Spreading her wings

Chapter 8: not a date!!

Callums POV

I drive away from sierra , a big smile on my lips , my phone rings I quickly glance at the caller id, fuck me it's Angela again.

I am tired , the constant badgering from her, it's getting very fucking old . I let the call go to voicemail, I don't want to let her ruin my mood.

Sierra's going out with me , my heart is beating hard with anticipation and excitement.

I can still see the look of doubt on her face , it saddens me to think she doesn't feel like she's good enough for me

Since junior high sierra has always just been there , never really putting herself in the lime light , always happier to be in the shadows , sure she was in school clubs, preferring to be behind the scenes.

Even still, I noticed her, the small quiet girl. My friends and angela always gave her a hard time , I never participated but didn't stop it either.

It was the day I saw Angie and her bitches pointing at sierras wet pants , that was it for me.

I refused to associate with bullies any longer, my mum would be so disappointed to know I had watched an innocent girl get picked on for years and did nothing to stop it.

Coward , that's what I was , too full of myself to stick up for the weaker people.

I pull up into my driveway , my phone starts going off again , oh fuck my life , it's Angie again.

I rub my face before answering " hello Angie what can I do for you", she starts giggling, oh hell, she sounds drunk already and it's only 7!!

"Hellooooooo Callum, are you there, helloooooooooooo", fuck me I don't need this shit right now, I have to pick Sierra up in 45 minutes.

" What do you want !!!" I'm getting pissed off now, why won't she get it through her thick skull, we're not together anymore!

"Now babe, that's not a very nice way to talk to your girlfriend". Oh, for fuck's sake, this idiot " we broke up remember!" I tell her, the line goes quiet.

I hear her hiccup" oh you didn't mean it, I was being naughty, so you wanted to teach me a lesson, right Cal?".

I'm walking into the house, my little sister waves at me, I walk upstairs, closing my bedroom door and lying on my bed. My head hurts.

" Callum, calluuuuuuum," ah shit I forgot about her.

" Look Angela this has to stop, it's time to move on, we had a good run but it's over now ", I hate being a dick, but she won't listen to reason.

The line goes dead, I almost hang up, then I hear her voice laced with anger.

" You listen here Callum fucking Inconeti, you don't get to dump me, I'm Angela Moore, I end relationships not the other way round". With that she hangs up on me, I roll my eyes, heading to the shower to get ready for my date with the lovely Sierra.

Pulling up to Sierra's house later I get out and knock on the door, a young boy about 9 or 10 answers. He looks me up and down, arms crossed over his skinny chest, " who are you and why are you here?" He asks me.

I stifle a laugh, kid is damn cute," I'm here to see your sister ", I say. His eyes, still on me, he screams "hey Sierra your boyfriend's here, yes please I think to myself.

We both turn to look when we hear a stomping pair of feet, there she is storming towards us, looking beautiful in a pale pink skirt and a white crop sweater, her beautiful long hair cascading in waves.

She comes up behind her brother, shoving him back in the house " toby get lost". I take a moment to study her, fuck she's stunning, a throat clearing breaks my reverie.

"I'm sorry about him, he's a bit special" she says, blushing.

I laugh, her face breaking out into a wide smile, " shall we go?" I ask her, grabbing her hand gently, she looks at our joined hands and nods simply.

We get in the car, driving to the cinema. After a while she speaks up "so umm what are we going to see?". I reach over grabbing her hand, God her skins soft.

"Well, I thought we could see the new super Mario bros movie, is that alright?".She says yes, we arrive at the cinema, park the car and walk in, her hand still firmly in mine.

As we walk in I see Reece and Sonja, staring at me and Sierra, I see Sonja on her phone probably calling Angela, shit this can't be good.

After we grab popcorn and drinks we head into the theatre, finding seats we settle down to watch the movie.

Sierra's POV

Omg I can't believe it, I'm sitting here watching a movie with Callum Inconeti. I have to keep pinching my leg, so as to remind myself I'm not dreaming.

He hasn't let my hand go since we sat down, his big warm hand engulfs mine. I turn to see him looking at me, I turn my head back to the screen, a soft chuckle leaves his mouth.

Two hours later we get up to go , I tell him I need the bathroom, he says he'll wait for me .

As I walk out I see him talking to Reece and Sonja, as I come up behind them , I catch the last of the conversation " no it's not a date , she missed the bus today so I offered her a ride , we just happened to be at the same place at the same time tonight ".

I see Sonja giving me an evil look " well Angie is going nuts thinking you were out on a date with the loser".

I cross my fingers, hoping he will defend me , the next words out of his mouth leave me distraught.

" What the fuck!!!! Sierra and me not a chance in hell , give me some fucking credit sonja".

A loud sob leaves my mouth , Callum turns , a look of something between horror and remorse on his face .

Sonja looks at me " oh sierra , didn't see you there ", yeah like fuck you didn't I think .

Holding my head up high I walk out , callums calling my name but I just keep moving towards the bus stop , which thankfully arrives as soon as I get there.

It isn't until I'm home in my bed that I let the tears finally fall, my heart heavy with despair.

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