his right hand. Rufus head is grinning, and his facial expression is hideous. He did not know that he died. Dan is panting, and his body is quite trembling. His muscles ache, and his remaining aura is small. Beast Charge multiplies his strength and speed for a short time, but it puts too much stress on muscles and consumes too much aura. Dan took recovery potions, then helped destroy the remaining bandits.

A few hours later, the bandits are killed and the captives are rescued. Dan let the guards sneak near where the captives were held before the fight, and many captives are rescued.

"Leader, many bandits were able to escape. They have secret passages that we did not know, and we are too small to prevent them all," the adjutant reported to Dan.

Dan nods at his adjutant. Before the raid, he already told everyone to prioritize eliminating magicians and aura users. All the fish that escape the net are just ordinary people. Those that escape cannot make waves. They will be killed sooner or later.

Dan looks in a particular direction. Another team should be at a target's den. There is also a powerful enemy in that den name Viper. The team is led by Feiyu. Both Feiyu and Viper are powerful aura users and water magicians.

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